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Number of items: 67.


Martinez, Dolores (1996) 'The tourist as deity: ancient continuities in Modern Japan.' In: Selwyn, Tom, (ed.), The Tourist Image: Myths and Myth-Making in Tourism. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, pp. 163-178.

Mosse, David (1996) 'The Ideology and Politics of community participation tank-irrigation development in colonial and contemporary Tamil Nadu.' In: Grillo, R. D. and Stirrat, R. L., (eds.), Discourse of Development: anthropological perspectives. Oxford: Berg, pp. 255-291.

Tiedemann, Rolf (1996) 'Communist Revolution and Peasant Mobilisation in the Hinterland of North China: The Early Years.' In: Bernstein, Henry and Brass, Tom, (eds.), Agrarian Questions: Essays in Appreciation of TJ Byres. London: Frank Cass, pp. 132-152.

Skorupski, Tadeusz (1996) 'The Samputa-Tantra: Sanskrit and Tibetan Versions of Chapter One.' In: Skorupski, Tadeusz, (ed.), The Buddhist Forum IV. London: SOAS, pp. 191-214.

Appleyard, David (1996) 'Kailina - a new Agaw dialect and its implications for Agaw dialectology.' In: Hayward, R. J. and Lewis, I. M., (eds.), Voice and power : the culture of language in North-East Africa ; essays in honour of B.W. Andrzejewski. London: SOAS University of London, pp. 1-19. (African languages and cultures, Supplement 3)

Furniss, Graham and Boyd, Jean (1996) 'Mobilise the people: the qasida in Fulfulde and Hausa as purposive literature.' In: Sperl, Stefan and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), Qasida Poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa, Vol. 1: Classical Traditions and Modern Meanings. Leiden: Brill, pp. 429-449.

Furniss, Graham (1996) 'Ma'ama'are.' In: Sperl, Stefan and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), Qasida Poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa, Vol 2: Eulogy's Bounty, Meaning's Abundance. An Anthology. Leiden: Brill, pp. 372-87.

Jaggar, Philip J. (1996) 'Cultural performance and economic-political goals: an ethnographic study of blacksmiths in Kano (northern Nigeria).' In: Parkin, David, Caplan, Lionel and Fisher, Humphrey, (eds.), The Politics of Cultural Performance (Papers in Honour of Abner Cohen). Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 217-236.

Orwin, Martin (1996) 'A Moraic model of the prosodic phonology of Somali.' In: Hayward, R. J. and Lewis, I. M., (eds.), Voice and power : the culture of language in North-East Africa ; essays in honour of B.W. Andrzejewski. London: SOAS University of London, pp. 51-71. (African languages and cultures, Supplement 3)

Topan, Farouk (1996) 'Muslim perceptions in a Swahili oral genre.' In: Harrow, Kenneth W., (ed.), The Marabout and the Muse. London: Heinemann and James Currey, pp. 116-123. (Studies in African literature)

Wang, Tzi-Cheng (1996) 'Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao zhengbu ershiwu ze.' In: Fu, Xuancong and Xu, Yimin, (eds.), 中國古籍研究 = Zhongguo guji yanjiu. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, pp. 391-403.

Charette, Monik and Göksel, Aslı (1996) 'Switching and vowel harmony in Turkic languages.' In: Kardela, Henryk and Szymanek, Bogdan, (eds.), A Festschrift for Edmund Gussmann. Lublin: University Press of the Catholic University of Lublin, pp. 29-57.

Cruise O'Brien, Donal (1996) 'A Lost Generation? Youth Identity and State Decay in West Africa.' In: Werbner, Richard P. and Ranger, Terence O., (eds.), Postcolonial Identities in Africa. London: Zed Books, pp. 55-74.

Hafez, Sabry (1996) 'The Transformation of the Qasida Form in Modern Arabic Literature.' In: Sperl, Stefan and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), Qasida Poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa. Leiden: Brill, pp. 99-120. (Studies in Arabic Literature, Volume: 20)

Hutt, Michael (1996) 'Looking for Shangri-la, from Hilton to Lamicchane.' In: Selwyn, Tom, (ed.), The Tourist Image: Myths and Myth-Making in Tourism. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 49-60.

Healy, Dana (1996) 'Studies on Vietnamese Language and Literature.' In: Kratz, E. Ulrich, (ed.), South East Asian Languages: a bibliographical guide to Burmese Cambodian Indonesian Javanese Malay Minangkabau Thai and Vietnamese. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 359-400.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (1996) 'The Value of Money, the Value of Labour Power and the Net Product: An Appraisal of the 'New Solution' to the Transformation Problem.' In: Freeman, Alan and Carchedi, Guglielmo, (eds.), Marx and non-Equilibrium Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 116-135.

