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Number of items: 329.


Adamson, Fiona (2005) 'Global Liberalism Versus Political Islam: Competing Ideological Frameworks in International Politics.' International Studies Review, 7 (4). pp. 547-569.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Becchetti, Leonardo (2005) 'Does the Digital Divide Matter? The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Cross-Country Level and Growth Estimates.' Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 14 (6). pp. 435-453.

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2005) 'Islamic Utopian Romanticism and the Foreign Policy Culture of Iran.' Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 14 (3). pp. 265-292.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Las relaciones internacionales hoy. ¿Quién diría que éste es un mundo más seguro? [Interview].' Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política (25). pp. 140-146.

Adriani, Fabrizio, Bagella, Michele and Becchetti, Leonardo (2005) 'Observed and "Fundamental" Price-Earning Ratios: A Comparative Analysis of High-Tech Stock Evaluation in the US and in Europe.' Journal of International Money and Finance, 24 (4). pp. 549-581.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Entretien avec Gilbert Achcar. Mondialisation, ordre mondial et mouvement de la paix.' Variations: Revue internationale de théorie critique. Barbaries, résurgences, résistances (1). pp. 61-68.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Marxismes et Religion, hier et aujourd’hui.' Contretemps: À quels saints se vouer? Espaces publics et religions (12). pp. 176-189.

Arnold, David (2005) 'Agriculture and "Improvement" in Early Colonial India: A Pre- History of Development.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 5 (4). pp. 505-525.

Arnold, David (2005) 'Europe, Technology, and Colonialism in the 20th Century.' History and Technology, 21 (1). pp. 85-106.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2005) 'Gendering Reconstruction: Iraqi Women between Dictatorship, Wars, Sanctions and Occupation.' Third World Quarterly, 26 (4-5). pp. 739-758.

Adamson, Fiona (2005) 'Globalization, Transnational Political Mobilization, and Networks of Violence.' Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 18 (1). pp. 35-53.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Sofortiger Rückzug der US-Truppen aus dem Irak?! Eine Debatte zwischen Juan Cole und Gilbert Achcar.' INAMO (44). pp. 27-30.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Où va l’Irak? L’occupation états-unienne et le mouvement anti-guerre après les élections.' Une Suisse sans armée, bulletin du GSSA (65).

Abdeldayem, Safwat, Hoevenaars, Jan, Mollinga, Peter, Scheumann, Waltina, Slootweg, Roel and van Steenbergen, Frank (2005) 'Agricultural drainage: towards an integrated approach.' Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 19. pp. 71-87.


Buendia, Rizal (2005) 'The ASEAN and Ethnopolitical Conflicts: Looking Beyond State Sovereignty and Prospect of Regional Stability.' Asia Pacific Social Science Review, 5 (2). pp. 28-44.

Barrett, T. H. (2005) 'Chinese Religion in English Guise: The History of an Illusion.' Modern Asian Studies, 39 (3). pp. 509-533.

Brennan, James (2005) 'Democratizing Cinema and Censorship in Tanzania, 1920-1980.' International Journal of African Historical Studies, 38 (3). pp. 481-511.

Buendia, Rizal (2005) 'The State-Moro Armed Conflict in the Philippines: Unresolved national question or question of governance?' Asian Journal of Political Science, 13 (1). pp. 109-138.

Buendia, Rizal (2005) 'The Secessionist Movement and the Peace Process in the Philippines and Indonesia: The Case of Mindanao and Aceh.' Asia Pacific Social Science Review, 5 (1). pp. 51-67.

Brenner, Louis (2005) 'Reading Mudimbe as a Historian.' Journal of African Cultural Studies, 17 (1). pp. 67-80.

Bo, Hong and Lensin, Robert (2005) 'Is the Investment-Uncertainty Relationship Nonlinear? An Empirical Analysis for the Netherlands.' Economica, 72 (286). pp. 307-331.

Brown, Ian (2005) ''Blindness which we mistake for sight': British Officials and the Economic World of the Cultivator in Colonial Burma.' Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 33 (2). pp. 181-193.

Beck, Gunnar (2005) 'The Problem of Kompetenz-Kompetenz: A Conflict Between Right and Right in which There Is No Praetor.' European Law Review, 30 (1). pp. 42-67.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2005) 'Veneto-Saracenic Metalware, a Mamluk Art.' Mamluk Studies Review, 9 (2). pp. 147-172.

