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Number of items: 66.


Baderin, Mashood (2007) Relationship between International Law and Islamic Law: Towards a Better Understanding. In: BIICL Conference on Islam, International and Comparative Law: Current Issues, 3rd December 2007, British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), Russell Square, London.. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) A Comparative Analysis of the Law on Use of Force and Terrorism under International Law and Islamic Law. In: BIICL Conference on Islam, International and Comparative Law: Current Issues, 3rd December 2007, British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), Russell Square, London.. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2007) ‘Problematic at Best and Uninteresting at Worst?' Comparing the Sharia and Western Civil and Commercial Law. In: Asian Constitutionalism in Transition: A Comparative Perspective, 14-15 December, University of Siena. (Unpublished)

Chatterton, Jocelyn (2007) Cooperation or Collaboration? Medical Missionaries in China 1937 - 45. In: China Postgraduate Network Workshop, March 2008, Oxford University. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) The General Impossibility of Neoclassical Economics: Or Does Bertrand Russell Deserve a Nobel Prize for Economics? In: Science and the Social Sciences. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2007) U Nu, China, and the Burmese Cold War: Propaganda and Historical Revisionism. in Burma in 1950s-1960s. In: The Cold War in Asia: Beyond Geopolitics and Diplomacy, 1-2 November 2007, Guanzhou, PRC. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2007) Ecological Constraints on the Development of Pre-colonial Mon Warfare, c. 1500-c. 1826. In: Discovery of Ramanya Desa: History, Identity, Culture, Language and Performing Arts, 10-13 October 2007, Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University. (Unpublished)

Glinavos, Ioannis (2007) Transition or Development? Reassessing Priorities for Law Reform. In: Change, Rules and Institutions: Law and Economics in the Context of Development, 29-30 Sept 2007, SOAS, London, England. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja (2007) Jewish Legal and Social Construction of Gender. In: Encouraging Dialogue between LGBTQ and Faith-based Communities, October 2007, IGLYO / Council of Europe Study Session, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja and Cotugno, Giada (2007) Gender, Religion and Oppression. In: Encouraging Dialogue between LGBTQ and Faith-based Communities, October 2007, IGLYO / Council of Europe Study Session, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Jennings, Frederic (2007) The Design of Free-Market Economies in a Post-Neoclassical World. In: Change, Rules and Institutions: Law and Economics in the Context of Development, 29-30 Sept 2007, SOAS, London, England. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2007) U Nu and Ludu Aung Than: Playwriting and the Civil War. In: Grappling with Independence: Burmese Culture, Media, and Daily Life in the U Nu Period, 1948-1962, September 2007, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Islam and Human Rights: Comparison of Family Law Reforms in Muslim States. In: Training Course for Iranian Female Court Assistants, June-July 2007, Human Rights Law Centre, School of Law, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2007) The “Mixed Systems” of the Arab Middle East. In: Second Congress of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists, 27-30 June, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Islamic Law of Armed Conflict: A Comparative Analysis. In: International Law Course for Armed Forces Lawyers, April-May 2007, Land Warfare Centre, Warminster, UK. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja (2007) Islam in Europe: On Secularism and Pluralism. In: Religion and Democracy in Europe, May 2007, European Youth Forum and the Network of European Foundations, Brussels, Belgium. (Unpublished)

Easton, Kai (2007) Travelling Africa: A Woman's Trek from the Cape to Cairo. In: University of Sussex, Centre for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies seminar, 18 April 2007, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)

Hakimian, Hassan (2007) Iran – Growth Case Study: 1960-2004. In: Case Studies Workshop, Growth and Development Commission, 12-14 April 2007, Washington DC.

Zou, Huan (2007) Striving for growth: Impact of entrepreneurial orientation, guanxi and technological capability on Chinese high-tech new ventures. In: The 34th Academy of International Business Annual Conference, UK and Ireland Chapter.

Zou, Huan (2007) Striving for growth: The Case of Chinese High-Tech New Ventures. In: The 18th Chinese Economic Association Annual Conference, Nottingham.

