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Austin, Peter, Bond, Oliver and Nathan, David, eds. (2007) Proceedings of Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory. London, UK: Department of Linguistics, SOAS.
Austin, Peter, Bond, Oliver and Nathan, David, eds. (2007) Proceedings of Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory. London: Department of Linguistics, SOAS.
Omri, Mohamed-Saleh and Ouyang, Wen-Chin, eds. (2007) The Novelization of Islamic Literatures. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (Comparative Critical Studies, 4 (3))
Barak-Erez, Daphne and Gross, Aeyal, eds. (2007) Exploring Social Rights: Between Theory and Practice. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallasi, Zaki, eds. (2007) Em'body'ing virtual architecture (ASCAAD 2007) ; Alexandria, Egypt, 28-30 November 2007. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Goerg, Odile, Rodet, Marie and Vince, Natalya, eds. (2007) Fracturing Binarisms: Gender and Colonialisms in Africa. Wien: Stichproben Inst Afrikanistik. (Vienna Journal of African Studies)
Contadini, Anna, ed. (2007) Arab Painting: Text and Image in Illustrated Arabic Manuscripts. Leiden: Brill. (Handbuch der Orientalistik)
Bayliss, Kate and Fine, Ben, eds. (2007) Privatization and Alternative Public Sector Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Delivering on Electricity and Water. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Contadini, Anna, ed. (2007) Objects of Instruction: Treasures of the School of Oriental and African Studies. London: SOAS University of London.
Howard, Keith and Dutiro, Chartwell, eds. (2007) Zimbabwean Mbira Music on an International Stage: Chartwell Dutiro's Life in Music. Aldershot: Ashgate. (SOAS Musicology Series)
Innes, Michael A., ed. (2007) Denial of Sanctuary: Understanding Terrorist Safe Havens. Westport, CT.: Praeger.
Baderin, Mashood and McCorquodale, Robert, eds. (2007) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pauwels, Anne, Winter, Joanne and Lo Bianco, Joseph, eds. (2007) Maintaining minority languages in transnational contexts: Australian and European Perspectives. London: Palgrave.
Cornwall, Andrea, Harrison, Elizabeth and Whitehead, Ann, eds. (2007) Feminisms in development: contradictions, contestations and challenges. London: Zed Books.
Cornwall, Andrea, Harrison, Elizabeth and Whitehead, Ann, eds. (2007) Gender Myths and Feminist Fables: The Struggle for Interpretive Power in Gender and Development. Malden, MA: Wiley. (Development and change book series)
Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Martinez, Dolores, eds. (2007) Pilgrimage and spiritual quests in Japan. London: Routledge.
Braginsky, Vladimir and Murtagh, Ben, eds. (2007) The Portrayal of Foreigners in Indonesian and Malay Literatures: Essays on the Ethnic "Other". Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
Martinez, Dolores, ed. (2007) Japanese Culture and Society. London: Routledge.
Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai, eds. (2007) Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst and Co..
Sims-Williams, Nicholas, ed. (2007) Part 4: Dictionary of Manichaean texts in Chinese. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. (Dictionary of manichaean texts. Vol. III, Texts from Central Asia and China)
Greene, J. Megan and Ash, Robert, eds. (2007) Taiwan in the 21st century: aspects and limitations of a development model. London: Routledge Curzon.
Brodbeck, Simon and Black, Brian, eds. (2007) Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata. London: Routledge. (Routledge Hindu studies series)
Craven, Matthew, Fitzmaurice, Malgosia and Vogiatzi, Maria, eds. (2007) Time, History and International Law. Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. (Developments in International Law; 58)
Chan, Stephen and Primorac, Ranka, eds. (2007) Zimbabwe in Crisis: The International Response and the Space of Silence. London: Routledge.
Xasan, Maxamed, Orwin, Martin and Nuux, Yaasiin J., eds. (2007) Hagarlaawe: Diiwaanka Maansooyinka Abwaan Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac 'Gaarriye'. London: Aftahan Publications.
Matsumoto, Yoshiko, Oshima, David, Orrin, Robinson and Sells, Peter, eds. (2007) Diversity in Language: Perspectives and Implications. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (CSLI lecture notes, no. 176)
Oya, Carlos and Santamaría, Antonio, eds. (2007) Economía Política del Desarrollo en África. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Akal. (Economía Actual)
Li, Defeng, Hu, Mu and Li, Li, eds. (2007) Legal Translation. Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press.
