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Number of items: 89.

Ammon, Ulrich

Pauwels, Anne (2006) 'Australia and New Zealand/Austalien und Neuseeland.' In: Ammon, Ulrich, Dittmar, Norbert, Mattheier, Klaus J. and Trudgill, Peter, (eds.), An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Volume 3. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter, pp. 2025-2034.

Anderson, Gregory D. S.

Bond, Oliver and Anderson, Gregory D. S. (2006) 'Divergent Structure in Ogonoid Languages.' In: Cover, Rebecca T. and Kim, Yuni, (eds.), Proceedings of 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society: Special Session on Languages of West Africa. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.

Bond, Oliver

Bond, Oliver (2006) 'A broader perspective on point of view: logophoricity in Ogonoid languages.' In: Mugane, John, Hutchinson, John P. and Worman, Dee A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistics in Broad Perspective. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 234-244.

Bond, Oliver and Anderson, Gregory D. S. (2006) 'Divergent Structure in Ogonoid Languages.' In: Cover, Rebecca T. and Kim, Yuni, (eds.), Proceedings of 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society: Special Session on Languages of West Africa. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.

Brown, Keith

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Lakota.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol. 6. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 305-306.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Afghanistan.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.1. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 89-90.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Iran.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.6. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 16-17.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Qatar.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.10. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 298.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Saudi Arabia.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.10. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 753-754.

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Southern Bantu Languages.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2nd ed.; vol.11. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 595-598.

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Swahili.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2nd ed.; v.12. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 304-308.

Marten, Lutz and Kempson, Ruth (2006) 'Dynamic Syntax.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2nd ed.; v.4. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 33-37.

Chang, C. B.

Chang, C. B. (2006) 'On activation and suppression in the dual-route model of reading: 'bass' the fish or 'bass' the guitar?' In: Proceedings of SICOL 2006: The Seoul International Conference on Linguistics. Seoul, Korea: Linguistic Society of Korea, pp. 521-530.

Charette, Monik

Charette, Monik (2006) 'The end of the (Turkish) word.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 14. pp. 23-40.

Chatsiou, Kakia

Chatsiou, Kakia (2006) On the status of Resumptive Pronouns in Restrictive Relative Clauses. In: LFG 06 International Conference, 10th – 13th July 2006, Universitat Konstanz, Germany.

Chatty, Dawn

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language and identity: the perpetuation of dialects.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa: Entering the 21st Century. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 523-538. (Handbook of oriental studies., Section 1, the Near and Middle East: 81)

Cover, Rebecca T.

Bond, Oliver and Anderson, Gregory D. S. (2006) 'Divergent Structure in Ogonoid Languages.' In: Cover, Rebecca T. and Kim, Yuni, (eds.), Proceedings of 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society: Special Session on Languages of West Africa. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.

Dalrymple, Mary

Nikolaeva, Irina and Dalrymple, Mary (2006) 'Syntax of Natural and Accidental Coordination: Evidence from Agreement.' Language, 82 (4). pp. 824-49.

Dittmar, Norbert

Pauwels, Anne (2006) 'Australia and New Zealand/Austalien und Neuseeland.' In: Ammon, Ulrich, Dittmar, Norbert, Mattheier, Klaus J. and Trudgill, Peter, (eds.), An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Volume 3. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter, pp. 2025-2034.

Downing, Laura J.

Downing, Laura J., Marten, Lutz and Zerbian, Sabine, eds. (2006) Papers in Bantu Grammar and Description. Berlin: ZAS. (ZAS Papers in Linguistics; 43)

Egbokhare, Francis

Rafferty, Wayne and Salffner, Sophie (2006) 'Once upon a time in a country far, far away …. Ritualisation and Ritualised Communication in African Orature.' In: Egbokhare, Francis and Kolawole, Clement, (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th West African Linguistics Congress. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan, pp. 243-254.

Foster, Peter

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Bantu classification, Bantu trees and phylogenetic methods.' In: Foster, Peter and Renfrew, Colin, (eds.), Phylogenetic Methods and the Prehistory of Languages. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 43-55.

Hu, Mu

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2006) 'Curriculum Development in Translation Education: A Learner-Centered Approach.' Journal of Foreign Languages (2).

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2006) 'Research on Legal Translation: Actuality and Future.' Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal = 中国科技翻译, 19 (3).

Hutchinson, John P.