Pincus, Jonathan (1996) 'The Post-Washington Consensus and Lending Operations in Agriculture: New Rhetoric and Old Operational Realities.' In: Fine, Ben, Lapavitsas, Costas and Pincus, Jonathan, (eds.), Development Policy in the 21st Century. London: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-52.

Coldham, Simon and Hatchard, John (1996) 'Commonwealth Africa.' In: Rutherford, A. and Hodgkinson, P., (eds.), Capital Punishment: Global Issues and Prospects. Winchester: Waterside Press, pp. 155-192.

Edge, Ian (1996) 'Introduction: Material Available on Islamic Legal Theory.' In: Edge, Ian, (ed.), Islamic Law and Legal Theory. New York: New York University Press, pp. 15-33. (International library of essays in law and legal theory, Legal cultures ; 7)

Huxley, Andrew (1996) 'Introduction [and] Thai, Mon and Burmese dhammathats: Who Influenced Whom?' In: Huxley, Andrew, (ed.), Thai Law: Buddhist Law: Essays on the Legal History of Thailand Laos and Burma. Bangkok: White Orchid Press, 1-29 [and].

Lau, Martin (1996) 'Islam and Judicial Activism: Public Interest Litigation and Environmental Protection in Pakistan.' In: Boyle, Alan E. and Anderson, Michael R., (eds.), Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 285-302.

Lau, Martin (1996) 'Opening Pandora'Cotrans Box: The Impact of the Saima Waheen case on the Legal Status of Women in Pakistan.' In: Cotran, Eugene and Mallat, Chibli, (eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Liddle Eastern Law. The Hague: Kluwer, pp. 518-533.

Heder, Stephen (1996) 'The Resumption of Armed Struggle by the Party of Democratic Kampuchea.' In: Heder, Stephen and Ledgerwood, Judy, (eds.), Propaganda, Politics and Violence in Cambodia: Democratic Transition Under United Nations Peace-Keeping. New York: M E Sharpe, pp. 73-113.

Contadini, Anna (1996) 'The Horse in Two Manuscripts of Ibn Bakhtishu`'s Kitab Manafi` al-Hayawan.' In: Alexander, D., (ed.), Furusiyya. Vol. 1 - The horse in the art of the Near East. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: The King Abdulaziz Public Library, pp. 142-147.

Robb, Peter (1996) 'Distinctive Aspects of Rural Production in India: the Colonial Period.' In: Robb, Peter, Sugihara, Kaoru and Yanagisawa, Haruka, (eds.), Local agrarian societies in colonial India: Japanese perspectives. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, pp. 1-47. (Collected papers on South Asia, no. 11)

Robb, Peter (1996) 'Variant Meanings of Agriculture: Implications for Research and Policy.' In: Robb, Peter, (ed.), Meanings of agriculture: essays in South Asian history and economics. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-35. (SOAS studies in South Asia)

Smyth, David (1996) 'Cambodian Language and Literature Studies 1965-1990.' In: Kratz, E. Ulrich, (ed.), South East Asian Languages and Literatures: a bibliographical guide to Burmese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Javanese, Malay, Minangkabau, Thai and Vietnamese. London: Tauris Academic Studies, pp. 88-101.

Smyth, David (1996) 'Western Studies of the Thai Language since the 1940's.' In: Kratz, E. Ulrich, (ed.), South East Asian Languages and Literatures: a bibliographical guide to Burmese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Javanese, Malay, Minangkabau, Thai and Vietnamese. London: Tauris Academic Studies, pp. 309-319.

Weeks, John (1996) 'The Manufacturing Sector in Latin America and the New Economic Model.' In: Bulmer-Thomas, Victor, (ed.), The New Economic Model in Latin America and its Impact on Income Distribution and Poverty. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 271-294.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (1996) 'Zur Selbstdarstellung des Sima Qian.' In: Fuehrer, Bernhard and Hammer, Christiane, (eds.), Chinesisches Selbstverständnis und kulturelle Identität: Wenhua Zhongguo. Dortmund: Projekt Verlag, pp. 35-49.

Kizu, Mika (1996) 'A Goal Phrase and Unaccusativity.' In: Green, Antony Dubach and Motapanyane, Virginia, (eds.), ESCOL 96: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics. Ithaca, NY: CLC Publications, Cornell University, pp. 194-205.

