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Number of items: 48.

Dolce, Lucia (2023) 'The Buddhist World of Hokusai: Lotus Practices and the Religious Frenzy of Urban Edo.' In: Clark, Timothy, (ed.), Late Hokusai: Thought, Technique, Society, Legacy. London: The British Museum, pp. 89-102. (Research Publication 231)

Dolce, Lucia (2023) 'A Sutra as a Notebook? Printing and Repurposing Scriptures in Medieval Japan.' Ars Orientalis, 52. pp. 40-74.

Dolce, Lucia (2022) 'A (Presumably Chinese) tantric scripture and its Japanese exegesis: the Yuqi Jing 瑜祇經 and the practices of the Yogin.' Studies in Chinese Religions, 8 (1). pp. 1-32.

Dolce, Lucia, D'Ortia, Linda Zampol and Pinto, Ana Fernandes (2022) 'Saints, Sects, and (Holy) Sites: The Jesuit Mapping of Japanese Buddhism (Sixteenth Century).' In: Curvelo, Alexandra and Cattaneo, Angelo, (eds.), Interactions Between Rivals: The Christian Mission and Buddhist Sects in Japan (c.1549-c.1647). Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 67-107. (Passagem, Volume 17)

Dolce, Lucia (2022) 'The Abhiṣeka of the Yogin: Bodily Practices and the Interiorization of Ritual in Medieval Japan.' In: Rambelli, Fabio and Porath, Or, (eds.), Rituals of Initiation and Consecration in Premodern Japan: Power and Legitimacy in Kingship, Religion, and the Arts. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 275-320. (Religion and Society, vol. 87)

Dolce, Lucia (2021) '“And the zasu Changed his Shoes”: The Resurgence of Combinatory Rituals in Contemporary Japan.' In: Bulian, Giovanni and Rivadossi, Silvia, (eds.), Itineraries of an Anthropologist. Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, pp. 151-180.

Dolce, Lucia, ed. (2018) Nichiren to Hokekyô, Japanese Translation of Esoteric Patterns in Nichiren’s Interpretation of the Lotus Sutra. Sekido Gyôkai and Miwa Zenshô transl. Tokyo: Sankibô shoten. (Forthcoming)

Dolce, Lucia (2016) 'The Embryonic Generation of the Perfect Body: Ritual Embryology from Japanese Tantric Sources.' In: Andreeva, Anna and Steavu, Dominic, (eds.), Transforming the Void: Embryological Discourse and Reproductive Imagery in East Asian Religions. Leiden; New York: Brill, pp. 253-310. (Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series)

Dolce, Lucia (2015) 'Possession and Exorcism in Japanese Religions.' In: Laycock, Joseph P., (ed.), Spirit Possession around the World: Possession, Communion, and Demon Expulsion across Cultures. Santa Barbara; CA: ABC-CLIO, pp. 178-185.

Dolce, Lucia (2015) 'Performance, Asceticism and the Power of Ritual: The Repentance Liturgy of Tōdaiji.' Dharma World Magazine [Online] .

Dolce, Lucia (2015) 'The Practice of Religion in Japan: An Exploration of the State of the Field.' In: Babb, James, (ed.), Handbook of Modern Japanese Studies. London: Sage, pp. 33-63.

Dolce, Lucia (2014) '“Hokekyô to mikkyô,” [The Lotus Sutra and Tantric Buddhism].' In: Hôshô, Komatsu and Jûdô, Hanano, (eds.), Hokekyô to Nichiren. Tokyo: Shunjûsha,, pp. 268-293. (Shirīzu Nichiren = Series Nichiren ; v 1)

Dolce, Lucia (2013) 'Daiei hakubutsukan zô no “Sanshû no jingi” zu: shinbutsu shûgô bijutsu to 19seiki Igirisu ni okeru Nihonteki shinkuretisumu rikai 大英博物館蔵の「三種の神器」図 − 神仏習合美術と19世紀イギリスにおける日本的シンクレティズム理解 [The British Museum “Three Regalia Scrolls:” Shinbutsu Art and the Nineteenth-Century Representation of Japanese “Syncretism”].' In: Dolce, Lucia and Mitsuhashi, Tadashi, (eds.), Shinbutsu shûgô saikô「神仏習合」を再考 [Rethinking Syncretism in Japanese Religion]. Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp. 338-382.

Dolce, Lucia (2013) 'Reconsidering the Origins of Nichiren's "Great Mandala of the Lotus Sutra".' In: Hokekyô gakkai jitsugyô iinkai, (ed.), The Universal and International Nature of the Lotus Sutra. Tokyo: Sankibô shoten, pp. 187-209.

Dolce, Lucia and Mitsuhashi, Tadashi, eds. (2013) Shinbutsu shûgô saikô 「神仏習合」を再考 [Rethinking Syncretism in Japanese Religion]. Tokyo: Bensei shuppansha.