Bond, Oliver (2006) 'A broader perspective on point of view: logophoricity in Ogonoid languages.' In: Mugane, John, Hutchinson, John P. and Worman, Dee A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistics in Broad Perspective. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 234-244.

Ingham, Bruce

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Afghanistan Arabic.' In: Versteegh, Kees, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Arabic language and linguistics. Vol. 1. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 28-35.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Lakota.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol. 6. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 305-306.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Afghanistan.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.1. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 89-90.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Iran.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.6. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 16-17.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Qatar.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.10. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 298.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language Situation in Saudi Arabia.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.10. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 753-754.

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Language and identity: the perpetuation of dialects.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa: Entering the 21st Century. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 523-538. (Handbook of oriental studies., Section 1, the Near and Middle East: 81)

Iwasaki, Noriko

Iwasaki, Noriko (2006) 'Processes in L2 Japanese Sentence Production.' In: Nakayama, Mineharu, Mazuka, R. and Shirai, Y., (eds.), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. Volume II: Japanese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 158-164.

Iwasaki, Noriko (2006) 'Transitivity in Japanese Sentence Production: Speech Errors of the Dative NI and the Accusative O.' Journal of Japanese Lingusitics, 22 (2006). pp. 43-57.

Iwasaki, Noriko and Sadler, Misumi (2006) 'Focus on functions in Japanese language classrooms: An output-based approach to teaching appropriate particle use for the purpose of speaking.' BATJ Journal, 7. pp. 17-31.

Jenkins, J.

Sallabank, Julia (2006) 'Prospects for Linguistic Diversity in Europe and Beyond: Views from a Small Island.' In: Leung, C. and Jenkins, J., (eds.), Reconfiguring Europe: The Contribution of Applied Linguistics. London: Equinox Publishing, pp. 41-63.

Kempson, Ruth

Marten, Lutz and Kempson, Ruth (2006) 'Dynamic Syntax.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2nd ed.; v.4. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 33-37.

Kim, Shin-Sook

Sells, Peter and Kim, Shin-Sook (2006) 'Korean NPIs Scope Over Negation.' Language Research, 42. pp. 275-297.

Kim, Yuni

Bond, Oliver and Anderson, Gregory D. S. (2006) 'Divergent Structure in Ogonoid Languages.' In: Cover, Rebecca T. and Kim, Yuni, (eds.), Proceedings of 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society: Special Session on Languages of West Africa. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.

Kolawole, Clement

Rafferty, Wayne and Salffner, Sophie (2006) 'Once upon a time in a country far, far away …. Ritualisation and Ritualised Communication in African Orature.' In: Egbokhare, Francis and Kolawole, Clement, (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th West African Linguistics Congress. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan, pp. 243-254.

Kuno, S.

Sells, Peter (2006) 'Interactions of Negative Polarity Items in Korean.' In: Kuno, S., (ed.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics. Vol.11. Cambridge, Mass.: Dept. of Linguistics, Harvard University, pp. 724-737.

Leung, C.

Sallabank, Julia (2006) 'Prospects for Linguistic Diversity in Europe and Beyond: Views from a Small Island.' In: Leung, C. and Jenkins, J., (eds.), Reconfiguring Europe: The Contribution of Applied Linguistics. London: Equinox Publishing, pp. 41-63.

Li, Defeng

Li, Defeng (2006) 'Making Translation Testing More Teaching-oriented: A Case Study of Translation Testing in China.' Meta: Translators' Journal, 51 (1). pp. 72-88.

Li, Defeng (2006) 'Translators as well as Thinkers: Teaching of Journalistic Translation in Hong Kong.' Meta: Translators' Journal, 51 (3). pp. 611-619.

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2006) 'Curriculum Development in Translation Education: A Learner-Centered Approach.' Journal of Foreign Languages (2).

Li, Defeng and Hu, Mu (2006) 'Research on Legal Translation: Actuality and Future.' Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal = 中国科技翻译, 19 (3).

Marten, Lutz

Downing, Laura J., Marten, Lutz and Zerbian, Sabine, eds. (2006) Papers in Bantu Grammar and Description. Berlin: ZAS. (ZAS Papers in Linguistics; 43)

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Bantu classification, Bantu trees and phylogenetic methods.' In: Foster, Peter and Renfrew, Colin, (eds.), Phylogenetic Methods and the Prehistory of Languages. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 43-55.

