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Number of items: 346.


Anievas, Alexander and Nisancioglu, Kerem (2017) 'Limits of the Universal: The Promises and Pitfalls of Postcolonial Theory and Its Critique.' Historical Materialism, 25 (3). pp. 36-75.

Agina, Anulika and Ekwevugbe, Akpevwe (2017) 'Celebrity Endorsement of Political Aspirants and its Effects on College Students in Lagos.' Journal of African Media Studies, 9 (3). pp. 487-505.

Abdelnour, Mohammed Gamal (2017) 'If one faith is true, does this mean all others are false?' Interreligious Insight, 15 (2). pp. 6-13.

Abosag, Ibrahim and Brennan, David Ross (2017) 'Understanding marketing innovativeness in Asia:a research agenda.' Asian Business and Management, 16. pp. 212-225.

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'The Zionist Project’s Duality: Escaping Racist Oppression and Reproducing It in Colonial Context.' Jadaliyya (Nov 3).

Al-Ali, Nadje and Tas, Latif (2017) '“War is like a Blanket…:” Feminist Convergences in Kurdish and Turkish Women’s Rights Activism for Peace.' Journal of Middle East Women's Studies, 13 (3). pp. 354-375.

Aharon-Gutman, Meirav and Ram, Moriel (2017) 'Objective possibility as urban possibility: reading Max Weber in the city.' Journal of Urban Design, 23 (6). pp. 803-822.

Aziz, Arjmand (2017) 'Phulkari Baghs of the Punjab: Another Perspective.' Journal of the Asian Arts Society of Australia (TAASA), 26 (3). pp. 4-6.

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Al-‘Almaniyya Shart al-Hadatha wa La Taqaddum Biduniha.' Alfaisal, 491 (2). pp. 19-21.

Adcock, Chris and Meade, Nigel (2017) 'Using parametric classification trees for model selection with applications to financial risk management.' European Journal of Operational Research, 259 (2). pp. 746-765.

Allen, Lori (2017) 'Finding indigenous critique in the archives: Thoughts on Didier Fassin’s ‘The Endurance of Critique’.' Anthropological Theory, 17 (2). pp. 265-273.

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (2017) 'Sūrat al-Fajr (Q. 89): A Study of Structure, Meaning, and the Value of Analysis.' Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 19 (2). pp. 148-157.

Abosag, Ibrahim, Baker, Tom, Hall, Kris, Voulgari, Aliki and Zheng, Xiaoyuan (2017) 'Antecedents and Consequences of Liking in Retail Service Relationships in China and Greece.' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 566-578.

Adeniyi, Asiyanbi (2017) 'Financialisation in the green economy: material connections, markets-in-the-making and Foucauldian organising actions.' Environment and Planning A, 50 (3). pp. 531-548.

Andreoni, Antonio, Frattini, Federico and Prodi, Giorgio (2017) 'Structural cycles and industrial policy alignment: the private–public nexus in the Emilian Packaging Valley.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43 (3). pp. 881-904.

Allen, Lori (2017) 'Determining Emotions and the Burden of Proof in Investigative Commissions to Palestine.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 59 (2). pp. 385-414.

Andreoni, Antonio and Chang, Ha-Joon (2017) 'Bringing production and employment back into development: Alice Amsden’s legacy for a new developmentalist agenda.' Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 10 (1). pp. 173-187.

Anievas, Alexander and Nisancioglu, Kerem (2017) 'How Did the West Usurp the Rest? Origins of the Great Divergence over the Longue Durée.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 59 (1). pp. 34-67.

Amodu, Nojeem (2017) 'Regulation and Enforcement of Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Nigeria.' Journal of African Law, 61 (1). pp. 105-130.

Arnold, Doug and Lucas, Christopher (2017) 'One of Those Constructions that Really Needs a Proper Analysis.' Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, 2016. pp. 43-63.