Braginsky, Vladimir (2005) 'Five pious ladies on the swing: Some considerations about Hikayat Si Burung Pingai.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 33 (97). pp. 257-264.

Booth, Anne (2005) 'Africa in Asia: The Development Challenges Facing Eastern Indonesia and East Timor.' Oxford Development Studies, 32 (1). pp. 19-35.

Beck, Gunnar (2005) 'The British Parliament and the Convention on the Future of Europe.' European Law Review, 30 (5). pp. 743-757.

Branfoot, Crispin and Dallapiccola, Anna L. (2005) 'Temple architecture in Bhatkal and the Ramayana tradition in coastal Karnataka.' Artibus Asiae, 65 (2). pp. 253-308.

Baderin, Mashood (2005) 'Recent Developments in the African Regional Human Rights System.' Human Rights Law Review, 5 (1). pp. 117-149.

Baderin, Mashood (2005) 'Human Rights and Islamic Law: The Myth of Discord.' European Human Rights Law Review, 2. pp. 165-185.

Baderin, Mashood (2005) 'Towards Improving Student Attendance and Quality of Undergraduate Tutorials: A Case Study of Law.' Teaching in Higher Education, 10 (1). pp. 99-116.

Bruno, Cosima (2005) 'Sulla conoscenza deittica di un'altra cultura [On the Deictic Knowledge of Another Culture].' Itinerari d’impresa. Management diritto formazione (6). pp. 189-198.

Booth, Anne (2005) 'The Evolving Role of the Central Government in Economic Planning and Policy Making in Indonesia.' Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 41 (2). pp. 197-219.

Born, Holger, Völling, Elisabeth and Schwemer, Daniel (2005) 'Die Schrift der Väter: Eine achämenidische Bronzeschale mit sumerischer Inschrift.' Das Altertum (50). pp. 181-196.

Braginsky, Vladimir (2005) 'Obituary: Boris Borisovitch Parnickel (1934–2004).' Indonesia and the Malay World, 33 (95). pp. 1-5.

Berenskoetter, Felix (2005) 'Mapping the Mind Gap: A Comparison of US and European Security Strategies.' Security Dialogue, 36 (1). pp. 71-92.

Ben-Naftali, Orna, Gross, Aeyal and Michaeli, Keren (2005) 'Illegal Occupation: Framing the Occupied Palestinian Territories.' Berkeley Journal of International Law, 23 (3). pp. 551-614.

Bondarev, Dmitry (2005) 'In search of the Saharan inflectional verbal paradigms in Old Kanembu.' Afrika und Übersee: Special volume: Johannes Lukas (1901-1980) ‑ 25th anniversary of his death, 88. pp. 35-51.

Bernheimer, Teresa (2005) 'The Rise of sayyids and sādāt: The Āl Zubāra and Other 'Alids in Ninth- to Eleventh-Century Nishapur.' Studia Islamica, 100 (1). pp. 43-69.

Blackman, M. James and Redford, Scott (2005) 'Neutron Activation Analysis of Medieval Ceramics from Kinet, Turkey, especially Port Symeon Ware.' Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 42. pp. 83-186.

Basu, Paul (2005) 'Macpherson Country: Genealogical Identities, Spatial Histories and the Scottish Diasporic Clanscape.' cultural geographies, 12 (2). pp. 123-150.

Basu, Paul (2005) 'Museum, Landscape and the Storytelling Space Between.' Landscape and Arts, 34/35. pp. 2-6.

Beechler, Schon, Levy, Orly, Taylor, Sully and Boyaçigiller, Nakiye A. (2005) 'Does it really matter if Japanese MNCs think globally?' Advances in International Management, 17. pp. 261-288.


Cornwall, Andrea and Goetz, Anne-Marie (2005) 'Democratizing Democracy: Feminist Perspectives.' Democratization, 12 (5). pp. 783-800.

Cornwall, Andrea and Brock, Karen (2005) 'What do buzzwords do for development policy: a critical look at "participation", "poverty reduction" and "empowerment".' Third World Quarterly, 26 (7). pp. 1043-1060.

