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Number of items: 92.

Aaley, Uday Raj

Aaley, Uday Raj and Bodt, Tim (2019) New data on Kusunda. Humanities Commons. [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Barnes-Sadler, Simon

Barnes-Sadler, Simon (2019) A Perceptual Approach to the Linguistic Geography of Koryo Mar. In: 29th AKSE Conference, 11/04/2019 - 14/04/2019, Rome, Italy.

Barnes-Sadler, Simon and Yeon, Jaehoon (2019) 'Diaspora Varieties of Korean: Morpho-syntactic Contrasts in Koryo Mar and Vernacular Yanbian Korean.' Lingua, 231. p. 102742.

Bodt, Tim

Aaley, Uday Raj and Bodt, Tim (2019) New data on Kusunda. Humanities Commons. [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Bodt, Tim (2019) 'The Duhumbi perspective on Proto-Western Kho-Bwa rhymes.' Die Sprache, 52 (2). pp. 141-176.

Bodt, Tim and List, Johann-Mattis (2019) 'Testing the predictive force of the comparative method: An ongoing experiment on unattested words in Western Kho-Bwa languages.' Papers in Historical Phonology, 4. pp. 22-44.

Brown, Lucien

Yeon, Jaehoon and Brown, Lucien (2019) Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar [Second Edition]. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Bruno, Cosima

Bruno, Cosima (2019) 'Translation Poetry: The Poetics of Noise in Hsia Yü’s Pink Noise.' In: Reynolds, Matthew, (ed.), Prismatic Translation. Cambridge: Legenda. (Transcript 10)

Cairangsanzhou, Tsering Samdrup

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Cairangsanzhou, Tsering Samdrup, Niangwujia, Nyangwu-Gyal, Jixiancairang, Chaksham-Tsering and Sonam Wangmo, Silangwengmu (2019) '/ɧ/ in Amdo Tibetan: Descriptive and Historical Approaches.' Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan = 音声研究, 23. pp. 76-82.

Centeno, Marcos

Centeno, Marcos (2019) 'Postwar Narratives and the Avant-garde Documentary: Tokyo 1958 and Furyō Shōnen.' In: Martinez, Dolores, Guarné, Blai and Lozano-Méndez, Artur, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 41-62.

Chang, Bi-Yu

Chang, Bi-Yu and Lin, Pei-yin, eds. (2019) Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context: Being and Becoming. London: Routledge. (Routledge Research on Taiwan)

Chang, Bi-Yu (2019) 'From ‘Free China’ to Sunny Paradise: The Worlding Process in the Magazine Tourism in Taiwan (1966–1974).' In: Chang, Bi-Yu and Lin, Pei-yin, (eds.), Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context: Being and Becoming. London: Routledge, pp. 95-110. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)

Chang, Bi-Yu (2019) 'From ‘Free China’ to Sunny Paradise: The Worlding Process in the Magazine Tourism in Taiwan (1966–1974).' In: Chang, Bi-Yu and Lin, Pei-yin, (eds.), Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context: Being and Becoming. London: Routledge, pp. 95-110. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)

Chow, Yiu Fai

Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Asian Theatricalities in the Transpacific: The Hispanophone Transculturation of Nick Rongjun Yu’s The Crowd or, Performing the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Peru.' In: de Kloet, Jeroen, Chow, Yiu Fai and Pak Lei Chong, Gladys, (eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 115-139. (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches)

Danjo, C.

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Dodd, Stephen

Dodd, Stephen (2019) 'Furantsu Kafuka no ‘Henshin’ to Uno Kōji ‘Yume miru heya’ to iu modanisuto no heya.' In: Noami, Mariko, (ed.), Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp. 169-183.

Dodd, Stephen (2019) ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e.' In: Ishikawa, Takumi, Ochiai, Takayuki, Kaneko, Akio and Kawasaki, Kenko, (eds.), Edogawa Rampo shinseiki - ekkyō suru tantei shōsetsu. Tokyo: Hituzi shobō, pp. 97-102.

Dodd, Stephen (2019) 'Undō toshite no modanizumu: Nikaragua kara Nihon e.' In: Noami, Mariko, (ed.), Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp. 63-83.

