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Number of items: 261.


Appleyard, David and Orwin, Martin (2008) 'The Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia.' In: Simpson, Andrew, (ed.), Language and National Identity in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 267-290.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2008) 'Afterword.' In: Al-Qazwini, Iqbal, (ed.), Zubaida's Window: A Novel of Iraqi Exile. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, pp. 123-135.

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (2008) 'Qur'an and Hadith.' In: Winter, Tim, (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 19-32.

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2008) 'The Iran-Iraq War.' In: Kamrava, Mehran and Dorraj, Massoud, (eds.), Iran Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the Islamic Republic. Volume One, A-K. Westport, CT: Greenwood, pp. 250-258.

Austin, Peter (2008) 'Survival of Language.' In: Shuckburgh, E., (ed.), Survival. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 80-98. (The Darwin College lectures)

Ali, Daud (2008) 'Cosmos, Realm and Property in Early Medieval Kingdoms.' In: Peterson, Indira and Selby, Martha Ann, (eds.), Tamil Geographies: Cultural Constructions of Space and Place in South India. Albany, New York: State University Press of New York, pp. 117-141.

Ali, Daud (2008) 'Aristocratic Body Techniques in Early Medieval India.' In: Datta, Rajat, (ed.), Rethinking a Millennium: Perspectives on Indian History from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century: Essays for Harbans Mukhia. New Delhi: Aakar Books, pp. 25-56.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2008) 'Women and gender in political transition in Iraq post-2003.' In: Gozzi, Gustavo and Salih, Ruba, (eds.), (RI)Construzione Politica, Societa Civile E Cooperazione In Medioriente. Torino: L'Harmattan Italia, pp. 46-64.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'Azmat al-Qiyada wa al-Bada’il.' In: Al-Yasar al-'Arabi fi Muwajahat al-‘Awlama al-Niulibiraliyya. Beirut: Al-Farabi, pp. 94-102.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'Religion and Politics Today from a Marxian Perspective.' In: Panitch, Leo and Leys, Colin, (eds.), Socialist Register 2008: Global Flashpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Neoliberalism. London: Merlin Press, pp. 55-76.

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (2008) 'The Sword Verse Myth [El mito del 'versiculo de la espada].' In: Peña Marín, Salvador and de Larramendi, Miguel Hernando, (eds.), El Coran ayer y hoy [The Quran Yesterday and Today]. Cordoba: Berenice, pp. 307-340.

Ash, Robert (2008) 'Migration and employment: a rural perspective.' In: Islam, Nazrul, (ed.), Resurgent China: Issues for the Future. New York and London: Palgrave.


Baderin, Mashood (2008) 'Religion and International Law: An Analytical Survey of the Relationship.' In: Armstrong, David, (ed.), Routledge Handbook of International Law. Routledge, pp. 165-178.

Beechler, Schon, Levy, Orly, Taylor, Sully and Boyaçigiller, Nakiye A. (2008) 'Global mind-set.' In: Wankel, Charles, (ed.), 21st century management : a reference handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 178-189.

Bond, Oliver (2008) 'Multiple analytical perspectives of the Eleme Anterior-Perfective.' In: Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of Papers Selected from the CIL 18 [CD-ROM]. Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea, pp. 1480-1496.

Blin, Myriam (2008) 'Globalisation, Women and the Labour Market in Southern Africa.' In: Ruiters, Michele, (ed.), Gender instruments in Africa, Consolidating gains in the Southern African Development Community. Institute for Global Dialogue, pp. 113-129.

Baderin, Mashood (2008) 'Introduction to International Law and Islamic Law.' In: Baderin, Mashood, (ed.), International Law and Islamic Law. Aldershot: Ashgate. (Library of Essays in International Law)

Bajpai, Rochana (2008) 'Political Representation and the making of the Indian Constitution.' In: Bhargava, Rajeev, (ed.), Politics and Ethics of the Indian Constitution. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 354-391.

Black, Brian (2008) 'The Upanishads.' In: Billimoria, Purushottama, (ed.), The Routledge History of Indian Philosophy. Routledge.

Bernstein, Henry, Leys, Colin and Panitch, Leo (2008) 'Reflections on violence today.' In: Panitch, Leo and Leys, Colin, (eds.), The Socialist Register 2009. London: Merlin Press, pp. 5-22. (Socialist register)

Bernstein, Henry (2008) 'Agrarian questions from transition to globalization.' In: Akram-Lodhi, A.H. and Kay, Cristóbal, (eds.), Peasants and Globalization. Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question. London: Routledge, pp. 239-261. (Routledge ISS studies in rural livelihoods)

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen. Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Berlin: Dölling und Galitz Verlag, pp. 104-115.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'The Mamluk City.' In: Jayyusi, Salma K., Holod, Renate, Petruccioli, Antillio and Raymond, André, (eds.), The City in the Islamic World,. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 295-316. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section I. The Near and Middle East, v.94)

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen : Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz, pp. 104-115.

Batabyal, Somnath (2008) 'Journalism, news content and Objectivity: A re-appraisal.' In: Dev, Anjana Neira, (ed.), Creative Writing, A Beginner’s Manual. New Delhi: Pearsons, pp. 200-203.

Bachmann, Reinhard and Zaheer, Akbar (2008) 'Introduction.' In: Bachmann, Reinhard and Zaheer, Akbar, (eds.), Landmark Papers on Trust. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, ix-xv. (The International Library of Critical Writings on Business and Management series)

Bachmann, Reinhard and Zaheer, Akbar (2008) 'Trust in Interorganizational Relations.' In: Cropper, Steve, Ebers, Mark, Huxman, Chris and Smith Ring, Peter, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 533-554. (Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management)

Banda, Fareda (2008) 'Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa.' In: Evans, Malcolm D. and Murray, Rachel, (eds.), The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights The System in Practice 1986–2006, 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 441-474.

Basu, Paul (2008) 'Reframing Ethnographic Film.' In: Austin, Thomas and de Jong, Wilma, (eds.), Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press, pp. 94-106.

