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Mohan, Krishna (1958) Kashmir under the Loharas, A.D. 1003-1171. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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This work is an attempt at the reconstruction of Social History or Kashmir under the Lohara dynasties 1003-1171. Ch.l. We start with a discussion of the importance or this period in the history or Kashmir following it up with the previous work done in the field. A discussion of the various sources utilized in this work and the limitation set to it conclude this chapter. Ch.II. Part.l. This section draws a picture of the general geography of ancient Kashmir and the adjoining hill territories. In this section we also say a new words on the people or Kashmir. Ch.II. Part.II. An attempt has been made to present the political history or the times or the Loharas and their relations with the adjoining hill states, in this connection our endeavour has been to analyse the data presented by the local Kashmirian sources and the researches of eminent modern scholars and wherever possible to mix the Chronology. Ch.III. This chapter has three sections. The first deals with Kingship-the king being the most important member or society, we have presented the theories ox kingship existing in Kashmir and the monarchy in actual practice. The king's relations with the ministers, the criteria for appointment to ministerial posts are discusses. It is followed by a section on the offices held by various ministers and the local government. Ch.IV. This chapter deals with the various duties or government in connection with the administration of justice, revenue and army on which depends the strength and stability of a kingdom. We have tried to analyse the various theories about these institutions as set forth by the ancient and medieval Indian theorists, the views of our local authors, and the system in actual working, Ch.V. We have tried to determine whether the social system in Kashmir may in any sense be termed feudal. It is seen that the term feudal in Kashmir as in India in general cannot be used in its strict connotation. The position of Damaras and Lavanyas along with various other elements of the system have been fully described and analysed. Ch.VI. This portion deals with various sections of Kashmir society as they existed in medieval Kashmir and their counterparts even at present existing in Kashmir, The position of women in society is analysed. This is followed up by education, food, dress and ornaments. Ch.VII. In this we depict the religious picture of Kashmir from the earliest times, giving the details of the material manifestations of the religious faiths of the Kashmir Kings. Buddhism, Tantricism, Saivism, Vaisnavism and Surya sects are dealt with in separate sections. We conclude that religious sects flourished in Kasnmir with perfect toleration and equal reverence for each other. Ch.VIII. We shortly summarise the whole story depicted in all the above chapters. The Age of the Loharas, as we have stated, marked the zenith or Medieval Hindu Kashmir and with it passed its glory. Appendices. Five appendices dealing with Kalhana's position, His impartiality, Historiography in Kashmir, The Khasas, the race to which the rulers of Kashmir belonged and the analysis or the term Damara in medieval Kashmir have been added.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 15:21

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