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Kaya, Zeynep and Bond, Hannah (2019) Women, Peace and Security and displacement in the Middle East. London: LSE Middle East Centre.

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This policy report is the result of extensive discussions with national and international experts on the gendered impacts of displacement and how the Women, Peace and Security agenda can be used to address the issue of conflict-related displacement better. The discussions highlighted that the existing National Action Plans in the Middle East to implement the Women, Peace and Security agenda remain limited in addressing conflict-related displacement and its long-term gendered implications. The policy report offers insights from discussions with experts. It provides recommendations to make responses to displacement gender-sensitive, and to integrate displacement and Women, Peace and Security agendas through addressing rights, needs and experiences of displaced women, girls, and men and boys.

Item Type: Monographs and Working Papers (Project Report)
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Development Studies
Date Deposited: 15 May 2020 10:59
Funders: Other

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