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Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'The Textile Industry of Eastern Africa in the Longue Durée.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 264-294.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'The Fragile Revolution: rethinking war and development in Africa's violent nineteenth century.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 393-423.
Lane, George (2014) 'Persian Notables and the Families which underpinned the Ilkhanate.' In: Amitai, Reuven and Biran, Michal, (eds.), Nomads as Agents of Cultural Change : The Mongols and Their Eurasian Predecessors. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, pp. 214-227. (Perspectives on the global past)
Rodet, Marie (2014) 'Beyond the Postcolonial: Video Art from Africa.' In: Still Fighting Ignorance and Intellectual Perfidy: Video Art from Africa. London: Ben Uri Gallery.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'The Textile Industry of Eastern Africa in the Longue Durée.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 264-294.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'The Fragile Revolution: rethinking war and development in Africa's violent nineteenth century.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 393-423.
Lane, George (2014) 'Persian Notables and the Families which underpinned the Ilkhanate.' In: Amitai, Reuven and Biran, Michal, (eds.), Nomads as Agents of Cultural Change : The Mongols and Their Eurasian Predecessors. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, pp. 214-227. (Perspectives on the global past)
Wong, Kathie A., Bultitude, Matthew and Chatterton, Jocelyn (2014) 'Urological Papers Arising From the early Years of the Chinese Medical Journal.' De Historia Urologiae Europaeae, 21. pp. 175-185.
Rodet, Marie (2014) '“I ask for divorce because my husband does not let me go back to my country of origin with my brother”: Gender, Family, and the End of Slavery in the Region of Kayes, French Soudan (1890 – 1920).' In: Campbell, Gwyn and Elbourne, Elizabeth, (eds.), Sex, Power, and Slavery. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, pp. 182-202.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'The Extra-ordinariness of Ordinary Lives.' In: Tagliacozzo, Eric and Chang, Wen-chin, (eds.), Burmese Lives. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 25-52.
Charney, Michael W. (2014) 'Precolonial Southeast Asian Military History.' Oxford Bibliographies - Military History.
Charney, Michael W. (2014) "Returning the Pony to Village Conflict: Mounted 'Dacoits' in the Pacification Campaign in Burma, 1886-1889". In: War Horses of the World Conference, 3-4 May 2014, SOAS. (Unpublished)
Wong, Kathie A., Bultitude, Matthew and Chatterton, Jocelyn (2014) 'Urological Papers Arising From the early Years of the Chinese Medical Journal.' De Historia Urologiae Europaeae, 21. pp. 175-185.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Remembering Fieldwork Histories.' In: Chaudhuri, Sarit K. and Chaudhuri, Sucheta Sen, (eds.), Memories and Moments of Fieldwork: South Asian Experience. New Delhi: Sage Publications Pvt Ltd.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Remembering Fieldwork Histories.' In: Chaudhuri, Sarit K. and Chaudhuri, Sucheta Sen, (eds.), Memories and Moments of Fieldwork: South Asian Experience. New Delhi: Sage Publications Pvt Ltd.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'Mules in the “English world”: cultural rejection versus practical utility.' In: Gallery 8: Animals and empire exhibition. Los Angeles: Animal History Museum.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'Slavery in early modern Russia.' In: Hanns, Stefan and Schiel, Juliane, (eds.), Mediterranean slavery revisited, 500-1800. Zurich: Chronos Verlag, pp. 119-142.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'The Textile Industry of Eastern Africa in the Longue Durée.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 264-294.
Mazza, Roberto (2014) 'A Diplomat in the Holy City: The Spanish Consul in Jerusalem 1914–1920.' In: Dolev, Eran, Sheffy, Yigal and Goren, Haim, (eds.), Palestine and World War I: Grand Strategy, Military Tactics and Culture in War. London: I.B.Tauris.
Gerteis, Christopher and Dower, John W (2014) 'Political Protest in Japan, Part II 戦間期日本の政治的抗議活動 (下).' The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 12 (37.2).
Rodet, Marie (2014) '“I ask for divorce because my husband does not let me go back to my country of origin with my brother”: Gender, Family, and the End of Slavery in the Region of Kayes, French Soudan (1890 – 1920).' In: Campbell, Gwyn and Elbourne, Elizabeth, (eds.), Sex, Power, and Slavery. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, pp. 182-202.
