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Anderson, Robert and Sadan, Mandy (2016) 'Historical perspectives on war and peace in Kachin space, part 2: The First Kachin Ceasefire, 1944-1961.' In: Sadan, Mandy, (ed.), War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar: The Kachin Ceasefire, 1994-2011. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 29-54. (NIAS studies in Asian topics ; no. 56)
Chang, Bi-Yu (2016) '戰後初期 (1945-68年)臺灣小學地理知識傳授中的家國想像.' In: Mei, Chia-lin and Lin, Pei-yin, (eds.), 交界與游移:跨文史的文化傳譯與知識生產 [Cross-border and Migration: Cultural Translation and Knowledge Production]. Taipei: Rye Field 麥田, pp. 335-366. (Mai tian ren wen ; v 163)
Clarence-Smith, William (2016) 'Chocolate consumption from the sixteenth century to the great chocolate boom.' In: Squicciarini, Mara P. and Swinnen, Johan, (eds.), The Economics of Chocolate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 43-70.
Clarence-Smith, William (2016) 'Sephardic Jews from Morocco in the lusophone world, 1774-1975.' In: Alves Conde, Manuel Sílvio, Vaz do Rego Machado, Margarida and Serpa Silva, Susanna, (eds.), Percursos da história: estudos in memoriam de Fátima Sequeira Dias. Ponta Delgada (Azores): Nova Gráfica, pp. 195-208.
Fuccaro, Nelida (2016) 'Dissecting Moments of Unrest: Twentieth-Century Kirkuk.' In: Fuccaro, Nelida, (ed.), Violence and the City in the Modern Middle East. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, pp. 169-188.
Fuccaro, Nelida (2016) 'Urban Life and Questions of Violence.' In: Fuccaro, Nelida, (ed.), Violence and the City in the Modern Middle East. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, pp. 3-22.
Hawkins, J. David and Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Sketch History of Karkamish in the Earlier Iron Age.' In: Wilkinson, Tony J., Peltenburg, E. and Wilkinson, Eleanor Barbanes, (eds.), Carchemish in Context. The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006-2010. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, pp. 9-21. (Themes from the Ancient Near East BANEA Publication Series)
Laamann, Lars (2016) 'Christianity.' In: Dillon, Michael, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Chinese History. London: Routledge, pp. 118-119.
Matuszak, Jana (2016) '"She is not fit for womanhood" The Ideal Housewife According to Sumerian Literary Texts.' In: Lion, Brigitte and Michel, Cécile, (eds.), The Role of Women in Work and Society in the Ancient Near East. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 228-254. (Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records)
Mirelman, Sam (2016) 'Tierkapelle.' In: Ebeling, Erich and Weidner, Ernst F., (eds.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, Vol. 14: Tiergefäß-Waša/ezzil(i). Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 8-9.
Mirelman, Sam and Pongratz-Leisten, Beate (2016) 'Incantation, Incantations. II. Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.' In: Furey, Constance M., (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1038-1043.
Nenadovic, Ana (2016) 'Von Generation zu Generation. Erinnerungen slawischer Minoritäten im gegenwärtigen Roman.' In: Lovric, Goran and Jelec, Marijana, (eds.), Familie und Identität in der Gegenwartsliteratur. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, pp. 261-275.
Pachuau, Joy L.K. and Sadan, Mandy (2016) 'The Social Memory of the Mizo Buai : Some Comparisons with the Kachin Conflict.' In: Sadan, Mandy, (ed.), War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar: The Kachin Ceasefire, 1994-2011. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 434-457. (NIAS studies in Asian topics ; no. 56)
Rodet, Marie and Razy, Elodie (2016) 'Introduction: Child Migration in Africa: Key Issues and New Perspectives.' In: Children on the Move in Africa. Past and Present Experiences of Migration. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer; James Currey.
Rodet, Marie and Tiquet, Romain (2016) 'Genre, travail et migrations forcées sur les plantations de sisal du Sénégal et du Soudan français (1919-1946).' In: Mandé, Issiaka and Guerassimoff, Eric, (eds.), Le travail colonial. Engagés et autres mains-d’oeuvre migrantes dans les empires 1850-1950. Paris: Riveneuve, pp. 353-381.
Sadan, Mandy (2016) 'Historical Perspectives on War and Peace in Kachin Space Part 1: Longer Cycles of Violence and Social Change.' In: Sadan, Mandy, (ed.), War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar: The Kachin Ceasefire, 1994-2011. Copenhagen: NIAS Press. (NIAS studies in Asian topics ; no. 56)
Sadan, Mandy (2016) 'Women and Conflict in Burma’s Borderlands.' In: Ardener, Shirley, Armitage-Woodward, Fiona and Sciama, Lidia, (eds.), War and Women Across Continents: Autobiographical and Biographical Experiences. New York, Oxford: Berghahn.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Commentary on Avicenna's Pointers : The Confluence of Exegesis and Aporetics.' In: El-Rouayheb, Khaled and Schmidtke, Sabine, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Religious Readings of Philosophy.' In: Taylor, Richard C. and López-Farjeat, Luis X., (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 412-422.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Theories of Ethical Value in Kalam: A New Interpretation.' In: Schmidtke, Sabine, (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 384-407.
Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Hittite Scribal Culture and Syria: Palaeography and Cuneiform Transmission.' In: Shibata, Daisuke and Yamada, Shigeo, (eds.), Cultures and Societies in the Middle Euphrates and Habur Areas in the Second Millennium BC – I Scribal Education and Scribal Traditions. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 159-193.
Wirtz, Philipp (2016) 'Presenting Ottoman childhoods in post-Ottoman Autobiographies.' In: Fortna, Benjamin, (ed.), Childhood in the Late Ottoman Empire and After. Leiden: Brill, pp. 223-249. (The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage; 59)
Caron, James (2016) 'Borderland Historiography in Pakistan.' South Asian History and Culture, 7 (4). pp. 327-345.
Caron, James (2016) 'Sufism and Liberation across the Indo-Afghan Border: 1880-1928.' South Asian History and Culture, 7 (2). pp. 135-154.
Caron, James and Dasgupta, Ananya (2016) 'Popular Culture, Radical Egalitarianism, and Formations of Muslim Selfhood in South Asia.' South Asian History and Culture, 7 (2). pp. 107-116.
Charney, Michael W. (2016) 'Before and After the Wheel: Precolonial and Colonial States and Transportation in Mainland Southeast Asia and West Africa.' HumaNetten, 37. pp. 9-38.
Chen, Ling-chieh (2016) 'Yuxian qingcuo hua cai tong: Rizhishiqi Taiwan de dianhua nü jiexiansheng 玉纖輕撮話纔通—日治時期臺灣的電話女接線生.' Jindai zhongguo funüshi yanjiu 近代中國婦女史研究 (Research on Women in Modern Chinese History), 27. pp. 95-190.
El-Merheb, Mohamad (2016) 'Louis IX in Medieval Arabic Sources: The Saint, the King, and the Sicilian Connection.' Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean, 28 (3). pp. 282-301.
Freter, Björn (2016) 'Andauernde Feier des Heiligen. Über Goethes panhierarchische Religiosität.' Studia Germanica Gedanensia (35). pp. 16-22.
Laamann, Lars (2016) 'Western Journals in China as Witnesses of Epochal Change.' From Empire to Republic: Missionary, Sinology and Literary Periodicals (1817-1949). pp. 1-7.
Legendre, Marie (2016) 'Neither Byzantine nor Islamic? The duke of the Thebaid and the formation of the Umayyad state.' Historical Research, 89 (243). pp. 3-18.
Newbigin, Eleanor, Shani, Ornit and Legg, Stephen (2016) 'Introduction: Constitutionalism and the evolution of democracy in India.' Comparative Study of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 36 (1). pp. 42-43.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Gazzâlî'den Râzî'ye: 6/12. Yy.'da Felsefî Kelâmda Yeni Gelişmeler (Turkish translation of 'From al-Ghazālī to al-Rāzī: 6th/12th Century Developments in Muslim Philosophical Theology', translated by Bilal Taşkın).' Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (1). pp. 240-278.
Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Hittite Epigraphic Finds from Büklükale 2011-14.' Anatolian Archaeological Studies, 19. pp. 81-104.
Charney, Michael W. (2016) Arakan or Rakhine in Myanmar since the 14th Century: From Inclusion to Polarisation and Exclusion. In: Research Conference on Myanmar's Democratic Transition and the Persecuted Rohingya, 11 May 2016, Oxford University.
Charney, Michael W. (2016) Resistance to Change on the Railways: External Intervention and Railway Operating Practice in Late Colonial Burma. In: Britain and the World Conference, 22-24 June 2016, London. (Unpublished)
Gerteis, Christopher (2016) イギリスとアメリカにおける日本教育[Teaching about Japan in England and America]. 東京: 東京外国語大学 「東京外国語大学 国際日本学研究報告」.
Charney, Michael W. (2016) 'Review of Alicia Marie Turner, Saving Buddhism: The Impermanence of Religion in Colonial Burma.' H-Buddhism .
Charney, Michael W. (2016) 'Review of Stephen Keck, British Burma in the New Century 1815-1918.' Journal of British Studies, 55 (4). pp. 850-852.
Laamann, Lars (2016) 'Review of: A Voluntary Exile: Chinese Christianity and Cultural Confluence since 1552, Anthony E. Clark ed. Lehigh University Press, 2013.' Journal of Chinese Religions, 44 (2). pp. 176-179.
Mancini-Lander, Derek (2016) 'Review of: Peacock, A.C.S., Mediaeval Islamic Historiography and Political Legitimacy: Balʿamī’s Tārīkhnāma (London: Routledge, 2007).' Der Islam, 93 (2). pp. 613-618.
Matuszak, Jana (2016) 'Review of Lämmerhirt, Kai: Die sumerische Königshymne Šulgi F. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2012.' Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 111 (1). pp. 16-28.
Lee, Sarah S. Y. (2016) Between worlds : Filipino domestic workers in Hong Kong, 1970-2005. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00023579
Marizane, Antonio Santos (2016) Religious change in the trans-frontier Nyungwe-speaking region of the middle Zambezi, c.1890-c.1970. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00023580
Saliba, Nada (2016) The urban history of Tripoli during the French mandate. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00023655
Fischel, Roy S. (2016) 'Deccan Sultanates.' In: The Encyclopaedia of Empire. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Rodet, Marie (2016) 'Slavery: West Africa.' In: Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Online. Leiden: Brill.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn al-Makkī.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. Leiden; Boston: Brill Online.