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Number of items at this level: 85.


Akiner, Shirin (2004) 'Environmental Security in the Caspian Sea.' In: Akiner, Shirin, (ed.), The Caspian. Politics, Energy and Security. London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 341-362.


Balcombe, K., Fraser, I., Rahman, Mizanur and Smith, Laurence (2007) 'Examining the Technical Efficiency of Rice Producers in Bangladesh.' Journal of International Development, 19 (1). pp. 1-16.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2019) 'Making information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomised Field Experiment.' Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 81 (6). pp. 1193-1213.

Bhatt, Juhi (2012) Cash transfer film. YouTube. Available from

Boltho, Andrea, Carlin, Wendy and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2016) Why East Germany Did Not Become a New Mezzogiorno. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper no. 11266.

Bosc, Igor, Lerche, Jens, Shah, Alpa, Fajerman, Miranda and Wadhawan, Neha (2022) Understanding patterns of structural discrimination of migrant and other workers in some countries of South and West Asia. Geneva: ILO Background Paper.


Canofari, Paolo, Marini, Giancarlo and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'The Importance of Being Remembered: Prices for Cemetery Plots in the US.' Economic Modelling, 64. pp. 638-645.

Chang, Dae-Oup (2009) 'Reclaiming Labour Law and Beyond.' In: Lee, Doris, Leong, Apo, Ofreneo, Rene and Skumaran, Anoop, (eds.), Rights for Two-Thirds of Asia: Asian Labour Law Review 2008. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resource Centre, xiii-xxvi.

Cleaver, Frances and Elson, Diane (1995) 'Women and Water Resources: Continued Marginalisation and New Policies.' Gatekeeper Series, 49. pp. 3-15.


Di John, Jonathan (2007) 'The Political Economy of Taxation and Tax Reform in Developing Countries.' In: Chang, Ha-Joon, (ed.), Institutional Change and Economic Development. New York: Anthem Press and United Nations University Press, pp. 135-155.

Dorward, Andrew (2006) 'Markets and Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth: Insights from Livelihood and Informal Rural Economy Models in Malawi.' Agricultural Economics, 35 (2). pp. 157-69.

Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie and Poole, Nigel (2003) 'Markets, Institutions and Technology: Missing Links in Livelihoods Analysis.' Development Policy Review, 21 (3). pp. 319-32.

Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie and Urey, Ian (2004) 'A Policy Agenda for Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth.' World Development, 32 (1). pp. 73-89.

Dorward, Andrew, Mwale, I. and Tuseo, R. (2006) 'Labour Market and Wage Impacts of HIV/AIDS in Rural Malawi.' Review of Agricultural Economics, 28 (3). pp. 429-39.


Ferrarini, Benno and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2011) Indicators and Patterns of Specialization in International Trade. Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Social Capital.' In: Clark, David Alexander, (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Development Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Garcia Dellacasa, Manuel (2023) 'Residential Segregation and Women's Labor Force Participation: The Case of Santiago de Chile.' Feminist Economics, 29 (2). pp. 96-128.

Germani, Anna Rita, Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Castaldo, Angelo and Talamo, Giuseppina (2021) 'Does Air Pollution Influence Internal Migration? An Empirical Investigation on Italian Provinces.' Environmental Science and Policy, 120 (June). pp. 11-20.

Gerteis, Christopher (2008) 'Subjectivity lost: Labor and the Cold War in Occupied Japan.' In: Stromquist, Shelton, (ed.), Labor's Cold War: Local Politics in a Global Context. Urbana, Illinois, USA: University of Illinois Press, pp. 258-290. (The working class in American history)

Gerteis, Christopher and George, Timothy S., eds. (2012) Japan since 1945: from Postwar to Post-Bubble. London and New York: Bloomsbury.


Harrigan, Jane (1998) 'The Bretton Woods Institutions in Developing Countries: Betes Noires or Toothless Tigers?' In: Milner, C., (ed.), Developing and newly Industrializing Countries. Volume II. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Harrigan, Jane (1999) 'The Multilateral Institutions and Budget Accountability in Jamaica.' In: Mackintosh, Maureen and Roy, Rathin, (eds.), Economic Decentralisation and Public Management Reform. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (New horizons in public policy.)


Janowski, Monica and Barker, Graeme (2011) 'Introduction to Why Cultivate? Anthropological and Archaeological approaches to Foraging-Farming Transitions in SE Asia.' In: Janowski, Monica and Barker, Graeme, (eds.), Why Cultivate? Understandings of past and present adoption, abandonment, and commitment to agriculture in Southeast Asia. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.

Joxhe, Majlinda, Scaramozzino, Pasquale and Zanaj, Skerdilajda (2020) Fiscal Effects of Migrants in Europe: A Quantile Regression Approach. Luxembourg: Department of Economics and Management, Université du Luxembourg. Discussion Paper 2020-08.


