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Number of items at this level: 25.

Authored Books

Kim, Jong-Bok and Sells, Peter (2008) English Syntax: An Introduction. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Perera, Natsuko (2015) 子どもの第二言語習得プロセスープレハブ言語から創造言語へ. Tōkyō: 彩流社 = Sairyūsha.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Li, Defeng, ed. (1993) An English Speaking Course for College Students. Nanjing: Hohai University Press.

Githiora, Chege, ed. (2007) The Ten Shillings and Other Stories: An Anthology of Short Stories from All Over Africa. Nairobi: MacMillan Kenya.

Book Chapters

Chang, C. B. (2010) 'Learning to produce a multidimensional laryngeal contrast.' In: Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K., Wrembel, M. and Kul, M., (eds.), New Sounds 2010: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. Poznań, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University, pp. 89-94.

Chang, C. B. (2006) 'On activation and suppression in the dual-route model of reading: 'bass' the fish or 'bass' the guitar?' In: Proceedings of SICOL 2006: The Seoul International Conference on Linguistics. Seoul, Korea: Linguistic Society of Korea, pp. 521-530.

Chang, C. B. (2012) 'Phonetics vs. phonology in loanword adaptation: Revisiting the role of the bilingual.' In: Berson, Sarah, Bratkievich, Alex, Bruhn, Daniel, Campbell, Amy, Escamilla, Ramon, Giovine, Allegra, Newbold, Lindsey, Perez, Marilola, Piqueras-Brunet, Marta and Rhomieux, Russell, (eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Information Structure. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society, pp. 61-72.

Chang, C. B. (2011) 'Systemic drift of L1 vowels in novice L2 learners.' In: Lee, Wai-Sum and Zee, E., (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Hong Kong, China: City University of Hong Kong, pp. 428-431.

Chang, C. B. (2007) 'Tense consonants in Korean revisited: A crosslinguistic perceptual study.' In: Chang, C. B., Dugarova, E., Theodoropoulou, I., Vilar Beltrán, E. and Wilford, E., (eds.), CamLing 2006: Proceedings of the 4th University of Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Institute of Language Research, pp. 35-42.

Chang, C. B. (2009) 'The status of voicing and aspiration as cues to Korean laryngeal contrast.' In: Elliott, Malcolm, Kirby, James, Sawada, O., Staraki, E. and Yoon, S., (eds.), Proceedings from the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Chang, C. B. and Fischer-Baum, S. (2015) 'The effect of semantic predictability on vowel production with pure word deafness.' In: Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015, The, (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Waghmar, Burzine (2018) 'Annemarie Schimmel v: Bibliography.' In: Yarshater, Ehsan, (ed.), Encyclopædia Iranica. New York: Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation.

Journal Article

Chang, C. B. (2014) 'Bilingual perceptual benefits of experience with a heritage language.' Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 19 (4). pp. 791-809.

Chang, C. B. (2012) 'Rapid and multifaceted effects of second-language learning on first-language speech production.' Journal of Phonetics, 40 (2). pp. 249-268.

Chang, C. B. (2013) 'A novelty effect in phonetic drift of the native language.' Journal of Phonetics, 41 (6). pp. 520-533.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2009) 'A tale of five fricatives: Consonantal contrast in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, 15 (1). pp. 37-43.

Chang, C. B. and Mishler, A. (2012) 'Evidence for language transfer leading to a perceptual advantage for non-native listeners.' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132 (4). pp. 2700-2710.

Chang, C. B., Yao, Y., Haynes, E. F. and Rhodes, R. (2011) 'Production of phonetic and phonological contrast by heritage speakers of Mandarin.' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129 (6). pp. 3964-3980.

Lucas, Christopher and Willis, David (2012) 'Never again: the multiple grammaticalization of never as a marker of negation in English.' English Language and Linguistics, 16 (3). pp. 459-485.

Nenadovic, Ana (2019) 'Sexualised Violence between Silence and Enunciation: The Madonna of Excelsior and Symphony in White.' GLITS-e, 7.

Sprigg, R. K. (2005) 'The short quantity piece in English lexical items, and its vowel system.' York Papers in Linguistics (Series 2), 4. pp. 157-188.

Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs

Amir, Alia (2024) What if I lose my language? What if I have lost my language? Language On The Move [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Chang, C. B. (2010) First language phonetic drift during second language acquisition. PhD thesis. University of California, Berkeley.

Chang, C. B. (2003) "High-interest loans": The phonology of English loanword adaptation in Burmese. Masters dissertation. Harvard University.

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