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Number of items: 76.

Li, Defeng (2013) 'Teaching Business Translation: A Task-based Approach.' The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 7 (1). pp. 1-26.

Li, Defeng (2012) Functional Approach to Business Translation. In: Invited talk at University of Macao, Macao.

Li, Defeng (2012) Curriculum Design, Needs Assessment and Translation Pedagogy. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press; Verlag: LAP Lambert.

Li, Defeng (2011) Corpus as a Research Tool in Translation Studies. In: The 1st Lingnan Translation Teaching and Research Conference.

Wang, Qing and Li, Defeng (2011) 'Looking for Translator’s Fingerprints: A Corpus-based Study on Chinese Translations of Ulysses.' Literary and Linguistic Computing, 27 (1). pp. 81-93.

Li, Defeng (2011) Connecting Theory with Practice Translation Teaching. In: Invited talk at the Northeast Forestry University.

Li, Defeng (2011) Contemporary Issues in Translation Studies. In: Invited talk at the Northeast Forestry University.

Li, Defeng (2011) Functional Approach to Translation of Military Texts. In: Invited talk, China PLA Navy Translation Team.

Li, Defeng and Zhang, Chunling (2011) 'Knowledge Structure and Training of Translation Teachers: An Exploratory Study of Doctoral Programmes of Translation Studies In Hong Kong.' Meta: Translators' Journal, 56 (3). pp. 693-712.

Li, Defeng (2011) Reflective Journals in the Learning and Teaching of Translation. In: Invited talk, Haerbin Engineering University.

Li, Defeng (2011) Translation, Dissemination and Reception of Chinese Literature. In: The 2nd Forum on Translation from Chinese into Foreign Languages, Beijing.

Ran, Shiyang and Li, Defeng (2011) '翻译研究的广度延伸.' 中国科技翻译 = Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal, 24 (1). pp. 29-32.

Li, Defeng (2011) Teaching Business Translation: A Social Constructivist Approach. In: The 1st Business Translation Conference.

Li, Defeng, Zhang, Chunling and Liu, Kanglong (2011) 'Translation Style And Ideology:A Corpus-Assisted Analysis Of Two English Translations Of Hongloumeng.' Literary and Linguistic Computing, 26 (2). pp. 153-166.

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2010) 'Specialized Comparable Corpora in Translation Evaluation: A Case Study of English Translations of Chinese Law Firm Advertisements.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Lu, Wei and Li, Defeng (2010) '中国特色的翻译学: 误区还是必然?——兼评《中西翻译思想比较研究》.' 中国科技翻译 = Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal, 23 (2). pp. 11-14.

Li, Defeng and Zhang, Chunling (2010) 'Sense-Making in Corpus-Assisted Translation Research.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 235-254.

Li, Xingyun and Li, Defeng (2009) '流散寫作的社會性別身份研究.' Dongyue Tribune 《東嶽論叢》.

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2009) '評價意義的轉換與小說人物形象的翻譯效果-以《飘》两个译本为例.' Foreign Languages and Foreign Languages Teaching. pp. 44-47.

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2009) 'Research on Translation Teaching: Progress, Problems and Prospects (A).' Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal = 中国科技翻译, 22 (2). pp. 32-34.

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2009) 'Research on Translation Teaching: Progress, Problems and Prospects (B).' Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal = 中国科技翻译, 22 (3). pp. 44-47.

Li, Defeng (2009) Translating Journalistic Texts: Principles and Methods. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2008) '<可比语料量化比较分析与应用文体翻译 
——一项基于自建小型语料库的研究 >.' In: 第18届世界翻译大会论文集. Beijing: 外文出版社, pp. 561-566.

Li, Defeng and Cheng, M. (2007) 'Monologue vs. Dialogue Verbal Reporting: Research Subjects' Perceptions.' Journal of Translation Studies, 10 (1). pp. 43-56.

Li, Defeng (2007) 'Translation Curriculum and Pedagogy. Views of Administrators of Translation Services.' Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 19 (1). pp. 105-33.

