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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Tanner, Thomas, Bisht, Harshita, Quevedo, Adriana, Malik, Marwah and Nadiruzzaman, Md. (2019) Enabling access to the Green Climate Fund: Sharing country lessons from South Asia. New Delhi: OPM Ltd, Action on Climate Today: Learning paper.
Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor (2019) 'Humanitarian Disarmament Movement: An Assessment and Review.' In: Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-24.
Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor (2019) 'Humanitarian Disarmament Movement: An Assessment and Review.' In: Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-24.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Njeri, Sarah (2019) 'The politics of non-recognition: Re-evaluating the apolitical presentation of the UN humanitarian mine action programs in Somaliland.' In: Breay Bolton, Matthew, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 169-195.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
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Tanner, Thomas, Gray, Bill, Guigma, Kiswendsida, Iqbal, Jafar, Levine, Simon, MacLeod, David, Nahar, Khairun, Rejve, Kaiser and Cabot Venton, Courtenay (2019) Scaling up early action: Lessons, challenges and future potential in Bangladesh. London: Overseas Development Institute, Working paper 547.
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Tanner, Thomas, Gray, Bill, Guigma, Kiswendsida, Iqbal, Jafar, Levine, Simon, MacLeod, David, Nahar, Khairun, Rejve, Kaiser and Cabot Venton, Courtenay (2019) Scaling up early action: Lessons, challenges and future potential in Bangladesh. London: Overseas Development Institute, Working paper 547.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
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Tanner, Thomas, Bisht, Harshita, Quevedo, Adriana, Malik, Marwah and Nadiruzzaman, Md. (2019) Enabling access to the Green Climate Fund: Sharing country lessons from South Asia. New Delhi: OPM Ltd, Action on Climate Today: Learning paper.
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Marois, Thomas (2019) 'The Transformation of the State Financial Apparatus in Turkey since 2001.' In: Yalman, Galip L., Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza, (eds.), The Political Economy of Financial Transformation in Turkey. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
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Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2019) 'The Neoliberal Restructuring of Banking in Turkey Since 2001.' In: Yalman, Galip L., Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza, (eds.), The Political Economy of Financial Transformation in Turkey. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2019) A US green investment bank for all: Democratized finance for a just transition. Washington: Democracy Collaborative.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Tanner, Thomas, Gray, Bill, Guigma, Kiswendsida, Iqbal, Jafar, Levine, Simon, MacLeod, David, Nahar, Khairun, Rejve, Kaiser and Cabot Venton, Courtenay (2019) Scaling up early action: Lessons, challenges and future potential in Bangladesh. London: Overseas Development Institute, Working paper 547.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor (2019) 'Humanitarian Disarmament Movement: An Assessment and Review.' In: Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-24.
Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor (2019) 'Humanitarian Disarmament Movement: An Assessment and Review.' In: Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-24.
Njeri, Sarah (2019) 'The politics of non-recognition: Re-evaluating the apolitical presentation of the UN humanitarian mine action programs in Somaliland.' In: Breay Bolton, Matthew, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 169-195.
Njeri, Sarah (2019) 'The politics of non-recognition: Re-evaluating the apolitical presentation of the UN humanitarian mine action programs in Somaliland.' In: Breay Bolton, Matthew, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 169-195.
Njeri, Sarah, Benjamin-Britton, Taylor and Bolton, Matthew Breay (2019) 'Epilogue: Whither Humanitarian Disarmament?' In: Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 253-259.
Njeri, Sarah, Benjamin-Britton, Taylor and Bolton, Matthew Breay (2019) 'Epilogue: Whither Humanitarian Disarmament?' In: Bolton, Matthew Breay, Njeri, Sarah and Benjamin-Britton, Taylor, (eds.), Global Activism and Humanitarian Disarmament. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 253-259.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
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Johnston, Deborah and Walls, Helen (2019) 'Economic Policy and Food Security in Ethiopia.' In: Cheru, Fantu, Cramer, Christopher and Oqubay, Arkebe, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 383-398.
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Oya, Carlos (2019) 'Labour Regimes and Workplace Encounters between China and Africa.' In: Oqubay, Arkebe and Lin, Justin Yifu, (eds.), China-Africa and an Economic Transformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 239-262.
