Jaspars, Susanne, Buchanan‐Smith, Margie and Adam Abdul‐Jalil, Musa (2021) 'Darfuri Journeys to Europe: Causes, Risks and Humanitarian Abandonment.' International Migration Review, 59 (3). pp. 63-78.
Adams, Kathleen (2021) 'Identity, Heritage, and Memorialization: The Toraja Tongkonan of Indonesia.' In: Gerritsen, Anne and Riello, Giorgio, (eds.), Writing Material Culture History, 2nd Edition. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 105-112.
Adams, Kathleen, Choe, Jaeyeon, Mostafanezhad, Mary and Phi, Giang (2021) '(Post-) Pandemic Tourism Resiliency: Southeast Asian Lives and Livelihoods in Limbo.' Tourism Geographies, 23 (4). pp. 915-936.
Adler, Jeremy and Fardon, Richard (2021) Franz Baermann Stainer: a stranger in the world. New York and Oxford: Berghahn. (Methodology and History in Anthropology)
Salih, Ruba (2021) 'Scars of the mind: Trauma, Gender and Counter-memories of the Nakba.' In: Allan, Diana, (ed.), Voices of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine. London: Pluto Press, pp. 255-275.
Marchand, Trevor H.J., Aslan, Zaki, de Marco, Luisa, Hadzimuhamedovic, Amra, Kono, Toshiyuki and Lavenir, Marie-Laure (2021) ICOMOS-ICCROM Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction, 3 volumes. Sharjah and Paris: ICCROM (Regional Office Sharjah) and ICOMOS.
Axelby, Richard and Bulgheroni, Maura (2021) 'Old Ways and New Routes: Climate threats and adaptive possibilities in the Indian Himalayas.' In: Natarajan, Nithya and Parsons, Laurie, (eds.), Climate Change in the Global Workplace: Labour, Adaptation and Resistance. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)
Kaur, Jastinder, Crewe, Emma, Axelby, Richard, Thitsar, Myat Thet, Tadesse, Sewit and Massoumian, Amir (2021) International Research Coalitions: UK universities learning to be better partners. London: Global Research Network on Parliaments and People.
de Barros, Antonio Teixeira, Bernardes, Cristiane Brum, de Faria, Cristiano Ferri Soares and Busanello, Elisabete (2021) 'Digital Mandates and Their Management: Strategies for Usage of Social Media by Brazilian Federal Legislators.' Parliamentary Affairs, 75 (4). pp. 887-903.
Simpson, Edward (2021) 'Dharamsey: Assembler of Tradition.' In: Bjorkman, Lisa, (ed.), Bombay Brokers. Durham NC: Duke University Press, pp. 278-285.
Jaspars, Susanne, Buchanan‐Smith, Margie and Adam Abdul‐Jalil, Musa (2021) 'Darfuri Journeys to Europe: Causes, Risks and Humanitarian Abandonment.' International Migration Review, 59 (3). pp. 63-78.
Axelby, Richard and Bulgheroni, Maura (2021) 'Old Ways and New Routes: Climate threats and adaptive possibilities in the Indian Himalayas.' In: Natarajan, Nithya and Parsons, Laurie, (eds.), Climate Change in the Global Workplace: Labour, Adaptation and Resistance. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)
de Barros, Antonio Teixeira, Bernardes, Cristiane Brum, de Faria, Cristiano Ferri Soares and Busanello, Elisabete (2021) 'Digital Mandates and Their Management: Strategies for Usage of Social Media by Brazilian Federal Legislators.' Parliamentary Affairs, 75 (4). pp. 887-903.
Campbell, John (2021) 'The limitations of international law at the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission and its implications for future conflict.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 15 (4). pp. 604-623.