Li, Defeng (2007) '跨學科的翻譯學.' In: Munday, Jeremy, (ed.), 翻譯學導論:理論與實踐=Translation of: Introducing translation studies: theories and applications. 北京: 商務出版社; 香港: 香港中文大學出版社.

Li, Defeng (2007) '翻譯學的主要方面.' In: Munday, Jeremy, (ed.), 翻譯學導論:理論與實踐=Translation of: Introducing translation studies: theories and applications. 北京: 商務出版社; 香港: 香港中文大學出版社.

Li, Defeng, Hu, Mu and Li, Li, eds. (2007) Legal Translation. Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press.

Li, Defeng (2007) Translating Financial Texts: Theories and Applications. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Li, Defeng (2007) Translation of 'Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications' by Jeremy Munday. Beijing: Commercial Press; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2006) 'Curriculum Development in Translation Education: A Learner-Centered Approach.' Journal of Foreign Languages (2).

Li, Defeng (2006) 'Making Translation Testing More Teaching-oriented: A Case Study of Translation Testing in China.' Meta: Translators' Journal, 51 (1). pp. 72-88.

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2006) 'Research on Legal Translation: Actuality and Future.' Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal = 中国科技翻译, 19 (3).

Li, Defeng (2006) 'Translators as well as Thinkers: Teaching of Journalistic Translation in Hong Kong.' Meta: Translators' Journal, 51 (3). pp. 611-619.

Li, Defeng (2005) 'Tailoring Translation Programs to Social Needs: A Survey of Professional Translators.' In: Hung, Eva, (ed.), Among the Best: Stephen C Soong Chinese Translation Studies Awards (1999-2004) = 譯學英華: 宋淇翻譯研究論文奬1999-2004文集. Hong Kong: Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Li, Defeng (2005) 'Teaching of specialized translation courses in Hong Kong.' Babel: International Journal of Translation, 51 (1). pp. 62-77.

Li, Defeng (2004) 'Trustworthiness of Think-aloud Protocols in the Study of Translation Process.' International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14 (3). pp. 301-13.

Li, Defeng (2003) 'Compilation of English-Chinese Dictionaries: The User’s Perspective.' Journal of Translation Studies (8).

Li, Defeng (2003) 'Thinking in SL in the Process of Translation.' In: Luo, X., (ed.), Deconstruction and Interpretation. Hefei, China: Anhui Press of Literature and Arts, pp. 37-45.

Li, Defeng (2003) 'Translation and Standardization of Neologisms.' Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal = 中国科技翻译, 16 (3). pp. 21-24.

Li, Defeng (2003) 'Translator Training: A Survey of Administrators of Translation Agencies.' In: Hassan, Abdullah, (ed.), Terjemahan dalam Bidang Pendidikan. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

Li, Defeng (2002) '三十週年話統一.' In: 英華薈萃: 香港中文大學翻譯系三十週年紀念文集. 香港: 香港中文大學翻譯系.

Li, Defeng (2002) 'Information Technology in Translator Training: Reflections on an Aborted Comprehensibility Test of Machine-translated Texts.' In: Chan, Sin-wai, (ed.), Translation and Information Technology. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Li, Defeng (2002) 'Teaching Information Technology in Translator Training Programs in Hong Kong.' ATA Chronicle, 31 (29).

Li, Defeng (2002) 'Teaching of Specialized Translation Courses in Hong Kong: A Curricular Analysis.' In: English Language Teaching and Translation for the 21st Century. Macau: Macau Polytechnic Institute, pp. 476-490.

Li, Defeng (2002) 'Translator Training: What Translation Students Have to Say.' Meta: Translators' Journal, 47 (4). pp. 513-531.

Li, Defeng (2001) 'Translation of Meaning: A Philosophical Discussion.' Journal of Translation Studies (5). pp. 39-50.

Li, Defeng (2001) 'Adaptive Translation of International News from English into Chinese: An Exploration of Methods.' Journal of Translation Studies, 6. pp. 47-60.

