Flügel, Peter and Ahmad, Muzaffar (2018) 'An Exploratory Survey of the Jaina Heritage in Pakistan.' Jaina Studies - Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 13. pp. 26-32.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'United Kingdom.' In: Scharbrodt, Oliver, Akgönül, Samim, Alibašić, Ahmet, Nielsen, Jørgen S. and Racius, Egdunas, (eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe; Vol 9. Leiden: Brill, pp. 711-730.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'United Kingdom.' In: Scharbrodt, Oliver, Akgönül, Samim, Alibašić, Ahmet, Nielsen, Jørgen S. and Racius, Egdunas, (eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe; Vol 9. Leiden: Brill, pp. 711-730.
Balbir, Nalini and Flügel, Peter, eds. (2018) Jaina Studies: Select Papers Presented in the 'Jaina Studies' Section at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference. Delhi: D.K. Publishers and Distributors. (Proceedings of the 15th World Sanskrit Conference in Bangkok)
Flügel, Peter (2018) 'Jaina-Prosopography I: Sociology of Jaina-Names.' In: Balbir, Nalini and Flügel, Peter, (eds.), Jaina Studies. Select Papers Presented in the 'Jaina Studies' Section at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference. Delhi: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan and D.K. Publishers & Distributors, pp. 187-267. (Proceedings of the World Sanskrit Conference)
Barrett, T.H. (2018) 'Arthur Waley, Xu Zhimo, and the Reception of Buddhist Art in Europe: A Neglected Source.' Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 1 (1). pp. 226-247.
Barrett, T.H. (2018) 'A Possible Buddhist Influence on Chinese Political Thought.' Studies in Chinese Religions, 4 (4). pp. 341-354.
Haustein, Jörg (2018) 'Provincializing Representation: East African Islam in the German Colonial Press.' In: Becker, Felicitas, Cabrita, Joel and Rodet, Marie, (eds.), Religion, Media, and Marginality in Modern Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, pp. 70-92.
Sims-Williams, Nicholas and Bi, Bo (2018) Sogdian Documents from Khotan in the Museum of Renmin University of China. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe = 中国社会科学出版社. (Da guo xue yan jiu wen ku = 大国学研究文库)
Travagnin, Stefania (2018) 'A Harmonious Plurality of ‘Religious’ Expressions: Theories and Case Studies from the Chinese Practice of (Religious) Diversity.' In: Kühle, Lene, Borup, Jørn and Hoverd, William, (eds.), The Critical Analysis of Religious Diversity. Leiden: Brill, pp. 147-172. (International Studies in Religion and Society)
Proferes, Theodore N. and Brereton, Joel P., eds. (2018) Creating the Veda, Living the Veda: Selected Papers from the 13th World Sanskrit Conference. Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Humaniora 379, Annales Academiae Scientarum Fennae)
Proferes, Theodore N. (2018) 'Fire in the Waters and the Alchemical King.' In: Brereton, Joel P. and Proferes, Theodore N., (eds.), Creating the Veda, Living the Veda. Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, pp. 45-53. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Humaniora 379, Annales Academiae Scientarum Fennae)
Burns, Graham Gordon (2018) Neti, neti : the Search for the Ultimate Principle in the Vedic Upaniṣads. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00032246
Haustein, Jörg (2018) 'Provincializing Representation: East African Islam in the German Colonial Press.' In: Becker, Felicitas, Cabrita, Joel and Rodet, Marie, (eds.), Religion, Media, and Marginality in Modern Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, pp. 70-92.
Sulamal, Abdul Wakil and Caron, James, trans. (2018) The Photograph Trade (Da 'Aksuno Bazar). Samovar, Strange Horizons .
Flügel, Peter (2018) 'Jaina-Prosopography II: “Patronage” in Jaina Epigraphic and Manuscript Catalogues.' In: Chojnacki, Christine and Leclère, Basile, (eds.), Gift of Knowledge: Patterns of Patronage in Jainism. Bangalore: National Institute of Prakrit Research Shravanabelagola, pp. 1-46.