Srivastava, Sanjay (2021) 'Spatial Politics: Sociality, "Transparency" and Ideas of Community in Delhi and Gurgaon.' In: Chakravorty, Sanjoy and Neelanjan, Sircar, (eds.), Colossus: The Anatomy of India’s National Capital Region. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 290-310. (South Asia in the Social Sciences)
Chappel, Tim, Fardon, Richard and Piepel, Klaus (2021) Surviving Works: context in Verre arts. ISCA, University of Oxford: Vestiges: traces of record.
Adams, Kathleen, Choe, Jaeyeon, Mostafanezhad, Mary and Phi, Giang (2021) '(Post-) Pandemic Tourism Resiliency: Southeast Asian Lives and Livelihoods in Limbo.' Tourism Geographies, 23 (4). pp. 915-936.
Clifford Collard, Niamh Jane (2021) '“Things should be better”: immobility, labour and the negotiation of hope amongst young Ghanaian craftsmen.' Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 39 (5). pp. 810-826.
Were, Graeme (2021) 'Imagining maritime conflict landscapes: Reactive exhibitions, sovereignty, and representation in Vietnam.' In: Saunders, Nicholas J. and Cornish, Paul, (eds.), Conflict Landscapes: Materiality and Meaning in Contested Place. London: Routledge, pp. 311-324.
Crewe, Emma (2021) An Anthropology of Parliaments: Entanglements in Democratic Politics. London: Routledge.
Crewe, Emma (2021) 'An Ethnography of Parliamentary Ethnographers: riffs, rhythms and rituals in their research.' Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 10 (3). pp. 337-345.
Crewe, Emma (2021) 'Reluctant Anthropologists: Revealing but Rare Insights into Legislatures.' PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review.
Crewe, Emma (2021) 'Rhythms, riffs, and rituals in political parties: An anthropological view of complex coalitions.' Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 21 (1). pp. 187-198.
Crewe, Emma and Mowles, Chris (2021) 'Audit as political struggle: the doxa of managerialism clashing with the uncertainty of real life.' Development in Practice, 31 (3). pp. 368-379.
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2021) 'Constituency Performances: the “heart” of democratic politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M., Gluhovic, Milija, Jestrovic, Silvija and Saward, Michael, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Kaur, Jastinder, Crewe, Emma, Axelby, Richard, Thitsar, Myat Thet, Tadesse, Sewit and Massoumian, Amir (2021) International Research Coalitions: UK universities learning to be better partners. London: Global Research Network on Parliaments and People.
Srivastava, Sanjay (2021) 'Voice, Gender and Space in the Time of the Five-Year Plans: The Idea of Lata Mangeshkar.' In: Dave, Ranjana, (ed.), Improvised Futures. Encountering the Body in Performance. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 163-182. (India Since the 90s)
Dolan, Catherine, Huang, Juli and Gordon, Claire (2021) 'The ambiguity of mutuality: discourse and power in corporate value regimes.' Dialectical Anthropology, 45. pp. 9-27.
Roll, Kate, Dolan, Catherine and Rajak, Dinah (2021) 'Remote (dis)engagement: Shifting Corporate Risk to the 'Bottom of the Pyramid'.' Development and Change, 52 (4). pp. 878-901.
Adler, Jeremy and Fardon, Richard (2021) Franz Baermann Stainer: a stranger in the world. New York and Oxford: Berghahn. (Methodology and History in Anthropology)
Chappel, Tim, Fardon, Richard and Piepel, Klaus (2021) Surviving Works: context in Verre arts. ISCA, University of Oxford: Vestiges: traces of record.
Fardon, Richard and Furniss, Graham (2021) 'The histories of an enlightened ruler: Malam Muhamman Bitemya Sambo, Garbosa II of Donga, Central Nigeria.' Vestiges: Traces of Record, 7 (2). pp. 28-61.
Fardon, Richard and Kuba, Richard (2021) 'Adding Colour to Und Afrika Sprach: Carl Arriens’ Image and Leo Frobenius’ Text.' Bérose: Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l’anthropologie. pp. 1-37.