Anievas, Alexander and Nisancioglu, Kerem (2017) 'Why Europe? Anti-Eurocentric Theory, History, and the Rise of Capitalism.' Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 8 (1). pp. 70-98.

Andreoni, Antonio (2017) 'Strategies for Emerging Technologies and Strategic Sectors: Evidence from OECD countries and some critical reflections on the Italian case.' Industria: Review of Industrial Economics and Policy, 38 (1). pp. 3-14.

Albano, Gian Luigi, Cesi, Berardino and Iozzi, Alberto (2017) 'Public Procurement with Unverifiable Quality: The Case for Discriminatory Competitive Procedures.' Journal of Public Economics, 145. pp. 14-16.

Allouche, Sabiha (2017) '(Dis)-Intersecting Intersectionality in the Time of Queer Syrian Refugee-ness in Lebanon.' Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research, 3 (1). pp. 59-77.

Azhari, Asma (2017) 'The Kafāla ‘sponsorship’ system in Saudi Arabia: A critical analysis from the perspective of international human rights and Islamic law.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 10 (2016-2017). pp. 61-80.

Artaud de La Ferrière, Alexis (2017) 'Ces jeunes chrétiens partis en Syrie.' Esprit, 9 (Sep). pp. 28-31.

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2017) 'We other Spartans: Orientalism, Occidentalism and the enemy “other”.' International Studies Journal = Fasḷnāmah-i mutạ̄la'āt-i bayn al-milalī, 13 (4). pp. 39-61.


Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Bakırer, Ömür and Redford, Scott (2017) 'The Kubadabad Plate: Islamic Gilded and Enameled Glass in Context.' Journal of Glass Studies, 59. pp. 171-191.

Brouwer, Stijn, Büscher, Chris and Hessels, Laurens K (2017) 'Towards Transdisciplinarity: a Water Research Programme in Transition.' Science and Public Policy, 45 (2). pp. 211-220.

Byl, Julia, bin Raja Halid, Raja Iskandar, Lunn, David and McCallum, Jenny (2017) 'The Syair Tabut of Encik Ali: A Malay account of Muharram at Singapore, 1864.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 45 (133). pp. 421-438.

Bruno, Cosima (2017) 'Breaking Language Down: Taiwan Sound Poetry and its Ways of Saying.' Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 43 (2). pp. 33-56.

Banda, Fareda and Eekelaar, John (2017) 'International Conceptions of the Family.' International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 66 (4). pp. 833-862.

Bedi, Arjun S., Sparrow, Robert and Tasciotti, Luca (2017) 'The Impact of a Household Biogas Programme on Energy Use and Expenditure in East Java.' Energy Economics, 68. pp. 66-76.

Bano, Samia (2017) 'Legal Diversity, Knowledge and Power.' feminists@law, 7 (2). pp. 1-17.

Bargawi, Hannah and Newman, Susan (2017) 'From Futures Markets to the Farm Gate: A Study of Price Formation along Tanzania’s Coffee Commodity Chain.' Economic Geography, 93 (2). pp. 162-184.

Blatherwick, Helen (2017) 'Solomon Legends in Sirat Sayf ibn Dhi Yazan.' Mizan Journal for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations, 2 (1).

Bargawi, Hannah and Cozzi, Giovanni (2017) 'Engendering Economic Recovery: Modelling Alternatives to Austerity in Europe.' Feminist Economics, 23 (4). pp. 225-249.

Baums, Stefan, Griffiths, Arlo, Strauch, Ingo and Tournier, Vincent (2017) 'Early Inscriptions of Āndhradeśa: Results of fieldwork in January and February 2016.' Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient, 102. pp. 355-398.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Corrado, Luisa and Fiaschetti, Maurizio (2017) 'The regional heterogeneity of wellbeing “expenditure” preferences: evidence from a simulated allocation choice on the BES indicators.' Journal of Economic Geography, 17 (4). pp. 857-891.