Sims-Williams, Nicholas and De Blois, Francois (2018) Studies in the chronology of the Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Denkschriften der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse)
De Jonckheere, Heleen (2018) Communicating Jainism: Media and Messages at the European Association for the Study of Religion Conference 2017. Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies. no.13 [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Redard, Céline (2018) 'Les Āfrīnagāns : une diversité rituelle étonnante.' In: Ferrer, J., Moein, H., Redard, Céline and Swennen, Ph., (eds.), Actes du Colloque « Aux sources des liturgies indo-iraniennes » organisé par la chaire Langues et relions du monde indo-iranien ancien de l’Université de Liège les 9 et 10 juin 2016. Liège: l'Université de Liège.
Giladi, Paul (2018) 'Pragmatism and Hegel.' In: Festl, Michael G., (ed.), Handbuch Pragmatismus. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Balbir, Nalini and Flügel, Peter, eds. (2018) Jaina Studies: Select Papers Presented in the 'Jaina Studies' Section at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference. Delhi: D.K. Publishers and Distributors. (Proceedings of the 15th World Sanskrit Conference in Bangkok)
Flügel, Peter and Whimster, Sam, eds. (2018) Max Weber‘s Hinduism and Buddhism: Reflections on a Sociological Classic 100 Years On (Special Issue: Part II). London: Max Weber Studies Society. (Max Weber Studies 18.1)
Flügel, Peter (2018) 'Jaina-Prosopography I: Sociology of Jaina-Names.' In: Balbir, Nalini and Flügel, Peter, (eds.), Jaina Studies. Select Papers Presented in the 'Jaina Studies' Section at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference. Delhi: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan and D.K. Publishers & Distributors, pp. 187-267. (Proceedings of the World Sanskrit Conference)
Flügel, Peter (2018) 'Jaina-Prosopography I: Sociology of Jaina-Names.' In: Balbir, Nalini and Flügel, Peter, (eds.), Jaina Studies. Select Papers Presented in the 'Jaina Studies' Section at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference. Delhi: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan and D.K. Publishers & Distributors, pp. 187-267. (Proceedings of the World Sanskrit Conference)
Flügel, Peter (2018) 'Jaina-Prosopography II: “Patronage” in Jaina Epigraphic and Manuscript Catalogues.' In: Chojnacki, Christine and Leclère, Basile, (eds.), Gift of Knowledge: Patterns of Patronage in Jainism. Bangalore: National Institute of Prakrit Research Shravanabelagola, pp. 1-46.
Flügel, Peter (2018) 'Social-Differentiation and Self-Differentiation The Jaina Concept of the Individual and Sociological Individualisation-Paradigms (Part I).' Max Weber Studies, 18 (2). pp. 212-273.
Flügel, Peter and Ahmad, Muzaffar (2018) 'An Exploratory Survey of the Jaina Heritage in Pakistan.' Jaina Studies - Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 13. pp. 26-32.
Flügel, Peter, Muzaffar, Ahmad and Rana, Asif Mahmood (2018) Photographs from the Exploratory Survey of the Jaina Heritage in Pakistan (2018). [Images]
George, Andrew (2018) 'Enkidu and the Harlot: Another fragment of Old Babylonian Gilgamesh.' Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 108 (1). pp. 10-21.
George, Andrew (2018) 'Kamadme, the Sumerian counterpart of the demon Lamashtu.' In: Van Buylaere, Greta, Luukko, Mikko, Schwemer, Daniel and Mertens-Wagschal, Avigail, (eds.), Sources of Evil: Studies in Ancient Mesopotamian Exorcistic Lore. Leiden: Brill, pp. 150-157. (Ancient Magic and Divination)
Giladi, Paul and McMillan, Nicola, eds. (2018) Special Issue: Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory. London, Ontario: Feminist Philosophy Quarterly. (Feminist Philosophy Quarterly. Vol. 4, no.4)
Giladi, Paul (2018) 'Epistemic injustice: A role for recognition?' Philosophy and Social Criticism, 44 (2). pp. 141-158.
