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Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2019) A US green investment bank for all: Democratized finance for a just transition. Washington: Democracy Collaborative.

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What is urgently required is strategy and action on a green and just transition for all. Democratized finance will be key. Low-carbon infrastructure needs constructing, local jobs protecting, fossil fuels need to remain in the ground, the planet needs cooling, and social equity needs action. Yet there is no hope of this type of green and just transition without financial institutions that can be democratically commanded to function in the public interest. It is for this reason that we propose the creation of a democratized US Green Investment Bank (GIB). A democratized GIB has the potential to catalyze a transition to a socially just and environmentally sustainable future that is otherwise impossible under the short-term, high-return regime of private financiers (regardless of the extent of their financial resources).

Item Type: Monographs and Working Papers (Occasional Paper)
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Development Studies
Date Deposited: 03 Oct 2019 11:05
Funders: Other

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