Farrelly, Nicholas, Maran, La Raw and Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Sojourn Symposium Review of 'Being and Becoming Kachin: Histories Beyond the State in the Borderworlds of Burma' by Mandy Sadan (OUP 2013).' Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 29 (2). pp. 467-482.
Fischel, Roy S. (2014) 'Bahmani Sultanate.' In: The Encyclopaedia of Empire. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Fischel, Roy S. (2014) 'Formation of a Muslim Community in 15C Gujarat.' Dissertation Reviews .
Fischel, Roy S. (2014) 'Review of Turning King to Messiah: The Islamic King in Central Asia and India.' Marginalia .
Fuccaro, Nelida and Hakimian, Hassan, eds. (2014) The Middle East in London / Oil - Past, Present and Future. London: The London Middle East Institute, SOAS.
Fuccaro, Nelida (2014) 'Rethinking the History of Port Cities in the Gulf.' In: Potter, Lawrence G., (ed.), The Persian Gulf in Modern Times: People, Ports and History. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 23-46.
Fuccaro, Nelida (2014) 'Review of Enemy on the Euphrates: the British Occupation of Iraq and the Great Arab Revolt, 1914-1921 by Ian Rutledge.' BBC History Magazine, 15 (9). pp. 70-71.
Gerteis, Christopher and George, Timothy S. (2014) 'Beyond the Bubble, Beyond Fukushima: Reconsidering the History of Postwar Japan / バブルのかなた、福島のかなたとは 戦後日本史再考.' The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 12 (8.3).
Gerteis, Christopher (2014) 'Political Protest in Interwar Japan Part I 戦間期日本の政治的抗議活動「上」.' The Asia-Pacific Journal, 12 (37-1). pp. 1-17.
Gerteis, Christopher and Dower, John W (2014) 'Political Protest in Japan, Part II 戦間期日本の政治的抗議活動 (下).' The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 12 (37.2).
Gerteis, Christopher and George, Timothy S. (2014) 'Beyond the Bubble, Beyond Fukushima: Reconsidering the History of Postwar Japan / バブルのかなた、福島のかなたとは 戦後日本史再考.' The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 12 (8.3).
Mazza, Roberto (2014) 'A Diplomat in the Holy City: The Spanish Consul in Jerusalem 1914–1920.' In: Dolev, Eran, Sheffy, Yigal and Goren, Haim, (eds.), Palestine and World War I: Grand Strategy, Military Tactics and Culture in War. London: I.B.Tauris.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Religion, identity and separatism - the case of the Kachin.' In: Gravers, Mikael and Ytzen, Flemming, (eds.), Burma/Myanmar: Where Now? Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 262-278.
Tejani, Shabnum (2014) 'The Colonial Legacy.' In: Guneratne, Arjun and Weiss, Anita, (eds.), Pathways to Power: the Domestic Politics of South Asia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 21-103.
Fuccaro, Nelida and Hakimian, Hassan, eds. (2014) The Middle East in London / Oil - Past, Present and Future. London: The London Middle East Institute, SOAS.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'Slavery in early modern Russia.' In: Hanns, Stefan and Schiel, Juliane, (eds.), Mediterranean slavery revisited, 500-1800. Zurich: Chronos Verlag, pp. 119-142.
Hirschler, Konrad (2014) 'Ibn Wāsil: An Ayyubid Perspective on Frankish Lordships and Crusades.' In: Mallett, Alex, (ed.), Medieval Muslim Historians and the Franks in the Levant. Leiden: Brill, pp. 136-160. (The Muslim World in the Age of the Crusades, Volume: 2)
Hirschler, Konrad (2014) 'The Jerusalem Conquest of 492/1099 in the Medieval Arabic Historiography of the Crusades: From Regional Plurality to Islamic Narrative.' Crusades, 13. pp. 37-76.
Hirschler, Konrad and Savant, Sarah (2014) 'Introduction - What Is in a Period? Arabic Historiography and Periodization.' Der Islam, 91 (1). pp. 6-19.
Janku, Andrea (2014) 'Guoji rendao zhuyi zai Zhongguo: cong 20 shiji chu de zaizhen tanqi 国际人道主义在中国:从20世纪初的灾赈谈起.' Shixue yuekan, 2014 (4). pp. 15-19.
Janku, Andrea (2014) 'Review of 'The People's Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited' by Louisa Lim.' LSE Review of Books .
