Craven, Catherine Ruth (2018) 'Critical Realism, assemblages and practices beyond the state: A new framework for analysing global diaspora engagement.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 100-116.
Forbes, Simon (2018) 'Who is afraid of decolonisation?' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 124-132.
Galton, Jonathan (2018) 'Celebrating the Battle of Koregaon: contested histories and the (de)colonial Dalit subject.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 63-84.
Harvey, Andrew (2018) 'Pakani: A Gorwaa story.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 153-184.
Hirmer, Monika (2018) 'The art of Telangana women and the crafting of the decolonial subject: From dialectics of ‘othering’ to expressions of radical alterity.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 48-62.
Istratii, Romina, Hirmer, Monika and Lim, Iris (2018) 'Editorial I: Conference Proceedings ‘Decolonisation in Praxis’, SOAS 2018.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11. pp. 6-9.
Lim, Iris, Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2018) 'Introduction to Volume 11.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 3-5.
Istratii, Romina (2018) 'Beyond a feminist ‘hermeneutics of suspicion’: Reading St John Chrysostom’s commentaries on man-woman relations, marriage and conjugal abuse through the Orthodox phronema.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 16-47.
Istratii, Romina, Hirmer, Monika and Lim, Iris (2018) 'Editorial I: Conference Proceedings ‘Decolonisation in Praxis’, SOAS 2018.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11. pp. 6-9.
Istratii, Romina and Porter, Helen (2018) 'Understanding the possibilities and limitations of open access publishing for decolonising knowledge-making and dissemination.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 185-194.
Lim, Iris, Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2018) 'Introduction to Volume 11.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 3-5.
Kho, Tung-Yi (2018) 'The urgency of decoloniality.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 133-152.
Istratii, Romina, Hirmer, Monika and Lim, Iris (2018) 'Editorial I: Conference Proceedings ‘Decolonisation in Praxis’, SOAS 2018.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11. pp. 6-9.
Lim, Iris, Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2018) 'Introduction to Volume 11.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 3-5.
Minter, Roxy (2018) 'Classing Autonomy: A refutation that ‘…there really is no art more true than any other, and that there is no one way art has to be: all art is equally and indifferently art.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 117-123.
Istratii, Romina and Porter, Helen (2018) 'Understanding the possibilities and limitations of open access publishing for decolonising knowledge-making and dissemination.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 185-194.
Ramnath, Dhruv (2018) 'The making of a postcolonial Hindu identity in the Sharavana Baba movement.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 85-99.
Sabaratnam, Meera (2018) 'A note from the Decolonising SOAS Working Group.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). London: p. 1.
Schmoll, Katharina (2018) 'A note from the RSA.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). London: p. 2.