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Number of items: 81.

Arciuli, Joanne

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P., Vigliocco, Gabriella, Watanabe, Masumi and Arciuli, Joanne (2008) 'Naming action in Japanese: Effects of semantic similarity and grammatical class.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 23 (6). pp. 889-930.

Arnandiz, Otilia

Shah, Sheena (2008) 'Negotiating multilingual identities in interaction: The Südwesters of Namibia.' Achieving Multilingualism: Wills and Ways. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multilingualism (ICOM). pp. 389-402.

Austin, Peter

Austin, Peter, ed. (2008) 1000 languages. The worldwide history of living and lost tongues. London: Thames and Hudson.

Austin, Peter and Musgrave, Simon, eds. (2008) Transitivity and Voice in Austronesian Languages. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism)

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2008) 'Central, East and Southern African Languages.' In: Austin, Peter, (ed.), One Thousand Languages. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Ivy Press/University of California Press, pp. 86-111.

Bond, Oliver

Bond, Oliver (2008) 'Multiple analytical perspectives of the Eleme Anterior-Perfective.' In: Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of Papers Selected from the CIL 18 [CD-ROM]. Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea, pp. 1480-1496.

Bouzouita, Miriam

Marten, Lutz, Kempson, Ruth and Bouzouita, Miriam (2008) 'Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance.' In: de Cat, Cécile and Demuth, Katherine, (eds.), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-39.

Carr, Jo

Carr, Jo and Pauwels, Anne (2008) Boys and foreign language learning: Real boys don’t do languages. London: Macmillan.

Chang, C. B.

Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'Variation in palatal production in Buenos Aires Spanish.' In: Westmoreland, M. and Thomas, J. A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 54-63.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Gerassimova, Veronica and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Long-Distance Dependencies in Tagalog: The Case for Raising.' In: Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference. Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 190-198.

Charette, Monik

Charette, Monik (2008) 'The vital role of the trochaic foot in explaining Turkish word endings.' Lingua, 118 (1). pp. 46-65.

Clancy, P.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Cobbinah, Alexander Yao

Cobbinah, Alexander Yao (2008) Das morphologisch unmarkierte Passiv in Bambara. Masters dissertation. University of Cologne.

Demuth, Katherine

Marten, Lutz, Kempson, Ruth and Bouzouita, Miriam (2008) 'Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance.' In: de Cat, Cécile and Demuth, Katherine, (eds.), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-39.

Gerassimova, Veronica

Gerassimova, Veronica and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Long-Distance Dependencies in Tagalog: The Case for Raising.' In: Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference. Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 190-198.

Guérois, Rozenn

Guérois, Rozenn (2008) O pretérito no presente : identidade e memória sertanejas na arte de Juraci Dórea. Masters dissertation. University of Rennes 2.

Haynie, Hannah J.

Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Haynie, Hannah J.

Gerassimova, Veronica and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Long-Distance Dependencies in Tagalog: The Case for Raising.' In: Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference. Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 190-198.

Hudson, M. E.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Iida, Masayo

Iida, Masayo and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Mismatches between Morphology and Syntax in Japanese Complex Predicates.' Lingua, 118 (7). pp. 947-968.

Indefrey, Peter

Seyfeddinipur, Mandana, Kita, Sotaro and Indefrey, Peter (2008) 'How speakers interrupt themselves in managing problems in speaking: Evidence from self-repairs.' Cognition, 108 (3). pp. 837-842.

Ingham, Bruce

Ingham, Bruce (2008) 'Najdi Arabic.' In: Versteegh, Kees, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol.3. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 326-334.

Iwasaki, Noriko

Iwasaki, Noriko (2008) 'L2 Japanese Acquisition of the Pragmatics of Requests during a Short-term Study Abroad.' Japanese Language Education in Europe, 12. pp. 51-58.

Iwasaki, Noriko and Kumagai, Yuri (2008) 'Promoting critical reading in an advanced-level Japanese course: Theory and practice through reflection and dialogues.' Japanese Language and Literature, 42 (1). pp. 123-156.