Kong, Tat Yan (1996) 'The Origins of Democratization and Economic Liberalization in South Korea.' In: Nonnemans, Gerd, (ed.), Economic and Political Liberalization: Linkages and Dynamics in International Comparative Perspective. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, pp. 229-244.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (1996) 'The Thousand and One Nights.' In: McGreal, Ian P., (ed.), Great Literature of the Eastern World. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, pp. 470-478.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (1996) 'The Maqamat of al-Hamadhani and al-Hariri.' In: McGreal, Ian P., (ed.), Great Literature of the Eastern World. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, pp. 488-495.

Spencer, Paul (1996) 'Dance and the Cosmology of Confidence.' In: Parkin, David and Fisher, Humphrey, (eds.), The Politics of Cultural Performance. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 181-197.

Smith, I.O. (1996) 'Enforcement of Judgment in possession matters: A critical appraisal of the strange procedure in Lagos State.' In: Oretuyi, S. A., Smith, I.O. and Fagbohun, O. A., (eds.), Selected Essays on the Nigerian Law of Landlord and Tenant. Lagos: The Law Centre, Lagos State University, pp. 214-224.

Smith, I.O. (1996) 'Liability of Tenants holding over: Mesne profits or compensation for use and occupation?' In: Oretuyi, S. A., Smith, I.O. and Fagbohun, O. A., (eds.), Selected Essays on the Nigerian Law of Landlord and Tenant. Lagos: The Law Centre Lagos State University, pp. 101-113.

Poole, Nigel (1996) 'Institutional constraints to economic adjustment.' In: Pearce, R., (ed.), Theory and Macroeconomic Measures of Structural Adjustment: Methods of Evaluation and Linkages to the Agricultural Sector, Module 2 of Agricultural Economics and Policy Reforms. Montpellier: Edition NECTAR/Institut Agronomique Méditerraneén, pp. 379-394.

Smith, Laurence and Pathan, P.A. (1996) 'Private Groundwater Development in the Lower Indus: Policy Issues.' In: Howsam, Peter and Carter, Richard, (eds.), Water Policy: Allocation and Management in Practice, Proceedings of International Conference on Water Policy, Cranfield University 23-24 September 1996. London: E and FN Spon, Chapman Hall, pp. 311-318.

Scaramozzino, Pasquale and Marini, Giancarlo (1996) 'Intergenerational Equity, Fiscal Policy and Environmental Sustainability.' In: Faucheux, Sylvie, Pearce, David and Proops, John, (eds.), Models of Sustainable Development. Cheltenham and Brookfield: Edward Elgar, pp. 58-72.

Mollinga, Peter and Bolding, Alex (1996) 'Signposts of struggle: Pipe outlets as the material interface between water users and the state in a South Indian large scale irrigation system.' In: Diemer, Geert and Huibers, Frans P., (eds.), Crops, water and people: Water allocation practices of farmers and engineers. London: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 11-33.

Mollinga, Peter and van Straaten, C.J.M. (1996) 'The politics of water distribution: Negotiating resource use in a South Indian canal irrigation system.' In: Howsam, Peter and Carter, Richard, (eds.), Water policy: Allocation and management in practice: Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Policy, held at Cranfield University, 23-24 September 1996. London: E and F.N. Spon, pp. 243-250.

Pauwels, Anne (1996) 'Feminist language planning and titles for women. Some crosslinguistic perspectives.' In: Ammon, Ulrich and Hellinger, Marlis, (eds.), Constrastive sociolinguistics. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 251-268.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'From Political Economy to Consumption.' In: Miller, Daniel, (ed.), Acknowledging Consumption. London: Routledge, pp. 127-163.

Hanappi-Egger, E. and Hanappi, Hardy (1996) 'Simulating Group Dynamics in Bargaining Situations.' In: Proc. of the Methods and Tools for Analyzing Complex Societal Policy Problems. Munich.

Hanappi, Gerhard and Hanappi-Egger, E. (1996) 'Lost in the Information Flood: On the Problem of relevant Information Selection in Firms.' In: Trappl, Robert, (ed.), Cybernetics and systems '96 : proceedings of the Thirteenth European meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 9-12 April 1996. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.

