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Zene, Cosimo (2012) 'Gramsci ve madunlarim dini: güney asya’daki dalitler (dokunulmazlar) hakkinda bir örnek çalişma.' felsefelogos, 44 (1). pp. 39-74.

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Religion is a significant component in the Dalits' life-experience and occupies a prominent place also in their struggle to achieve recognition within civil and political society. The 'religion of the subalterns' - defined also as 'common sense' and 'philosophy of the masses' - is a prominent Gramscian theme. In this paper, following a brief note on the general condition of the Dalits and their effort to affirm themselves as political subjects, I will discuss and compare the writings and activity of Gramsci and Ambedkar, the Indian leader of ex-Untouchables, highlighting their commitment in favour of Subalterns/Dalitis. This inquiry will shed some light on the following research questions: 1) Why are Dalits a prototype of Gramscian subalternity? 2)Why is religion relevant for subalterns and for Gramsci? 3) What is the connection between religion and civil-political society for both the subalterns/Dalits and for Gramsci?

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Gramsci, religion, Dalits, Ambedkar, South Asia, untouchability.
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Department of the Study of Religions
ISSN: 13099175
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2012 12:15

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