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Principles of Islamic Law Applicable to Procedural Irregularities in the US Military Commission Act. In: 2nd Guantanamo Bay Conference, 16-18 March 2007., Centre for Socio Legal Studies, St Anne's College, University of Oxford, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Pang, Zhaoxia (2007) Fairness and Reliability in Oral Examination Assessment. In: International Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language organized by BCLTS, 31st March -1st April, University of Westminster. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja (2007) Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Main Challenges. In: Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights in Muslim Communities, March 2007, Muslim Advocacy Initiative, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2007) Sangha and Dhammaraja: the Politics of Religious Reform in Burma Under King Mindon, 1853-1878. In: Cambridge University, Centre of South Asian Studies Seminar Series. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2007) European and indigenous learning in eighteenth-century Burma. In: St Antony's College Southeast Asian Studies Seminar, Oxford University. (Unpublished)

Chatterton, Jocelyn (2007) Protestant Medical Missionaries in China 1937 - 1945; archival work in progress. In: Researching Modern Chinese History, February 2007, Bristol University. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Human Rights and Islamic Law: Parallels and Tensions. In: FCO Training Programme on Democracy, Human Rights and Good Governance, January 2007., Doughty Street Chambers, London. (Unpublished)

Wood, Abigail (2007) Rebuilding Jerusalem: music and identity among recent immigrants in Israel. In: Annual conference of the Society for Ethnomusicology, October 2007, Columbus, Ohio. (Unpublished)

Eberhardt, Nancy (2007) Negotiating Shan Identity in Northern Thailand. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Karlsson, Klemens (2007) Tai Khun Buddhism and Ethnic-Religious Identity. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Senpan, Pannavamsa (2007) Recital of the Tham Vessantara-Jataka: a Socio-cultural Phenomenon in Kengtung, Eastern Shan State, Myanmar. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, LONDON. (Unpublished)

Nathalang, Siraporn (2007) Khamti Buddhism and Culture: An Observation from a Visit to Khamti Land in Arunchalpradesh in 2006. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Laikha, Khun-Hti (2007) Being an Urban Tai/Shan in the 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, LONDON. (Unpublished)

Dhammasami, Khammai (2007) Growing, but as a Sideline: An Overview of Modern Shan Monastic Education. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, LONDON. (Unpublished)

Chit Hlaing, Lehman (2007) The Shan Role in the Constitute of the Wa Kingdom of Ban Hong, Burma-China Border. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, LONDON. (Unpublished)

Tannenbaum, Nicola (2007) Being Shan on the Thai Side of the Border: Continuities and Transformations in Shan Culture and Identity in Maehongson, Thailand. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Jirattikorn, Amporn (2007) Shan Noises, Burmese Sound: Crafting Selves through Pop Music. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) The Curious Incidence of the Developmental State in the Night-Time. In: SANPAD Poverty Conference, 26-30 June, 2007, Ethekwin, Durban. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) The Historical Logic of Economics Imperialism and Meeting the Challenges of Contemporary Orthodoxy: Or Twelve Hypotheses on Economics, and What is to Be Done. In: EAEPE Conference, 1-3 November 2007, Porto, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Sirithaikhongchue, Monthip (2007) The celebration of Shan/Tai new year: History and revival. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Conway, Susan (2007) The politics of inland Southeast Asia: Shan tribute relations in the nineteenth century. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Wichasin, Pimmada (2007) Stupa worship: the early form of Tai religious tourism. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Chongsthitwatthana, Suchitra (2007) The princess of Saenwi: the tragic of a Shan princess. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Sheravanichkul, Arthid (2007) Pu Khwan Khao worship of Tai Yai in Yunnan: fertility and Buddhist felicity. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Moore, Elizabeth (2007) Buddhist archaeology on the Shan plateau: the first millennium CE. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Raymond, Catherine (2007) Shan Buddhist art on the market: what, where and why? In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) Financialisation, Poverty, and Marxist Political Economy. In: Poverty and Capital Conference, 2-4 July 2007, University of Manchester. (Unpublished)

Fang, Ji and Sells, Peter (2007) A Formal Analysis Of The Verb Copy Construction In Chinese. In: Proceedings of the LFG-07 Conference.