Beck, Gunnar (2008) 'Autonomy, history and natural law in the practical philosophy of Immanuel Kant.' In: Byrd, B. Sharon, (ed.), Themenschwerpunkt: Kants Metaphysik der Sitten im Kontext der Naturrechtslehre des 18. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Duncker und Humbolt. (Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik = Annual Review of Law and Ethics, Bd. 16)

Bellini, Chiara (2008) 'Il sovrano e l’arciere: tracce islamiche nell’arte buddhista del Ladakh.' In: Cevenini, Daniele and D’Onofrio, Svevo, (eds.), Incontri con l'altro e incroci di culture. 'Uyun al-Akhbar. Studi sul mondo islamico. Bologna: Editrice Il Ponte, pp. 13-27.

Brenner, Louis (2008) 'Introduction.' In: Bâ, Amadou Hampaté, (ed.), A spirit of tolerance : the inspiring life of Tierno Bokar. Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom, xv-xxvii. (Library of perennial philosophy)

Brenner, Louis (2008) 'Introduction: Fulfulde religious verse: cultural context and mystical inspiration.' In: Seydou, Christiane, (ed.), La Poésie mystique peule du Mali. Paris: Karthala, pp. 11-35. (Tradition orale (Editions Karthala))


Clark, Phil (2008) 'Law, Politics and Pragmatism: ICC Case Selection in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Clark, Phil and Waddell, Nicholas, (eds.), Courting Conflict? Peace, Justice and the ICC in Africa. London: Royal African Society.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Burma.' In: van Dijk, Ruud, (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Cold War; Vol.1. New York: Routledge, pp. 106-108.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Indonesia.' In: van Dijk, Ruud, (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Cold War. Vol.1. New York: Routledge, pp. 437-440.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Myanmar.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World 1750 to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Anglo-Burmese Wars.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World 1750 to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Carpenter, John (2008) 'The Literary Network: Private Commissions for Hokusai and his Circle.' In: Meech, Julia and Oliver, Jane, (eds.), Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings. New York: The Asia Society/University of Washington Press.

Contadini, Anna (2008) 'The Zoological-Medicinal Material in the Arcadian Library Manuscript.' In: Burnett, Charles, (ed.), Ibn Baklarish's Book of Simples: Medical Remedies between Three Faiths in Twelfth-Century Spain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 133-159.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'Ten Caveats and One Sunrise in Our Contemplation of China and Africa.' In: Alden, Chris, Large, Daniel and Oliveira, Ricardo Soares de, (eds.), China Returns to Africa: A Rising Power and Continent Embrace. London: Hurst.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'Naiveties and Africa: The case of Sudan.' In: Moorcraft, Paul, (ed.), Symposium on Chinese-Sudanese Relations. London: Centre for Foreign Policy Analysis.

Carpenter, John (2008) 'Der kulturelle und literarische Kontext von Surimono.' In: Spalinger, Iris, (ed.), Surimono: Die Kunst der Anspielung in japanischen Holzdrucken. Zurich: Museum Rietberg.

Carpenter, John (2008) 'Inventing New Iconographies: Historicist and Nativist Motives in Late-Edo Surimono.' In: Carpenter, John, (ed.), Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hotei Publishing, pp. 72-83.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Esculent bird’s nest, tin and fish: the overseas Chinese and their trade in the Eastern Bay of Bengal (Coastal Burma) during the first half of the nineteenth century.' In: Wade, Geoff, (ed.), China and Southeast Asia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 207-221. (Routledge Library on Southeast Asia)

Clark, Phil and Waddell, Nicholas (2008) 'Courting Conflict.' In: Carroll, Patrick and Waddell, Nicholas, (eds.), Courting Conflict? Peace, Justice and the ICC in Africa. London: Royal African Society.

Clarence-Smith, William (2008) 'Église, nation et esclavage: Angola et Mozambique portugais, 1878-1913.' In: Pétré-Grenouilleau, Olivier, (ed.), Abolir l’esclavage: un réformisme à l’épreuve, France, Portugal, Suisse, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 149-167.

Clarence-Smith, William (2008) 'The global consumption of hot beverages, c. 1500 to c. 1900.' In: Nützenadel, Alexander and Trentmann, Frank, (eds.), Food and globalization: consumption, markets and politics in the modern world. Oxford: Berg, pp. 37-55.

Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Blasphemie und Sakrilek im Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Verses Bodhicaryavatara 6.64.' In: Preisendanz, Karin and Franco, Eli, (eds.), Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hamburg, Germany: University of Hamburg, pp. 207-227.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'Variation in palatal production in Buenos Aires Spanish.' In: Westmoreland, M. and Thomas, J. A., (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 54-63.

Chang, C. B. (2008) 'The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited.' In: Kuno, S., Lee, I.-H., Whitman, J., Maling, J., Kang, Y.-S., Sells, Peter, Sohn, ‪Hyang-Sook and Jang, Y., (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp. 137-150.


Dovey, Lindiwe (2008) '"Eyes Wide Shut": Kubrick and the Representation of Gender.' In: Rhodes, Gary, (ed.), Stanley Kubrick: Essays on His Films and Legacy. Jefferson: McFarland.

Daley, Ben, Dimitriou, Dimitrios and Thomas, Callum (2008) 'The environmental Sustainability of Aviation and Tourism.' In: Graham, Anne, Papatheodorou, A. and Forsyth, P., (eds.), Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 239-253.

Dorward, Andrew (2008) 'Ethics in Agricultural Change: Questions and Proposals for Development Process.' In: Thompson, Paul B., (ed.), The Ethics of Intensification. 231: Springer, pp. 205-212.

Dolce, Lucia (2008) 'Girei ni yori seisei sareru kanzen naru shintai –chûsei mikkyô no ‘hiseitôteki zuzô’ to shuhô o megutte [儀礼により生成される完全なる身体 –-中世密教の「非正統的」図像と修法をめぐって.' In: Yasurô, Abe, (ed.), Nihon ni okeru shûkyô tekisuto no shoisô to tôjihô. Nagoya: Nagoya daigaku bungakubu gurobaru COE puroguramu, pp. 58-71.

Driver, Ciaran and Thompson, Grahame (2008) 'Stakeholder Champions: How to Internationalize the Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda.' In: Stoll, Mary Lyn, Palmer, Daniel E. and Zakhem, Abe J., (eds.), Stakeholder Theory: Essential Readings in Ethical Leadership and Management. Amhurst, New York: Prometheus Books.

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2008) 'The Churches of the Near East and Their Missions From the Persian to the Turkish Conquest, 604-1071.' In: Smith, Julia M. H. and Noble, Thomas F. X., (eds.), Cambridge History of Christianity. Vol. 3: Early Medieval Christianities, c. 600-c.1100. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 65-85.