Karamursel, Ceyda (2014) 'Ottoman slavery as a tool for historical analysis: a review of recent literature.' New Perspectives on Turkey, 50. pp. 193-203.
Laamann, Lars, ed. (2014) Central Asiatic Journal - Volume 56. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Laamann, Lars (2014) 'Review of: A Comprehensive Manchu–English Dictionary by Jerry Norman.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 77 (2). pp. 402-404.
Laamann, Lars (2014) 'Review of: Intoxicating Manchuria: Alcohol, Opium, and Culture in China’s Northeast by Norman Smith. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.' China Information, 28 (01). pp. 105-106.
Laamann, Lars (2014) 'Tiananmen Square is being Cleansed with Blood.' The Conversation [Online].
Lane, George (2014) 'Persian Notables and the Families which underpinned the Ilkhanate.' In: Amitai, Reuven and Biran, Michal, (eds.), Nomads as Agents of Cultural Change : The Mongols and Their Eurasian Predecessors. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, pp. 214-227. (Perspectives on the global past)
Rodet, Marie (2014) 'Le Sous-Lieutenant Mansouka (c.1860-1920) : Un parcours d’esclave affranchi entre rébellion et allégeance au temps de la conquête coloniale française en Afrique.' In: Leservoisier, Olivier and Trabelsi, Salah, (eds.), Résistances et mémoires des esclavages. Espaces arabo-musulmans et transatlantiques. Paris: Karthala.
Hirschler, Konrad (2014) 'Ibn Wāsil: An Ayyubid Perspective on Frankish Lordships and Crusades.' In: Mallett, Alex, (ed.), Medieval Muslim Historians and the Franks in the Levant. Leiden: Brill, pp. 136-160. (The Muslim World in the Age of the Crusades, Volume: 2)
Farrelly, Nicholas, Maran, La Raw and Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Sojourn Symposium Review of 'Being and Becoming Kachin: Histories Beyond the State in the Borderworlds of Burma' by Mandy Sadan (OUP 2013).' Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 29 (2). pp. 467-482.
Mazza, Roberto (2014) 'A Diplomat in the Holy City: The Spanish Consul in Jerusalem 1914–1920.' In: Dolev, Eran, Sheffy, Yigal and Goren, Haim, (eds.), Palestine and World War I: Grand Strategy, Military Tactics and Culture in War. London: I.B.Tauris.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'The Textile Industry of Eastern Africa in the Longue Durée.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 264-294.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'The Fragile Revolution: rethinking war and development in Africa's violent nineteenth century.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 393-423.
Reyes, Raquel A. G. (2014) 'Gender and Sexuality in Southeast Asian History.' In: Owen, Norman, (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian History. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 246-257.
Fuccaro, Nelida (2014) 'Rethinking the History of Port Cities in the Gulf.' In: Potter, Lawrence G., (ed.), The Persian Gulf in Modern Times: People, Ports and History. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 23-46.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'The Fragile Revolution: rethinking war and development in Africa's violent nineteenth century.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 393-423.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'Ghosts in the Academy: historians and historical consciousness in the making of modern Uganda.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 56 (2). pp. 351-380.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'Horror, Hubris and Humanity: the international engagement with Africa, 1914-2014.' International Affairs, 90 (1). pp. 143-165.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'Writing Eritrea: history and representation in a bad neighbourhood.' History in Africa, 41. pp. 83-115.
Reyes, Raquel A. G. (2014) 'Gender and Sexuality in Southeast Asian History.' In: Owen, Norman, (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian History. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 246-257.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'The Textile Industry of Eastern Africa in the Longue Durée.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 264-294.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'The Fragile Revolution: rethinking war and development in Africa's violent nineteenth century.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 393-423.
Rodet, Marie (2014) 'Beyond the Postcolonial: Video Art from Africa.' In: Still Fighting Ignorance and Intellectual Perfidy: Video Art from Africa. London: Ben Uri Gallery.
Rodet, Marie (2014) 'Forced Labor, Resistance, and Masculinities in Kayes, French Sudan, 1919–1946.' International Labor and Working-Class History, 86. pp. 107-123.
Rodet, Marie (2014) '“I ask for divorce because my husband does not let me go back to my country of origin with my brother”: Gender, Family, and the End of Slavery in the Region of Kayes, French Soudan (1890 – 1920).' In: Campbell, Gwyn and Elbourne, Elizabeth, (eds.), Sex, Power, and Slavery. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, pp. 182-202.