Dugdak, Sonam

Dugdak, Sonam and Hill, Nathan W. (2019) '‘Share the sweets’, An introspective analysis of copulas following adjectives in Modern Standard Tibetan.' Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 52. pp. 185-192.

Fellner, Hannes

Fellner, Hannes and Hill, Nathan W. (2019) 'Word families, allofams, and the comparative method.' Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 48 (2). pp. 91-124.

Fellner, Hannes and Hill, Nathan W. (2019) 'The differing status of reconstruction in Trans-Himalayan and Indo-European.' Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 48 (2). pp. 159-172.

Ferrari, Rossella

Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Asian Theatricalities in the Transpacific: The Hispanophone Transculturation of Nick Rongjun Yu’s The Crowd or, Performing the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Peru.' In: de Kloet, Jeroen, Chow, Yiu Fai and Pak Lei Chong, Gladys, (eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 115-139. (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches)

Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Review of Tuan, Iris H., and Ivy I-Chu Chang, eds. "Transnational Performance, Identity and Mobility in Asia" (Singapore: Palgrave Pivot, 2018).' Theatre Research International, 44 (3). pp. 326-327.

Foster, Christopher

List, Johann-Mattis, Hill, Nathan W. and Foster, Christopher (2019) 'Towards a standardized annotation of rhyme judgments in Chinese historical phonology (and beyond).' Journal of Language Relationship, 17 (1/2). pp. 26-43.

Gerstle, Andrew

Gerstle, Andrew (2019) ''Sekaiteki bunka isan to shite no yakusha hyōbanki'.' In: Kabuki hyōbank shūsei, no. 2, series 3. Osaka, Japan: Izumi Shoin. pp. 3-4.

Guarné, Blai

Centeno, Marcos (2019) 'Postwar Narratives and the Avant-garde Documentary: Tokyo 1958 and Furyō Shōnen.' In: Martinez, Dolores, Guarné, Blai and Lozano-Méndez, Artur, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 41-62.

Kirsch, Griseldis (2019) 'Recreating Memory? The Drama Watashi wa Kai ni Naritai and Its Remakes.' In: Guarné, Blai, Lozano-Méndez, Artur and Martinez, Dolores, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 85-102.

Gyogi, Eiko

Kizu, Mika, Pizziconi, Barbara and Gyogi, Eiko (2019) 'The particle ne in the development of interactional positioning in L2 Japanese.' East Asian Pragmatics, 4 (1). pp. 113-143.

Harumi, Seiko

Harumi, Seiko (2019) The facilitative use of silence in repair sequences and teacher responsiveness. In: IIEMCA 19 (International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis), 2-5, July, 2019, University of Mannheim, Germany. (Unpublished)

Hill, Nathan W.

Dugdak, Sonam and Hill, Nathan W. (2019) '‘Share the sweets’, An introspective analysis of copulas following adjectives in Modern Standard Tibetan.' Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 52. pp. 185-192.

Fellner, Hannes and Hill, Nathan W. (2019) 'Word families, allofams, and the comparative method.' Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 48 (2). pp. 91-124.

Fellner, Hannes and Hill, Nathan W. (2019) 'The differing status of reconstruction in Trans-Himalayan and Indo-European.' Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 48 (2). pp. 159-172.

Hill, Nathan W. (2019) The Historical Phonology of Tibetan, Burmese, and Chinese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hill, Nathan W. (2019) 'Tibetan zero nominalization.' Revue d'études Tibétaines, 48. pp. 5-9.

Hill, Nathan W. (2019) 'The derivation of the Tibetan present prefix g- from ḥ-.' Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 72 (3). pp. 325-332.

Hill, Nathan W. (2019) 'The prefix g- and -o- ablaut in Tibetan present verb stems.' Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 12 (2). pp. 229-236.

Hill, Nathan W. and List, Johann-Mattis (2019) 'Using Chinese Character Formation Graphs to Test Proposals in Chinese Historical Phonology.' Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 12 (2). pp. 186-200.

List, Johann-Mattis, Hill, Nathan W. and Foster, Christopher (2019) 'Towards a standardized annotation of rhyme judgments in Chinese historical phonology (and beyond).' Journal of Language Relationship, 17 (1/2). pp. 26-43.