Crosby, Kate (2005) 'Differences between the Amatakaravannana and the Vimuttimagga-uddana.' Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 3. pp. 139-149.

Chan, Stephen (2005) 'Endgame or Gambit in Zimbabwe.' Contemporary Review, 287 (1674).

Campbell, John (2005) 'Theory and Method in the Study of Poverty in East Africa.' Focaal, 45. pp. 56-68.

Chau, Adam (2005) 'The Politics of Legitimation and the Revival of Popular Religion in Shaanbei, North-Central China.' Modern China, 31 (2). pp. 236-278.

Chan, Stephen (2005) 'Zimbabwe's the Old Fox Eludes the Hunt.' The World Today, 61 (4).

Chang, Bi-Yu (2005) 'Youth, Tobacco, and the Smell of the Rebel: DV8 Special Report [qingchun yancao panni de qiwei=青春 菸草 叛逆的氣味: DV8 特別企畫].' Performing Arts Review= Biaoyan yishu 表演藝術 (147). pp. 14-19.

Cohen, Hillel and Dudai, Ron (2005) 'Human Rights Dilemmas in Using Informers to Combat Terrorism: The Israeli-Palestinian Case.' Terrorism and Political Violence, 17 (1/2). pp. 229-243.

Cox, Whitney (2005) 'The Transfiguration of Tinnan the Archer (Studies in Cekkilar's Periyapuranam I).' Indo-Iranian Journal, 48 (3-4). pp. 223-252.

Contadini, Anna (2005) 'Fatimid Ivories Within a Mediterranean Culture.' The Ivories of Muslim Spain, The Journal of the David Collection, ed. by K. von Folsach and J. Mayer, 2 (2). pp. 226-247.

Crane, Andrew, Driver, Ciaran, Kaler, John, Parker, Martin and Parkinson, John (2005) 'Stakeholder democracy: towards a multi-disciplinary view.' Business Ethics: A European Review, 14 (1). pp. 67-75.

Campbell, John and Holland, Jeremy (2005) 'Development research: Convergent or divergent approaches and understandings of poverty? An introduction.' Focaal: European Journal of Social Anthropology, 45. pp. 3-17.

Crosby, Kate (2005) '‘Only if you let go of that Tree': Ordination without Parental Consent according to Theravåda Vinaya.' Buddhist Studies Review, 22 (2). pp. 155-173.

Crosby, Kate (2005) 'Differences between the Amatakaravannana and the Vimuttimagga-uddåna.' Journal of Buddhist Studies, 3. pp. 139-151.

Cullet, Philippe (2005) 'Monsanto v Schmeiser: A Landmark Decision concerning Farmer Liability and transgenic Contamination.' Journal of Environmental Law, 17 (1). pp. 83-108.

Cullet, Philippe (2005) 'Seeds Regulation, Food Security and Sustainable Development.' Economic and Political Weekly, 40 (32). pp. 3607-3613.

Chan, Stephen (2005) 'The Memory of Violence: trauma in the writings of Alexander Kanengoni and Yvonne Vera and the idea of unreconciled citizenship in Zimbabwe.' Third World Quarterly, 26 (2). pp. 369-382.

Chan, Stephen (2005) 'An Ornithology of Secretaries-General: The Commonwealth and its Leadership.' The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 94 (380). pp. 325-337.

Cui, Yan (2005) '“Translation – A Tester in Foreign Language Teaching: Investigation of Chinese Language Learning in the English Environment”.' Translation and Contrastive Studies. pp. 158-172.

Cleaver, Frances (2005) 'The inequality of social capital and the reproduction of chronic poverty.' World Development, 33 (6). pp. 893-906.

Cadilhon, J. J., Fearne, Andrew P., Tam, P.T.G., Moustier, P. and Poole, Nigel (2005) 'Collaborative commerce or just common sense? Insights from vegetable supply chains in Ho Chi Minh City.' Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 10 (3). pp. 147-149.

Chang, Dae-Oup and Wong, Monina (2005) 'After Consumer Movement: Toward the new international labour activism in global garment industry.' Labour, Capital and Society, 38 (1/2). pp. 126-155.