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2008) 'Nazionalismo e religione nella dinamica del Genocidio degli armeni (1915-1916).' In: Berti, F. and Cortese, F., (eds.), Il crimine dei crimini. Stermini di massa nel Novecento. Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 64-84.

De Blois, Francois (2008) 'Translation in the ancient Iranian world.' In: Kittel, Harald, (ed.), Übersetzung - Translation - Traduction, Volume 2. Berlin; New York: Walter de gruyter, pp. 1194-1198.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2008) 'Ivory Trade: Enforceability, Effectiveness and Ethical Concerns.' In: Wemmer, C. and Christen, K., (eds.), Elephants and Ethics: The Morality of Coexistence. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, pp. 451-467.

Dolan, Catherine (2008) 'In the Mists of Development: Fairtrade in Kenyan Tea Fields.' In: Curran, Sara R, Linton, April, Cooke, Abigail and Schrank, Andrew, (eds.), The Global Governance of Food. London: Routledge, pp. 195-208.

Dave, Bhavna (2008) 'The EU and Kazakhstan: Is the pursuit of energy and security cooperation compatible with the promotion of human rights and democratic reforms?' In: Melivin, Neil J., (ed.), Engaging Central Asia: The European Union’s New Strategy in the Heart of Eurasia. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute, pp. 43-67.


Edge, Ian (2008) 'Islamic Law.' In: Cane, Peter and Conaghan, Joanne, (eds.), The New Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 639-640.


Flügel, Peter (2008) 'The Unknown Lonka: Tradition and the Cultural Unconscious.' In: Caillat, Colette and Balbir, Nalini, (eds.), Jaina Studies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, pp. 181-279. (Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 9.)

Fortna, Benjamin (2008) 'The reign of Abdülhamid II.' In: Kasaba, Resat, (ed.), The Cambridge History of Turkey. Volume 4: Turkey in the Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 38-61.

Fardon, Richard (2008) 'Cosmopolitan nations, national cosmopolitans.' In: Werbner, Pnina, (ed.), Anthropology and the New Cosmopolitanism: rooted, feminist and vernacular perspectives. Oxford: Berg, pp. 233-259. (Association of Social Anthropologists monographs series; 45)

Fischer, Alexander and Zingel, W.P. (2008) 'Food Security and the Right to Food in India: For Whom, How and Why?' In: Singh, Mahendra Pal, Goerlich, H. and von Hauff, Michael, (eds.), Human Rights and Basic Needs: Theory and Practice. New Delhi: Universal Law, pp. 191-214.

Franzén, Johan (2008) '“Communism: The Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia”.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 273-276.

Franzén, Johan (2008) '“Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque”.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 541-542.

Franzén, Johan (2008) '“Falluja, Iraq”.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 245.

Franzén, Johan (2008) '“London Conference”.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 538.

Fuccaro, Nelida (2008) 'Between imara, empire and oil: Saudis in the frontier society of the Persian Gulf.' In: Al-Rasheed, Madawi, (ed.), Kingdom without Borders: Saudi Political, Religious and Media Frontiers. London: Hurst, pp. 39-64.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) '变化を遂げ社会における中国研究の挑战と展望.' In: Kagami, Mitsuyuki, (ed.), Chūgoku no shin tana hatsugen 中國の新たな發現. Tokyo: Nihon hyōronsha, pp. 87-102.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) 'Challenges and Perspectives of Chinese Studies in a Changing Society.' In: Kawai, Shinichi, (ed.), New Challenges and Perspectives of Modern Chinese Studies. Tokyo: Universal Academy Press, pp. 109-121.

Flügel, Peter (2008) 'Prologue.' In: Jain, Laxmi Chandra and Jaina, Prabha, (eds.), Mathematical Sciences in the Karma Antiquity. Vol.1: Gommaṭasāra (Jīvakāṇḍa) by Laxmi Candra Jain in collaboration with Prabha Jain. Jabalpur: Gulab Rani Karma Science Museaum and Shri Brahmi Sundari Prasthashram Samiti, pp. 1-15.

Fell, Dafydd (2008) 'Party Competition in Taiwan: Towards a New Party System?' In: Goldstein, Steven M. and Chang, Julian, (eds.), Presidential Politics in Taiwan: The Administration of Chen Shui-bian. Norwalk, Conn: EastBridge, pp. 49-84.

Fell, Dafydd (2008) 'Still a Modern Democracy.' In: Oxford Business Group Taiwan Country Report. Oxford Business Group, pp. 16-17.

Fathollah-Nejad, Ali (2008) 'Mut zur Integration! Plädoyer für eine partizipative Demokratie [Courage for Integration! Pleading for a Participative Democracy].' In: Kissau, Katrin, Kortmann, Matthias, Tietze, Klaudia, Cordier, Clémentine, Aksünger, Handan and Musch, Elisabeth, (eds.), Migration steuern oder verwalten? Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich. Münster: University of Münster, pp. 121-145.

Fell, Dafydd (2008) 'The Role of SOAS in the Development of European Taiwan Studies.' In: Taiwan Studies in Global Perspectives. Santa Barbara, California, USA: Center of Taiwan Studies, UCSB, pp. 15-30.


Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2008) 'Language Dreamers: Race and the Politics of Etymology in the Caucasus.' In: Grant, Bruce and Yalcin-Heckmann, Lale, (eds.), Caucasus paradigms : anthropologies, histories and the making of a world area. Münster: Lit Verlag, pp. 143-166. (Halle studies in the anthropology of Eurasia, v. 13)

Gerteis, Christopher (2008) 'Labor Unions in Japan.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 406-407.

Gerteis, Christopher (2008) 'Labor and the Labor Movement: Labor Relations in Japan.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 383-385.

Gore, Charles (2008) 'Mami Wata, an Urban Presence: The Making of a Tradition in Benin City, Nigeria.' In: Drewal, H., (ed.), Sacred Waters: Arts for Mami Wata and Other Divinities in Africa and the Diaspora. Bloomington; Indianopolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 361-382.

Githiora, Chege (2008) 'Kenya: Language and the Search for a Coherent National Identity.' In: Simpson, Andrew, (ed.), Language and National Identity in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

George, Andrew (2008) 'A tour of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 54-59.

George, Andrew (2008) 'Ancient descriptions: The Babylonian topographical texts.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 60-64.

