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Bajpai, Rochana (2020) 'Liberalisms in India.' In: Jenco, Leigh K., Idris, Murad and Thomas, Megan C., (eds.), Handbook of Comparative Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 485-503.

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Liberal ideas in India are relatively understudied as liberalism, although these have been examined as part of other ideologies, such as nationalism, socialism, and secularism.This chapter offers an exploratory sketch of strands of liberalism in India in theory and practice. Arguing that liberal ideas have historically had a significant presence in the Indian polity, I distinguish three strands of liberalism that have been influential in nineteenth- and twentieth-century India: colonial, nationalist, and radical. Whereas politically, these traditions have been antagonistic, in terms of ideology, all share a strong belief in the state as the principal agent of liberal reform and an acceptance of group-differentiated rights. This in turn has meant that strong liberalism remains weakly articulated in India: the need for protecting individuals from state power has rarely been elaborated. Its Indian itineraries, however, serve also as a reminder of the limits of liberalism and the significance of other moral horizons for the pursuit of individual freedom.

Item Type: Book Chapters
Keywords: liberalism, constitutionalism, group rights, colonialism, Raja Rammohan Roy, M. G. Ranade, Mahatma Jotirao Phule, B. R. Ambedkar
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Politics & International Studies
ISBN: 9780190253752
Copyright Statement: This is the version of the chapter accepted for publication in Jenco, Leigh K., Idris, Murad and Thomas, Megan C., (eds.), Handbook of Comparative Political Theory. 2020, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 485-503. oxfordhb/9780190253752.013.2 Re-use is subject to the publisher’s terms and conditions
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 15 May 2022 11:58

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