Brading, Ryan (2017) 'Taiwan’s Millennial Generation: Interests in Polity and Party Politics.' Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 46 (1). pp. 131-166.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2017) 'A body does not just combust: Racism and the law in Germany.' World Policy Journal, 34 (2). pp. 31-35.

Bindabel, Wadah, Patel, Ashok and Yekini, Kemi (2017) 'The Challenges Faced by Integrating Islamic Corporate Governance in Companies of Gulf Countries with Non-Islamic Companies Across Border through Merger and Acquisition.' Australasian Journal of Islamic Finance and Business, 3 (1). pp. 29-38.

Béné, Christophe, Cannon, Terry, Gupte, Jaideep, McGranahan, G, Mehta, Lyla and Tanner, Thomas (2017) 'Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning.' Climate and Development, 10 (2). pp. 116-133.

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Berenskoetter, Felix (2017) 'Approaches to Concept Analysis.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 45 (2). pp. 151-173.

Bachmann, Reinhard and Kroeger, Frens (2017) 'Trust, power or money: What governs business relationships?' International Sociology, 32 (1). pp. 3-20.

Bruno, Cosima (2017) 'Writing in London. Home and Languaging in the Work of London Poets of Chinese Descent.' Life Writing, 14 (1). pp. 37-55.

Bauman, Antonia and Bachmann, Reinhard (2017) 'Online Consumer Trust: Trends in Research.' Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 12 (2). pp. 68-79.

Bevilacqua, Daniela (2017) 'Are women entitled to become ascetics? An historical and ethnographic glimpse on female asceticism in Hindu religions.' Kervan International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies (21). pp. 51-79.

Beloff, Jonathan R. (2017) 'The limitations of research space for the study of Rwanda.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 10 (2016-2017). pp. 48-60.


Cobbinah, Alexander (2017) 'Suffixed plurals in Baïnonk languages: Agreement patterns and diachronic development.' Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 38 (2). pp. 145-185.

Choudhury, Samira and Headey, Derek (2017) 'What drives diversification of national food supplies? A cross-country analysis.' Global Food Security, 15. pp. 85-93.

Clark, Phil (2017) 'Rwanda's Recovery: When Remembrance is Official Policy.' Foreign Affairs, 97 (1). pp. 35-41.

Cornwall, Andrea and Aghajanian, Alia (2017) 'How to find out what's really going on: understanding impact through participatory process evaluation.' World Development, 99. pp. 173-185.

Cramer, Christopher and Wood, Elisabeth Jean (2017) 'Introduction: Land rights, restitution, politics, and war in Colombia.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 (4). pp. 733-738.

Cullet, Philippe, Bhullar, Lovleen and Koonan, Sujith (2017) 'Regulating the Interactions Between Climate Change and Groundwater: Lessons from India.' Water International, 42 (6). pp. 646-662.

Cullet, Philippe and Stephan, Raya Marina (2017) 'Introduction to ‘Groundwater and Climate Change: Multi-level Law and Policy Perspectives'.' Water International, 42 (6). pp. 641-645.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) 'The Fight for the Self-Representation: Ainu Imaginary, Ethnicity and Assimilation.' Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (13). pp. 69-89.

Cahill, Damien and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2017) 'Neoliberalism Since the Crisis.' Critical Sociology, 43 (4-5). pp. 611-613.

Cooke, Fadzilah Majid, Nordensvard, Johan, Saat, Bin Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Limits of Social Protection: The Case of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous Peoples' Land.' Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4 (3). pp. 437-450.

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Canofari, Paolo, Marini, Giancarlo and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'The Importance of Being Remembered: Prices for Cemetery Plots in the US.' Economic Modelling, 64. pp. 638-645.

Coetzee, Carli (2017) 'Home, family and intimacy in recent writings on and from South Africa.' Africa, 87 (2). pp. 407-418.