George, Andrew (2008) 'The truth about Etemenanki, the ziggurat of Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 126-130.

Gerassimova, Veronica and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Long-Distance Dependencies in Tagalog: The Case for Raising.' In: Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference. Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 190-198.

Goodhand, Jonathan (2008) 'War, Peace and the Places In Between: Why Borderlands are Central.' In: Pugh, Michael, Cooper, Neil and Turner, Mandy, (eds.), Whose Peace? Critical Perspectives on the Political Economy of Peacebuilding. London: Palgrave, pp. 225-244. (New Security Challenges Series)

Goodhand, Jonathan (2008) 'Politics, Poppy and Statebuilding.' In: Hayes, Geoffrey and Sedra, Mark, (eds.), Afghanistan. Transition Under Threat. Canada: Laurier University Press.

Gerteis, Christopher (2008) 'Subjectivity lost: Labor and the Cold War in Occupied Japan.' In: Stromquist, Shelton, (ed.), Labor's Cold War: Local Politics in a Global Context. Urbana, Illinois, USA: University of Illinois Press, pp. 258-290. (The working class in American history)

Gross, Aeyal (2008) 'After the Falls: International Law between Postmodernity and Anti-Modernity.' In: Jouannet, Emmanuelle, Ruiz Fabri, Hélène and Sorel, Jean-Marc, (eds.), Regards d'une génération sur le Droit International. Paris: Pedone, pp. 183-208.

Gouse, M., Shankar, Bhavani and Thirtle, Colin (2008) 'The Demise of Bt Cotton in KwaZulu Natal.' In: Moseley, W.G. and Gray, Leslie, (eds.), Hanging by a Thread: Cotton, Globalization and Poverty in Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. (Ohio RIS Global Series)

George, Andrew (2008) 'Les textes topographiques et métrologiques babyloniens.' In: André-Salvini, Béatrice, (ed.), Babylone. Catalogue de l’exposition “Babylone”. Paris: Musée du Louvre, pp. 153-155.

George, Andrew (2008) 'Die babylonischen topographischen Texte.' In: Marzahn, J and Schauerte, G, (eds.), Babylon: Wahrheit. Eine Ausstellung des Vorderasiatischen Museums. Berlin: Hirmer, pp. 405-407. (Babylon: Mythos und Wahrheit, 1.)

Gifford, Paul (2008) 'Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa: a Response.' In: Ranger, Terence O., (ed.), Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 225-231. (Evangelical Christianity and democracy in the Global South)

Gifford, Paul (2008) 'Africa’s Churches and the Second Liberation Struggle of 1989-93.' In: Koschorke, Klaus, (ed.), Falling Walls. The Year 1989/90 as a Turning Point in the History of World Christianity. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.


Humphrey, Caroline, Skvirskaja, Vera and Marsden, Magnus (2008) 'Cosmopolitanism and the city: interaction and coexistence in Bukhara.' In: Mayaram, S., (ed.), The Other Global City. New York: Routledge.

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Recording Pansori.' In: Lee, Yong-Shik, (ed.), Pansori. Music of Korea II. Seoul: National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, pp. 163-182.

Hartung, Jan-Peter (2008) '«Die Mauer muss weg!», oder: Alles ist für sich singulär. Gedanken zur islamwissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit Südasien in Deutschland. [«The Wall Must Fall!», or: Everything is Unique in Itself. Thoughts on Dealing with South Asia in Islamic Studies in Germany].' In: Poya, Abbas and Reinkowski, Maurus, (eds.), Das Unbehagen in der Islamwissenschaft. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 85-104.

Hillenbrand, Margaret (2008) 'The Personals: Backward Glances, Knowing Looks, and the Voyeur Film.' In: Berry, Chris, (ed.), Chinese Films in Focus 2. London: British Film Institute, pp. 175-181.

Hirschler, Konrad, Eilers, Kea and Clara, Seitz (2008) 'Religiousness Among Young Muslims in Germany.' In: al-Hamarneh, Ala and Thielmann, Jörn, (eds.), Islam and Muslims in Germany. Leiden: Brill, pp. 83-115. (Muslim Minorities, Volume: 7)

Hewitt, George (2008) 'Similarities and Differences: some verbal contrasts between Georgian and Mingrelian.' In: Huber, Brigitte, Volkart, Marianne and Widmer, Paul, (eds.), Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek, Festschrift fuer Roland Bielmeier. Germany: Peter Schwieger, pp. 657-676.

Hopgood, Stephen (2008) 'Saying "No" to Wal-Mart? Money and Morality in Professional Humanitarianism.' In: Barnett, Michael N. and Weiss, Thomas G., (eds.), Humanitarianism in question : politics, power, ethics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 98-123.

Hammond, Laura (2008) 'The Power of Holding Humanitarianism Hostage and the Myth of Protective Principles.' In: Barnett, Michael N. and Weiss, Thomas G., (eds.), Humanitarianism in question : politics, power, ethics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 172-195.

Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'The Halitza Shoe: Between Female Subjugation and Symbolic Emasculation.' In: Nahshon, Edna, (ed.), Jews and Shoes. Oxford and New York: Berg, pp. 47-63.

Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Rabbinische Gleichnisse und ihre Vergleichbarkeit mit neutestamentlichen Gleichnissen.' In: Zimmermann, Ruben, (ed.), Hermeneutik der Gleichnisse Jesu. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 217-237. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, XX)

Hirschler, Konrad (2008) 'Konformität und Randständigkeit: Bettler im vormodernen Nahen Osten (Conformity and Marginality: Beggars in the Pre-Modern Middle East).' In: Pistor-Hatam, Anja and Richter, Antje, (eds.), Bettler, Prostituierte, Paria: Randgruppen in asiatischen Gesellschaften. Hamburg: EB-Verlag, pp. 67-105. (Asien und Afrika (ZAAS) Kiel)

Hockx, Michel (2008) 'The Involutionary Tradition in Modern Chinese Literature.' In: Louie, Kam, (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-252.

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Practice-led research: putting Asian music performers centre-stage.' In: Essays for Dr Lee Hye-ku, in celebration of his 100th Birthday. Seoul: Korean Musicological Society.

Hill, Nathan W. (2008) 'Verba Moriendi in the Old Tibetan Annals.' In: Beckwith, Christopher I., (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages III. Bonn: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Gmbh, pp. 71-86.

Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Christian Matrix of al-Hira.' In: Jullien, Christelle, (ed.), Les Controverses des Chretiens dans l’Iran Sassanide. Paris: Association pour l'Avancement des Études Iraniennes, pp. 41-56. (Cahiers Studia Iranica, 36)

Hintze, Almut (2008) 'Treasure in Heaven. A Theme in Comparative Religion.' In: Shaked, Shaul and Netzer, Amnon, (eds.), Irano-Judaica. Studies Relating to Jewish Contacts with Persian Culture Throughout the Ages. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East, pp. 9-36.

Hartung, Jan-Peter (2008) 'Wahhābīs and Anti-Wahhābīs: The Learned Discourse on Sufism in Contemporary South Asia.' In: Lassen, Søren Christian and van Skyhawk, Hugh, (eds.), Sufi Traditions and New Departures. Recent Scholarship on Continuity and Change in South Asian Sufism. Islamabad: Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, pp. 82-110. (Taxila studies in Asian civilizations, 1.)

Horlyck, Charlotte (2008) 'Looking at the Overlooked: Art by Women and for Women in Pre-Modern Korea.' In: Chinn, Lori, (ed.), The Offering Table. Women Activist Artists from Korea. Oakland, Calif.: Mills College Art Museum, pp. 40-50.

Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Language of Mandaic Incantation Bowls in the Early Islamic Era.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), "Und das Leben ist siegreich!" : mandäische und samaritanische Literatur : im Gedenken an Rudolf Macuch = "And life is victorious" : Mandaean and Samaritan literatures : in memory of Rudolf Macuch (1919-1993). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 117-126.

Hammond, Marle (2008) 'Qasida, Marthiya and Différance.' In: Hammond, Marle and Sajdi, Dana, (eds.), Transforming Loss into Beauty: Essays on Arabic Literature and Culture in Honor of Magda Al-Nowaihi. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, pp. 142-184.

Hockx, Michel (2008) 'What's in a Date? May Fourth in Modern Chinese Literary History.' In: Lomová, Olga, (ed.), Paths towards Modernity: Conference to Mark the Centenary of Jaroslav Prusek. Prague: The Karolinum Press, pp. 291-306.


Ingham, Bruce (2008) 'Najdi Arabic.' In: Versteegh, Kees, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol.3. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 326-334.

Ismail, Salwa (2008) 'Being Muslim: Islam, Islamism and Identity Politics.' In: Khalili, Laleh, (ed.), Politics of the Modern Arab World. London: Routledge Publications. (Critical concepts in the modern politics of the Middle East)

Inkster, Ian (2008) 'Patents as indicators of technological change and innovation: an historical analysis of the Patent Data 1830-1924.' In: Castle, David, (ed.), The role of intellectual property rights in biotechnological innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Inkster, Ian (2008) 'Association, provincialisme et sociologie du progrès technique: le cas de la Grande -Bretagne, entre 1780 et 1914.' In: Benoit, Serge, Emptoz, G. and Woronof, D., (eds.), Encourager l'innovation en France et en Europe. Paris: Éditions du CTHS, pp. 329-350.


Janku, Andrea (2008) 'Kulturelle Spurensuche in den Hungergebieten Henans: ein Reisetagebuch (Searching for the Cultural Traces of the Past in the Famine Districts of Henan Province: a Travel Diary).' In: Leutner, Mechthild and Mühlhahn, Klaus, (eds.), Reisen in chinesischer Geschichte und Gegenwart. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 71-94. (Jahrbuch der deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien ; 4)

Jaggar, Philip J. and Lüpke, Friederike (2008) 'North and West African languages.' In: Austin, Peter, (ed.), 1000 languages. The worldwide history of living and lost tongues. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 60-85.

Johnston, Deborah and Sender, John (2008) 'Confusing counts, correlates and causes: The PRSP and poverty in Lesotho.' In: Rutten, M., Leliveld, A. and Foeken, D., (eds.), Inside Poverty and Development in Africa: Critical Reflections on Pro-Poor Policies. Leiden: Brill, pp. 57-82.

Janku, Andrea (2008) 'Zhongguo ziran zaihai shi zhi tansuo: Linfen-xian ge'an yanjiu [中國自然災害史之探索:臨汾縣個案研究] Towards a History of Disasters in China: the Case of Linfen County.' In: Liu, Ts'ui-jung, (ed.), Ziran yu renwei hudong: huanjingshi yanjiu de shijiao [自然與人為互動:環境史研究的視角]. Interactions of Nature and Humans: Perspectives of Environmental History. Taibei: Zhongyang yanjiuyuan, Lianjing chuban gongsi, pp. 165-190.

Janowski, Monica and Janowski, Kaz (2008) 'Passion or medicine? Radio, research and change in Africa.' In: Blewitt, John, (ed.), Community, Empowerment and Sustainable Development. Exeter: Schumacher Institute (Green Books).

Janowski, Monica (2008) 'Grandparenthood and naming among the Kelabit of Sarawak.' In: Douaire-Marsaudon, Francoise, (ed.), Grand-mère, grand-père : la grand-parentalité en Asie et dans le Pacifique: figures, pratiques, parcours. Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence.

Janowski, Monica and Janowski, Kaz (2008) 'A dose of passion: radio, research and change in Africa.' In: Blewitt, John, (ed.), Community, Empowerment and Sustainable Development. Dartington: Green Books.

Jackson, Stevi, Liu, Jieyu and Woo, Juhyun (2008) 'Reflections on Gender, Modernity and East Asian Sexualities.' In: Jackson, Stevi, Liu, Jieyu and Woo, Juhyun, (eds.), East Asian Sexualities: Modernity, Gender and New Sexual Cultures. London: Zed Books, pp. 1-30.


Klein, Jakob A. (2008) '"For eating, it’s Guangzhou": regional culinary traditions and Chinese socialism.' In: West, Harry G. and Raman, Parvathi, (eds.), Enduring Socialism: Explorations of Revolution and Transformation, Restoration and Continuation. Oxford; New York: Berghahn.

Khan, Mushtaq (2008) 'Investment and Technology Policies.' In: National Development Strategies: Policy Notes. New York: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, pp. 157-197.

Khalili, Laleh (2008) 'Incarceration and the state of exception: al-Ansar mass detention camp in Lebanon.' In: Lentin, Ronit, (ed.), Thinking Palestine. London: Zed Books.