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Oya, Carlos (2019) 'Labour Regimes and Workplace Encounters between China and Africa.' In: Oqubay, Arkebe and Lin, Justin Yifu, (eds.), China-Africa and an Economic Transformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 239-262.
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Oya, Carlos and Schaefer, Florian (2019) Chinese firms and employment dynamics in Africa: A comparative analysis. IDCEA Synthesis Report. London: SOAS, University of London.
Oya, Carlos and Schaefer, Florian (2019) Employment patterns and conditions in construction and manufacturing in Ethiopia: a comparative analysis of the road building and light manufacturing sectors. IDCEA Research Report. London: SOAS, University of London.
Oya, Carlos and Wanda, Fernandes (2019) Employment patterns and conditions in Angola. A comparative analysis of the infrastructure construction sector and building materials industry. IDCEA Research Report. London: SOAS, University of London.
Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
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Purewal, Navtej and Gill, Manpreet Kaur (2019) 'Flying High or Lying Low? The Moral Economy of Young Women in Higher Education in Punjab, India.' In: Sachdeva, Vivek, Pradhan, Queeny and Venugopalan, Anu, (eds.), Identities in South Asia: Conflicts and Assertions. London: Routledge.
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Purewal, Navtej and Gill, Manpreet Kaur (2019) 'Flying High or Lying Low? The Moral Economy of Young Women in Higher Education in Punjab, India.' In: Sachdeva, Vivek, Pradhan, Queeny and Venugopalan, Anu, (eds.), Identities in South Asia: Conflicts and Assertions. London: Routledge.
McQuinn, Mark (2019) 'An Overview of Recent Trends in Official Development Assistance: Contradictory New Directions in the Relationship between DAC Donors and China.' In: Zheng, Yongnian and Qian, Jiwei, (eds.), Development and Poverty Reduction: A Global Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge. (China Policy Series)
Tanner, Thomas, Bisht, Harshita, Quevedo, Adriana, Malik, Marwah and Nadiruzzaman, Md. (2019) Enabling access to the Green Climate Fund: Sharing country lessons from South Asia. New Delhi: OPM Ltd, Action on Climate Today: Learning paper.
Tanner, Thomas, Gray, Bill, Guigma, Kiswendsida, Iqbal, Jafar, Levine, Simon, MacLeod, David, Nahar, Khairun, Rejve, Kaiser and Cabot Venton, Courtenay (2019) Scaling up early action: Lessons, challenges and future potential in Bangladesh. London: Overseas Development Institute, Working paper 547.
Tilley, Lisa, Elias, Juanita and Rethel, Lena, eds. (2019) Special Issue: The Production and Contestation of Exemplary Centres in Southeast Asia. New York: Wiley. (Asia Pacific Viewpoint. Vol 60, no.1)
Tilley, Lisa, Elias, Juanita and Rethel, Lena (2019) 'Evictions, Public Housing, and the Rationalisation of Kampung Life in Jakarta.' Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 60 (1). pp. 80-93.
Tilley, Lisa, Elias, Juanita and Rethel, Lena (2019) 'Introduction: The production and contestation of exemplary centres in Southeast Asia.' Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 60 (1). pp. 7-13.
Axelby, Richard and Rigaud, Suzanne (2019) 'The Hermit Village of Malana: An Update on Community Democracy and the Management of Change in the Himalayas.' In: Jodhka, Surinder and Simpson, Edward, (eds.), India's Villages in the 21st Century: Revisits and Revisions. India: Oxford University Press, pp. 326-352.
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Oya, Carlos and Schaefer, Florian (2019) Chinese firms and employment dynamics in Africa: A comparative analysis. IDCEA Synthesis Report. London: SOAS, University of London.
Oya, Carlos and Schaefer, Florian (2019) Employment patterns and conditions in construction and manufacturing in Ethiopia: a comparative analysis of the road building and light manufacturing sectors. IDCEA Research Report. London: SOAS, University of London.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Axelby, Richard and Rigaud, Suzanne (2019) 'The Hermit Village of Malana: An Update on Community Democracy and the Management of Change in the Himalayas.' In: Jodhka, Surinder and Simpson, Edward, (eds.), India's Villages in the 21st Century: Revisits and Revisions. India: Oxford University Press, pp. 326-352.