Giladi, Paul (2018) 'Hegel’s Philosophy and Common Sense.' The European Legacy: toward new paradigms, 23 (3). pp. 269-285.
Giladi, Paul (2018) 'Pragmatism and Hegel.' In: Festl, Michael G., (ed.), Handbuch Pragmatismus. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Legg, Catherine and Giladi, Paul (2018) 'Metaphysics — Low in Price, High in Value: A Critique of Global Expressivism.' Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 54 (1). pp. 64-83.
Haustein, Jörg (2018) 'Provincializing Representation: East African Islam in the German Colonial Press.' In: Becker, Felicitas, Cabrita, Joel and Rodet, Marie, (eds.), Religion, Media, and Marginality in Modern Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, pp. 70-92.
Hawthorne, Sian (2018) 'Inhospitable Landscapes: Disciplinary Territories and the Feminist "Paradigm Shift".' Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions, 19. pp. 36-55.
Hawthorne, Sian (2018) '“Reparative Reading” as Queer Pedagogy.' Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 34 (1). pp. 155-160.
Hezser, Catherine (2018) Bild und Kontext. Jüdische und christliche Ikonographie der Spätantike. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Tria Corda)
Hezser, Catherine (2018) 'The Creation of the Talmud Yerushalmi and Apophthegmata Patrum as Monuments to the Rabbinic and Monastic Movements in Early Byzantine Times.' Jewish Studies Quarterly, 25 (4). pp. 368-393.
Hezser, Catherine (2018) 'Followers, Servants, and Traitors: The Representation of Disciples in the Synoptic Gospels and in Ancient Judaism.' In: Porter, Stanley E. and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 71-86. (Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context)
Hezser, Catherine (2018) '"Guidelines for the Ideal Way of Life: Rabbinic Halakhah and Hellenistic Practical Ethics".' In: Satlow, Michael, (ed.), Strength to Strength: Essays in Honor of Shaye J.D. Cohen. Providence, Rhode Island: Brown Judaic Studies, pp. 389-404.
Hezser, Catherine (2018) '"Review of: Peter Schäfer, Zwei Götter m Himmel. Gottesvorstellungen in der jüdischen Antike. München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2017".' Journal of Jewish Studies, 69 (2). pp. 417-419.
Hezser, Catherine (2018) 'Self-Control in a World Controlled by Others: Palestinian Rabbinic 'Asceticism' in Late Antiquity.' Religion in the Roman Empire, 4 (1). pp. 9-27.
Hintze, Almut (2018) BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking. Buses, beer and VR - a taste of university research. Episode about “Living Zoroastrianism”, using VR to experience a Zoroastrian fire ritual, at Being Human festival launch event at Senate House on 13 Nov. 2018. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00014qk (starting at minute 29). [Shows/Exhibitions]
Travagnin, Stefania (2018) 'A Harmonious Plurality of ‘Religious’ Expressions: Theories and Case Studies from the Chinese Practice of (Religious) Diversity.' In: Kühle, Lene, Borup, Jørn and Hoverd, William, (eds.), The Critical Analysis of Religious Diversity. Leiden: Brill, pp. 147-172. (International Studies in Religion and Society)
Imafidon, Elvis (2018) African Philosophy and the Otherness of Albinism: White Skin, Black Race. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in African Philosophy)
Istratii, Romina (2018) H «πολιτικά ορθή θρησκεία» ως όχημα επιστημολογικής αποικιοκρατίας και πολιτισμικής υπονόμευσης: Η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας και των φακέλων του μαθητή για το Ορθόδοξο μάθημα. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Istratii, Romina (2018) 'Sensitising gender to local cosmology: A participatory ethnographic gender and development approach from a Muslim community in Senegal.' The Journal of Development Practice, 4. pp. 8-23.