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Review: 'A Grammatical Sketch of Mbugwe: Bantu F34, Tanzania' by Maarten Mous,.' Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 27 (2). pp. 205-208.

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Southern Bantu Languages.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2nd ed.; vol.11. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 595-598.

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Swahili.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2nd ed.; v.12. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 304-308.

Marten, Lutz and Kempson, Ruth (2006) 'Dynamic Syntax.' In: Brown, Keith, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, 2nd ed.; v.4. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 33-37.

Mattheier, Klaus J.

Pauwels, Anne (2006) 'Australia and New Zealand/Austalien und Neuseeland.' In: Ammon, Ulrich, Dittmar, Norbert, Mattheier, Klaus J. and Trudgill, Peter, (eds.), An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Volume 3. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter, pp. 2025-2034.

Mazuka, R.

Iwasaki, Noriko (2006) 'Processes in L2 Japanese Sentence Production.' In: Nakayama, Mineharu, Mazuka, R. and Shirai, Y., (eds.), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. Volume II: Japanese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 158-164.

Mugane, John

Bond, Oliver (2006) 'A broader perspective on point of view: logophoricity in Ogonoid languages.' In: Mugane, John, Hutchinson, John P. and Worman, Dee A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistics in Broad Perspective. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 234-244.

Nakayama, Mineharu

Iwasaki, Noriko (2006) 'Processes in L2 Japanese Sentence Production.' In: Nakayama, Mineharu, Mazuka, R. and Shirai, Y., (eds.), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. Volume II: Japanese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 158-164.

Nikolaeva, Irina

Nikolaeva, Irina (2006) A Historical Dictionary of Yukaghir. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Trends in Linguistics. Documentation [TiLDOC], 25)

Nikolaeva, Irina and Dalrymple, Mary (2006) 'Syntax of Natural and Accidental Coordination: Evidence from Agreement.' Language, 82 (4). pp. 824-49.

Omoniyi, Tope

Sallabank, Julia (2006) 'Guernsey French, identity and language endangerment.' In: Omoniyi, Tope and White, Goodith, (eds.), The Sociolinguistics of Identity. London: Continuum, pp. 131-156. (Advances in Sociolinguistics)

Pauwels, Anne

Pauwels, Anne (2006) 'Australia and New Zealand/Austalien und Neuseeland.' In: Ammon, Ulrich, Dittmar, Norbert, Mattheier, Klaus J. and Trudgill, Peter, (eds.), An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Volume 3. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter, pp. 2025-2034.

Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2006) 'Gender Inclusivity or ‘Grammar Rules OK’? Linguistic Prescriptivism vs Linguistic Discrimination in the Classroom.' Language and Education, 20 (2). pp. 128-140.

Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2006) 'Men staying at home looking after their children: Masculinities and gender inclusive language reform.' International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16 (1). pp. 16-36.

Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2006) ''Trajectories of Agency' and discursive identities in education: a critical site in feminist language planning.' Current Issues in Language Planning, 17 (2/3). pp. 171-198.

Winter, Joanne and Pauwels, Anne (2006) 'Language maintenance in friendships: second-generation German, Greek, and Vietnamese migrants.' International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2006 (18). pp. 123-139.

Peck, Jeeyoung

Peck, Jeeyoung and Sells, Peter (2006) Preposition Incorporation in Mandarin: Economy within VP. In: Proceedings of the LFG-06 Conference.

Rafferty, Wayne

Rafferty, Wayne and Salffner, Sophie (2006) 'Once upon a time in a country far, far away …. Ritualisation and Ritualised Communication in African Orature.' In: Egbokhare, Francis and Kolawole, Clement, (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th West African Linguistics Congress. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan, pp. 243-254.

Renfrew, Colin

Marten, Lutz (2006) 'Bantu classification, Bantu trees and phylogenetic methods.' In: Foster, Peter and Renfrew, Colin, (eds.), Phylogenetic Methods and the Prehistory of Languages. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 43-55.

Rowan, Kirsty

Rowan, Kirsty (2006) 'Meroitic - an Afroasiatic language?' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 14. pp. 169-206.

Rowan, Kirsty (2006) 'A phonological investigation into the Meroitic ‘syllable’ signs – ne and se and their implications on the e sign.' Beitrage zur Sudanforschung, 9.

