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Abu-Rahmeh, Khalil S.S. (1981) The poetry of the Bakr tribe in their politico-tribal role from 1-132 A.H., with a detailed study of four Bakri poets. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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This thesis is a study of the poetry of the Bakr tribe in their politico-tribal role from the early Islamic period up to the fall of the Umayyad dynasty in 132 A.H., with a detailed study of four prominent Bakri poets. It consists of two parts. The earlier part consists of four chapters, the first of which contains a general survey of the politico-tribal interrelationship of the main Bakrite clans on the eve of Islam, including a brief account of their religion before Islam, and the conversion of the majority to Islam shortly before the death of the Prophet. The second chapter is on the role of Bakr in the Riddah movement and their poetry in that context. Chapter III tackles the migration of Bakr throughout the period of the Islamic conquests and their settlement in the conquered lands, especially in Iraq and Khurasan where the conquerors settled in khitat designed on tribal lines thus reinforcing their tribal polarity. Subsequently great tribal blocs and alliances emerged and were among the major motive factors of the Umayyad era. This re-emergence of tribalism had a clear impact upon politics and poetry. Most of the poets devoted much of their poetry to defending their tribes and glorifying their heroic deeds. This chapter also studies briefly tribal factors in the emergence and history of the Khawarij, which was the only movement heavily dependent on the Bakr for warriors, leaders and poets. The fourth chapter examines the poetry of the Bakrites in respect to their politico-tribal role from the Great Fitnah that culminated in the killing of the third caliph, 'Uthman, to the fall of the Umayyad dynasty. Part Two consists of a foreword and four chapters devoted to a detailed study of four well-known Bakri poets. They are: Nahar b. Tawsi'ah, the most gifted Bakri poet in Khurasan, al-'Udail b. al-Farkh who was described as the poet of Bakr, Nabighat B. Shaiban, the only Bakri poet whose diwan has survived, and 'Imran b. Hittan who embraced the Kharijite beliefs and was a talented poet. He was the chief of the Sufrite sitters and their mufti.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 15:12

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