Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Ames, Catherine (2018) A Festival of Mysticism : Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, Narrative Form and the Politics of Subject Formation. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Barnes-Sadler, Simon (2018) 'Dialectometric Approaches to Korean.' In: Funakoshi, Kenshi, Kawahara, Shigeto and Tancredi, Christopher D., (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 24. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Japanese/Korean Linguistics)
Barnes-Sadler, Simon (2018) 'A Digital Humanities Approach to Inter-Korean Linguistic Divergence: Stylometric Analysis of ROK and DPRK Journalistic Texts.' S/N Korean Humanities, 4 (1). pp. 127-153.
Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Method Directors. Susumu Hani and Yasujirō Ozu: a Comparative Approach across Paradigms.' In: Becker, Andreas, (ed.), Yasujirô Ozu and the Aesthetics of his Time. Darmstadt: Büchner-Verlag, pp. 125-152.
Harumi, Seiko (2018) 'The facilitative role of reflective approaches to developing interactional competence in EFL contexts.' In: MacKay, Jessica, Birello, Marilisa and Xerri, Daniel, (eds.), ELT Research in Action: Bridging the Gap between Research and Classroom Practice. UK: IATEFL, pp. 105-110.
Bodt, Tim (2018) Duhumbi Storybook. New Delhi: Monpasang Publications.
Bodt, Tim, List, Johann-Mattis and Hill, Nathan W. (2018) Prediction experiment for missing words in Kho-Bwa language data. Charlottesville, VA: Open Science Framework Preregistrations.
Bruno, Cosima (2018) 'Dog Barking at the Moon: Transcreation of a Meme in Art and Poetry.' Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, 14 (2). pp. 161-186.
Bruno, Cosima (2018) 'Experimental and Opaque Poetry: Bei Dao, Shu Ting, Gu Cheng, and Others.' In: Gu, Ming Dong, (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 491-501.
Bruno, Cosima (2018) 'Thinking Other People's Thoughts: Brian Holton's Translations from Classical Chinese into Scots.' Translation and Literature, 27 (3). pp. 306-318.
Fuehrer, Bernhard and Liu, Yangruxin (2018) '國家權利與儒家經典:論孟子節文與明太祖處理真理的方法.' In: Cai, Changlin, (ed.), Lin Qingzhang jiaoshou qi zhi huadan shouqing lunwenji 林慶彰七秩華誕壽慶論文集. Taipei: Wanjuanlou, pp. 333-345.
Centeno, Marcos and Morita, Nori, eds. (2018) Special Issue "Japanese Transnational Cinema". Basel: MDPI. (Arts, September 2018)
Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Contextualising N. G. Munro’s filming of the Ainu Bear Ceremony.' Japan Society Proceedings, 154. pp. 90-106.
Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Failures of the Image: Backstage Look at the Early Film Portrayals of the Ainu People.' Orientalia Parthenopea (17). pp. 189-211.
Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'The Limits of Fiction: Politics and Absent Scenes in Susumu Hani’s Bad Boys (Furyōshōnen, 1960). A Film Re-reading through its Script.' Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 10. pp. 1-15.
Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Method Directors. Susumu Hani and Yasujirō Ozu: a Comparative Approach across Paradigms.' In: Becker, Andreas, (ed.), Yasujirô Ozu and the Aesthetics of his Time. Darmstadt: Büchner-Verlag, pp. 125-152.
Centeno, Marcos (2018) Re-editing the Pacific War in Franco Newsreels (1941-1945). London: The Second World War Research Group, Kings College.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2018) 'Politics of Repositioning and State Spatiality: From ‘Xiangtu China’ to ‘Oceanic Taiwan’.' In: Storm, Carsten, (ed.), Connecting Taiwan: Participation – Integration – Impacts. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 41-60. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
Chen, Jiani (2018) Misty Flowers in a Floating World : Images of Courtesans in Ming Dynasty Nanjing. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:
Cheuk, Michael Ka Chi (2018) 'The Lazy Element: LMF and the Localization of Hip Hop Authenticity.' In: Polley, Jason S., Poon, Vinton W.K. and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Cultural Conflict in Hong Kong. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 149-166.
Cheuk, Michael Ka-chi (2018) Escape from Censorship : The Aesthetics of Reflexivity in Gao Xingjian’s Pre-Nobel Plays. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:
Odanaka, Akihiro and Cummings, Alan, trans. (2018) Notes on "Yoshitsune and The Thousand Cherry Trees: A Reading". 日本演劇学会英文紀要, 1 (1). Japan: Japanese Society For Theatre Research. pp. 3-11.
Uchiyama, Mikiko and Cummings, Alan, trans. (2018) Yoshitsune and The Thousand Cherry Trees: A Reading. 日本演劇学会英文紀要, 1 (1). Japan: Japanese Society For Theatre Research. pp. 12-26.
Dodd, Stephen (2018) '“Itō Sei ‘Yūki no machi’ ni okeru shokuminchi shugi no kōzō”.' In: Hidaka, Y and Nishikawa, A, (eds.), Kenchiku no kindai bungaku shi. Tokyo, Japan: Bensei shuppan, pp. 47-65.