Istratii, Romina (2018) Substantiating ‘Development’: Toward an Epistemology-Sensitive Development as Freedom? SOAS African Development Forum (ADF) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Javan, Karim (2018) Qiyama in Ismaili History : A study on the "Proclamation of Resurrection" in Alamut and its historical context. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00030269
Kato, Masato (2018) Translating a 'religion', translating a 'culture': cultural negotiation of a Japanese new religion in a transnational context. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00030279
Khanizadeh, Mehrbod (2018) Reward for sacrifice: the Pahlavi version of Yasna 9.1-15. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00030320
Singh, Gurharpal and Kim, Heewon (2018) 'The limits of India’s ethno-linguistic federation: understanding the demise of Sikh nationalism.' Regional and Federal Studies, 28 (4). pp. 427-445.
Travagnin, Stefania (2018) 'A Harmonious Plurality of ‘Religious’ Expressions: Theories and Case Studies from the Chinese Practice of (Religious) Diversity.' In: Kühle, Lene, Borup, Jørn and Hoverd, William, (eds.), The Critical Analysis of Religious Diversity. Leiden: Brill, pp. 147-172. (International Studies in Religion and Society)
Flügel, Peter (2018) 'Jaina-Prosopography II: “Patronage” in Jaina Epigraphic and Manuscript Catalogues.' In: Chojnacki, Christine and Leclère, Basile, (eds.), Gift of Knowledge: Patterns of Patronage in Jainism. Bangalore: National Institute of Prakrit Research Shravanabelagola, pp. 1-46.
Legg, Catherine and Giladi, Paul (2018) 'Metaphysics — Low in Price, High in Value: A Critique of Global Expressivism.' Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 54 (1). pp. 64-83.
Li, Zijie (2018) '奈良朝の日本仏教における真如・種姓説の一考察―寿霊『五教章指事』・智憬『起信唯識同異章』と『宝性論』.' 駒沢大学大学院仏教学研究会年報, 51. pp. 244-264.
Li, Zijie (2018) '嘉祥吉蔵における真如と仏性について―『宝性論』・『仏性論』の依用を手掛かりに.' 仏教学研究 (Journal of Buddhist Studies), 74. pp. 37-61.
Li, Zijie (2018) '净影寺慧远与《菩萨地持经》.' In: Liu, Chengyou, (ed.), 东亚佛学评论 (Review of East Asian Buddhist Studies). Beijing: 国际文化出版公司.
Li, Zijie (2018) '净影寺慧远与《菩萨地持经》.' In: Liu, Chengyou, (ed.), 东亚佛学评论 (Review of East Asian Buddhist Studies). Beijing: 国际文化出版公司.
George, Andrew (2018) 'Kamadme, the Sumerian counterpart of the demon Lamashtu.' In: Van Buylaere, Greta, Luukko, Mikko, Schwemer, Daniel and Mertens-Wagschal, Avigail, (eds.), Sources of Evil: Studies in Ancient Mesopotamian Exorcistic Lore. Leiden: Brill, pp. 150-157. (Ancient Magic and Divination)
Magub, Alexandra (2018) Political and Religious Ideologies on Parthian Coins of the 2nd-1st Centuries BC. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00030283
Scott-Baumann, Alison and Marcelo, Gonçalo (2018) 'Introduction – On the Challenge of Migration: Critical Hermeneutical Perspectives.' Critical Hermeneutics, 2 (1). I-XVI.