Khan, Mushtaq (2004) 'State Failure in Developing Countries and Institutional Reform Strategies.' In: Tungodden, B., Stern, N. and Kolstad, I., (eds.), Toward Pro-Poor Policies. Aid, Institutions, and Globalization. Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Europe (2003). Oxford: Oxford University Press and World Bank, pp. 165-195.

Kong, Tat Yan (1996) 'The Origins of Democratization and Economic Liberalization in South Korea.' In: Nonnemans, Gerd, (ed.), Economic and Political Liberalization: Linkages and Dynamics in International Comparative Perspective. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, pp. 229-244.


Lerche, Jens (2022) 'Grounding Labour Regimes Analysis in Agrarian Political Economy.' In: Baglioni, Elena, Campling, Liam, Coe, Neil M. and Smith, Adrian, (eds.), Labour Regimes and Global Production. Newcastle: Agenda Publishing. (Economic Transformations)


Macnaughtan, Helen (2005) Women, Work and the Japanese Economic Miracle: the Case of the Cotton Textile Industry, 1945-1975. London: Routledge.

Matsunaga, Louella (2007) 'Kigyou no guroubaruka to nashonaru aidentitii [The globalization of enterprises and national identity].' In: Nakamaki, Hirochika and Hioki, K., (eds.), Kaisha bunka no guroubaru-ka: Keieijinruigakuteki kousatsu (The globalization of company culture: an investigation from the perspective of the anthropology of management = 会社文化のグローバル化 : 経営人類学的考察. Osaka: Toho Shuppan.

McQuinn, Mark (2022) 'Guest Editorial - African Trade Unions: An Introduction.' Global Labour Journal, 13 (2). pp. 157-170.

McQuinn, Mark (2018) 'Strengths and Weaknesses of African Trade Unions in the Neoliberal Period with a Sierra Leone Case Study'.' Africana Studia (28).

Miyamura, Satoshi (2018) 'Rethinking labour market institutions in Indian industry: forms, functions and socio-historical contexts.' In: Peter, Ho, (ed.), An Endogenous Theory of Property Rights. London: Routledge. (Critical Agrarian Studies)


Osella, Caroline and Osella, Filippo (2009) 'Vital exchanges: land and persons in Kerala.' In: Berti, Daniela and Tarabout, Gilles, (eds.), Territory, Soil and Society in South Asia. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 203-239.


Peacock, C., Jowett, A., Dorward, Andrew, Poulton, Colin and Urey, Ian (2004) Reaching the poor: a call to action Investment in smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. London: FARM-Africa; Harvest Help; Centre for Development and Poverty Reduction, Imperial College.

Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2006) 'Overcoming Market Constraints to Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.' Development Policy Review, 24 (3). pp. 243-77.

Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Wiggins, Steve (2006) 'State Intervention for Food Price Stabilisation in Africa: Can It Work?' Food Policy, 31 (4). pp. 342-356.


Robb, Peter (1992) 'Agrarian structure and economic development.' In: Robb, Peter, (ed.), Agrarian structure and economic development: landed property in Bengal and theories of capitalism in Japan. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 1-23. (Occasional papers in Third-World economic history, no. 4)

Robb, Peter (1996) 'Distinctive Aspects of Rural Production in India: the Colonial Period.' In: Robb, Peter, Sugihara, Kaoru and Yanagisawa, Haruka, (eds.), Local agrarian societies in colonial India: Japanese perspectives. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, pp. 1-47. (Collected papers on South Asia, no. 11)

Robb, Peter (2008) 'From Law to Rights: the Impact of the Colonial State on Peasant Protest in Bihar.' In: Pinch, William R., (ed.), Speaking of Peasants: Essays on Indian History and Politics in Honor of Walter Hauser. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 29-56.

Robb, Peter (1993) 'Meanings of Labour in Indian Social Context.' In: Robb, Peter, (ed.), Dalit movements and the meanings of labour in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-67. (SOAS studies on South Asia)

Rostami-Povey, Elaheh (2005) 'Trade Unions and Women's NGOs. Diverse Civil Society Organizations in Iran.' In: Eade, Deborah and Leather, A., (eds.), Development NGOs and Labor Unions. Terms of Engagement. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, pp. 303-319.


Shah, Alpa and Lerche, Jens (2020) The five truths about the migrant workers’ crisis: Opinion. Hindustan Times [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Smith, Laurence (2004) 'Assessment of the Contribution of Irrigation to Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods.' International Journal of Water Resources Development, 20 (2). pp. 243-57.

Sreberny, Annabelle (2005) 'Globalization, Communication, Democratization: Toward gender Equality.' In: Hackett, Robert and Zhao, Yuezhi, (eds.), Democratizing Global Media: one world, many struggles. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 245-268.

Standing, Guy (2008) 'The Australian Charter of Employment Rights: The missing dimensions.' Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (2). pp. 355-366.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'Beware the lens of low-wage labor.' Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 41 (4). pp. 453-455.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'Book review response: Guy Standing, The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class.' Work, Employment and Society, 26 (4). pp. 690-692.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'Britain's labour figures hide the real hours we work every day.' The Guardian . Guardian Newspapers.