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Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Tanner, Thomas, Bisht, Harshita, Quevedo, Adriana, Malik, Marwah and Nadiruzzaman, Md. (2019) Enabling access to the Green Climate Fund: Sharing country lessons from South Asia. New Delhi: OPM Ltd, Action on Climate Today: Learning paper.
Tanner, Thomas, Gray, Bill, Guigma, Kiswendsida, Iqbal, Jafar, Levine, Simon, MacLeod, David, Nahar, Khairun, Rejve, Kaiser and Cabot Venton, Courtenay (2019) Scaling up early action: Lessons, challenges and future potential in Bangladesh. London: Overseas Development Institute, Working paper 547.
Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Tilley, Lisa, Elias, Juanita and Rethel, Lena, eds. (2019) Special Issue: The Production and Contestation of Exemplary Centres in Southeast Asia. New York: Wiley. (Asia Pacific Viewpoint. Vol 60, no.1)
Tilley, Lisa, Elias, Juanita and Rethel, Lena (2019) 'Evictions, Public Housing, and the Rationalisation of Kampung Life in Jakarta.' Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 60 (1). pp. 80-93.
Tilley, Lisa, Elias, Juanita and Rethel, Lena (2019) 'Introduction: The production and contestation of exemplary centres in Southeast Asia.' Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 60 (1). pp. 7-13.
Tomkinson, Joanne Kathryn (2019) Late Development in the age of neoliberalism: The political economy of state-led development in Ethiopia and Vietnam. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00032250
Purewal, Navtej and Gill, Manpreet Kaur (2019) 'Flying High or Lying Low? The Moral Economy of Young Women in Higher Education in Punjab, India.' In: Sachdeva, Vivek, Pradhan, Queeny and Venugopalan, Anu, (eds.), Identities in South Asia: Conflicts and Assertions. London: Routledge.
Johnston, Deborah and Walls, Helen (2019) 'Economic Policy and Food Security in Ethiopia.' In: Cheru, Fantu, Cramer, Christopher and Oqubay, Arkebe, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 383-398.
Oya, Carlos and Wanda, Fernandes (2019) Employment patterns and conditions in Angola. A comparative analysis of the infrastructure construction sector and building materials industry. IDCEA Research Report. London: SOAS, University of London.
Nightingale, Andrea J, Eriksen, Siri, Taylor, Marcus, Forsyth, Tim, Pelling, Mark, Newsham, Andrew, Boyd, Emily, Brown, Katrina, Harvey, Blane, Jones, Lindsey, Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Mehta, Lyla, Naess, Lars Otto, Ockwell, David, Scoones, Ian, Tanner, Thomas and Whitfield, Stephen (2019) 'Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement.' Climate and Development, 12 (4). pp. 343-352.
Kaya, Zeynep and Whiting, Matthew (2019) 'The Kurdish Question.' In: Özerdem, Alpaslan and Whiting, Matthew, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Turkish Politics. London: Routledge. (Routledge handbooks)
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Marois, Thomas (2019) 'The Transformation of the State Financial Apparatus in Turkey since 2001.' In: Yalman, Galip L., Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza, (eds.), The Political Economy of Financial Transformation in Turkey. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2019) 'The Neoliberal Restructuring of Banking in Turkey Since 2001.' In: Yalman, Galip L., Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza, (eds.), The Political Economy of Financial Transformation in Turkey. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
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McQuinn, Mark (2019) 'An Overview of Recent Trends in Official Development Assistance: Contradictory New Directions in the Relationship between DAC Donors and China.' In: Zheng, Yongnian and Qian, Jiwei, (eds.), Development and Poverty Reduction: A Global Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge. (China Policy Series)
Kaya, Zeynep and Whiting, Matthew (2019) 'The Kurdish Question.' In: Özerdem, Alpaslan and Whiting, Matthew, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Turkish Politics. London: Routledge. (Routledge handbooks)