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz and Otsuka, Masayuki (2005) 'Right node raising, co-ordination and the dynamics of language processing.' Lingua, 115 (4). pp. 503-525.

Cook, Hadrian and Smith, Laurence (2005) 'Catchment Management – Relevant in Developed and Developing Countries.' Waterlines, 24 (1). pp. 2-3.

Cabrita, Joel (2005) 'Women, Hunger and the Eucharist.' Concilium: International Journal for Theology, 41.

Clark, Phil (2005) 'When the Killers Go Home: Local Justice in Rwanda.' Dissent, 52 (3). pp. 14-21.

Clark, Phil (2005) 'Hero, Failure or Casualty? – A Peacekeeper’s Experience of Genocide.' Dissent, 52 (2). pp. 115-121.

Chakravarty, Deepita (2005) 'Women Workers, Entrepreneurs and Behavioral Rationale: A case of Indian garment manufacturing.' Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 48 (1). pp. 101-113.

Craven, Matthew (2005) 'What Happened to Unequal Treaties? The Continuities of Informal Empire.' Nordic Journal of International Law, 74. pp. 335-382.


Dolan, Catherine (2005) 'Benevolent Intent: The Development Encounter in Kenya’s Horticulture Industry.' Journal of Asian and African Studies, 40 (6). pp. 411-437.

Dovey, Lindiwe (2005) 'South African Cinema in Exile.' Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 41 (2). pp. 189-199.

Dooling, Wayne (2005) 'The Origins and Aftermath of the Cape Colony's 'Hottentot Code' of 1809.' Kronos. Journal of Cape History, 31. pp. 50-61.

Deidda, Luca and Fattouh, Bassam (2005) 'Concentration in the Banking Industry and Economic Growth.' Macroeconomic Dynamics, 9 (2). pp. 198-219.

Deraniyagala, Sonali (2005) 'The Political Economy of Civil Conflict in Nepal.' Oxford Development Studies, 33 (1). pp. 47-62.

Dooling, Wayne (2005) 'The Making of a Colonial Elite: Property, Family and Landed Stability in the Cape Colony, c. 1750-1834.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 31 (1). pp. 147-62.

Di John, Jonathan (2005) 'Economic Liberalization, Political Instability, and State Capacity in Venezuela.' International Political Science Review, 26 (1). pp. 107-24.

Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie and Poulton, Colin (2005) 'Institutions, Markets and Economic Co-ordination: Linking Development Policy to Theory and Praxis.' Development and Change, 36 (1). pp. 1-25.

Dodd, Stephen and Shibahara, Koji (2005) 'Sôzô no kudôryoku: toshi to furusato no aida de.' Gengo jôhôgaku kyôshitsu, Osaka Ichiritsu Daigaku Daigakuin Bungaku Kenkyûka. pp. 43-56.

Dudai, Ron (2005) 'Review: Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza.' Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 10 (2). pp. 279-283.

Dudai, Ron (2005) 'Human Rights in the War on Terror.' Middle East International, 749. pp. 26-28.

Dave, Bhavna (2005) 'Kazakhstan's 2004 Parliamentary Elections : Managing Loyalty and Support for the Regime.' Problems of Post-Communism, 52 (1). pp. 3-14.

Deans, Philip (2005) 'Isolation, Identity and Taiwanese Stamps as Vehicles for Regime Legitimation.' East Asia: An International Quarterly, 22 (2). pp. 8-30.

Deans, Philip and Dobson, Hugo (2005) 'East Asian Postage Stamps as Socio-Political Artefacts.' East Asia: An International Quarterly, 22. pp. 3-7.

Deans, Philip (2005) 'Nationalism and National Self Assertion in the People's Republic of China: State Patriotism versus Popular Nationalism?' Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 21. pp. 45-63.

Deans, Philip (2005) 'Cross-straits relations since 1949: from radicalism to conservatism and back again.' Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 34 (3). pp. 25-36.

Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin (2005) 'Beyond Liberalisation: "Developmental Coordination" Policies for African Smallholder Agriculture.' IDS Bulletin, 36 (2). pp. 80-85.

Driver, Ciaran, Temple, Paul and Urga, Giovanni (2005) 'Profitability, Capacity and Uncertainty: A Model of UK Manufacturing Investment.' Oxford Economic Papers, 57 (1). pp. 120-141.