Sadler, Misumi

Iwasaki, Noriko and Sadler, Misumi (2006) 'Focus on functions in Japanese language classrooms: An output-based approach to teaching appropriate particle use for the purpose of speaking.' BATJ Journal, 7. pp. 17-31.

Salffner, Sophie

Rafferty, Wayne and Salffner, Sophie (2006) 'Once upon a time in a country far, far away …. Ritualisation and Ritualised Communication in African Orature.' In: Egbokhare, Francis and Kolawole, Clement, (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th West African Linguistics Congress. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan, pp. 243-254.

Sallabank, Julia

Sallabank, Julia (2006) 'Guernsey French, identity and language endangerment.' In: Omoniyi, Tope and White, Goodith, (eds.), The Sociolinguistics of Identity. London: Continuum, pp. 131-156. (Advances in Sociolinguistics)

Sallabank, Julia (2006) 'Prospects for Linguistic Diversity in Europe and Beyond: Views from a Small Island.' In: Leung, C. and Jenkins, J., (eds.), Reconfiguring Europe: The Contribution of Applied Linguistics. London: Equinox Publishing, pp. 41-63.

Sells, Peter

Peck, Jeeyoung and Sells, Peter (2006) Preposition Incorporation in Mandarin: Economy within VP. In: Proceedings of the LFG-06 Conference.

Sells, Peter (2006) 'Direct vs. Oblique Expression of Core Arguments in Korean.' In: Proceedings of the 2006 LSK International Conference. Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea, Seoul National University, pp. 239-248.

Sells, Peter (2006) 'Interactions of Negative Polarity Items in Korean.' In: Kuno, S., (ed.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics. Vol.11. Cambridge, Mass.: Dept. of Linguistics, Harvard University, pp. 724-737.

Sells, Peter (2006) Using Subsumption Rather Than Equality in Functional Control. In: Proceedings of the LFG-06 Conference.

Sells, Peter and Kim, Shin-Sook (2006) 'Korean NPIs Scope Over Negation.' Language Research, 42. pp. 275-297.

Seyfeddinipur, Mandana

Seyfeddinipur, Mandana (2006) Disfluency: Interrupting speech and gesture. Nijmegen: MPI-Series in Psycholinguistics.

Shirai, Y.

Iwasaki, Noriko (2006) 'Processes in L2 Japanese Sentence Production.' In: Nakayama, Mineharu, Mazuka, R. and Shirai, Y., (eds.), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. Volume II: Japanese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 158-164.

Trudgill, Peter

Pauwels, Anne (2006) 'Australia and New Zealand/Austalien und Neuseeland.' In: Ammon, Ulrich, Dittmar, Norbert, Mattheier, Klaus J. and Trudgill, Peter, (eds.), An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Volume 3. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter, pp. 2025-2034.

Versteegh, Kees

Ingham, Bruce (2006) 'Afghanistan Arabic.' In: Versteegh, Kees, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Arabic language and linguistics. Vol. 1. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 28-35.

White, Goodith

Sallabank, Julia (2006) 'Guernsey French, identity and language endangerment.' In: Omoniyi, Tope and White, Goodith, (eds.), The Sociolinguistics of Identity. London: Continuum, pp. 131-156. (Advances in Sociolinguistics)

Winter, Joanne

Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2006) 'Gender Inclusivity or ‘Grammar Rules OK’? Linguistic Prescriptivism vs Linguistic Discrimination in the Classroom.' Language and Education, 20 (2). pp. 128-140.

Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2006) 'Men staying at home looking after their children: Masculinities and gender inclusive language reform.' International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16 (1). pp. 16-36.

Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2006) ''Trajectories of Agency' and discursive identities in education: a critical site in feminist language planning.' Current Issues in Language Planning, 17 (2/3). pp. 171-198.

Winter, Joanne and Pauwels, Anne (2006) 'Language maintenance in friendships: second-generation German, Greek, and Vietnamese migrants.' International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2006 (18). pp. 123-139.

Worman, Dee A.

Bond, Oliver (2006) 'A broader perspective on point of view: logophoricity in Ogonoid languages.' In: Mugane, John, Hutchinson, John P. and Worman, Dee A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistics in Broad Perspective. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 234-244.

Zerbian, Sabine

Downing, Laura J., Marten, Lutz and Zerbian, Sabine, eds. (2006) Papers in Bantu Grammar and Description. Berlin: ZAS. (ZAS Papers in Linguistics; 43)

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