Campbell, Hugh, Evans, David and Murcott, Anne (2017) 'Measurability, austerity and edibility: Introducing waste into food regime theory.' Journal of Rural Studies, 51. pp. 168-177.

Caldwell, Ernest (2017) 'Widening the Constitutional Gap in China and Taiwan: History, Reform, and the Transformation of the Control Yuan.' University of Illinois Law Review, 2017 (2). pp. 739-766.

Cook, Hadrian, Smith, Laurence and Couldrick, Laurence (2017) 'An assessment of intermediary roles in payments for ecosystem services schemes in the context of catchment management: An example from South West England.' Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (1). p. 1750003.

Crewe, Emma (2017) 'Reading the Runes: Conflict, Culture and "Evidence" in Law-making in the UK.' Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, 20 (1). pp. 32-48.

Chatzikyriakidis, Stergios and Gibson, Hannah (2017) 'The Bantu-Romance-Greek connection revisited: processing constraints in auxiliary and clitic placement from a cross-linguistic perspective.' Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 2 (1). pp. 1-39.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) '¿Es el cine japonés un cine nacional?' Studium. Revista de Humanidades (23). pp. 245-272.

Crewe, Emma (2017) 'Ethnography of Parliament: Finding Culture and Politics Entangled in the Commons and the Lords.' Parliamentary Affairs, 70 (1). pp. 155-172.

Cox, Ashley (2017) 'Wilsonian Ambitions for American Engagement in the First Gulf War.' History Compass, 15 (1). p. 12365.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) 'Del Viaje del Turista Al Viaje del Héroe. Mímesis Cinematográfica del Discurso Turístico Japonés Sobre España. El Caso de Andarushia (2011) [From a Tourist Journey to a Hero Journey. Film Mimesis in the Tourist Japanese Discourse on Spain: the Case of Andalushia].' MIRAI Estudios Japoneses, 1 (1). pp. 93-111.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) 'Transnational Circulation of Images of the Pacific War (1941-1945): The Japanese Empire Seen through Spanish Newsreels.' Irish Journal of Asian Studies (IJAS), 3. pp. 1-17.

Cabos, Marine (2017) 'The Cultural Revolution Through the Prism of Vernacular Photography.' Trans-Asia Photography Review, 8 (1).

Cairangsanzhou, Tsering Samdrup, Palgonthar, Huaguantai and Martin, Dan (2017) 'A History of Indian Medical History (Tibetan translation).' Traditional Tibetan Medicine Studies = Bod sman slob gso dang zhib ʼjug, 2017 (1). pp. 100-120.


Duran, Lucy (2017) 'An Jεra Cεla (We Share a Husband): Song as Social Comment on Polygamy in Southern Mali.' Mande Studies, 19. pp. 169-202.

Degli Esposti, Emanuelle (2017) 'The aesthetics of ritual--contested identities and conflicting performances in the Iraqi Shi’a diaspora: Ritual, performance and identity change.' Politics, 38 (1). pp. 68-83.

Devereux, Stephen, Masset, E., Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, Samson, M., Rivas, Althea-Maria and te Lintelo, D. (2017) 'The targeting effectiveness of social transfers.' Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9 (2). pp. 162-211.

Dangour, Alan D., Mace, G. and Shankar, Bhavani (2017) 'Food systems, nutrition, health and the environment.' The Lancet Planetary Health, 1 (1). e8-e9.

Driver, Ciaran and Guedes, Maria João Coelho (2017) 'R and D and CEO departure date: do financial incentives make CEO’s more opportunistic?' Industrial and Corporate Change, 26 (5). pp. 801-820.

Dwyer, Rachel (2017) 'Calling God on the wrong number: Hindu-Muslim relations in PK (2014) and Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015).' The Muslim World, 107 (2). pp. 256-270.

Dieng, Rama Salla (2017) '"Land Grabbing" and the Politics of Evidence: The case of Senegal.' Africa Insight, 46 (4).