Giladi, Paul and McMillan, Nicola, eds. (2018) Special Issue: Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory. London, Ontario: Feminist Philosophy Quarterly. (Feminist Philosophy Quarterly. Vol. 4, no.4)
George, Andrew (2018) 'Kamadme, the Sumerian counterpart of the demon Lamashtu.' In: Van Buylaere, Greta, Luukko, Mikko, Schwemer, Daniel and Mertens-Wagschal, Avigail, (eds.), Sources of Evil: Studies in Ancient Mesopotamian Exorcistic Lore. Leiden: Brill, pp. 150-157. (Ancient Magic and Divination)
Redard, Céline (2018) 'Les Āfrīnagāns : une diversité rituelle étonnante.' In: Ferrer, J., Moein, H., Redard, Céline and Swennen, Ph., (eds.), Actes du Colloque « Aux sources des liturgies indo-iraniennes » organisé par la chaire Langues et relions du monde indo-iranien ancien de l’Université de Liège les 9 et 10 juin 2016. Liège: l'Université de Liège.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'Trust Within Reason: How to Trump the Hermeneutics of Suspicion on Campus.' In: Yaqin, Amina, Morey, Peter and Soliman, Asmaa, (eds.), Muslims, Trust and Multiculturalism: New Directions. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-72. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series)
Flügel, Peter, Muzaffar, Ahmad and Rana, Asif Mahmood (2018) Photographs from the Exploratory Survey of the Jaina Heritage in Pakistan (2018). [Images]
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'United Kingdom.' In: Scharbrodt, Oliver, Akgönül, Samim, Alibašić, Ahmet, Nielsen, Jørgen S. and Racius, Egdunas, (eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe; Vol 9. Leiden: Brill, pp. 711-730.
O'Brien-Kop, Karen (2018) Seed and Cloud as Metaphors of Liberation in Buddhist and Pātañjala Yoga : An Intertextual Study. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00032247
O'Donnell, S. Jonathon (2018) 'Unipolar Dispensations: Exceptionalism, Empire, and the End of One America.' Political Theology, 20 (1). pp. 66-84.
Redard, Céline (2018) 'La tentation de Zarathuštra.' In: Panaino, Antonio, Piras, Andrea and Ognibene, Paolo, (eds.), Studi Iranici Ravennati; 2. Milan: Mimesis. (Studi iranici ravennati)
Redard, Céline (2018) 'La tentation de Zarathuštra.' In: Panaino, Antonio, Piras, Andrea and Ognibene, Paolo, (eds.), Studi Iranici Ravennati; 2. Milan: Mimesis. (Studi iranici ravennati)
Redard, Céline (2018) 'La tentation de Zarathuštra.' In: Panaino, Antonio, Piras, Andrea and Ognibene, Paolo, (eds.), Studi Iranici Ravennati; 2. Milan: Mimesis. (Studi iranici ravennati)
Hezser, Catherine (2018) 'Followers, Servants, and Traitors: The Representation of Disciples in the Synoptic Gospels and in Ancient Judaism.' In: Porter, Stanley E. and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 71-86. (Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context)
Travagnin, Stefania (2018) 'Mapping New Systems of Community Networks: Discursive Identity, Cross-Strait Lineage Construction, and Funerary Sacred Space in Taiwanese Buddhism.' In: Poceski, Mario, (ed.), Communities of memory and interpretation : reimagining and reinventing the past in East Asian Buddhism. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, pp. 177-217. (Hamburg Buddhist Studies Series)
Hezser, Catherine (2018) 'Followers, Servants, and Traitors: The Representation of Disciples in the Synoptic Gospels and in Ancient Judaism.' In: Porter, Stanley E. and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 71-86. (Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context)
Proferes, Theodore N. and Brereton, Joel P., eds. (2018) Creating the Veda, Living the Veda: Selected Papers from the 13th World Sanskrit Conference. Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Humaniora 379, Annales Academiae Scientarum Fennae)
Proferes, Theodore N. (2018) 'Fire in the Waters and the Alchemical King.' In: Brereton, Joel P. and Proferes, Theodore N., (eds.), Creating the Veda, Living the Veda. Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, pp. 45-53. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Humaniora 379, Annales Academiae Scientarum Fennae)
Proferes, Theodore N. (2018) 'Fire in the Waters and the Alchemical King.' In: Brereton, Joel P. and Proferes, Theodore N., (eds.), Creating the Veda, Living the Veda. Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, pp. 45-53. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Humaniora 379, Annales Academiae Scientarum Fennae)
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'United Kingdom.' In: Scharbrodt, Oliver, Akgönül, Samim, Alibašić, Ahmet, Nielsen, Jørgen S. and Racius, Egdunas, (eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe; Vol 9. Leiden: Brill, pp. 711-730.