Dodd, Stephen (2018) 'Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki.' In: Shibata, Shōji, (ed.), Sekai no naka no Shiki, Sōseki to kindai Nihon. Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp. 120-136.
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Fuehrer, Bernhard and Liu, Yangruxin (2018) '國家權利與儒家經典:論孟子節文與明太祖處理真理的方法.' In: Cai, Changlin, (ed.), Lin Qingzhang jiaoshou qi zhi huadan shouqing lunwenji 林慶彰七秩華誕壽慶論文集. Taipei: Wanjuanlou, pp. 333-345.
Barnes-Sadler, Simon (2018) 'Dialectometric Approaches to Korean.' In: Funakoshi, Kenshi, Kawahara, Shigeto and Tancredi, Christopher D., (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 24. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Japanese/Korean Linguistics)
Hayakawa, Monta and Gerstle, Andrew (2018) Onna dairaku takara-beki (Great pleasures for women and their treasure boxes), (Tsukioka Settei 3 "Onna dairaku takara-beki' : Kinsei enpon shiryō shūsei VI (Collected Erotic Texts of the Early Modern Period VI). Kyoto, Japan: International Research Center for Japanese Studies. (Kinsei enpon shiryō shūsei VI (Collected Erotic Texts of the Early Modern Period VI)
Bruno, Cosima (2018) 'Experimental and Opaque Poetry: Bei Dao, Shu Ting, Gu Cheng, and Others.' In: Gu, Ming Dong, (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 491-501.
Harumi, Seiko (2018) 'The facilitative role of reflective approaches to developing interactional competence in EFL contexts.' In: MacKay, Jessica, Birello, Marilisa and Xerri, Daniel, (eds.), ELT Research in Action: Bridging the Gap between Research and Classroom Practice. UK: IATEFL, pp. 105-110.
Hayakawa, Monta and Gerstle, Andrew (2018) Onna dairaku takara-beki (Great pleasures for women and their treasure boxes), (Tsukioka Settei 3 "Onna dairaku takara-beki' : Kinsei enpon shiryō shūsei VI (Collected Erotic Texts of the Early Modern Period VI). Kyoto, Japan: International Research Center for Japanese Studies. (Kinsei enpon shiryō shūsei VI (Collected Erotic Texts of the Early Modern Period VI)
Dodd, Stephen (2018) '“Itō Sei ‘Yūki no machi’ ni okeru shokuminchi shugi no kōzō”.' In: Hidaka, Y and Nishikawa, A, (eds.), Kenchiku no kindai bungaku shi. Tokyo, Japan: Bensei shuppan, pp. 47-65.
Bodt, Tim, List, Johann-Mattis and Hill, Nathan W. (2018) Prediction experiment for missing words in Kho-Bwa language data. Charlottesville, VA: Open Science Framework Preregistrations.
Hill, Nathan W. (2018) 'གནའ་བོའི་བོད་སྐད་ཀྱི་ངེས་བཟུང་གི་མིང་ལ་དཔྱད་པ་.' མཚོ་སྔོན་མི་རིགས་སློབ་ཆེན་རིག་དེབ་, 2018 (4). pp. 114-125.
Miles, James, Miyake, Marc and Hill, Nathan W. (2018) 'The use of Reflectance Transformation Imaging in the recording and analyses of Burmese Pyu inscriptions.' Archaeological Research in Asia, 16. pp. 130-138.
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Judge, Connor (2018) 'What does the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor mean for Mongolia?'
Barnes-Sadler, Simon (2018) 'Dialectometric Approaches to Korean.' In: Funakoshi, Kenshi, Kawahara, Shigeto and Tancredi, Christopher D., (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 24. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Japanese/Korean Linguistics)
Kim, Kyeongsoo (2018) A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Bridging Cultural Barriers in Translating Implicit Features of Korean Fiction into English. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:
Kirsch, Griseldis (2018) 'Japan and its Other II - Caught between Asia and 'the West'?' Asia Dialogue: The Online Magazine of the University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute . University of Nottingham: Nottingham.
Kirsch, Griseldis (2018) 'Japan and the Other - Its (not-so-)hidden minorities.' Asia Dialogue: The Online Magazine of the University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute . Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
Kirsch, Griseldis (2018) 'Review of: Yoneyama, Lisa. Cold War ruins: transpacific critique of American justice and Japanese war crimes. Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 2016.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 24 (2). pp. 422-423.
Lee, Eugene (2018) Between identity and difference : othering, bordering and the self-fashioning of the reading public in late Choson travel writing. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:
Bodt, Tim, List, Johann-Mattis and Hill, Nathan W. (2018) Prediction experiment for missing words in Kho-Bwa language data. Charlottesville, VA: Open Science Framework Preregistrations.