Donovan, Jason, Blare, Trent and Poole, Nigel (2017) 'Stuck in a rut: emerging cocoa cooperatives in Peru and the factors that influence their performance.' International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15 (2). pp. 169-184.

Dafermos, Yannis, Nikolaidi, Maria and Galanis, Giorgos (2017) 'A stock-flow-fund ecological macroeconomic model.' Ecological Economics, 131. pp. 191-207.

Daruwalla, Kerman Dadi (2017) 'Evolution of the Zoroastrian Priestly Rituals in Iran.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 10 (2016-2017). pp. 100-110.


El-Kazaz, Sarah (2017) 'Thinking in Four Dimensions: New Directions in Spatial Analysis of the Middle East.' International Journal of Middle East Studies, 49 (3). pp. 535-545.

El-Desouky, Ayman (2017) 'The Amāra on the Square: Connective Agency and the Aesthetics of the Egyptian Revolution.' Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 5 (1). pp. 51-83.

Enonchong, Laura-Stella (2017) 'Mental disability and the right to personal liberty in Africa.' International Journal of Human Rights, 21 (9). pp. 1351-1377.

El-Kazaz, Sarah and Mazur, Kevin (2017) 'Introduction to Special Section: The Un-Exceptional Middle Eastern City.' City and Society, 29 (1). pp. 148-161.

Eklund, Lisa and Purewal, Navtej (2017) 'The Bio-Politics of Population Control and Sex Selective Abortion in China and India.' Feminism and Psychology, 27 (1). pp. 34-55.

Evri, Yuval and Behar, Almog (2017) 'Between East and West: controversies over the modernization of Hebrew culture in the works of Shaul Abdallah Yosef and Ariel Bension.' Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 16 (2). pp. 295-311.


Fell, Dafydd (2017) 'Merger and Takeover Attempts in Taiwanese Party Politics.' Issues and Studies. An International Quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian Affairs, 53 (4).

Fosu, Samuel, Ntim, Collins G., Coffie, William and Murinde, Victor (2017) 'Bank opacity and risk-taking: Evidence from analysts’ forecasts.' Journal of Financial Stability, 33. pp. 81-95.

Fukunaga, Ai (2017) 'The Network of Collecting Japanese Ceramics Focussing on A.W. Franks.' [明治神宮PhD日本研究奨学生レポート:日本陶磁蒐集のネットワーク―A.W.フランクスを中心に―].' 神園 = Kamizono: Journal of the Meiji Jingu Intercultural Research Institute, 18. pp. 195-199.

Fine, Ben (2017) 'Die untote Welt der Mainstream-Ökonomik [The Undead World of Mainstream Economics].' Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, 11 (2). pp. 85-102.

Fraser, Alastair (2017) 'Post-populism in Zambia: Michael Sata’s rise, demise and legacy.' International Political Science Review, 38 (4). pp. 456-472.

Fardon, Richard and Sarró, Ramon eds. (2017) 'T'he Iconoclastic Impulse in Yoruba Culture [J.D.Y. Peel].' Religion and Society: Advances in Research, 8 (1). pp. 30-41.

Ferrari, Rossella (2017) 'Asian Theatre as Method: The Toki Experimental Project and Sino-Japanese Transnationalism in Performance.' TDR: The Drama Review, 61 (3). pp. 141-164.

Faulkner, Philip, Feduzi, Alberto and Runde, Jochen (2017) 'Unknowns, Black Swans and the risk / uncertainty distinction.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41 (5). pp. 1279-1302.

Fuehrer, Bernhard and Liu, Yangruxin (2017) 'Guojia quanli yu Rujia jingdian: Lun Mengzi jiewen yu Ming Taizu de zhenli chuli fangfa 国家权力与儒家经典:论《孟子节文》与明太祖的真理处理方法.' Guoji Hanxue 国际汉学 (International Sinology).