Standing, Guy (2012) Cash transfers: A review of the issues in India. New Delhi, India: UNICEF.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Defining the precariat: A class in the making.' Eurozine.

Standing, Guy (2008) 'Economic insecurity and global casualisation: Threat or promise?' Social Indicators Research, 88 (1). pp. 15-30.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'End of a Faustian pact: Workfare and riots.' Poverty (140). pp. 11-14.

Standing, Guy (2009) 'Global employment: Two reports in search of the problem.' Development and Change, 40 (6). pp. 1319-1337.

Standing, Guy (2010) 'Global monitor: The International Labour Organisation.' New Political Economy, 15 (2). pp. 307-318.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'How cash transfers promote work and economic security.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Chowdhury, Anis, (eds.), Poor Poverty: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 197-221.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Job security is a thing of the past - so millions need a better welfare system.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Labour market policies, poverty and insecurity.' International Journal of Social Welfare, 20 (3). pp. 260-269.

Standing, Guy (2008) Labour market policies, poverty and insecurity. Geneva, Switzerland: UNRISD.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Por qué el precariado no es un "concepto espurio".' Sociología del Trabajo (82). pp. 7-15.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'The Precariat: Why it needs deliberative democracy.' Open Democracy . Open Democracy.

Standing, Guy (2009) 'Review of Cohen, D., "Three Lectures on Post-Industrial Society".' Journal of Economics, 98 (3). pp. 261-266.

Standing, Guy (2010) 'Review of Sunanda Sen and Byasdeb Dasgupta, "Unfreedom and Waged Work: Labour in India’s Manufacturing Industry".' Development and Change, 41 (1). pp. 188-189.

Standing, Guy (2008) 'Reviving egalitarianism in the Global Transformation: Building occupational security.' Indian Journal of Human Development, 2 (1). pp. 39-62.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Taskers: The Precariat in the On-Demand Economy - Part I.' Working-Class Perspectives.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Tertiary time: The precariat's dilemma.' Public Culture, 25 (1 69). pp. 5-23.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Understanding the precariat through labour and work.' Development and Change, 45 (5). pp. 963-980.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Who will be a voice for the emerging precariat?' The Guardian . Guardian Newspapers.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why a basic income is necessary for a right to work.' Basic Income Studies, 7 (2). pp. 19-40.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Why fracking should be for the many.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why zero-hours contracts remind me of the horrors of 1990s Russia.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2009) Work after globalization: Building occupational citizenship. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar.

Standing, Guy (2009) 'Work and occupation in a tertiary society.' Labour and Industry, 19 (3). pp. 49-72.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Workfare and the precariat.' Soundings (47). pp. 35-43.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Workfare: Ed Miliband's defining challenge?' New Left Project .

Standing, Guy (2011) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Policy Network.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Working-Class Perspectives.

Standing, Guy (2011) The precariat: The new dangerous class. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'The precariat: from denizens to citizens?' Polity, 44 (4). pp. 588-608.

Standing, Guy and Jhabvala, Renana (2010) 'Targeting to the "poor": Clogged pipes and bureaucratic blinkers.' Economic and Political Weekly, XLV (26-27). pp. 239-246.

Sun, Landong, Tian, Zhan, Zou, Huan, Shao, Lanzhu, Sun, Laixiang, Dong, Guangtao, Fan, Dongli, Huang, Xinxing, Frost, Laura and Fox-James, Lewis (2019) 'An Index-Based Assessment of Perceived Climate Risk and Vulnerability for the Urban Cluster in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China.' Sustainability, 11 (7).


Tan, Carol G.S. (2014) How Dewi Became A Litigant: Migrant Domestic Workers as Litigants in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Southeast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong.

Tsogas, George (2019) 'Book Review: Global Perspectives on Workers’ and Labour Organizations, edited by Maurizio Atzeni and Immanuel Ness. Springer, London, 2018, 173 pp.' British Journal of Industrial Relations, 57 (1).


Van Waeyenberge, Elisa and Bargawi, Hannah (2015) 'Moving beyond the paradox of macroeconomic stability in Uganda?' Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 33 (1). pp. 121-140.


Zhao, Dandan, Hubacek, Klaus, Feng, Kuishuang, Sun, Laixiang and Liu, Junguo (2019) 'Explaining virtual water trade: A spatial-temporal analysis of the comparative advantage of land, labor and water in China.' Water Research, 153. pp. 304-314.

Zhong, Honglin, Sun, Laixiang, Fischer, Günther, Tian, Zhan and Liang, Zhuoran (2019) 'Optimizing regional cropping systems with a dynamic adaptation strategy for water sustainable agriculture in the Hebei Plain.' Agricultural Systems, 173. pp. 94-106.

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