Khalili, Laleh (2008) 'Introduction to Politics of the Modern Arab World.' In: Khalili, Laleh, (ed.), Politics of the Modern Arab World. London: Routledge.

Kim, Jong-Bok, Sells, Peter and Wescoat, Michael T. (2008) 'Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach.' In: Clancy, P., Hudson, M. E., Jun, S.-A. and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Vol.13. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Kumar, Sunil (2008) 'Politics, the Muslim Community and Hindu-Muslim Relations Reconsidered: North India in the early Thirteenth century.' In: Datta, Rajat, (ed.), Rethinking a Millennium: Perspectives on Indian History from the Eighth to the Eighteenth century: Essays for Harbans Mukhia. Delhi: Aakar Books, pp. 139-167.

Kumar, Sunil (2008) 'Juzjani, Minhaj-i Siraj.' In: Encyclopaedia Iranica. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2008) 'Central, East and Southern African Languages.' In: Austin, Peter, (ed.), One Thousand Languages. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Ivy Press/University of California Press, pp. 86-111.

Kaiser, Tania (2008) 'Sudanese Refugees in Uganda and Kenya.' In: Loescher, Gil, Milner, James, Newman, Edward and Troeller, Gary, (eds.), Protracted Refugee Situations: Political, Human Rights and Security Implications. Tokyo; New York: UNU Press.

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Khan, Mushtaq (2008) 'Governance and Development: The Perspective of Growth-Enhancing Governance.' In: Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid: East Asian Lessons for African Growth. Tokyo: GRIPS Development Forum/National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, pp. 107-152.

Kennedy, Hugh (2008) 'Inherited Cities.' In: Jayyusi, Salma K., (ed.), The City in the Islamic World. Leiden: Brill, pp. 93-114.


Latham, Kevin (2008) 'SMS, Communication, And Citizenship in China's Information Society.' In: Murphy, Rachel and Fong, Vanessa L., (eds.), Media, Identity, and Struggle in Twenty-First-Century China. Abingdon: Routledge.

Levin, Beth and Sells, Peter (2008) 'Unpredicated Particles.' In: Uyechi, Linda and Wee, Lian-Hee, (eds.), Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Lockyer, Angus (2008) 'National Museums and Other Cultures in Modern Japan.' In: Sherman, Daniel J., (ed.), Museums and Difference. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, pp. 97-123.

Lockyer, Angus (2008) 'Peopling landscapes, ethnographic and otherwise: European images of Asians from the 15th to the 19th centuries.' In: Yoshida, Kenji and Durrans, Brian, (eds.), Self and Other: Portraits from Asia and Europe. Osaka: The Asahi Shimbun, pp. 282-290.

Leyland, Peter (2008) 'Rail Privatisation, Regulation and Re-regulation: Reviewing the Lines of Parliamentary Accountability.' In: Leyland, Peter and Anthony, Gordon, (eds.), Textbook on Administrative Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lo, Dic (2008) 'China as a “model” of utilizing foreign capital for economic development: perceptions, observations and interpretation.' In: Assmann, Heinz-Dieter, Chan, Thomas M.H. and von Filseck, Karin Moser, (eds.), Perceptions and Images of China. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (Neue China-Studien)

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Art and Architecture.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 314-317.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Early Buddhism and Gandhara.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 72-77.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Gandhara and Its Art.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 16-26.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Stucco and Clay.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 318-320.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'The Bodhisattva and the Future Buddha Maitreya.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 249-253.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'The depiction of Hindu and Pan-Indian Deities in the Lo tsa ba lHa khang at Nako.' In: Raven, Ellen M., (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1999. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held at the Universiteit Leiden, 5–9 July 1999. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, pp. 493-506.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'On the Earliest Mandalas in a Buddhist Context.' In: Bryant, Darrol and Bryant, Susan, (eds.), Mahayana Buddhism. History and Culture. New Delhi: Tibet House, pp. 111-136.

Liu, Jieyu (2008) 'Sexualized Labour? 'White-collar Beauties' in Provincial China.' In: Jackson, Stevi, Liu, Jieyu and Woo, Juhyun, (eds.), East Asian Sexualities: Modernity, Gender and New Sexual Cultures. London: Zed Books, pp. 85-103.


Muchlinski, Peter (2008) 'Policy Issues.' In: Muchlinski, Peter, Ortino, Federico and Schreuer, Christoph, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-48.

Muchlinski, Peter and Gomez-Palacio, Ignacio (2008) 'Admission and Establishment.' In: Muchlinski, Peter, Ortino, Federico and Schreuer, Christoph, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 227-258.

Muchlinski, Peter (2008) 'Corporate Social Responsibility.' In: Muchlinski, Peter, Ortino, Federico and Schreuer, Christoph, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 637-687.

Marten, Lutz and Kula, Nancy C. (2008) 'Zambia: One Zambia, One Nation, Many Languages.' In: Simpson, Andrew, (ed.), Language and National Identity in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 291-313.

Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Thagara and the pilgrimage sites of Dawei: Buddhist narratives and ancient topography.' In: Gutman, P., (ed.), Buddha and the Sacred Mountain. Bangkok: Silkworm Press. (Forthcoming)

Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Myanmar archaeology: Tagaung and ‘Pyu'.' In: Pautreau, J-P, Coupey, S, Rambault, E and Zeitoun, V, (eds.), From homo erectus to the living traditions: choice of papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists: Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006. Chieng Mai: Siam Rattana, pp. 183-192.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2008) 'Feminise without Unionise: the Indian Garment sector and its lack of solidarity.' In: Missing Links in Sustainable Development: South Asian Perspectives. Islamabad: SDPI/Sama, pp. 105-130.

Marten, Lutz, Kempson, Ruth and Bouzouita, Miriam (2008) 'Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance.' In: de Cat, Cécile and Demuth, Katherine, (eds.), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-39.