De Blois, Francois (1996) 'A bilingual poem by Hafiz.' In: Bernardini, M., (ed.), La civiltà timuride come fenomeno internazionale. Roma: Istituto per l'oriente C.A. Nallino, pp. 379-384. (Oriente moderno., Nuova serie, no 2)

Denwood, Philip (1996) 'William Moorcroft: an Assessment.' In: Denwood, Philip and Osmaston, H., (eds.), Recent Research on Ladakh 4 and 5: proceedings of the Fourth and Fifth International Colloquia on Ladakh. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 39-54.

Denwood, Philip (1996) 'The Tibetanisation of Ladakh: the Linguistic Evidence.' In: Denwood, Philip and Osmaston, H., (eds.), Recent Research on Ladakh 4 and 5: proceedings of the Fourth and Fifth International Colloquia on Ladakh. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 281-289.

Selwyn, Tom (1996) 'Postlude.' In: Boissevain, Jeremy, (ed.), Coping with Tourists: European Reactions to Mass Tourism. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 247-255.

Selwyn, Tom (1996) 'Introduction.' In: Selwyn, Tom, (ed.), The Tourist Image: Myths and myth making in tourism. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 1-33.

Selwyn, Tom (1996) 'Atmospheric notes from the Fields.' In: Selwyn, Tom, (ed.), The Tourist Image: Myths and myth making in tourism. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 147-163.

Sperl, Stefan (1996) 'Qasida Form and Mystic Path in 13th Century Egypt.' In: Sperl, Stefan and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), Qasida poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa. Leiden: Brill, pp. 65-82. (Studies in Arabic literature, v. 20)

Otten, Tina (1996) 'Die sanfte Veränderung ayurvedischer Heilverfahren am Beispiel der Pancha Karma Kur.' In: Wolf, Angelika and Stürzer, Michael, (eds.), Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion von Befindlichkeit: ein Sammelband zur Medizinethnologie. Berlin: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, pp. 75-87. (Beiträge zur Ethnomedizin, Bd. 2.)

Inkster, Ian (1996) 'Technology transfer and industrial transformation: an interpretation of the pattern of economic development, circa 1870-1914.' In: Fox, Robert, (ed.), Technological change. Methods and themes in the history of technology. London: Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 177-201. (Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine)

Inkster, Ian (1996) 'Late development revisited: aspects of international technology transfer and Russian industrialisation.' In: Ustiantsev, S.V., (ed.), Russia and West Europe. Interaction of industrial cultures. Ekaterinburg: Bank of Cultural Information, pp. 7-16.

Inkster, Ian (1996) 'Into the twentieth century: patterns in the relations between science, technology and the state during the early industrialisation process.' In: Barrere, M., (ed.), Sciences et developpement. Paris: Orstrom Editions, pp. 67-96.

Inkster, Ian (1996) 'Catching up and taking over: structural change, the technopolis concept and Japanese R and D for Australia.' In: Lowe, Morris and Marriott, Helen, (eds.), Japanese science, technology and economic growth down-under. Melbourne: MAI, pp. 39-71.

Singh, Gurharpal (1996) 'The Punjab Crisis: Evaluating Post-1984 Developments.' In: Mitra, Subrata K. and Lewis, R. Alison, (eds.), Subnational Movements in South Asia. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, pp. 104-123.

Singh, Gurharpal (1996) 'Introduction.' In: Singh, Gurharpal and Talbot, Ian, (eds.), Punjabi Identity: Continuity and Change. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 1-6.

Singh, Gurharpal (1996) 'Re-examining the Punjab Problem.' In: Singh, Gurharpal and Talbot, Ian, (eds.), Punjabi Identity: Continuity and Change. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 115-138.

Ash, Robert (1996) 'Agricultural development in China since 1978.' In: Ash, Robert and Kueh, Y. Y., (eds.), The Chinese Economy under Deng Xiaoping. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 55-87. (Studies on Contemporary China)

Ash, Robert and Qi, Luo (1996) 'The economic challenge.' In: Hook, Brian, (ed.), Fujian: Gateway to Taiwan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 123-152. (Regional Development in China; Vol. 2)

Ash, Robert and Kueh, Y. Y. (1996) 'The fifth dragon: economic development.' In: Hook, Brian, (ed.), Guangdong : China's promised land. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 149-192. (Regional development in China)

Menski, Werner F (1996) 'Introduction: The democratisation of justice in India.' In: Singh, Gurjeet, (ed.), The law of consumer protection in India: justice within reach. New Delhi: Deep and Deep, xxv-liv.

Menski, Werner F (1996) 'Hinduism.' In: Morgan, Peggy and Lawton, Clive, (eds.), Ethical issues in six religious traditions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1-54.

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