Kim, Jong-Bok and Sells, Peter (2007) Two Types of Multiple Nominative Construction: A Constructional Approach. In: Proceedings of the HPSG-07 Conference.

Sadan, Mandy (2007) Decolonizing Identities in Burma. In: Special Lecture, University of Aarhus, Denmark. (Unpublished)

Khur-Yearn, Jotika (2007) Rain Retreat, Temple-sleeper and Poetic Literature: A Shan Buddhist World View. In: SSEASR, May 2007, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. (Unpublished)

Anastasiadis, Foivos and Poole, Nigel (2007) Supply chain inefficiencies in the Greek Organic Food Industry: the role of Information Flows. In: Poster paper presented at the conference: Adding Value to the Agro-food Supply Chain in the Future Euromediterranean Space: 103rd EAAE Seminar, 23-25 April, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Fell, Dafydd and Wu, Chung-li (2007) Opening Up the Secret Garden: The Impact of Candidate Selection Reforms in Taiwanese Political Parties. In: American Political Science Association Conference, August, Chicago. (Unpublished)

Fell, Dafydd (2007) The Development of Political Marketing in Taiwan: Testing the applicability of the Market Orientated framework in a non-European context. In: European Consortium for Political Research Annual Conference, September, Pisa. (Unpublished)

Fell, Dafydd (2007) European Taiwan Studies. In: 2007 Asia-Pacific Roundtable on Europe-Taiwan Cooperation, 12-15 October, Brussels, Belgium. (Unpublished)

Fell, Dafydd (2007) The Role of SOAS in the Development of Taiwan Studies in Europe. In: the University of California at Santa Barbara International Conference on Taiwan in Global Perspectives, 26-27 October, Santa Barbara, Carlifornia. (Unpublished)

Zou, Huan (2007) Go international or stay domestic? - Impact of entrepreneurial orientation and network-building on the growth of Chinese new ventures. In: The CIMaR 2007 Annual Conference, Manchester.

Hanappi-Egger, E. and Hanappi, Hardy (2007) The Meaning of Diversity in Economic Theory. A Critique of Theories, Methods, and Policies of Mainstream Economics. In: The 2nd International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, 6-7 August, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

Wäckerle, M., Radax, W. and Hanappi, Hardy (2007) Emergence and exit of large entities in the political economy. From description to formalism. In: The 9th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics. Pluralism in Action, 13-15 July, University of the West of England, Bristol.

Hanappi, Hardy (2007) The Dynamics of the Global Political Economy. The Role of Europe. In: International Conference of ANEC, February, Havanna, Cuba.

Hanappi, Hardy (2007) Public Funds as Capital. In: The International Conference of EAEPE, 1-3 November, Porto (Portugal). (Unpublished)

Hanappi, Hardy (2007) On the Nature of Knowledge: An evolutionary perspective. In: The Ausschuss für Evolutorische Ökonomik (Verein für Socialpolitik), 5-7 July, Münster (Germany). (Unpublished)

Marriage, Zoe (2007) From national security to human security — less of the same in Congo? In: From Conflict to Regional Stability – Linking Security and Development, 5-7 November 2007, Madrid.

Shinozawa, Yoshikatsu (2007) An Empirical Study of Financial Performance of UK Unit Trust Management Companies. In: British Accounting Association Annual Conference, April 2007, Royal Holloway, University of London. (Unpublished)

Palumbo, Antonello (2007) Literary Evidence on Han Buddhism: A Brief Reassessment. In: Cultural Encounters Between Han and Tang: New Research on Early Imperial China (International Workshop), 23 February 2007, School of Oriental and African Studies, London. (Unpublished)

Rosner, Daniela K., Josling, John Mark, Moed, Andrea and Oreglia, Elisa (2007) Understanding target users of a digital reference library. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries.

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