Feduzi, Alberto, Runde, Jochen and Zappia, Carlo (2017) 'De Finetti and Savage on the normative relevance of imprecise reasoning: A reply to Arthmar and Brady.' History of Economic Ideas, 25 (1). pp. 211-223.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2017) 'Introduction.' Journal of Translation Studies (New Series), 1 (1). pp. 3-5.

Fuehrer, Bernhard and Alsford, Niki (2017) 'Carstairs Douglas (1830–1877) and his Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy (1873).' Journal of Translation Studies《翻譯學報》(New Series), 1 (1). pp. 137-182.

Fine, Ben (2017) 'Neither Equilibrium as Such nor as Abstraction: Debating Fred Moseley’s Transformation.' International Journal of Political Economy, 46 (1). pp. 22-28.

Fine, Ben (2017) 'From One-Dimensional Man to One-Dimensions Economy and Economics.' Radical Philosophy Review, 20 (1). pp. 49-74.

Fell, Dafydd (2017) 'Do Party Switchers Pay an Electoral Price? The Case of Taiwan.' Parliamentary Affairs, 70 (2). pp. 377-399.

Flügel, Peter (2017) 'Klaus Bruhn (22.5.1928 – 9.5.2016).' Jaina Studies - Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 12. pp. 40-44.

Flügel, Peter (2017) 'Jaina-Prosopography: Monastic Lineages, Networks and Patronage.' Jaina Studies – Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 12. pp. 25-26.

Ferrarini, Benno, Hinojales, Marthe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'Chinese Corporate Leverage Determinants.' Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business, 4 (1). pp. 5-18.

Franz, Tobias (2017) 'Urban Governance and Economic Development in Medellín.' Latin American Perspectives, 44 (2). pp. 52-70.

Flügel, Peter (2017) 'Johannes Emil Otto Klatt (1852–1903). Forgotten Chronicler of Jainism and Bibliographer of Oriental Literature: Letters to Albrecht Weber 1874–1882, Ernst Kuhn 1881–1889, Charles Rockwell Lanman 1889 and Ehrhardt Karras 1891, with Curricula Vitae, and a Complete Bibliography of Johannes Klatt’s Works.' Berliner Indologische Studien, 23 (1). pp. 1-76.

Forbes, Simon (2017) 'The reconstruction of homosexuality and its consequences in contemporary Iran.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 10 (2016-2017). pp. 25-47.


Grzech, Karolina (2017) 'Autoridad epistémica y atenuación en Tena Kichwa: Análisis de enclítico =cha basado en el corpus [Epistemic authority and attenuation in Tena Kichwa: Corpus-based analysis of the enclitic =cha.' Normas, 7 (2). pp. 48-71.

Gong, Xun (2017) 'Verb stems in Tangut and their orthography.' SCRIPTA, 9. pp. 29-48.

Gabbay, Uri and Mirelman, Sam (2017) 'Text and Performance: Tayyartu, "Repetition," in a Mīs Pî-type incantation and an Emesal prayer.' Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 107 (1). pp. 22-34.

Gibson, Hannah, Rozenn, Guérois and Marten, Lutz (2017) 'Patterns and developments in the marking of diminutives in Bantu.' Nordic Journal of African Studies, 26 (4). pp. 344-383.

Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2017) 'The Tangled Politics of Postwar Justice in Sri Lanka.' Current History, 116 (789). pp. 130-135.

Giladi, Paul (2017) 'Battling for Metaphysics: The Case for Indispensability.' Metaphysica, 18 (1). pp. 127-150.

Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Walton, Oliver (2017) 'Mediating the Margins: the role of brokers and the Eastern Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka’s post war transition.' Third World Thematics, 1 (6). pp. 817-836.

Gould, Rebecca Ruth and Shikhaliev, S. (2017) 'Beyond the Taqlīd/Ijtihād Dichotomy: Daghestani Legal Thought under Russian Rule.' Islamic Law and Society, 24 (1-2). pp. 142-169.