Fuehrer, Bernhard and Liu, Yangruxin (2018) '國家權利與儒家經典:論孟子節文與明太祖處理真理的方法.' In: Cai, Changlin, (ed.), Lin Qingzhang jiaoshou qi zhi huadan shouqing lunwenji 林慶彰七秩華誕壽慶論文集. Taipei: Wanjuanlou, pp. 333-345.
Liu, Yangruxin (2018) '“Book Review: Patricia Buckley Ebrey and Susan Shih-Shan Huang (eds.): Visual and Material Cultures in Middle Period China (Leiden: Brill, 2017)”.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 81 (2). pp. 389-390.
Liu, Yangruxin, trans. (2018) “Guojia quanli yu Rujia jingdian” 國家權力與儒家經典 (State Power and the Confucian Classics) by Bernhard Fuehrer. Lin Ching-chang jiaoshou qi zhi huadan shouqing lunwenji 林慶彰教授七秩華誔壽慶論文集 . Taipei: Wanjuanlou tushu gufen youxiangongsi. pp. 333-345.
Harumi, Seiko (2018) 'The facilitative role of reflective approaches to developing interactional competence in EFL contexts.' In: MacKay, Jessica, Birello, Marilisa and Xerri, Daniel, (eds.), ELT Research in Action: Bridging the Gap between Research and Classroom Practice. UK: IATEFL, pp. 105-110.
Miles, James, Miyake, Marc and Hill, Nathan W. (2018) 'The use of Reflectance Transformation Imaging in the recording and analyses of Burmese Pyu inscriptions.' Archaeological Research in Asia, 16. pp. 130-138.
Miles, James, Miyake, Marc and Hill, Nathan W. (2018) 'The use of Reflectance Transformation Imaging in the recording and analyses of Burmese Pyu inscriptions.' Archaeological Research in Asia, 16. pp. 130-138.
Centeno, Marcos and Morita, Nori, eds. (2018) Special Issue "Japanese Transnational Cinema". Basel: MDPI. (Arts, September 2018)
Dodd, Stephen (2018) '“Itō Sei ‘Yūki no machi’ ni okeru shokuminchi shugi no kōzō”.' In: Hidaka, Y and Nishikawa, A, (eds.), Kenchiku no kindai bungaku shi. Tokyo, Japan: Bensei shuppan, pp. 47-65.
Odanaka, Akihiro and Cummings, Alan, trans. (2018) Notes on "Yoshitsune and The Thousand Cherry Trees: A Reading". 日本演劇学会英文紀要, 1 (1). Japan: Japanese Society For Theatre Research. pp. 3-11.
Cheuk, Michael Ka Chi (2018) 'The Lazy Element: LMF and the Localization of Hip Hop Authenticity.' In: Polley, Jason S., Poon, Vinton W.K. and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Cultural Conflict in Hong Kong. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 149-166.
Cheuk, Michael Ka Chi (2018) 'The Lazy Element: LMF and the Localization of Hip Hop Authenticity.' In: Polley, Jason S., Poon, Vinton W.K. and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Cultural Conflict in Hong Kong. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 149-166.
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Dodd, Stephen (2018) 'Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki.' In: Shibata, Shōji, (ed.), Sekai no naka no Shiki, Sōseki to kindai Nihon. Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp. 120-136.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2018) 'Politics of Repositioning and State Spatiality: From ‘Xiangtu China’ to ‘Oceanic Taiwan’.' In: Storm, Carsten, (ed.), Connecting Taiwan: Participation – Integration – Impacts. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 41-60. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Barnes-Sadler, Simon (2018) 'Dialectometric Approaches to Korean.' In: Funakoshi, Kenshi, Kawahara, Shigeto and Tancredi, Christopher D., (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 24. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Japanese/Korean Linguistics)
Uchiyama, Mikiko and Cummings, Alan, trans. (2018) Yoshitsune and The Thousand Cherry Trees: A Reading. 日本演劇学会英文紀要, 1 (1). Japan: Japanese Society For Theatre Research. pp. 12-26.
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Allen, William, Anderson, Bridget, Van Hear, Nicholas, Sumption, Madeleine, Duvell, Franck, Hough, Jennifer, Rose, Lena, Humphris, Rachel and Walker, Sarah (2018) 'Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance.' Geopolitics, 23 (1). pp. 217-243.
Cheuk, Michael Ka Chi (2018) 'The Lazy Element: LMF and the Localization of Hip Hop Authenticity.' In: Polley, Jason S., Poon, Vinton W.K. and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Cultural Conflict in Hong Kong. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 149-166.
Harumi, Seiko (2018) 'The facilitative role of reflective approaches to developing interactional competence in EFL contexts.' In: MacKay, Jessica, Birello, Marilisa and Xerri, Daniel, (eds.), ELT Research in Action: Bridging the Gap between Research and Classroom Practice. UK: IATEFL, pp. 105-110.
Yeon, Jaehoon (2018) The development of Korean language teaching materials over twenty years: From Teach Yourself Korean (1997) to Speed Up Your Korean (2016) [in Korean]. In: The 28th International Conference on Korean Language Education, July 6-7, 2018, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.