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Gebrselassie, Elias, Adhanom, Fresenbet G. Y. and Istratii, Romina, trans. (2019) ለኦርቶዶክስ ጋብቻ መመሪያ - የቅዱስ ዮሐንስ አፈወርቅ ሰባት ስብከቶች ስለ ወንድ እና ሴት፡ የትዳር ሕይወትና የትዳር ላይ ጥቃት. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Amharic), 2019 .

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This essay is adapted from the paper entitled “Beyond a feminist ‘hermeneutics of suspicion’: Reading St John Chrysostom’s commentaries on man-woman relations, marriage and conjugal abuse through the Orthodox phronema” authored by Dr Istratii (published by The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research (SJPR) here). The adapted version was translated by Mr. Gebrselassie and Mr. Abhanom together with Dr. Istratii, who mediated translation from the original Greek to Amharic. The aim of the essay has been to make the original Greek homilies of John Chrysostom accessible to the Ethiopian Orthodox community, as opposed to relying on English translations which may not be informed by the lived Orthodox phronema. While St John Chrysostom is an undisputed authority of theological matters within the EOTC, his commentaries on apostolic teachings on marriage have received considerably less attention compared to his other works on Church dogmatics. It is hoped that increasing knowledge of his teachings can contribute toward addressing gender-related issues and domestic violence in the Orthodox community of Ethiopia.

Item Type: Translations
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > School of History, Religions & Philosophies
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2020 15:07

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