Giladi, Paul (2017) 'Idealism and the metaphysics of individuality.' Philosophy and Social Criticism, 43 (2). pp. 208-229.

Gao, Biye (2017) 'State, Family and Women’s Reproductive Agency in China.' feminists@law, 6 (2). pp. 1-40.

George, Andrew (2017) 'SB Gilgamesh XI 149–50; Enlightenment on Išum.' Nouvelles assyriologiques breves et utilitaires, 2016 (3). pp. 164-166.

Giladi, Paul (2017) 'Hegel: Analytic Philosophy’s Pharmakon.' The European Legacy: toward new paradigms, 22 (2). pp. 185-198.

Guérois, Rozenn (2017) 'Conditional constructions in Cuwabo.' Studies in African Linguistics, 46 (1/2). pp. 193-212.

Giglietto, Fabio and Lee, Yenn (2017) 'A hashtag worth a thousand words: Discursive strategies around #JeNeSuisPasCharlie after the 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting.' Social Media + Society, 3 (1). pp. 1-15.

Germani, Anna Rita, Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe (2017) 'Discretionary enforcement and strategic interactions between enforcement agencies and firms: a theoretical and laboratory investigation.' Journal of Regulatory Economics, 52 (3). pp. 255-284.

Grzech, Karolina (2017) '¿Es necesario elegir entre la estandarización de las lenguas minoritarias y la vitalidad de sus variedades? Estudio de caso del kichwa de Alto Napo [Is it necessary to choose between minority language standardisation and the vitality of its varieties? Alto Napo Kichwa case study].' Onomázein: Revista de lingüística filología y traducción (XXI). pp. 16-34.

Garcia-Arias, Jorge, Horn, Laura and Toporowski, Jan (2017) 'Perspectivas Sobre Financiariación Y Crisis En Europa.' Revista de Economia Mundial, 46. pp. 17-26.


Hill, Nathan W. and Meelen, Marieke (2017) 'Segmenting and POS tagging Classical Tibetan using a memory-based tagger.' Himalayan Linguistics, 16 (2). pp. 64-86.

Harris, Rachel (2017) 'The New Battleground: Song-and-dance in China’s Muslim borderlands.' World of Music, 6 (2). pp. 35-56.

Hamzić, Vanja (2017) 'Affective Critique: Fear, Hope, Abandonment and Pleasure in Dianne Otto’s Living with International Law.' Melbourne Journal of International Law, 18 (2). pp. 125-130.

Harris, Colette (2017) 'Some Gender Implications of the ‘Civilising Mission’ of the Anglican Church for the Acholi Peoples of Northern Uganda.' Religions, 8 (11, 245).

Harrison, Rachel (2017) 'Dystopia as Liberation: Disturbing Femininities in Contemporary Thailand.' Feminist Review, 116 (1). pp. 64-83.

Hylton, Richard (2017) 'Black Art UK/US: Richard Hylton discusses the rise in thematic shows of black artists.' Art Monthly, 410.

Haustein, Jörg (2017) 'Strategic tangles: slavery, colonial policy, and religion in German East Africa, 1885–1918.' Atlantic Studies, 14 (4). pp. 497-518.

Hill, Nathan W. and List, Johann-Mattis (2017) 'Challenges of Annotation and Analysis in Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: A Case Study on Burmish Languages.' Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 3 (1). pp. 47-76.

Hintze, Almut (2017) 'Avestan Research 1991–2017, Part 2: Morphology, Syntax, Lexicon (nos. 32–79).' Kratylos, 62. pp. 1-126.

Hirmer, Monika, Istratii, Romina and Lim, Iris (2017) 'Editorial II: The Praxis of Decolonisation.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 10-15.

Howard, Keith and Laforgia, Paola (2017) 'Amer Liu, K-Pop Tomboy.' Kritika Kultura, 29. pp. 214-231.

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