Mosse, David (2008) 'Collective action, common property and social capital in south India: an anthropological commentary.' In: Ray, Isha and Bardhan, Pranab, (eds.), The contested commons: conversations between economists and anthropologists. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 83-106.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) 'Field research methodology as boundary work: An introduction.' In: Wall, Caleb R.L. and Mollinga, Peter, (eds.), Fieldwork in difficult environments. Methodology as boundary work in development research. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-17. (ZEF Development Studies)

Mollinga, Peter (2008) 'Water policy – Water politics: Social engineering and strategic action in water sector reform.' In: Scheumann, Waltina, Neubert, Susanne and Kipping, Martin, (eds.), Water Politics and Development Cooperation: Local Power Plays and Global Governance. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 1-29.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) 'The Water Resources Policy Process in India: Centralisation, Polarisation and New Demands on Governance.' In: Ballabh, Vishwa, (ed.), Governance of water. Institutional Alternatives and Political Economy. New Delhi: Sage, pp. 339-370.

Menski, Werner F (2008) 'Diritto matrimoniale inglese e legge musulmana.' In: Ferrari, Alessandro, (ed.), Islam in Europa/Islam in Italia. Tra diritto e società. Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 129-146.

Menski, Werner F (2008) 'Hindu law.' In: Cane, Peter, Conaghan, Joanne and Walker, David M., (eds.), The New Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 531-533.

Menski, Werner F (2008) 'Law, religion and culture in multi-cultural Britain.' In: Mehdi, Rubya, Petersen, Hanne, Reenberg Sand, Erik and Woodman, Gordon R., (eds.), Law and religion in multicultural societies. Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing, pp. 43-62. (Religion i det 21. århundrede, nr. 23)

Menski, Werner F (2008) 'Foreword.' In: Khair, Sumaiya, (ed.), Legal empowerment for the poor and the disadvantaged: Strategies, achievements and challenges. Experiences from Bangladesh. Dhaka: CIDA, v-x.

Mina, Nima (2008) 'Rudolf Gelpke as translator of classical literature. A chapter in the history of Persian literary studies in Switzerland.' In: Zaborski, Andrzej and Piela, Marek, (eds.), Oriental Languages in Translation. Cracow: Polish Academy of Sciences - Cracow Branch., pp. 85-97. (Publications of the Oriental Committee)

Mina, Nima (2008) 'Gefängnismemoiren aus dem nachrevolutionären Iran.' In: Ritter, Markus, Kauz, Ralph and Hoffmann, Birgitt, (eds.), Iran und iranisch geprägte Kulturen. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, pp. 210-220. (Beiträge zur Iranistik)


Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2008) 'Globalisation and the Poor in Asia: Can Shard Growth be Sustained?' In: Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-23.

Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2008) 'Institutional Analysis of Financial Market Fragmentation in sub-saharan Africa: a Risk-Cost Configuration Approach.' In: Mavrotas, George, (ed.), Domestic Resource Mobilization and financial Development. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 112-116.

Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2008) 'Globalization and Poverty in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained?' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik, (eds.), Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-23. (Studies in development economics and policy)

Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2008) 'Institutional Analysis of Financial Market Fragmentation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Risk-Cost Configuration Approach.' In: Mavrotas, George, (ed.), Domestic Resource Mobilization and Financial Development. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 112-116. (Studies in development economics and policy)

Nickel, Lukas (2008) 'Longxing Temple and the Discovery of the Sculpture Hoard.' In: Capon, Edmund and Yang, Liu, (eds.), The Lost Buddhas: Chinese Buddhist Sculpture from Qingzhou. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Nickel, Lukas (2008) 'Reassembling a Han Tomb from Luoyang.' In: Lawton, Thomas, (ed.), New frontiers in global archaeology: defining China's ancient traditions. New York: AMS Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Humanities, pp. 143-161.

Newton, Scott (2008) 'Law and Development, Law and Economics, and the Fate of Legal Technical Assistance.' In: Otto, Jan-Michiel and Ryan, Danny, (eds.), Lawmaking for Development: Explorations into the Theory and Practice of International Legislative Projects. Leiden University Press: Leiden, pp. 23-52.


Osella, Caroline and Osella, Filippo (2008) 'Nuancing the migrant experience: perspectives from Kerala, South India.' In: Koshy, S. and Radhakrishnan, R., (eds.), Transnational South Asians: the making of a neo-diaspora. India: Oxford University Press, pp. 146-178.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé and Fashole-Luke, Victor (2008) 'Sierra Leone: Krio and the Quest for National Integration.' In: Simpson, Andrew, (ed.), Language and National Identity in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 122-140.

Onyema, Emilia (2008) 'Formalities of the Enforcement Procedure (Articles III and IV).' In: Gaillard, Emmanuel and Domenico, Di Pietro, (eds.), Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards: The New York Convention in Practice. London: Cameron May, pp. 597-612.

Oya, Carlos, Cramer, Christopher and Sender, John (2008) 'Discretion and Heterogeneity in Mozambican Rural Labour Markets.' In: de Brito, Luis, Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno, Chichava, Sergio and Francisco, Antonio, (eds.), Reflecting on Economic Questions. Maputo, Mozambique: IESE, pp. 50-71.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2008) 'Utopian Fantasy or Dystopian Nightmare: Trajectories of Desire in Classical Arabic and Chinese Fiction.' In: Chraibi, Aboubakr, Bauden, Frederic and Ghersetti, Antonella, (eds.), Le repertoire narrative arabe medieval: transmission et ouverture. Geneve: Droz, pp. 323-351.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2008) 'Text, Space and the Individual in the Poetry of Badr Shakir al-Sayyab.' In: Ostle, Robin, (ed.), Sensibilities of the Islamic Mediterranean: Self Expression in a Muslim Culture from Post-Classical Times to the Present Day. London: I. B. Tauris.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2008) 'Mapping Arab Womanhood: Identity Politics and Narratives of Arab Women.' In: Ostle, Robin, (ed.), Sensibilities of the Islamic Mediterranean: Self Expression in a Muslim Culture from Post-Classical Times to the Present Day. London: I. B. Tauris, pp. 174-193.

Otten, Tina (2008) 'People of the Hills: How Rona Deal with Social Change.' In: Carrin, Marine and Tambs-Lyche, Harald, (eds.), People of the Jangal: Reformulating Identities and Adaptations in Crisis. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 93-118.


Pierson, Stacey (2008) 'Regional Specialization in Ceramic Production of the Northern Sung Period.' In: Conference on Founding Paradigms: Papers on the Art and Culture of the Northern Sung Dynasty. Taipei: National Palace Museum, pp. 759-776.