Ishikawa, Takumi

Dodd, Stephen (2019) ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e.' In: Ishikawa, Takumi, Ochiai, Takayuki, Kaneko, Akio and Kawasaki, Kenko, (eds.), Edogawa Rampo shinseiki - ekkyō suru tantei shōsetsu. Tokyo: Hituzi shobō, pp. 97-102.

Jargalsaikhan, Sanchir

Judge, Connor and Jargalsaikhan, Sanchir (2019) 'China's Belt and Road Initiative Mongolia Focus.'

Jixiancairang, Chaksham-Tsering

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Cairangsanzhou, Tsering Samdrup, Niangwujia, Nyangwu-Gyal, Jixiancairang, Chaksham-Tsering and Sonam Wangmo, Silangwengmu (2019) '/ɧ/ in Amdo Tibetan: Descriptive and Historical Approaches.' Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan = 音声研究, 23. pp. 76-82.

Ju, You-Kyung

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean [Video poster]. In: The 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, 6-8 September 2018, York St John University.

Judge, Connor

Judge, Connor and Jargalsaikhan, Sanchir (2019) 'China's Belt and Road Initiative Mongolia Focus.'

Kameda, Yuko

Kameda, Yuko (2019) Examining representations of the Ainu as 'other' in contemporary Japanese visual culture. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Kaneko, Akio

Dodd, Stephen (2019) ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e.' In: Ishikawa, Takumi, Ochiai, Takayuki, Kaneko, Akio and Kawasaki, Kenko, (eds.), Edogawa Rampo shinseiki - ekkyō suru tantei shōsetsu. Tokyo: Hituzi shobō, pp. 97-102.

Karlsson, Anders

Karlsson, Anders (2019) 'Sven Hedin's visit to Korea in 1908: Knowledge, Power and Propaganda.' Orientaliska Studier, 159. pp. 86-105.

Kawasaki, Kenko

Dodd, Stephen (2019) ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e.' In: Ishikawa, Takumi, Ochiai, Takayuki, Kaneko, Akio and Kawasaki, Kenko, (eds.), Edogawa Rampo shinseiki - ekkyō suru tantei shōsetsu. Tokyo: Hituzi shobō, pp. 97-102.

Kim, Miyoung

Kim, Miyoung (2019) Modernity in Korean Literature Based on the Study of Ch’unhyang- chŏn. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Kim, Soung-U

Kim, Soung-U (2019) 'The Morphosyntax of Jejuan –ko Clause Linkages.' Language Research, 55 (2). pp. 315-354.

Kirsch, Griseldis

Kirsch, Griseldis (2019) 'Gendering the Japanese Empire: Ri Kōran as ‘Transnational’ Star?' Arts, 8 (4). pp. 1-8.

Kirsch, Griseldis (2019) 'Recreating Memory? The Drama Watashi wa Kai ni Naritai and Its Remakes.' In: Guarné, Blai, Lozano-Méndez, Artur and Martinez, Dolores, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 85-102.

Kirsch, Griseldis (2019) 'Whose Choice? Watching non-English language Films in the UK.' Multilingua, 38 (5). pp. 619-624.

Kizu, Mika

Kizu, Mika, Pizziconi, Barbara and Gyogi, Eiko (2019) 'The particle ne in the development of interactional positioning in L2 Japanese.' East Asian Pragmatics, 4 (1). pp. 113-143.

Lin, Pei-yin

Chang, Bi-Yu and Lin, Pei-yin, eds. (2019) Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context: Being and Becoming. London: Routledge. (Routledge Research on Taiwan)

Chang, Bi-Yu (2019) 'From ‘Free China’ to Sunny Paradise: The Worlding Process in the Magazine Tourism in Taiwan (1966–1974).' In: Chang, Bi-Yu and Lin, Pei-yin, (eds.), Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context: Being and Becoming. London: Routledge, pp. 95-110. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)

List, Johann-Mattis

Bodt, Tim and List, Johann-Mattis (2019) 'Testing the predictive force of the comparative method: An ongoing experiment on unattested words in Western Kho-Bwa languages.' Papers in Historical Phonology, 4. pp. 22-44.