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P., Vigliocco, Gabriella, Watanabe, Masumi and Arciuli, Joanne (2008) 'Naming action in Japanese: Effects of semantic similarity and grammatical class.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 23 (6). pp. 889-930.

Jang, Y.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Jiang, Yan

Jiang, Yan, trans. (2008) 关联:交际与认知 [Relevance: Communication and Cognition]. Contemporary Linguistic Theory Series . Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House. pp. 1-432.

Jun, S.-A.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Kang, Y.-S.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Kempson, Ruth

Marten, Lutz, Kempson, Ruth and Bouzouita, Miriam (2008) 'Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance.' In: de Cat, Cécile and Demuth, Katherine, (eds.), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-39.

Kim, Jong-Bok

Kim, Jong-Bok and Sells, Peter (2008) English Syntax: An Introduction. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Kita, Sotaro

Seyfeddinipur, Mandana, Kita, Sotaro and Indefrey, Peter (2008) 'How speakers interrupt themselves in managing problems in speaking: Evidence from self-repairs.' Cognition, 108 (3). pp. 837-842.

Kula, Nancy C.

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2008) 'Central, East and Southern African Languages.' In: Austin, Peter, (ed.), One Thousand Languages. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Ivy Press/University of California Press, pp. 86-111.

Marten, Lutz and Kula, Nancy C. (2008) 'Meanings of money: national identity and the semantics of currencies in Zambia and Tanzania.' Journal of African Cultural Studies, 20 (2). pp. 183-199.

Kumagai, Yuri

Iwasaki, Noriko and Kumagai, Yuri (2008) 'Promoting critical reading in an advanced-level Japanese course: Theory and practice through reflection and dialogues.' Japanese Language and Literature, 42 (1). pp. 123-156.

Kuno, S.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Lee, I.-H.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Levin, Beth

Levin, Beth and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Unpredicated Particles.' In: Uyechi, Linda and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Li, Defeng

Li, Defeng, ed. (2008) 《中大譯訊》(第五期 ──第十六期). Hong Kong: Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Li, Defeng (2008) Translating Commercial Texts. Taiwan: Bookman. (Unpublished)

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2008) '<可比语料量化比较分析与应用文体翻译 
——一项基于自建小型语料库的研究 >.' In: 第18届世界翻译大会论文集. Beijing: 外文出版社, pp. 561-566.

Maling, J.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Marten, Lutz

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2008) 'Central, East and Southern African Languages.' In: Austin, Peter, (ed.), One Thousand Languages. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Ivy Press/University of California Press, pp. 86-111.

Marten, Lutz, Kempson, Ruth and Bouzouita, Miriam (2008) 'Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance.' In: de Cat, Cécile and Demuth, Katherine, (eds.), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-39.

Marten, Lutz and Kula, Nancy C. (2008) 'Meanings of money: national identity and the semantics of currencies in Zambia and Tanzania.' Journal of African Cultural Studies, 20 (2). pp. 183-199.

Merin, Arthur

Merin, Arthur and Nikolaeva, Irina (2008) 'Exclamative as a Universal Speech Act Category: a case study in Decision-Theoretic Semantics and typological implications.' Online Semantics Archive:

Musgrave, Simon

Austin, Peter and Musgrave, Simon, eds. (2008) Transitivity and Voice in Austronesian Languages. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism)

Nikolaeva, Irina

Nikolaeva, Irina and Spencer, Andrew, eds. (2008) Editorial. Morphosyntactic mismatches and mixed categories. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special issue of Lingua. Vol 118 No. 4)

Iida, Masayo and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Mismatches between Morphology and Syntax in Japanese Complex Predicates.' Lingua, 118 (7). pp. 947-968.

Merin, Arthur and Nikolaeva, Irina (2008) 'Exclamative as a Universal Speech Act Category: a case study in Decision-Theoretic Semantics and typological implications.' Online Semantics Archive:

Nikolaeva, Irina (2008) 'Between nouns and adjectives: a constructional view.' Lingua, 118 (7). pp. 969-996.