Furniss, Graham and Fardon, Richard, trans. (2021) History and Customs of the Chamba M. S. Garbosa II (Gara Donga). Vestiges: Traces of Record, 7 (2). ISCA University of Oxford: Vestiges: Traces of Record. pp. 62-159.
Were, Graeme (2021) 'Returned not Remade: Visuality, Authority and Potentiality of Digital Objects in a Melanesian Society.' In: Fortis, Paolo and Küchler, Susanne, (eds.), Time and Its Object: A Perspective from Amerindian and Melanesian Societies on the Temporality of Images. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology)
Fardon, Richard and Furniss, Graham (2021) 'The histories of an enlightened ruler: Malam Muhamman Bitemya Sambo, Garbosa II of Donga, Central Nigeria.' Vestiges: Traces of Record, 7 (2). pp. 28-61.
Furniss, Graham and Fardon, Richard, trans. (2021) History and Customs of the Chamba M. S. Garbosa II (Gara Donga). Vestiges: Traces of Record, 7 (2). ISCA University of Oxford: Vestiges: Traces of Record. pp. 62-159.
Adams, Kathleen (2021) 'Identity, Heritage, and Memorialization: The Toraja Tongkonan of Indonesia.' In: Gerritsen, Anne and Riello, Giorgio, (eds.), Writing Material Culture History, 2nd Edition. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 105-112.
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2021) 'Constituency Performances: the “heart” of democratic politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M., Gluhovic, Milija, Jestrovic, Silvija and Saward, Michael, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Gohel, Himalay (2021) 'Review of: Shah, Alpa. Nightmarch: among India's revolutionary guerrillas. xxii, 320 pp., map, illus., bibliogr. London: Hurst Publishers, 2018. £20.00 (cloth).' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 27 (4). pp. 1005-1006.
Dolan, Catherine, Huang, Juli and Gordon, Claire (2021) 'The ambiguity of mutuality: discourse and power in corporate value regimes.' Dialectical Anthropology, 45. pp. 9-27.
Marchand, Trevor H.J., Aslan, Zaki, de Marco, Luisa, Hadzimuhamedovic, Amra, Kono, Toshiyuki and Lavenir, Marie-Laure (2021) ICOMOS-ICCROM Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction, 3 volumes. Sharjah and Paris: ICCROM (Regional Office Sharjah) and ICOMOS.
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) An Interfaith Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Cambridge Festival Panel, 2021. In: Panel: An Interfaith Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Cambridge Festival 2021), 30 March 2021, Online.
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) 'Locating Pandemic Grief in Sarajevo: Georgic Notes Against Self-Isolating Regimes.' Forum Bosnae, 91-92. pp. 308-326.
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) 'My Grandmother Drank the Qur’an: Liquid Readings and Permeable Bodies in Bosnia.' CounterText (Special Issue: Theologies of Reading), 7 (1). pp. 73-89.
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) Shared Sacred: Landscapes of Religious Plurality: Exhibition of Anthropological Photography. [Shows/Exhibitions]
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) Spatio-Temporal Proximities: Bosnian Dinaric Karst after Unhoming Ruptures (Cambridge Interfaith Programme Research Seminar). In: Cambridge Interfaith Programme (CIP) Research Seminar 2020/21, 30 October 2020, Online.
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) Waiting to Wait: Exiled Time, Sacred Landscapes and Struggles to Return in the Bosnian Dinaric Highlands (SOAS Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies Seminar Series 2020/21). In: SOAS Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies Seminar Series 2020/21, 18 November 2020, Online.
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) Welcome to the International Symposium "The Khiḍr Dialogues: Leaps of Faith, Religious Encounters & Shared Sacred Landscapes" and Inauguration of the Shared Sacred Landscapes Exhibition. In: The Khiḍr Dialogues: Leaps of Faith, Religious Encounters & Shared Sacred Landscapes International Symposium & Shared Sacred Landscapes Exhibition, 6 May 2021, Online.