Hill, Nathan W. and List, Johann-Mattis (2019) 'Using Chinese Character Formation Graphs to Test Proposals in Chinese Historical Phonology.' Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 12 (2). pp. 186-200.

List, Johann-Mattis, Hill, Nathan W. and Foster, Christopher (2019) 'Towards a standardized annotation of rhyme judgments in Chinese historical phonology (and beyond).' Journal of Language Relationship, 17 (1/2). pp. 26-43.

Liu, Yangruxin

Liu, Yangruxin (2019) When the reader became the book: eleventh century voices on the Shiji. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Lozano-Méndez, Artur

Centeno, Marcos (2019) 'Postwar Narratives and the Avant-garde Documentary: Tokyo 1958 and Furyō Shōnen.' In: Martinez, Dolores, Guarné, Blai and Lozano-Méndez, Artur, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 41-62.

Kirsch, Griseldis (2019) 'Recreating Memory? The Drama Watashi wa Kai ni Naritai and Its Remakes.' In: Guarné, Blai, Lozano-Méndez, Artur and Martinez, Dolores, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 85-102.

Lu, Xiaoning

Lu, Xiaoning (2019) 'Intermedial Laughter: Hou Baolin and xiangsheng dianying in mid-1950s’ China.' In: Zhu, Ping, Wang, Zhuoyi and McGrath, Jason, (eds.), Maoist Laughter. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 73-88.

Martinez, Dolores

Centeno, Marcos (2019) 'Postwar Narratives and the Avant-garde Documentary: Tokyo 1958 and Furyō Shōnen.' In: Martinez, Dolores, Guarné, Blai and Lozano-Méndez, Artur, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 41-62.

Kirsch, Griseldis (2019) 'Recreating Memory? The Drama Watashi wa Kai ni Naritai and Its Remakes.' In: Guarné, Blai, Lozano-Méndez, Artur and Martinez, Dolores, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 85-102.

McGrath, Jason

Lu, Xiaoning (2019) 'Intermedial Laughter: Hou Baolin and xiangsheng dianying in mid-1950s’ China.' In: Zhu, Ping, Wang, Zhuoyi and McGrath, Jason, (eds.), Maoist Laughter. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 73-88.

Meddegama, I.

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Mithani, Forum

Mithani, Forum (2019) Reproducing and Challenging the Maternal Fantasy : Representations of Single Mothers in Japanese Television Drama, 2005-2014. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Niangwujia, Nyangwu-Gyal

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Cairangsanzhou, Tsering Samdrup, Niangwujia, Nyangwu-Gyal, Jixiancairang, Chaksham-Tsering and Sonam Wangmo, Silangwengmu (2019) '/ɧ/ in Amdo Tibetan: Descriptive and Historical Approaches.' Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan = 音声研究, 23. pp. 76-82.

Noami, Mariko

Dodd, Stephen (2019) 'Furantsu Kafuka no ‘Henshin’ to Uno Kōji ‘Yume miru heya’ to iu modanisuto no heya.' In: Noami, Mariko, (ed.), Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp. 169-183.

Dodd, Stephen (2019) 'Undō toshite no modanizumu: Nikaragua kara Nihon e.' In: Noami, Mariko, (ed.), Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp. 63-83.

Ochiai, Takayuki

Dodd, Stephen (2019) ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e.' In: Ishikawa, Takumi, Ochiai, Takayuki, Kaneko, Akio and Kawasaki, Kenko, (eds.), Edogawa Rampo shinseiki - ekkyō suru tantei shōsetsu. Tokyo: Hituzi shobō, pp. 97-102.

O’Brien, Dai

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Pak Lei Chong, Gladys

Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Asian Theatricalities in the Transpacific: The Hispanophone Transculturation of Nick Rongjun Yu’s The Crowd or, Performing the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Peru.' In: de Kloet, Jeroen, Chow, Yiu Fai and Pak Lei Chong, Gladys, (eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 115-139. (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches)

Pang, Zhaoxia

Pang, Zhaoxia (2019) The Progression of Grammar Points Introduced to Learners at Elementary Level. In: International Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language organized by BCLTS, 05-07 July 2019, Lancaster University. (Unpublished)

Park, Jin Hee

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean [Video poster]. In: The 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, 6-8 September 2018, York St John University.