Dhamvithee, P., Shankar, Bhavani, Jangchud, A. and Wutijumnong, P. (2005) 'New Product Development in Thai Agro-Industry: Explaining the Rates of Innovation and Success in Innovation.' International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 8 (3). pp. 1-20.

Dalrymple, Mary and Nikolaeva, Irina (2005) 'Nonsubject agreement and discourse roles.' Oxford University Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, 10. pp. 73-94.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2005) 'Global Environmental Governance and the Challenge of Shadow States: The Impact of Illicit Sapphire Mining in Madagascar.' Development and Change, 36 (5). pp. 825-843.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2005) 'The Politics of Global Environmental Governance: The Powers and Limitations of Transfrontier Conservation Areas in Central America.' Review of International Studies, 31 (2). pp. 303-327.

Dolan, Catherine (2005) 'Fields of Obligation: Rooting Ethical Consumption in Kenyan Horticulture.' Journal of Consumer Culture, 5 (3). pp. 365-389.

Dolan, Catherine and Opondo, Maggie (2005) 'Seeking Common Ground: Multistakeholder Initiatives in Kenya’s Cut Flower Industry.' Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 18 (Summer). pp. 87-98.

Driver, Ciaran and Shepherd, David (2005) 'Capacity utilisation and corporate restructuring: a comparative study of the US, UK and other EU countries.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 29 (1). pp. 119-140.


Fell, Dafydd (2005) 'Political and Media Liberalization and Political Corruption in Taiwan.' The China Quarterly, 184. pp. 875-893.

Ferrari, Rossella (2005) 'Anarchy in the PRC: Meng Jinghui and his Adaptation of Dario Fo's Accidental Death of an Anarchist.' Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 17 (2). pp. 1-48.

Flügel, Peter (2005) 'The Invention of Jainism: A Short History of Jaina Studies.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 11. pp. 1-19.

Fell, Dafydd (2005) 'Success and Failure of New Parties in Taiwanese Elections.' China: An International Journal, 3 (2). pp. 212-239.

Fattouh, Bassam (2005) 'Capital Mobility and Sustainability: Evidence from U.S. Current Account Data.' Empirical Economics, 30 (1). pp. 245-253.

Furniss, Graham (2005) 'Video and the Hausa Novella in Nigeria.' Social Identities, 11 (2). pp. 89-112.

Foster, Nicholas HD (2005) 'Foundation Myth as Legal Formant: The Medieval Law Merchant and the New Lex Mercatoria.' Forum Historiae Juris (online journal) (March).

Fattouh, Bassam, Harris, Laurence and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2005) 'Capital Structure in South Korea: A Quantile Regression Approach.' Journal of Development Economics, 76 (1). pp. 231-250.

Fell, Dafydd (2005) 'Measuring and Explaining Party Change in Taiwan: 1991-2004.' Journal of East Asian Studies, 5 (1). pp. 105-33.

Furniss, Graham (2005) 'Sulle implicazioni dell’oralità.' Afriche e Orienti, 4. pp. 10-17.

Furniss, Graham (2005) 'Higher education in Africa: the Commission for Africa.' Review of African Political Economy, 32 (104/105). pp. 446-9.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2005) 'Jingdian zhushi wenben yu liuxing banben de yitong. Yi Siku quanshu ben Huang Kan Lunyu Yishu weili.' Shijie Hanxue [=World Sinology], 3. pp. 198-209.

Frame, Grant and George, Andrew (2005) 'The royal libraries of Nineveh: New evidence for King Ashurbanipal’s tablet collecting.' Iraq, 67 (1). pp. 265-284.

Flügel, Peter (2005) 'Beyond the Hindu Frontier: Jaina-Vaiṣṇava Syncretism in the Gujarātī­ Diaspora I.' International Journal of Tantric Studies, 7 (1). pp. 1-43.

Flügel, Peter (2005) 'Beyond the Hindu Frontier: Jaina-Vaiṣṇava Syncretism in the Gujarātī­ Diaspora II.' International Journal of Tantric Studies, 7 (1). pp. 1-28.

Fine, Ben (2005) 'From Actor-Network Theory to Political Economy.' Capitalism Socialism Nature, 16 (4). pp. 91-108.