Bellér-Hann, Ildiko, Césaro, Cristina, Harris, Rachel and Smith Finley, Joanne, eds. (2007) Situating the Uyghurs: between China and Central Asia. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Sadan, Mandy and Robinne, Francois, eds. (2007) Social Dynamics in the Highlands of South East Asia: Reconsidering 'Political Systems of Highland Burma' by E. R. Leach. Leiden: Brill. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 3 Southeast Asia; 18)
Shihadeh, Ayman, ed. (2007) Sufism and Theology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Kumar, Sunil and Chakrabarti, Kunal, eds. (2007) Our Pasts II: Social Science Text Book in History for Class VII. Delhi: NCERT.
Mulyadi, Sri Wulan Rujiati and Braginsky, Vladimir, eds. (2007) Hikayat Inderaputera. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Karyawan.
Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz, eds. (2007) Bantu in Bloomsbury: Special Issue on Bantu Linguistics. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. (SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics)
Sarkhosh Curtis, Vesta and Stewart, Sarah, eds. (2007) The Age of the Parthians. London: I.B. Tauris. (The Idea of Iran)
Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, eds. (2007) Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)
Nossek, Hillel, Sreberny, Annabelle and Sonwalkar, Prasun, eds. (2007) Media and Political Violence. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Berenskoetter, Felix and Williams, Michael J., eds. (2007) Power in World Politics. London; New York: Routledge.
Harriss-White, Barbara, Stewart, Frances and Saith, Ruhi, eds. (2007) Defining Poverty in the Developing World. London: Palgrave.
Harriss-White, Barbara and Sinha, Anushree, eds. (2007) Trade Liberalisation and India's Informal Economy: Macro meets Micro. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Ash, Robert, Shambaugh, David and Takagi, Seiichirō, eds. (2007) China Watching: Perspectives from Europe, Japan and the United States. London and New York: Routledge.
Arestis, Philip and Saad Filho, Alfredo, eds. (2007) Political Economy of Brazil: Recent Economic Performance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hellinger, Marlis and Pauwels, Anne, eds. (2007) Handbook of Language and Communication: Diversity and Change. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Handbooks of Applied Linguistics)
Strauss, Julia and Cruise O'Brien, Donal, eds. (2007) Staging Politics: Power and Performance in Asia and Africa. London: I.B. Tauris. (International library of political studies, v. 18)
Strauss, Julia, ed. (2007) The History of the People’s Republic of China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The China Quarterly Special Issues)
Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo, ed. (2007) Expedited Corporate Debt Restructuring: An International Comparative Analysis. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law.
Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo, ed. (2007) Expedited Debt Restructuring Under Argentine Law: Acuerdo Preventivo Extrajudicial (APE). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law.
Faulkner, F., Jones, C. J., Neal, Mark and Walsh, J., eds. (2007) Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL). Bingley: International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure.
Nikolaeva, Irina, ed. (2007) Finiteness: Theoretical and empirical foundations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
El-Desouky, Ayman and Brehony, Noel, eds. (2007) British-Egyptian Relations from Suez to the Present Day. London: Saqi Books. (SOAS Middle East Issues)
Brennan, James, Burton, Andrew and Lawi, Yusuf, eds. (2007) Dar es Salaam: Histories from an emerging African metropolis. Dar es Salaam/Nairobi: Mkuki na Nyota/British Institute in Eastern Africa.
Hamzić, Vanja, ed. (2007) Base-line Study on Faith-based Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges of Non-patriarchal Communities and Approach / Osnovna studija o vjerskom razvoju u Bosni i Hercegovini: Izazov vanpatrijarhalnih zajednica i pristupa. Sarajevo: Logos.
Amoah, Michael and Watson, David, eds. (2007) The Dearing Report: ten years on. London: Institute of Education.
Jackson, Andrew David, Gibb, Michael and White, Dave, eds. (2007) How East Asian Films are Reshaping National Identities. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.
Chang, C. B., Dugarova, E., Theodoropoulou, I., Vilar Beltrán, E. and Wilford, E., eds. (2007) CamLing 2006: Proceedings of the 4th University of Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Institute of Language Research.
Githiora, Chege, ed. (2007) The Ten Shillings and Other Stories: An Anthology of Short Stories from All Over Africa. Nairobi: MacMillan Kenya.
Basu, Paul and Macdonald, Sharon, eds. (2007) Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell.
Mayes, D. G. and Toporowski, Jan, eds. (2007) Open Market Operations and Financial Markets. London: Routledge. (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)
Hilton, Naomi, Arscott, Rachel, Barden, Katherine, Krishna, Arti, Shah, Sheena and Zellers, Meg, eds. (2007) CamLing2007: Proceedings of the 5th University of Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research.
Cornwall, Andrea, Whitehead, Ann and Harrison, Elizabeth, eds. (2007) Repositioning gender in development: gender myths and feminist fables. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Development and Change. Vol. 38, no. 1)
Cornwall, Andrea and Molyneux, Maxine, eds. (2007) The Politics of Rights: Dilemmas for Feminist Praxis. London: Routledge.