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Ramanujam, Chidambaram Srinivasachari (1968) British Relations with Tanjore (1748-1799). PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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The thesis examines the policy followed by the British towards Tanjore from the beginning of the Carnatic Wars to the end of the century. They came into close contact with that state during the course of the first Carnatic War and found her alliance and co-operation invaluable in establishing their power in India. By the end of the century, when their power was supreme, they found it convenient to annex Tanjore into their dominions. Throughout this period, Tanjore had not engaged herself in any hostilities towards the British; on the contrary, she had remained a faithful ally and to a great extent a protected power. But the fact that she was considered a tributary of the Nawab of Arcot, who in turn was dependent upon the British for his existence, reduced her to the position of discharging the demands of both the British and the Nawab; and suffer the consequences of heavy payments, which she could ill-afford. With the increase in the Nawab's dependence and their superiority, the British came to control the affairs of tooth the Nawato and the Raja. Since Arcot was of greater importance and the Nawato considered a particular ally, the interests of Tanjore were sacrificed to the dictates of his avarice and Tanjore itself was left under his complete control for a few years. When restored eventually to the Raja, the British found it opportune to establish their authority in Tanjore, reducing the Raja to complete dependence upon them. Their primary concern was the subsidy Tanjore paid for the protection she received from them. The treaties concluded in 1787, 1792 and 1799 were all in theory voluntary agreements between two independent states; tout on each occasion, the British move was only to safeguard and secure the punctual payment of that subsidy. When Tanjore found herself incapable of shouldering this heavy responsibility, the British found it necessary to annex the territory, leaving the Raja with a pension.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2020 17:22

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