Li, Defeng (2001) 'Language Teaching in Translator Training.' Babel: International Journal of Translation, 47 (4). pp. 343-354.

Li, Defeng (2001) 'Needs Assessment in Translation Teaching: Making Translator Training More Responsive to Social Needs.' Babel: International Journal of Translation, 46 (4). pp. 289-299.

Li, Defeng (2001) 'Teachers' Perceived Difficulties in Introducing the Communicative Approach in South Korea.' In: Hall, David R. and Hewings, Ann, (eds.), Innovation in English language teaching: A reader. London; New York: Routledge in association with Macquarie University and The Open University, pp. 149-165. (Teaching English language worldwide)

Li, Defeng (2001) 'Thought and Translation.' In: On Translation. Guangzhou: World Chinese Press.

Li, Defeng (2001) 'Translator Training: What professional translators can tell us.' In: Chan, Sin-wai, (ed.), Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Li, Defeng (2000) 'Tailoring Translation Programs to Social Needs: A Survey of Professional Translators.' Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 12 (1). pp. 127-149.

Li, Defeng and Chan, Lilin (2000) 'Translation of International News in Hong Kong: A Brief Survey.' Foreign Languages and Translation = 外語敎學與翻譯.

Li, Defeng (1999) 'Connecting Theory with Practice: A Critical Inquiry into the Teaching of Translation Theory.' Translation Quarterly (11/12). pp. 191-206.

Li, Defeng (1999) 'Modernization and Teacher Education in China.' Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 15 (2). pp. 179-192.

Li, Defeng (1999) 'Reflective Journals in Translation Teaching.' Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 6 (2). pp. 225-234.

Li, Defeng (1999) 'A Supplement to Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary.' In: Hornby, Albert Sydney, (ed.), Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.

Li, Defeng (1999) 'Teaching Commercial Translation in Hong Kong: Problems and Perspectives.' Babel: International Journal of Translation, 45 (3).

Li, Defeng (1999) 'Teaching of Commercial Translation in Hong Kong: A Personal Reflection.' CUHK Translation Bulletin.

Li, Defeng and Lin, Shuwu (1999) 'Thought, Comprehension and Translation.' Foreign Languages and Translation = 外語敎學與翻譯.

Li, Defeng (1998) 'It’s Always More Difficult than You Plan and Imagine: Teachers’ Perceived Difficulties in Introducing the Communicative Approach.' TESOL Quarterly, 32 (4). pp. 677-703.

Li, Defeng (1998) 'Teaching of Commercial Translation in Hong Kong.' In: Asian Babel. Seoul: Korean Society of Translators, pp. 123-132.

Lu, Jun and Li, Defeng (1994) English vs. Chinese Translation: Theory and Practice. Nanjing: Hohai University Press.

Li, Defeng (1993) 'Choice of Words in Translation From English into Chinese.' Journal of Independent Learning.

Li, Defeng, ed. (1993) An English Speaking Course for College Students. Nanjing: Hohai University Press.

Li, Defeng (1990) '對漢譯英實用詞匯集錦的幾點商榷.' 南京師範大學學報 = Nanjing shi da xue bao.

Li, Defeng and Xia, Yafeng (1990) 美國歷屆總統夫人傳 = Meiguo li jie zong tong fu ren chuan. Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House.

Li, Defeng (1989) '談談“負責處理”一詞的英譯問題.' 南京師範大學學報 = Nanjing shi da xue bao.

Li, Defeng, ed. 《中大譯訊》(第五期 ──第十六期). Hong Kong: Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Li, Defeng 'If you could lead another worldly life.' Vancouver: True Buddha News.

Li, Defeng 'Living Buddha Lian-Sheng On Current Phenomena (I).' Vancouver: True Buddha News.

Li, Defeng 'Living Buddha Lian-Sheng On Current Phenomena (II).' Vancouver: True Buddha News.

Li, Defeng 'Living Buddha Lian-Sheng On Current Phenomena (III).' Vancouver: True Buddha News.

Li, Defeng Translating Commercial Texts. Taiwan: Bookman. (Forthcoming)

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