Pauwels, Anne

Carr, Jo and Pauwels, Anne (2008) Boys and foreign language learning: Real boys don’t do languages. London: Macmillan.

Safont, Jorda

Shah, Sheena (2008) 'Negotiating multilingual identities in interaction: The Südwesters of Namibia.' Achieving Multilingualism: Wills and Ways. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multilingualism (ICOM). pp. 389-402.

Sells, Peter

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Gerassimova, Veronica and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Long-Distance Dependencies in Tagalog: The Case for Raising.' In: Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference. Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 190-198.

Iida, Masayo and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Mismatches between Morphology and Syntax in Japanese Complex Predicates.' Lingua, 118 (7). pp. 947-968.

Kim, Jong-Bok and Sells, Peter (2008) English Syntax: An Introduction. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Levin, Beth and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Unpredicated Particles.' In: Uyechi, Linda and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Seyfeddinipur, Mandana

Seyfeddinipur, Mandana, Kita, Sotaro and Indefrey, Peter (2008) 'How speakers interrupt themselves in managing problems in speaking: Evidence from self-repairs.' Cognition, 108 (3). pp. 837-842.

Shah, Sheena

Shah, Sheena (2008) 'Negotiating multilingual identities in interaction: The Südwesters of Namibia.' Achieving Multilingualism: Wills and Ways. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multilingualism (ICOM). pp. 389-402.

Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Spencer, Andrew

Nikolaeva, Irina and Spencer, Andrew, eds. (2008) Editorial. Morphosyntactic mismatches and mixed categories. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special issue of Lingua. Vol 118 No. 4)

Iida, Masayo and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Mismatches between Morphology and Syntax in Japanese Complex Predicates.' Lingua, 118 (7). pp. 947-968.

Thomas, J. A.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'Variation in palatal production in Buenos Aires Spanish.' In: Westmoreland, M. and Thomas, J. A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 54-63.

Ulfsbjorninn, Shanti

Ulfsbjorninn, Shanti (2008) 'The Formal Dynamism of Categories: Stops vs. Fricatives, Primitivity vs. Simplicity.' Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 44 (1). pp. 121-146.

Uyechi, Linda

Levin, Beth and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Unpredicated Particles.' In: Uyechi, Linda and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Versteegh, Kees

Ingham, Bruce (2008) 'Najdi Arabic.' In: Versteegh, Kees, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol.3. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 326-334.

Vigliocco, Gabriella

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P., Vigliocco, Gabriella, Watanabe, Masumi and Arciuli, Joanne (2008) 'Naming action in Japanese: Effects of semantic similarity and grammatical class.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 23 (6). pp. 889-930.

Vinson, David P.

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P., Vigliocco, Gabriella, Watanabe, Masumi and Arciuli, Joanne (2008) 'Naming action in Japanese: Effects of semantic similarity and grammatical class.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 23 (6). pp. 889-930.

Watanabe, Masumi

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P., Vigliocco, Gabriella, Watanabe, Masumi and Arciuli, Joanne (2008) 'Naming action in Japanese: Effects of semantic similarity and grammatical class.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 23 (6). pp. 889-930.

Wee, Lian-Hee

Levin, Beth and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Unpredicated Particles.' In: Uyechi, Linda and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Wescoat, Michael T.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Westmoreland, M.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'Variation in palatal production in Buenos Aires Spanish.' In: Westmoreland, M. and Thomas, J. A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 54-63.

Whitman, J.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.

Xia, Yun

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2008) '<可比语料量化比较分析与应用文体翻译 
——一项基于自建小型语料库的研究 >.' In: 第18届世界翻译大会论文集. Beijing: 外文出版社, pp. 561-566.

de Cat, Cécile

Marten, Lutz, Kempson, Ruth and Bouzouita, Miriam (2008) 'Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance.' In: de Cat, Cécile and Demuth, Katherine, (eds.), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-39.

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