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Affrifah, Stephen Fred (1976) Akyem, c. 1700-1874: A Study in Inter-State Relations in Pre-Colonial Gold Coast. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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During the first quarter of the eighteenth century and long after, Bosome led a politically unexciting life. In contrast, the other two Akyem states, Abuakwa and Kotoku, pursued an aggressive foreign policy and tightly guarded their independence against hostile neighbours. Between 1730 and 1742 they acquired imperial domination over the eastern half of the Gold Coast west of the Volta. In 1744, however, Kotoku succumbed to Asante authority. Abuakwa resisted Asante but yielded to that power in 1783. The fall of the Akyem empire increased the area of Asante domination. The Asante yoke proved unbearable; consequently between 1810 and 1831 the Akyem states, as members of an Afro-European alliance, fought a successful war of independence against that power. The European co-operation, however, led to an Anglo-Danish rivalry for Akyem, Akuapem, and Krobo as spheres of influence: the rivalry ended in 185O. Continued threat from Asante and bitter intra-Akyem relations compelled the Akyem states to tolerate British protection. The invasion of Kotoku-Bosome territory by Asante in 1863 underlined the wisdom in remaining under the British canopy. In late l860s the Kotoku, for example, affirmed their loyalty to the British by helping to re-establish British authority in the Lower Volta District from which it had been withdrawn in 1860. The Kotoku involvement in the Volta conflicts, traditional animosity, and Anglo-Dutch deal over Elmina inspired Asante invasion of Akyem and other parts of the Protectorate in late 1872 and 1873. Close Akyem co-operation enabled the British to counterattack Asante successfully in 1874. The Akyem also incited Juaben secession from Asante and promoted the founding of the New Juaben State in Akyem. But the price for all this was the subjection of the Akyem and almost every other Gold Coast people to British colonial rule as from mid-1874.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2020 17:19

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