Flügel, Peter, Muzaffar, Ahmad and Rana, Asif Mahmood (2018) Photographs from the Exploratory Survey of the Jaina Heritage in Pakistan (2018). [Images]
Redard, Céline (2018) 'La tentation de Zarathuštra.' In: Panaino, Antonio, Piras, Andrea and Ognibene, Paolo, (eds.), Studi Iranici Ravennati; 2. Milan: Mimesis. (Studi iranici ravennati)
Redard, Céline (2018) 'Les Āfrīnagāns : une diversité rituelle étonnante.' In: Ferrer, J., Moein, H., Redard, Céline and Swennen, Ph., (eds.), Actes du Colloque « Aux sources des liturgies indo-iraniennes » organisé par la chaire Langues et relions du monde indo-iranien ancien de l’Université de Liège les 9 et 10 juin 2016. Liège: l'Université de Liège.
Redard, Céline (2018) 'Les Āfrīnagāns : une diversité rituelle étonnante.' In: Ferrer, J., Moein, H., Redard, Céline and Swennen, Ph., (eds.), Actes du Colloque « Aux sources des liturgies indo-iraniennes » organisé par la chaire Langues et relions du monde indo-iranien ancien de l’Université de Liège les 9 et 10 juin 2016. Liège: l'Université de Liège.
Redard, Céline (2018) 'The bird Karšiptar.' In: Encyclopedia Iranica. New York: Columbia University; Center for Iranian Studies.
Haustein, Jörg (2018) 'Provincializing Representation: East African Islam in the German Colonial Press.' In: Becker, Felicitas, Cabrita, Joel and Rodet, Marie, (eds.), Religion, Media, and Marginality in Modern Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, pp. 70-92.
Hezser, Catherine (2018) '"Guidelines for the Ideal Way of Life: Rabbinic Halakhah and Hellenistic Practical Ethics".' In: Satlow, Michael, (ed.), Strength to Strength: Essays in Honor of Shaye J.D. Cohen. Providence, Rhode Island: Brown Judaic Studies, pp. 389-404.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'United Kingdom.' In: Scharbrodt, Oliver, Akgönül, Samim, Alibašić, Ahmet, Nielsen, Jørgen S. and Racius, Egdunas, (eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe; Vol 9. Leiden: Brill, pp. 711-730.
George, Andrew (2018) 'Kamadme, the Sumerian counterpart of the demon Lamashtu.' In: Van Buylaere, Greta, Luukko, Mikko, Schwemer, Daniel and Mertens-Wagschal, Avigail, (eds.), Sources of Evil: Studies in Ancient Mesopotamian Exorcistic Lore. Leiden: Brill, pp. 150-157. (Ancient Magic and Divination)
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) '‘Dual Use Research of Concern’ and ‘Select Agents’: How Researchers Can Use Free Speech to Avoid ‘Weaponising’ Academia.' Journal of Muslims in Europe, 7 (2). pp. 237-261.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'Trust Within Reason: How to Trump the Hermeneutics of Suspicion on Campus.' In: Yaqin, Amina, Morey, Peter and Soliman, Asmaa, (eds.), Muslims, Trust and Multiculturalism: New Directions. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-72. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series)
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'United Kingdom.' In: Scharbrodt, Oliver, Akgönül, Samim, Alibašić, Ahmet, Nielsen, Jørgen S. and Racius, Egdunas, (eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe; Vol 9. Leiden: Brill, pp. 711-730.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'The modulus of elasticity: Islam, art and populism in postcolonial securitized Europe.' Francosphères, 7 (2). pp. 147-162.
Scott-Baumann, Alison and Marcelo, Gonçalo (2018) 'Introduction – On the Challenge of Migration: Critical Hermeneutical Perspectives.' Critical Hermeneutics, 2 (1). I-XVI.