Fine, Ben, Petropoulos, Aris and Sato, Hajime (2005) 'Beyond Brenner’s Investment Overhang Hypothesis: The Case of the Steel Industry.' New Political Economy, 10 (1). pp. 43-64.

Fell, Dafydd (2005) 'A Welcome Antidote to National Identity and Cross-Strait Fatigue.' Issues and Studies. An International Quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian Affairs, 41 (4). pp. 256-263.

Fell, Dafydd (2005) 'Democratisation, Liberalisation, and Political Corruption in Taiwan.' The China Quarterly, 184. pp. 875-893.


Groom, Benjamin, Hepburn, C., Koundouri, Phoebe and Pearce, David (2005) 'Declining Discount Rates: The Long and the Short of It.' Environmental and Resource Economics, 32 (4). pp. 445-493.

Gerstle, Andrew (2005) 'The Culture of Play: Kabuki and the Production of Texts.' Oral Tradition, 20 (2). pp. 188-216.

Gorman, Anthony (2005) 'Anarchists in Education: The Free Popular University in Egypt.' Middle Eastern Studies, 41 (3). pp. 303-320.

Gerstle, Andrew (2005) 'Zuhan kaisetsu.' Ukiyo-e geijutsu, 150. 64-5, 69.

Gerstle, Andrew (2005) 'Kamigata yakusha to haikai, kyôkaren: shodai Arashi Rikan to sono hiiki tachi.' Ukiyo-e geijutsu, 150. pp. 6-23.

Gerstle, Andrew (2005) 'Kabuki Heroes on the Osaka Stage: 1780-1830.' Arts of Asia, 3. pp. 87-99.

Gerstle, Andrew (2005) '‘Nichi-ei kôryû: “Ôsaka kabuki-ten – yakusha to toshi bunka”.' Waseda daigaku engeki hakubutsukan, 93. pp. 18-23.

Goodhand, Jonathan (2005) 'Frontiers and Wars: The Opium Economy in Afghanistan.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 5 (2). 191 - 216.

Goodhand, Jonathan (2005) 'Bringing the borderlands back in: A Commentary on 'Selfish Determination'.' Ethnopolitics, 4 (1). 94 - 97.

Garcia-Hamilton Jr, Jose, Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo and Zennarruza, Octavio (2005) 'The Required Threshold to Restructure Sovereign Debt.' Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 27 (2). pp. 249-274.

García-Hamilton, José I., Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo and Zenarruza, Octavio M. (2005) 'Can the Bonds Tendered in the Exchange Offer be Subject to an Injunction? [in Spanish].' La Ley, 69 (78).

Gouse, M., Kirsten, Johann, Shankar, Bhavani and Thirtle, Colin (2005) 'Bt Cotton in KwaZulu Natal: Technological Triumph but Institutional Failure?' Agbiotechnet, 7 (1). pp. 1-7.


Hijjas, Mulaika (2005) 'The Nursemaid’s Tale: Representations of the Inang in Syair Siti Zuhrah and Syair Sultan Mahmud.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 33 (97). pp. 265-279.

Hillenbrand, Margaret (2005) 'Trauma and the Politics of Identity: Form and Function in Fictional Narratives of the February 28th Incident.' Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 17 (2). pp. 49-89.

Harris, Rachel (2005) 'Reggae on the Silk Road: the Globalisation of Uyghur Pop.' The China Quarterly, 183 (1). pp. 627-643.

Hughes, Stephen (2005) 'Mythologicals and Modernity: Contesting Silent Cinema in South India.' Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, 1 (2-3). pp. 207-35.

Hewitt, George (2005) 'The Syntax of Complementation in Abkhaz.' Iran and the Caucasus, 9 (2). pp. 331-79.

Harris, Rachel (2005) 'Wang Luobin: Folksong King of the Northwest or Song Thief? Copyright, Representation and Chinese Folksongs.' Modern China, 31 (3). pp. 381-408.

Harris, Colette (2005) 'Desire versus Horniness: Sexual Relations in the Collectivist Society of Tajikistan.' Social Analysis, 49 (2). pp. 78-95.