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) What can different religions share? (Cambridge in Your Classroom). University of Cambridge. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INQt4XYjeG4.
Rankin, Katharine and Simpson, Edward (2021) 'Roads and the politics of thought: Climate in India, democracy in Nepal.' In: Heslop, Luke and Murton, Galen, (eds.), Highways and Hierarchies: Ethnographies of Mobility from the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 197-220. (New Mobilities in Asia)
Dolan, Catherine, Huang, Juli and Gordon, Claire (2021) 'The ambiguity of mutuality: discourse and power in corporate value regimes.' Dialectical Anthropology, 45. pp. 9-27.
Janowski, Monica (2021) 'Prey into kin: the cosmological role of the pig in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak.' Anthropozoologica, 56 (11). pp. 167-180.
Janson, Marloes (2021) Crossing Religious Boundaries: Islam, Christianity, and 'Yoruba Religion' in Lagos, Nigeria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The International African Library)
Jaspars, Susanne (2021) 'Protracted crisis, food security and the fantasy of resilience in Sudan.' Security Dialogue, 52 (3). pp. 195-212.
Jaspars, Susanne, Buchanan‐Smith, Margie and Adam Abdul‐Jalil, Musa (2021) 'Darfuri Journeys to Europe: Causes, Risks and Humanitarian Abandonment.' International Migration Review, 59 (3). pp. 63-78.
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2021) 'Constituency Performances: the “heart” of democratic politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M., Gluhovic, Milija, Jestrovic, Silvija and Saward, Michael, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Kaur, Jastinder (2021) 'Towards an anthropology of coups.' Allegra - A Virtual Lab of Legal Anthropology.
Kaur, Jastinder, Crewe, Emma, Axelby, Richard, Thitsar, Myat Thet, Tadesse, Sewit and Massoumian, Amir (2021) International Research Coalitions: UK universities learning to be better partners. London: Global Research Network on Parliaments and People.
Marchand, Trevor H.J., Aslan, Zaki, de Marco, Luisa, Hadzimuhamedovic, Amra, Kono, Toshiyuki and Lavenir, Marie-Laure (2021) ICOMOS-ICCROM Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction, 3 volumes. Sharjah and Paris: ICCROM (Regional Office Sharjah) and ICOMOS.
Krishnakumar, Jo (2021) 'Review of: Independent filmmaking in Southeast Asia: conversations with filmmakers on building, and sustaining a creative career by Nico Meissner.' Media Practice and Education, 22 .
Menon, Annapurna, Nandan, Arshita and Krishnakumar, Jo (2021) Differences Empowering Solidarity: Notes from a Workshop. University of Westminster Blog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Fardon, Richard and Kuba, Richard (2021) 'Adding Colour to Und Afrika Sprach: Carl Arriens’ Image and Leo Frobenius’ Text.' Bérose: Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l’anthropologie. pp. 1-37.
Were, Graeme (2021) 'Returned not Remade: Visuality, Authority and Potentiality of Digital Objects in a Melanesian Society.' In: Fortis, Paolo and Küchler, Susanne, (eds.), Time and Its Object: A Perspective from Amerindian and Melanesian Societies on the Temporality of Images. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology)
Marchand, Trevor H.J., Aslan, Zaki, de Marco, Luisa, Hadzimuhamedovic, Amra, Kono, Toshiyuki and Lavenir, Marie-Laure (2021) ICOMOS-ICCROM Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction, 3 volumes. Sharjah and Paris: ICCROM (Regional Office Sharjah) and ICOMOS.
Marsh, Ian, Marzano, Lisa, Mosse, David and Mackenzie, Jay-Marie (2021) 'First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway.' BJPsych Open, 7 (e39). pp. 1-7.
Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2021) "Craftwork is not the Easy Option": interview with Trevor H.J. Marchand. ZDH Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2021) The Pursuit of Pleasurable Work: Craftwork in Twenty-First Century England. New York: Berghahn. (New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations)
Marchand, Trevor H.J., Aslan, Zaki, de Marco, Luisa, Hadzimuhamedovic, Amra, Kono, Toshiyuki and Lavenir, Marie-Laure (2021) ICOMOS-ICCROM Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction, 3 volumes. Sharjah and Paris: ICCROM (Regional Office Sharjah) and ICOMOS.
Marsh, Ian, Marzano, Lisa, Mosse, David and Mackenzie, Jay-Marie (2021) 'First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway.' BJPsych Open, 7 (e39). pp. 1-7.
Marsh, Ian, Marzano, Lisa, Mosse, David and Mackenzie, Jay-Marie (2021) 'First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway.' BJPsych Open, 7 (e39). pp. 1-7.
Masoudi Nejad, Reza (2021) 'Ashura.' Oxford Bibliographies in Islamic Studies . Oxford University Press.
Masoudi Nejad, Reza (2021) 'Urban Anthropological Experiences in Iran and India.' In: Rahmani, Jabar, (ed.), Iranian Ethnography: one context, multiple imaginings. Tehran: Institute for Social and Cultural Studies Press, pp. 89-136.
Kaur, Jastinder, Crewe, Emma, Axelby, Richard, Thitsar, Myat Thet, Tadesse, Sewit and Massoumian, Amir (2021) International Research Coalitions: UK universities learning to be better partners. London: Global Research Network on Parliaments and People.
Menon, Annapurna, Nandan, Arshita and Krishnakumar, Jo (2021) Differences Empowering Solidarity: Notes from a Workshop. University of Westminster Blog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Marsh, Ian, Marzano, Lisa, Mosse, David and Mackenzie, Jay-Marie (2021) 'First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway.' BJPsych Open, 7 (e39). pp. 1-7.
Mosse, David (2021) Critical Scholarship in Perilous Times: a Conversation with David Mosse, Winner of the 2021 Jack Goody Award. Comparative Studies in Society and History [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Adams, Kathleen, Choe, Jaeyeon, Mostafanezhad, Mary and Phi, Giang (2021) '(Post-) Pandemic Tourism Resiliency: Southeast Asian Lives and Livelihoods in Limbo.' Tourism Geographies, 23 (4). pp. 915-936.
Crewe, Emma and Mowles, Chris (2021) 'Audit as political struggle: the doxa of managerialism clashing with the uncertainty of real life.' Development in Practice, 31 (3). pp. 368-379.
Rankin, Katharine and Simpson, Edward (2021) 'Roads and the politics of thought: Climate in India, democracy in Nepal.' In: Heslop, Luke and Murton, Galen, (eds.), Highways and Hierarchies: Ethnographies of Mobility from the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 197-220. (New Mobilities in Asia)
Menon, Annapurna, Nandan, Arshita and Krishnakumar, Jo (2021) Differences Empowering Solidarity: Notes from a Workshop. University of Westminster Blog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Axelby, Richard and Bulgheroni, Maura (2021) 'Old Ways and New Routes: Climate threats and adaptive possibilities in the Indian Himalayas.' In: Natarajan, Nithya and Parsons, Laurie, (eds.), Climate Change in the Global Workplace: Labour, Adaptation and Resistance. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)
Srivastava, Sanjay (2021) 'Spatial Politics: Sociality, "Transparency" and Ideas of Community in Delhi and Gurgaon.' In: Chakravorty, Sanjoy and Neelanjan, Sircar, (eds.), Colossus: The Anatomy of India’s National Capital Region. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 290-310. (South Asia in the Social Sciences)
Nolan, Maria (2021) 'Developing Indifference: Youth, Place-making and Belonging in a Transforming Urban China.' HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 11 (3). pp. 1029-1044.
