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Hill, Nathan W. (2014) 'Sino-Tibetan: Part 2 Tibetan.' In: Lieber, Rochelle and Štekauer, Pavol, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 620-630.
Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Some Tibetan first person plural inclusive pronouns.' In: Havnevik, Hanna and Ramble, Charles, (eds.), From Bhakti to Bon. Oslo: Novus, pp. 242-248.
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Hill, Nathan W. (2014) 'A Typological Perspective on Classical Mongolian Indirect Speech.' Central Asiatic Journal, 56. pp. 11-18.
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Hill, Nathan W. (2013) 'The merger of Proto-Burmish *ts and *č in Burmese.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 16. pp. 334-345.
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Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'A note on the history and future of the 'Wylie' system.' Revue d'études Tibétaines, 23. pp. 103-105.
Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'An overview of Old Tibetan synchronic phonology.' Transactions of the Philological Society, 108 (2). pp. 110-125.
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