Dolce, Lucia and Mitsuhashi, Tadashi (2013) '"Shinbutsu shûgô” o saikô suru tameni「神仏習合」を再考するために [Revisiting the Concept of kami-buddha Combination: Issues and Perspectives].' In: Dolce, Lucia and Mitsuhashi, Tadashi, (eds.), Shinbutsu shûgô saikô [Rethinking Syncretism in Japanese Religion]. Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp. 5-26.

Dolce, Lucia, ed. (2012) Japanese Religions, 4 vols. London: Sage. (Sage Benchmarks in Religious Studies)

Dolce, Lucia and Mano, Shinya (2011) 'Godai’in Annen.' In: Orzech, Charles, (ed.), Esoteric Buddhism And The Tantras in East Asia. Leiden: Brill, pp. 768-775.

Dolce, Lucia (2011) 'Taimitsu Rituals in Medieval Japan: Sectarian Competition and the Dynamics of Tantric Performance.' In: Keul, Istvan, (ed.), Transformations and Transfer of Tantra in Asia and Beyond. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter Publishers, pp. 329-364. (Religion and society, 1437-5370, v. 52)

Dolce, Lucia (2011) 'Taimitsu: The Esoteric Buddhism of the Tendai School.' In: Orzech, Charles, (ed.), Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. Leiden: Brill, pp. 744-767.

Dolce, Lucia and Ikuyo, Matsumoto, eds. (2010) Girei no chikara –chûsei shûkyô no jissen sekai 儀礼の力—中世宗教の実践世界 [The Power of Ritual: The World of Religious Practice in Medieval Japan]. Kyoto: Hôzôkan.

Dolce, Lucia, Raz, Gil and Triplett, Katja, eds. (2010) Grammars and Morphologies of Ritual Practices in Asia. Section II: Ritual Discourse, Ritual Performance in China and Japan. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Ritual dynamics and the science of ritual, 1)

Lomi, Benedetta (2010) 'Iconography of Ritual: Images, Texts and Beliefs in the Batō Kannon Fire Ritual.' In: Michaels, Axel, Mishra, Anand, Dolce, Lucia, Raz, Gil and Triplett, Katja, (eds.), Grammars and Morphologies of Ritual Practices in Asia, vol. 1 of Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Rituals. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 525-545.

Dolce, Lucia (2010) 'Nigenteki genri no girei: Fudô Aizen to chikara no hizô [Ritualizing Duality: Fudô, Aizen and the Secret Iconography of Empowerment].' In: Dolce, Lucia and Matsumoto, Ikuyo, (eds.), Girei no chikara. Kyoto: Hôzôkan, pp. 159-206.

Dolce, Lucia and Matsumoto, Ikuyo (2010) 'Nihon shûkyô kenkyû ni okeru gireigaku no ronten” [Ritual Theories and the Study of Japanese Religious Practices].' In: Dolce, Lucia and Matsumoto, Ikuyo, (eds.), 儀礼の力 : 中世宗教の実践世界 / Girei no chikara : Chusei shukyo no jissen sekai. Kyoto: Hôzôkan, pp. 3-28.

Dolce, Lucia (2010) 'The Practice of Religion in Japan: An Exploration of the State of the Field.' In: Dolce, Lucia, (ed.), Japanese Religions, vol. 1. London: Sage, xix-lvii. (SAGE Benchmarks in Religious Studies)

Dolce, Lucia (2010) 'The contested space of Buddhist public rituals: the shûnie of Tōdaiji.' In: Michaels, Axel, Mishra, Anand, Dolce, Lucia, Raz, Gil and Triplett, Katja, (eds.), Grammars and Morphologies of Ritual Practices in Asia. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag, pp. 433-458.

Dolce, Lucia (2009) 'Duality and the kami: Reconfiguring Buddhist notions and ritual patterns.' Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 16. pp. 119-150.

Dolce, Lucia (2009) 'Review of Patricia J. Graham, 'Faith and Power in Japanese Buddhist Art 1600-2005'.' Nihon bukkyô sôgô kenkyû [Interdisciplinary studies of Japanese Buddhism], 8 . pp. 129-138.

Dolce, Lucia (2008) 'Girei ni yori seisei sareru kanzen naru shintai –chûsei mikkyô no ‘hiseitôteki zuzô’ to shuhô o megutte [儀礼により生成される完全なる身体 –-中世密教の「非正統的」図像と修法をめぐって.' In: Yasurô, Abe, (ed.), Nihon ni okeru shûkyô tekisuto no shoisô to tôjihô. Nagoya: Nagoya daigaku bungakubu gurobaru COE puroguramu, pp. 58-71.