Rodet, Marie (2014) 'Le Sous-Lieutenant Mansouka (c.1860-1920) : Un parcours d’esclave affranchi entre rébellion et allégeance au temps de la conquête coloniale française en Afrique.' In: Leservoisier, Olivier and Trabelsi, Salah, (eds.), Résistances et mémoires des esclavages. Espaces arabo-musulmans et transatlantiques. Paris: Karthala.
Farrelly, Nicholas, Maran, La Raw and Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Sojourn Symposium Review of 'Being and Becoming Kachin: Histories Beyond the State in the Borderworlds of Burma' by Mandy Sadan (OUP 2013).' Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 29 (2). pp. 467-482.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'The Extra-ordinariness of Ordinary Lives.' In: Tagliacozzo, Eric and Chang, Wen-chin, (eds.), Burmese Lives. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 25-52.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'The Historical Visual Economy of Photography in Burma.' Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 170 (2-3). pp. 281-312.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Reflections on building an inclusive higher education system in Myanmar.' British Academy Review, Summer (24). pp. 68-71.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Religion, identity and separatism - the case of the Kachin.' In: Gravers, Mikael and Ytzen, Flemming, (eds.), Burma/Myanmar: Where Now? Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 262-278.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Remembering Fieldwork Histories.' In: Chaudhuri, Sarit K. and Chaudhuri, Sucheta Sen, (eds.), Memories and Moments of Fieldwork: South Asian Experience. New Delhi: Sage Publications Pvt Ltd.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Review of 'Local Traditions, Global Modernities: Dress, Identity and the Creation of Public Self-Images in Contemporary Urban Myanmar' by Georg Noack.' South East Asia Research, 22 (3). pp. 450-453.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Review of Red Stamps and Gold Stars: Fieldwork Dilemmas in Upland Socialist Asia edited by Sarah Turner. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2013. pp.308.' ASEASUK News, 55 . pp. 19-20.
Hirschler, Konrad and Savant, Sarah (2014) 'Introduction - What Is in a Period? Arabic Historiography and Periodization.' Der Islam, 91 (1). pp. 6-19.
Clarence-Smith, William (2014) 'Slavery in early modern Russia.' In: Hanns, Stefan and Schiel, Juliane, (eds.), Mediterranean slavery revisited, 500-1800. Zurich: Chronos Verlag, pp. 119-142.
Mazza, Roberto (2014) 'A Diplomat in the Holy City: The Spanish Consul in Jerusalem 1914–1920.' In: Dolev, Eran, Sheffy, Yigal and Goren, Haim, (eds.), Palestine and World War I: Grand Strategy, Military Tactics and Culture in War. London: I.B.Tauris.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'The Extra-ordinariness of Ordinary Lives.' In: Tagliacozzo, Eric and Chang, Wen-chin, (eds.), Burmese Lives. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 25-52.
Tejani, Shabnum (2014) 'The Colonial Legacy.' In: Guneratne, Arjun and Weiss, Anita, (eds.), Pathways to Power: the Domestic Politics of South Asia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 21-103.
Rodet, Marie (2014) 'Le Sous-Lieutenant Mansouka (c.1860-1920) : Un parcours d’esclave affranchi entre rébellion et allégeance au temps de la conquête coloniale française en Afrique.' In: Leservoisier, Olivier and Trabelsi, Salah, (eds.), Résistances et mémoires des esclavages. Espaces arabo-musulmans et transatlantiques. Paris: Karthala.
Webb, Peter (2014) 'Al-Jāhiliyya: Uncertain Times of Uncertain Meanings.' Der Islam, 91 (1). pp. 69-94.
Tejani, Shabnum (2014) 'The Colonial Legacy.' In: Guneratne, Arjun and Weiss, Anita, (eds.), Pathways to Power: the Domestic Politics of South Asia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 21-103.
Wong, Kathie A., Bultitude, Matthew and Chatterton, Jocelyn (2014) 'Urological Papers Arising From the early Years of the Chinese Medical Journal.' De Historia Urologiae Europaeae, 21. pp. 175-185.
Sadan, Mandy (2014) 'Religion, identity and separatism - the case of the Kachin.' In: Gravers, Mikael and Ytzen, Flemming, (eds.), Burma/Myanmar: Where Now? Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 262-278.