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Marsden, Magnus and Ibanez-Tirado, Diana (2015) 'Repertoires of Family Life and the Anchoring of Afghan Trading Networks in Ukraine.' History and Anthropology, 26 (2). pp. 145-164.

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This article examines the “repertories” of family life of men of Afghan background in Odessa, Ukraine. It focuses on these men's intimate relationships with “local women” and challenges the notion that such unions merely offer a form of emotional escape for migrants or refugees far from home. Instead, we advance two arguments: first, that Afghan men in Ukraine form part of a complex transnational trading network, rather than a bounded group of refugees or migrants; second, that the cross-community relationships between Afghan men and “local women” play a significant role in the spatial anchoring and commercial fortunes of transnational Afghan traders in Ukraine. In the analysis of our ethnographic data, we consider the importance of the aftermath of the Cold War in shaping the diverse forms of family life within these trading networks.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Afghanistan, Ukraine, trading networks, marriage, transnational kinship
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Department of Anthropology and Sociology
Regional Centres and Institutes > Centre of Contemporary Central Asia and the Caucasus
ISSN: 02757206
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 02 Jun 2015 11:22

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