Pizziconi, Barbara

Kizu, Mika, Pizziconi, Barbara and Gyogi, Eiko (2019) 'The particle ne in the development of interactional positioning in L2 Japanese.' East Asian Pragmatics, 4 (1). pp. 113-143.

Prudhoe, J.

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Reynolds, Matthew

Bruno, Cosima (2019) 'Translation Poetry: The Poetics of Noise in Hsia Yü’s Pink Noise.' In: Reynolds, Matthew, (ed.), Prismatic Translation. Cambridge: Legenda. (Transcript 10)

Sonam Wangmo, Silangwengmu

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Cairangsanzhou, Tsering Samdrup, Niangwujia, Nyangwu-Gyal, Jixiancairang, Chaksham-Tsering and Sonam Wangmo, Silangwengmu (2019) '/ɧ/ in Amdo Tibetan: Descriptive and Historical Approaches.' Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan = 音声研究, 23. pp. 76-82.

Suzuki, Hiroyuki

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Cairangsanzhou, Tsering Samdrup, Niangwujia, Nyangwu-Gyal, Jixiancairang, Chaksham-Tsering and Sonam Wangmo, Silangwengmu (2019) '/ɧ/ in Amdo Tibetan: Descriptive and Historical Approaches.' Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan = 音声研究, 23. pp. 76-82.

Walz, L.

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Wang, Zhuoyi

Lu, Xiaoning (2019) 'Intermedial Laughter: Hou Baolin and xiangsheng dianying in mid-1950s’ China.' In: Zhu, Ping, Wang, Zhuoyi and McGrath, Jason, (eds.), Maoist Laughter. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 73-88.

Wicaksono, R.

Ju, You-Kyung and Park, Jin Hee (2019) 'Challenge to subject–object asymmetry: Acquisition of relative clauses in L2 Korean.' In: Danjo, C., Meddegama, I., O’Brien, Dai, Prudhoe, J., Walz, L. and Wicaksono, R., (eds.), Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics: Online Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. York St John University: British Association for Applied Linguistics, pp. 40-43.

Woolley, Elesabeth Amber

Woolley, Elesabeth Amber (2019) ‘Suspicious Steeds and Evil Deeds’ : Ambition and Misconduct in the Genpei Jōsuiki. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Yeon, Jaehoon

Barnes-Sadler, Simon and Yeon, Jaehoon (2019) 'Diaspora Varieties of Korean: Morpho-syntactic Contrasts in Koryo Mar and Vernacular Yanbian Korean.' Lingua, 231. p. 102742.

Yeon, Jaehoon (2019) 'Taehang chŏn'gong han'gugŏ kyoyugŭi myŏn kaji chaengjŏmgwa kwaje = A critical perspective on Korean language teaching in University settings: Issues and Tasks.' 한국(조선)어교육연구 = Han'guk(Chosŏn)Ŏgyoyukyŏn-gu = Journal of Korean Language Education and Research, 14. pp. 71-106.

Yeon, Jaehoon (2019) 'A Variety of Grammatical Constructions: Double-Accusative Constructions in Korean Revisited.' Korean Linguistics = 한국 어학 = Han'guk ŏhak, 85. pp. 203-241.

Yeon, Jaehoon and Brown, Lucien (2019) Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar [Second Edition]. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Zhu, Ping

Lu, Xiaoning (2019) 'Intermedial Laughter: Hou Baolin and xiangsheng dianying in mid-1950s’ China.' In: Zhu, Ping, Wang, Zhuoyi and McGrath, Jason, (eds.), Maoist Laughter. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 73-88.

de Kloet, Jeroen

Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Asian Theatricalities in the Transpacific: The Hispanophone Transculturation of Nick Rongjun Yu’s The Crowd or, Performing the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Peru.' In: de Kloet, Jeroen, Chow, Yiu Fai and Pak Lei Chong, Gladys, (eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 115-139. (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches)

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