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Standing, Guy (2017) The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay. London: Biteback.
Standing, Guy (2017) Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen. London: Penguin. (A Pelican Introduction)
Standing, Guy (2016) The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay. London: Biteback.
Standing, Guy (2016) The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. London: Bloomsbury. (Revelations)
Standing, Guy (2015) Basic income: A transformative policy for India. London and New Delhi: Bloomsbury.
Standing, Guy (2014) A precariat charter: From denizens to citizens. London: Bloomsbury.
Standing, Guy (2011) The precariat: The new dangerous class. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury.
Standing, Guy, Unni, Jeemol, Jhabvala, Renana and Rani, Uma (2010) Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. New Delhi: Routledge.
Standing, Guy (2009) Work after globalization: Building occupational citizenship. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar.
Standing, Guy, Sender, John and Weeks, John (1996) Restructuring the Labour Market: the South African challenge. An ILO Country Review. Geneva: International Labour Office.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'From denizens to citizens: forging a precariat charter.' In: Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Munck, Ronaldo, Likic-Brboric, Branka and Neergaard, Anders, (eds.), Migration, precarity, and global governance: challenges and opportunties for labour. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 83-100.
Standing, Guy (2012) 'An anniversary note: BIEN's twenty-fifth.' In: Caputo, Richard K., (ed.), Basic Income Guarantee and Politics: International Experiences and Perspectives on the Viability of Income Guarantee. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-60.
Standing, Guy (2012) 'Basic income pilot schemes: Seventeen design and evaluation imperatives.' In: Jacobi, Dirk and Strengmann-Kuhn, Wolfgang, (eds.), Wege zum Grundeinkommen [Pathways to Basic Income]. Berlin, Germany: Bildungswerk Berlin, pp. 133-152.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'How cash transfers promote work and economic security.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Chowdhury, Anis, (eds.), Poor Poverty: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 197-221.
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Social protection.' In: Cornwall, Andrea and Eade, Deborah, (eds.), Deconstructing development discourse: Buzzwords and fuzzwords. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 53-67.
Weeks, John (1991) 'Macroeconomic Adjustment and the Fiction of Labour Market Clearing.' In: Standing, Guy, (ed.), Towards Social Adjustment: labour market issues in structural adjustment. Geneva: ILO.
Standing, Guy (2021) 'Basic Income Pilots: Uses, Limitations and Design Principles.' Basic Income Studies, 16 (1). pp. 75-99.
Standing, Guy (2016) 'The precariat, class and progressive politics: A response.' Global Labour Journal, 7 (2). pp. 189-200.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'Why basic income's emancipatory value exceeds its monetary value.' Basic Income Studies, 10 (2). pp. 193-223.
Standing, Guy and Jandric, Petar (2015) 'Precariat, education and technologies: towards a global class identity.' Policy Futures in Education, 13 (8). pp. 990-994.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'The Growing Precariat: Why We Need a Universal Basic Income.' SingularityHUB.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'Taskers: The Precariat in the On-Demand Economy - Part I.' Working-Class Perspectives.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'Basic Income Pilots: A Better Option Than QE.' Social Europe.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'Magna Carta: 800 years on, we need a new people's charter.' The Guardian.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'Magna Carta: what prospects for a Precariat Charter?' openDemocracy: Our Kingdom.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'The precariat and class struggle.' RCCS Annual Review, 7. pp. 3-16.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Basic income paid to the poor can transform lives.' Guardian Economics Blog.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cash benefits or basic income - the next phase.' Financial Express.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cash transfers can work better than subsidies.' The Hindu.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Working-Class Perspectives.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'The age of rentier capitalism.' Al Jazeera America.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Why fracking should be for the many.' The Guardian.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Understanding the precariat through labour and work.' Development and Change, 45 (5). pp. 963-980.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Conditionality and human rights.' United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'O precariado e a luta de classes.' Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (103). pp. 9-24.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cheer up - a renewed left is coming.' The Guardian.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Where's Howard? Book review symposium: The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, by Guy Standing.' Global Discourse, 3 (3/4). pp. 536-538.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Why the precariat is not a "bogus concept".' openDemocracy.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Stockholm syndrome: What happened to the European left?' Al Jazeera America.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'From cash transfers to basic income: An unfolding Indian Agenda.' Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 57 (1). pp. 111-137.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'Por qué el precariado no es un "concepto espurio".' Sociología del Trabajo (82). pp. 7-15.
Standing, Guy (2014) 'The Precariat.' Contexts, 13 (10). pp. 10-12.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'Guest post: The precariat needs a basic income.' FT Alphaville.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'India's experiment in basic income grants.' Global Dialogue: Magazine of the International Sociological Association, 3 (5). pp. 24-26.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'The poor are responsible too.' Financial Express.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'Job security is a thing of the past - so millions need a better welfare system.' The Guardian.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'Defining the precariat: A class in the making.' Eurozine.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why zero-hours contracts remind me of the horrors of 1990s Russia.' The Guardian.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'Tertiary time: The precariat's dilemma.' Public Culture, 25 (1 69). pp. 5-23.
Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why a basic income is necessary for a right to work.' Basic Income Studies, 7 (2). pp. 19-40.
Standing, Guy (2012) 'Book review response: Guy Standing, The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class.' Work, Employment and Society, 26 (4). pp. 690-692.
Standing, Guy (2012) 'The precariat: from denizens to citizens?' Polity, 44 (4). pp. 588-608.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'Labour market policies, poverty and insecurity.' International Journal of Social Welfare, 20 (3). pp. 260-269.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Policy Network.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'Workfare and the precariat.' Soundings (47). pp. 35-43.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'Behavioural conditionality: Why the nudges must be stopped - an opinion piece.' Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 19 (1). pp. 27-38.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'Responding to the crisis: Economic stabilisation grants.' Policy and Politics, 39 (1). pp. 9-25.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'End of a Faustian pact: Workfare and riots.' Poverty (140). pp. 11-14.
Standing, Guy and Jhabvala, Renana (2010) 'Targeting to the "poor": Clogged pipes and bureaucratic blinkers.' Economic and Political Weekly, XLV (26-27). pp. 239-246.
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Global monitor: The International Labour Organisation.' New Political Economy, 15 (2). pp. 307-318.
Standing, Guy (2009) 'Work and occupation in a tertiary society.' Labour and Industry, 19 (3). pp. 49-72.
Standing, Guy (2008) 'Economic insecurity and global casualisation: Threat or promise?' Social Indicators Research, 88 (1). pp. 15-30.
Standing, Guy (2008) 'Reviving egalitarianism in the Global Transformation: Building occupational security.' Indian Journal of Human Development, 2 (1). pp. 39-62.
Standing, Guy (2008) 'The ILO: An agency for globalization?' Development and Change, 39 (3). pp. 355-384.
Standing, Guy (2008) 'The Australian Charter of Employment Rights: The missing dimensions.' Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (2). pp. 355-366.
Standing, Guy (2008) 'How cash transfers promote the case for basic income.' Basic Income Studies, 3 (1). pp. 1-30.
Standing, Guy (2014) The precariat and class struggle. (Unpublished)
Standing, Guy (2012) Cash transfers: A review of the issues in India. New Delhi, India: UNICEF.
Standing, Guy (2008) Labour market policies, poverty and insecurity. Geneva, Switzerland: UNRISD.
Standing, Guy (2015) 'Andrew J. Cherlin, Labor's Love Lost: The Rise and Fall of the Working Class Family in America.' Population and Development Review, 41 (3). pp. 544-547.
Standing, Guy (2012) 'Beware the lens of low-wage labor.' Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 41 (4). pp. 453-455.
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Review of Sunanda Sen and Byasdeb Dasgupta, "Unfreedom and Waged Work: Labour in India’s Manufacturing Industry".' Development and Change, 41 (1). pp. 188-189.
Standing, Guy (2009) 'Review of Cohen, D., "Three Lectures on Post-Industrial Society".' Journal of Economics, 98 (3). pp. 261-266.
Standing, Guy (2009) 'Global employment: Two reports in search of the problem.' Development and Change, 40 (6). pp. 1319-1337.
Standing, Guy (2017) Why you've never heard of a Charter that's as important as the Magna Carta. Open Democracy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Standing, Guy (2017) The precariat: Why a basic income is vital. Working-Class Perspectives [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Standing, Guy (2017) Celebrating the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest. Open Democracy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Standing, Guy (2017) Universal basic income is our best weapon against the rising far right. Huffington Post [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Standing, Guy (2016) The five lies of rentier capitalism. Social Europe [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Standing, Guy (2016) The precariat dilemma. Changing Work: Progressive Ideas for the Modern World of Work [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Standing, Guy (2016) 'The left must combat rentier capitalism.' Open Democracy .
Standing, Guy (2015) 'The UK budget: King Canute and the triumph of moralism over morality.' Open Democracy .
Standing, Guy (2015) 'Let there be a Runnymede Left.' Open Democracy .
Standing, Guy and Jhabvala, Renana (2015) 'Empowering women through cash transfers.' Financial Express (India) . Express Group.
Standing, Guy (2012) 'Britain's labour figures hide the real hours we work every day.' The Guardian . Guardian Newspapers.
Standing, Guy (2012) 'The Precariat: Why it needs deliberative democracy.' Open Democracy . Open Democracy.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'Who will be a voice for the emerging precariat?' The Guardian . Guardian Newspapers.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'Workfare: Ed Miliband's defining challenge?' New Left Project .