Sims-Williams, Nicholas and Bi, Bo (2018) Sogdian Documents from Khotan in the Museum of Renmin University of China. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe = 中国社会科学出版社. (Da guo xue yan jiu wen ku = 大国学研究文库)
Sims-Williams, Nicholas and De Blois, Francois (2018) Studies in the chronology of the Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Denkschriften der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse)
Singh, Gurharpal and Kim, Heewon (2018) 'The limits of India’s ethno-linguistic federation: understanding the demise of Sikh nationalism.' Regional and Federal Studies, 28 (4). pp. 427-445.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'Trust Within Reason: How to Trump the Hermeneutics of Suspicion on Campus.' In: Yaqin, Amina, Morey, Peter and Soliman, Asmaa, (eds.), Muslims, Trust and Multiculturalism: New Directions. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-72. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series)
Stewart, Sarah (2018) Voices from Zoroastrian Iran: Oral Texts and Testimony (Vol. I: Urban Centres). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Göttinger Orientforschungen)
Sulamal, Abdul Wakil and Caron, James, trans. (2018) The Photograph Trade (Da 'Aksuno Bazar). Samovar, Strange Horizons .
Redard, Céline (2018) 'Les Āfrīnagāns : une diversité rituelle étonnante.' In: Ferrer, J., Moein, H., Redard, Céline and Swennen, Ph., (eds.), Actes du Colloque « Aux sources des liturgies indo-iraniennes » organisé par la chaire Langues et relions du monde indo-iranien ancien de l’Université de Liège les 9 et 10 juin 2016. Liège: l'Université de Liège.
Tembo, Dorothy (2018) Humanizing Africans: assessing the impact of the Livingstonia mission and the Dutch reformed church missions on the construction of Tumbuka and Chewa ethnicities and ethnic identities in colonial Malawi, 1875-1935. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00030907
Tournier, Vincent (2018) 'A Tide of Merit: Royal Donors, Tāmraparṇīya Monks, and the Buddha’s Awakening in 5th–6th-century Āndhradeśa.' Indo-Iranian Journal, 61 (1). pp. 20-96.
Travagnin, Stefania (2018) 'A Harmonious Plurality of ‘Religious’ Expressions: Theories and Case Studies from the Chinese Practice of (Religious) Diversity.' In: Kühle, Lene, Borup, Jørn and Hoverd, William, (eds.), The Critical Analysis of Religious Diversity. Leiden: Brill, pp. 147-172. (International Studies in Religion and Society)
Travagnin, Stefania (2018) 'Mapping New Systems of Community Networks: Discursive Identity, Cross-Strait Lineage Construction, and Funerary Sacred Space in Taiwanese Buddhism.' In: Poceski, Mario, (ed.), Communities of memory and interpretation : reimagining and reinventing the past in East Asian Buddhism. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, pp. 177-217. (Hamburg Buddhist Studies Series)
Travagnin, Stefania (2018) 'Reception History and Limits of Interpretation: The Belgian Étienne Lamotte, Japanese Buddhologists, the Chinese monk Yinshun 印順 and the Formation of a Global ‘Da zhidu lun 大智度論 Scholarship’.' Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 1 (1). pp. 248-277.
George, Andrew (2018) 'Kamadme, the Sumerian counterpart of the demon Lamashtu.' In: Van Buylaere, Greta, Luukko, Mikko, Schwemer, Daniel and Mertens-Wagschal, Avigail, (eds.), Sources of Evil: Studies in Ancient Mesopotamian Exorcistic Lore. Leiden: Brill, pp. 150-157. (Ancient Magic and Divination)
Flügel, Peter and Whimster, Sam, eds. (2018) Max Weber‘s Hinduism and Buddhism: Reflections on a Sociological Classic 100 Years On (Special Issue: Part II). London: Max Weber Studies Society. (Max Weber Studies 18.1)
Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. (2018) The Genealogy of Terror: How to distinguish between Islam, Islamism and Islamist Extremism. Abingdon: Routledge. (Law and Religion)
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2018) 'Trust Within Reason: How to Trump the Hermeneutics of Suspicion on Campus.' In: Yaqin, Amina, Morey, Peter and Soliman, Asmaa, (eds.), Muslims, Trust and Multiculturalism: New Directions. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-72. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series)