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Jackson, Andrew David (2014) 'Histories in Stone: The Musin Rebellion Stelae and Contested Factional Histories.' International Journal of Asian Studies Journal, 11 (1). pp. 53-75.

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The 1728 Musin Rebellion was a failed attempt by factional members to overthrow militarily King Yŏngjo’s government. Between 1736 and 1837, six stelae, dedicated to loyal subjects who resisted the rebels, were erected in three different provinces. These stelae contain historical descriptions of the rebellion, its suppression, and the political aftermath. Previous research centred on one stele, represented as evidence of worsening discrimination against Kyŏngsang province elites. This article considers the six stelae in relation to the wider political context of 1728–1837 and analyses consistencies in the text, political connections, location, and the target audience. The stelae reveal complex political struggles in post-rebellion Chosŏn, including a struggle for court recognition by loyalists in areas of rebel strength. Most significantly, the stelae reveal a struggle amongst the victors of the rebellion. The authors attempted to set the record straight over the loyalty of their officials – especially those who had been involved in some form of controversy during the Musin Rebellion – thereby proving their loyalty to Yŏngjo and their right to administer government. To show they were trustworthy court officials, moderate Disciple’s faction supporters were also distancing themselves from Disciple’s faction extremists that had led the Musin Rebellion.

Item Type: Journal Article
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Centre for Media Studies
Legacy Departments > Faculty of Languages and Cultures > Department of the Languages and Cultures of Japan and Korea
ISSN: 14795914
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2014 16:00

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