Hubacek, Klaus and Sun, Laixiang (2005) 'Economic and Societal Changes in China and their Effects on Water Use A Scenario Analysis.' Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9 (1-2). pp. 187-200.

Hockx, Michel (2005) 'To tong or Not to tong: The Problem of Communication in Modern Chinese Poetics.' Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies, 53 (2005). pp. 261-72.

Hewitt, George (2005) 'North West Caucasian.' Lingua, 115 (1-2). pp. 91-145.

Hughes, Stephen and Meyer, Birgit (2005) 'Introduction: Mediating Religion and Film in a Post-secular World.' Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, 1 (2/3). pp. 149-153.

Hockx, Michel and Strauss, Julia (2005) 'Introduction to The China Quarterly Volume 183.' The China Quarterly, 183. pp. 523-531.

Hockx, Michel (2005) 'Virtual Chinese Literature: A Comparative Case Study of Online Poetry Communities.' The China Quarterly, 183. pp. 670-691.

Hutt, Michael (2005) 'Nepal and Bhutan in 2004: Two Kings, Two Futures.' Asian Survey, 45 (1). pp. 83-87.

Hutt, Michael (2005) 'The Bhutanese refugees: between verification, repatriation and royal realpolitik.' Peace and Democracy in South Asia, 1 (1). pp. 44-55.

Hutt, Michael (2005) 'King Gyanendra's coup and its implications for Nepal's future.' Brown Journal of World Affairs, 12 (1). pp. 111-123.

Harrison, Rachel (2005) 'Cultures of criticism, constructions of femininity and the impossibilities of female desire.' South East Asia Research, 13 (1). pp. 91-111.

Harrison, Rachel (2005) 'Introduction: New Directions in Thai Cultural Studies.' South East Asia Research, 13 (1). pp. 5-6.

Harrison, Rachel (2005) 'Amazing Thai Film: The Rise and Rise of Contemporary Thai Cinema on the International Screen.' Asian Affairs, 36 (3). pp. 321-338.

Hezser, Catherine (2005) '‘Are You Protestant Jews, Or Roman Catholic Jews?’ - Literary Representations of Being Jewish in Ireland.' Modern Judaism, 25 (2). pp. 159-188.

Hill, Nathan W. (2005) 'The verb ‘bri ‘to write’ in Old Tibetan.' Journal of Asian and African Studies, 68. pp. 177-182.

Hill, Nathan W. (2005) 'Once more on the letter འ.' Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 28 (2). pp. 107-137.

Hirschler, Konrad (2005) 'Pre-Eighteenth-Century Traditions of Revivalism: Damascus in the Thirteenth Century.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 68 (2). pp. 195-214.

Hintze, Almut (2005) 'Ahura Mazdā and Angra Mainyu.' The Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition,, 1. pp. 203-204.

Hakimian, Hassan (2005) 'The Domestic Context of Managing the Oil Wealth.' Oxford Energy Forum (64). pp. 5-7.

Heathcote, Gina (2005) 'Article 51 Self-Defense as a Narrative: Spectators and Heroes in International Law Symposium: The Power of Stories: Intersections of Law, Literature, and Culture - Transnational Narratives.' Texas Wesleyan Law Review, 12. p. 131.


Innes, Michael A. (2005) 'Denial-of-Resource Operations and NPFL Radio Dominance in the Liberian Civil War.' Civil Wars, 8 (1). pp. 288-309.

Innes, Michael A. (2005) 'Reading Guerrilla Radio in Wartime Liberia.' Small Wars and Insurgencies, 16 (2). pp. 241-251.

Iwasaki, Noriko (2005) 'A year abroad in Japan: Participants' perspectives.' Association of Teachers of Japanese Occasional Papers (7). pp. 12-24.


Jacobsen, Trudy (2005) 'Paying through the Nose: Punishment in the Cambodian Past and Lessons for the Present.' South East Asia Research, 13 (2). pp. 235-56.

Jefferis, Keith and Smith, Graham (2005) 'The Changing Efficiency of African Stock Markets.' South African Journal of Economics, 73 (1). pp. 54-67.

Jennings, Michael (2005) 'Chinese Medicine and Medical Pluralism in Dar es Salaam: Globalisation or Glocalisation?' International Relations, 19 (4). pp. 457-474.

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