Nolan, Maria Bernadette (2021) An Anthropological Study of Zhai in Contemporary Urban China. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00036123
Axelby, Richard and Bulgheroni, Maura (2021) 'Old Ways and New Routes: Climate threats and adaptive possibilities in the Indian Himalayas.' In: Natarajan, Nithya and Parsons, Laurie, (eds.), Climate Change in the Global Workplace: Labour, Adaptation and Resistance. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)
Adams, Kathleen, Choe, Jaeyeon, Mostafanezhad, Mary and Phi, Giang (2021) '(Post-) Pandemic Tourism Resiliency: Southeast Asian Lives and Livelihoods in Limbo.' Tourism Geographies, 23 (4). pp. 915-936.
Chappel, Tim, Fardon, Richard and Piepel, Klaus (2021) Surviving Works: context in Verre arts. ISCA, University of Oxford: Vestiges: traces of record.
Masoudi Nejad, Reza (2021) 'Urban Anthropological Experiences in Iran and India.' In: Rahmani, Jabar, (ed.), Iranian Ethnography: one context, multiple imaginings. Tehran: Institute for Social and Cultural Studies Press, pp. 89-136.
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2021) 'Constituency Performances: the “heart” of democratic politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M., Gluhovic, Milija, Jestrovic, Silvija and Saward, Michael, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Roll, Kate, Dolan, Catherine and Rajak, Dinah (2021) 'Remote (dis)engagement: Shifting Corporate Risk to the 'Bottom of the Pyramid'.' Development and Change, 52 (4). pp. 878-901.
Rankin, Katharine and Simpson, Edward (2021) 'Roads and the politics of thought: Climate in India, democracy in Nepal.' In: Heslop, Luke and Murton, Galen, (eds.), Highways and Hierarchies: Ethnographies of Mobility from the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 197-220. (New Mobilities in Asia)
Adams, Kathleen (2021) 'Identity, Heritage, and Memorialization: The Toraja Tongkonan of Indonesia.' In: Gerritsen, Anne and Riello, Giorgio, (eds.), Writing Material Culture History, 2nd Edition. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 105-112.
Rijneveld, Cornelis J. (2021) 'The Biomedical Closet? Undetectability among HIV-positive Gay Men in India.' Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, 40 (8). pp. 718-731.
Roll, Kate, Dolan, Catherine and Rajak, Dinah (2021) 'Remote (dis)engagement: Shifting Corporate Risk to the 'Bottom of the Pyramid'.' Development and Change, 52 (4). pp. 878-901.
Rudge, Alice (2021) 'Hidden Likeness: Avoidance and Iconicity in Batek.' Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 31 (1). pp. 4-24.
Rudge, Alice (2021) Thinking Beyond the “Wild” Pandemic. Edge Effects [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Salih, Ruba (2021) 'Scars of the mind: Trauma, Gender and Counter-memories of the Nakba.' In: Allan, Diana, (ed.), Voices of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine. London: Pluto Press, pp. 255-275.
Salih, Ruba, Zambelli, Elena and Welchman, Lynn (2021) '‘From Standing Rock to Palestine We are United’: diaspora politics, decolonisation and the intersectionality of struggles.' Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44 (7). pp. 1135-1153.
Welchman, Lynn, Zambelli, Elena and Salih, Ruba (2021) 'Rethinking justice beyond human rights. Anti-colonialism and intersectionality in the politics of the Palestinian Youth Movement.' Mediterranean Politics, 26 (3). pp. 349-369.
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2021) 'Constituency Performances: the “heart” of democratic politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M., Gluhovic, Milija, Jestrovic, Silvija and Saward, Michael, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Were, Graeme (2021) 'Imagining maritime conflict landscapes: Reactive exhibitions, sovereignty, and representation in Vietnam.' In: Saunders, Nicholas J. and Cornish, Paul, (eds.), Conflict Landscapes: Materiality and Meaning in Contested Place. London: Routledge, pp. 311-324.
