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Oya, Carlos (2011) 'Africa and the Millenium Developement Goals (MDGs): What´s Right, What's Wrong and What's Missing.' Revista de Economia Mundial (27). pp. 19-33.

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The deadline of 2015 for the MDGs is getting dangerously close. It is well known that most African countries will not meet most MDGs set out in 2000 as an ambitious plan to achieve fast socio-economic progress in developing countries. This article introduces a special issue to the problematic of MDGs in Africa, progress achieved, challenges and what is missing from the MDG agenda. The article provides an overview of the situation with regards to the MDGs, with particular emphasis on the objective of reducing poverty, which is highly associated with the other MDGs. It is shown that the record in poverty reduction has been generally disappointing. Besides, the poverty reduction agenda has contributed to the fall of “grand narratives” of development and the demise of the idea of “development” as understood in the traditions of old development economics and political economy of development. The New Poverty and the MDG agendas have been relatively successful in garnering support to increase international assistance for basic needs in African countries, but are much less impressive in terms of achieved outcomes and their contribution to development strategies. The paper finally introduces the main contents of the special issue and some of the most salient critical points from a set of articles that critically engage with dominant discourses around MDGs in Africa.

Item Type: Journal Article
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Development Studies
Legacy Departments > Faculty of Law and Social Sciences > Department of Development Studies
ISSN: 15760162
Date Deposited: 16 May 2011 14:26

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