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Flügel, Peter (2012) 'Protestantische und Post-Protestantische Jaina-Reformbewegungen: Zur Geschichte und Organisation der Sthānakavāsī IV.' Berliner Indologische Studien, 20. pp. 37-124.

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Part IV of the study of the Sthānakavāsī Śvetāmbara Jaina traditions focuses on the sociology of monastic schools and sects. It comprises (1) a discussion of Randall Collins' sociological interpretation of Jaina philosophical schools, and earlier scholarship on the sociology of Jaina schools and sects; (2) a new interpretation of the monastic categories maṇḍalī and saṃbhoga, literally 'circle' and 'commensal group', and of the processes of inclusion and exclusion; (3) a source-critical reconstruction and analysis of the doctrinal and ritual differences between the first Sthānakavāsī schools of Dharmasiṅha, Lavjī Ṛṣi and Dharmadāsa in the seventeenth century, and an an assessment of their influence on the subsequent development of the aniconic Jaina traditions.

Item Type: Journal Article
Additional Information: ISBN: 9783896935731
Keywords: Sociology of Monastic Schools and Orders, Sthānakavāsī Jaina Schools and Sects, Doctrinal and Ritual Differences between the Schools of Dharmasiṅha, Lavajī Ṛṣi and Dharmadāsa, Monastic Law, Community and Society, Categories of Reflection, saṃbhoga, vikṛti, maryādā, āvaśyaka, Randall Collins
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > School of History, Religions & Philosophies > Department of Religions & Philosophies
Legacy Departments > Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Department of the Study of Religions > Centre of Jaina Studies
ISSN: 09350004
Copyright Statement: With permission of the editors
Date Deposited: 03 Jan 2012 11:31

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