Parfitt, Tudor (2008) 'Preface.' In: Bruder, E., (ed.), The Black Jews of Africa: History Religion, Identity. New York: Oxford University Press, v-vi.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2008) 'Nihon to Kaigai no Kyoikukikan no Kyoiku Renkei no Mosaku – Tanki Kookan Ryugaku Puroguramu no Gakushuusha no Ankeeto kara.' In: Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in honour of Professor Fumiko Koide = 小出記念日本語教育研究会論文集. Tokyo: Koide Kinen Nihongo Kenkyuukai, Tokyo Joshi Daigaku Gendai Bungakubu.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2008) 'Japanese language learning in the UK – Notes on the social and educational background to the year of study in Japan in higher education programmes, and the case of University of London SOAS.' In: Towards a global standard in Japanese Language Pedagogy = Get a Copy Find a copy in the library 日本語教育のグローバル. スタンダードの構築に向けて. Tokyo: Japanese Ministry of Education, pp. 74-84.

Palumbo, Antonello (2008) 'Il rotolo manicheo di Pechino [The Beijing Manichaean Scroll].' In: Gnoli, Gherardo, (ed.), Il Manicheismo. Volume III, Il mito e la dottrina: testi manichei dell'Asia Centrale e della Cina. Florence: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, pp. 293-336.

Palumbo, Antonello (2008) 'La dottrina manichea nel «Compendio» di Dunhuang.' In: Gnoli, Gherardo, (ed.), Il Manicheismo. Volume III, Il mito e la dottrina: testi manichei dell'Asia Centrale e della Cina. Milan: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, pp. 337-346.

Purewal, Navtej (2008) 'Gender-Caste Intersectionality in the Experiences of the Partition for the Urban Poor of Amritsar.' In: Butalia, Urvashi, (ed.), A Sense of the Past: Women Writing on the Partition of India. New Delhi: Zubaan Press.


Retsikas, Kostas (2008) 'Knowledge from the Body: Fieldwork, Power, and the Acquisition of a New Self.' In: Halstead, Narmala, Hirsch, Eric and Okely, Judith, (eds.), Knowing How to Know: Fieldwork and the Ethnographic Present. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 110-129. (EASA)

Robb, Peter (2008) 'From Law to Rights: the Impact of the Colonial State on Peasant Protest in Bihar.' In: Pinch, William R., (ed.), Speaking of Peasants: Essays on Indian History and Politics in Honor of Walter Hauser. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 29-56.

Raman, Parvathi and West, Harry G. (2008) 'Poetries of the Past in a Socialist World Remade.' In: West, Harry G. and Raman, Parvathi, (eds.), Enduring Socialism: Explorations of Revolution and Transformation, Restoration and Continuation. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1-28.

Raman, Parvathi (2008) 'Signifying Something: Che Guevara and neoliberal alienation in London.' In: Raman, Parvathi and West, Harry G., (eds.), Enduring socialism: explorations of revolution and transformation, restoration and continuation. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 250-270.

Rettová, Alena (2008) '‘The horns of my thoughts are fastened together in a knot’: transformations of ‘humanity’ in Swahili and Shona literatures.' In: Oed, Anja and Reuster-Jahn, Uta, (eds.), Beyond the Language Issue: The Production, Mediation and Reception of Creative Writing in African Languages. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 263-274.

Rodet, Marie (2008) 'Missing Migrants: The Absence of Women in the History of Rural-Rural Migrations from French Sudan to Senegambia (1900-1932).' In: Zack-Williams, Alfred B. and Udogu, Emmanuel I., (eds.), African Mosaic: Political, Social, Economic and Information Technologies Issues in the New Millennium. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 152-166.

Rodet, Marie (2008) 'Réglementation et contrôle de la circulation des personnes en Afrique occidentale française (1900- 1945): les femmes seraient-elles passées entre les mailles du filet?' In: Green, Nancy L. and Poinsot, Marie, (eds.), Histoire de l’immigration et question coloniale en France. Paris: La Documentation française, pp. 233-238.

Rodet, Marie (2008) 'Migrants in French Sudan: Gender Biases in the Historiography.' In: Afolabi, Niyi and Falola, Toyin, (eds.), Trans-Atlantic Migration: The Paradoxes of Exile. New York: Routledge, pp. 165-181.


Shah, Mustafa (2008) 'The Arabic Language.' In: Rippin, Andrew, (ed.), The Islamic World. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 261-277.

Skorupski, Tadeusz (2008) 'Buddhist Visions of Death and Rebirth.' In: Skorupski, Tadeusz, (ed.), Sztuka życia, śmierci i umierania : czterdzieści dziewięć chwil bardo w buddyzmie tybetańskim = The art of life, death and dying : forty-nine moments of bardo in tibetan buddhism. Warsaw: Asia and Pacyfic Museum, pp. 9-62.

Snyder, Jack and Vinjamuri, Leslie (2008) 'Preconditions of international normative change: implications for order and violence.' In: Kalyvas, Stathis N., Shapiro, Ian and Masoud, Tarek, (eds.), Order, conflict, and violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sreberny, Annabelle (2008) 'A Persian Letter and its global purloinings: the shifting spatialities of contemporary communication.' In: Hesmondhalgh, D. and Tonybee, J., (eds.), The Media and Social Thoery. London: Routledge.

Skorupski, Tadeusz (2008) 'The Buddhist Permutations of Consciousness.' In: Esoteric Buddhist studies : identity in diversity : proceedings of the International Conference on Esoteric Buddhist studies, Koyasan University, 5 Sept.-8 Sept. 2006. Koya-mati: Koyasan University, pp. 155-170.

Simpson, Andrew and Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2008) 'Nigeria: Ethno-linguistic Competition in the Giant of Africa.' In: Simpson, Andrew, (ed.), Language and National Identity in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 172-198.

Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2008) 'Abu Dongbu and his foster-parents: an episode from the Kesar epic in Baltistan.' In: Huber, Brigitte, Volkart, Marianne and Widmer, Paul, (eds.), Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek, Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier. Halle (Saale): VGH Wissenschaftsverlag Halle, pp. 227-256. (Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung; 12)

Strauss, Julia (2008) 'Rethinking Institutional Capacity and Tax Regimes: The Case of the Sino-Foreign Salt Inspectorate in Republican China.' In: Brautigam, Deborah, Fjeldstad, Odd and Moore, Mick, (eds.), Taxation and State Building in Developing Countries: Capacity and Consent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 212-234.

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