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Shackle, Christopher and Mandair, Arvind-pal, eds. (2005) Teachings of the Sikh Gurus: Selections from the Sikh Scriptures. London; New York: Routledge.

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Recognized masterpieces of Indian literature, the Guru Granth Sahib and the Dasam Granth are fundamental to the Sikh religion, not only in the physical layout of temples and in ceremonies of worship, but as infallible reference texts offering counsel and instruction. Teachings of the Sikh Gurus presents a brand new selection of key passages from these sacred scriptures, translated into modern English by leading experts, Christopher Shackle and Arvind-pal Singh Mandair. Including six longer compositions and many shorter hymns thematically organised by topics such as Time and Impermanence, Self and Mind, Authority, and Ethics, the book’s accessible and carefully chosen extracts distil the essence of Sikhism’s remarkable textual and intellectual legacy, depicting how its message of universal tolerance suits the contemporary world. The detailed introduction and notes to the translations aid readers’ comprehension of the hymns’ form and content, as well as providing some historical context, making it an ideal introduction to Sikh literature.

Item Type: Edited Book or Journal Volume
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Languages and Cultures > Department of the Languages and Cultures of South Asia
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religions. Mythology. Rationalism
ISBN: 9780415266031
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 27 May 2008 15:42

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