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Kyaw Thet, Maung (1950) Burma's relations with her eastern neighbours in the Konbaung period, 1752-1819. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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The thesis is an attempt to portray Burma's foreign relations through Burmese eyes. The Burmese of the period regarded the glory of Buddhism as the dominant motive in both public and private life. The king was regarded as essential to this aim, and as by virtue of the general acceptance of the idea of successive reincarnations, the king could be regarded the most worthy contemporary Buddhist he was thereby fully invested with autocratic powers. A tradition of great empire, which, however mistaken, found great favour in the general Burmese mentality, made it necessary for the Konboung dynasty to embark on endless wars of aggrandisement, and this is mainly responsible for the nature of the relations Burma had with Siam and Laossin this period. It was partly because of the Burmese attempt at the imposition of control over the Northern Lao states that caused the Chinese invasion. The Siamese at the opening of our period lacked effective leadership, and the cumbersome and unsatisfactory nature of her administration, prevented the quick concentration of her forces of resistance, and the Burmese were successful in the early stages. China had old traditions of overlordship but the enforcement of recognition varied and was seldom as effective as in the far more accessible are of Tonquin. The Burmese were a proud race and their kings would always attempt to beat off Chinese pretentions. They had always tried to, but sometimes unsuccessfully. The Chinese invasions diverted Burmese strength from Siam, and Siam under pressure of the threat of renewed aggression reorganised and revived, and from that time held its own with Burma. Soon the West came on the scene and relations between these countries became incidents in more significant pattern of European expansion in the Far East.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 15:07

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