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2021) 'Constituency Performances: the “heart” of democratic politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M., Gluhovic, Milija, Jestrovic, Silvija and Saward, Michael, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Rankin, Katharine and Simpson, Edward (2021) 'Roads and the politics of thought: Climate in India, democracy in Nepal.' In: Heslop, Luke and Murton, Galen, (eds.), Highways and Hierarchies: Ethnographies of Mobility from the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 197-220. (New Mobilities in Asia)
Simpson, Edward (2021) 'Dharamsey: Assembler of Tradition.' In: Bjorkman, Lisa, (ed.), Bombay Brokers. Durham NC: Duke University Press, pp. 278-285.
Simpson, Edward (2021) 'Obituary (I): F. G. Bailey (24 February 1924–8 July 2020).' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 55 (1). pp. 123-125.
Srivastava, Sanjay (2021) 'Spatial Politics: Sociality, "Transparency" and Ideas of Community in Delhi and Gurgaon.' In: Chakravorty, Sanjoy and Neelanjan, Sircar, (eds.), Colossus: The Anatomy of India’s National Capital Region. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 290-310. (South Asia in the Social Sciences)
Srivastava, Sanjay (2021) 'Voice, Gender and Space in the Time of the Five-Year Plans: The Idea of Lata Mangeshkar.' In: Dave, Ranjana, (ed.), Improvised Futures. Encountering the Body in Performance. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 163-182. (India Since the 90s)
Sutoris, Peter (2021) 'Review of: Craig, Sienna. 2020. The ends of kinship: connecting Himalayan lives between Nepal and New York. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. 304 pp. Pb.: US$30.00. ISBN: 9780295747699.' Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 29 (2). pp. 553-554.
Kaur, Jastinder, Crewe, Emma, Axelby, Richard, Thitsar, Myat Thet, Tadesse, Sewit and Massoumian, Amir (2021) International Research Coalitions: UK universities learning to be better partners. London: Global Research Network on Parliaments and People.
Kaur, Jastinder, Crewe, Emma, Axelby, Richard, Thitsar, Myat Thet, Tadesse, Sewit and Massoumian, Amir (2021) International Research Coalitions: UK universities learning to be better partners. London: Global Research Network on Parliaments and People.
Trapido, Joe (2021) '‘Masterless Men’; Riots, Patronage and the Politics of the Surplus Population in Kinshasa.' Current Anthropology, 62 (2). pp. 198-217.
Trojer, Till (2021) Landscapes, salt and ethics: a visual ethnography of the ‘Afar caravan trade in north-eastern Ethiopia. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00035510
Van Bavel, Hannelore (2021) Tracing the roots and routes of FGM discourses: A nodal ethnography of the anti-FGM domain. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00043555
Venkat, Vidya (2021) “Diversity, Culture and Transformation - All Injustices are Connected." Exploring economic, social, and political facets of poverty and investigating the ways in which organizations engage with communities, as well as how local authorities respond. In: Spring Workshop Series with SOAS: Training for Transformation and Participatory Methods for Engaged Research Fund (Open Society University Network), March 16-22, 2021.
Venkat, Vidya (2021) In India, democracy isn't dead. The Wire [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Venkat, Vidya (2021) 'Migration and Development in India: Provincial and Historical Perspectives.' Migration and Society, 4 (1). pp. 210-212.
Venkat, Vidya (2021) Power, compromise and the legitimisation of rule: Notes on India's right to information movement. In: 49th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 21-24, 2021, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. (Unpublished)
Venkat, Vidya (2021) Registering the everyday state in India via the Right to Information Act, 2005. In: Registering The Everyday: Documents, Bureaucracy, And The Socio-Legal (Socio-Legal Studies Association, Annual Conference 2021), March 30-April 1, 2021, Cardiff, UK. (Unpublished)
Salih, Ruba, Zambelli, Elena and Welchman, Lynn (2021) '‘From Standing Rock to Palestine We are United’: diaspora politics, decolonisation and the intersectionality of struggles.' Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44 (7). pp. 1135-1153.
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