Dolce, Lucia (2007) 'Mapping the “Divine Country:” Sacred Geography and International Concerns in Mediaeval Japan.' In: Breuker, Remco E., (ed.), Korea in the middle : Korean studies and area studies : essays in honour of Boudewijn Walraven. Leiden: CNWS Publications, pp. 288-312.

Dolce, Lucia (2007) 'Taimitsu ni okeru hokekyô kaishaku to girei: hokkehô to hokke mandala ni tsuite [台密における法華経解釈と儀礼—法華法と法華曼陀羅につして].' Tendai gakuhô = Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies, 48. pp. 13-32.

Dolce, Lucia (2006) 'The State of the Field: A Basic Bibliography on Astrological Cultic Practices in Japan.' Culture and Cosmos: a journal of the history of astrology and cultural astronomy, 10 (1/2). pp. 45-48.

Dolce, Lucia (2006) 'Icons, Scriptures, and Their Ritual Use: Reflexions on the Nineteenth-Century European Understandings of Japanese Buddhism.' In: Murakami-Giroux, Sakae, (ed.), La Rencontre du Japon et de l'Europe. Images d'une découverte. Actes du troisième colloque d'études japonaises de l'université Marc Bloch. Aurillac: Publications Orientalistes de France, pp. 57-78.

Dolce, Lucia (2006) 'Reconsidering the Taxonomy of the Esoteric. Hermeneutical and Ritual Practices of the Lotus Sutra.' In: Scheid, B. and Teeuwen, M., (eds.), The Culture of Secrecy in Japanese Religion. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 130-171.

Dolce, Lucia, ed. (2006) The Worship of Stars in Japanese Religious Practice. Special issue of Culture and Cosmos: a journal of the history of astrology and cultural astronomy. v.10(1/2). Bristol: Sophia Centre Press. (Culture and Cosmos, vol. 10, no.1/2)

Dolce, Lucia (2006) 'You May Detest This World, But You Cannot Escape It: Engaged Lotus Buddhism in Medieval Japan.' Dharma World.

Dolce, Lucia (2006) 'The worship of celestial bodies in Japan: politics, rituals and icons.' Culture and Cosmos: a journal of the history of astrology and cultural astronomy, 10 (1-2). pp. 3-43.

Dolce, Lucia (2004) 'Nichiren (1222-1282) Leader of Japanese Buddhism.' In: Goethals, George R., Sorensen, Georgia and Burns, James MacGregor, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership, volume 3. London: Sage, pp. 1087-1091.

Dolce, Lucia (2003) 'Hokke Shinto. Kami in the Nichiren Tradition.' In: Teeuwen, M. and Rambelli, Fabio, (eds.), Buddhas and Kami in Japan. Honji Suijaku as a Combinatory Paradigm. London: Curzon Routledge, pp. 222-54.

Dolce, Lucia (2003) 'Nel nome del 'vero' dharma: ortodossia, strategie di legittimazione e conflitti religiosi nel buddismo giapponese.' In: Raveri, Massimo, (ed.), Verso l'altro : le religioni dal conflitto al dialogo. Venezia: Marsilio, pp. 241-262.

Dolce, Lucia (2003) 'On the Use of Prophecy in Mediaeval Japan. Nichiren, the Future of Buddhism and the Country of Japan.' In: Hoyo, Watanabe, (ed.), Hokke bukkyo bunkashi ronso. [Essays on the cultural history of Lotus Buddhism] = 法華仏教文化史論叢 : 渡邊寳陽先生古稀記念論文集. Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten, pp. 59-90.

Dolce, Lucia (2002) 'Between Duration and Eternity: Hermeneutics of the "Ancient Buddha" of the Lotus Sutra in Chih-I and the Nichiren.' In: Reeves, G, (ed.), A Buddhist Kaleidoscope: Essays on the Lotus Sutra. Tōkyō: Kosei Publishing Co, pp. 223-239.

Dolce, Lucia (1999) 'Criticism and Appropriation: Ambiguities in Nichiren's Attitude Towards Esoteric Buddhism.' Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 26 (3/4). pp. 349-382.

Dolce, Lucia and Smits, Ivo (1999) 'Hora est. 'Het einde der wet' en historisch besef in middeleeuws Japan.' Leidschrift : historisch tijdschrift, 14 (2). pp. 87-107.

Dolce, Lucia (1998) 'Buddhist Hermeneutics in Medieval Japan: Canonical Texts, Scholastic Tradition and Sectarian Polemics.' In: van der Kooij, A., (ed.), Canonization and Decanonization. Leiden: Brill, pp. 229-244. (Numen Book Series, Volume: 82)

Dolce, Lucia (1996) 'Esoteric patterns in Nichiren's thought.' Studies in Central and East Asian Religions, 9. pp. 89-95.

Dolce, Lucia (1992) 'Awareness of Mappô. Soteriological Interpretations of Time in Nichiren.' Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan (fourth series), 7. pp. 81-106.

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