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Number of items: 31.

Bruno, Cosima

Bruno, Cosima, trans. (2004) Translation into Italian of six poems by Yang Lian. Milano: Skira.

Bruno, Cosima and Xi, Chuan (2004) 'Xi Chuan fang tanlu: da Mina wen.' In: Du, Xi and Hua, Guo, (eds.), Xianfeng shige dang'an. Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe, pp. 94-97.

Chang, Wu li

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '怎样对待“纲常名教” – 陈独秀与杜亚泉关于东西方文化之争 [How to Treat ‘the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues’: Chen Duxiu versus Da Yaquan on Eastern and Western Cultures].' In: Chang, Wu li, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 62-74.

Du, Xi

Bruno, Cosima and Xi, Chuan (2004) 'Xi Chuan fang tanlu: da Mina wen.' In: Du, Xi and Hua, Guo, (eds.), Xianfeng shige dang'an. Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe, pp. 94-97.

Ferrari, Rossella

Ferrari, Rossella (2004) Da Madre Courage e i suoi figli a Jiang Qing e i suoi mariti. Percorsi brechtiani in Cina. [From Mother Courage and her Children to Jiang Qing and her Husbands. Brechtian Trajectories in China]. Venice: Cafoscarina.

Gössmann, Hilaria

Kirsch, Griseldis (2004) '自由のビジョンとしての「アジア」 テレビドラマにおける女性の異文化接触を中心に (テレビドラマ『香港明星迷』と『本家のヨメ』における女性の異文化接触を中心 に).' (Unpublished)

Hill, Nathan W.

Hill, Nathan W. (2004) 'Compte rendu (Review of Paul G. Hackett, 'A Tibetan Verb Lexicon' Ithaca: Snow Lion, 2003.).' Revue d'études Tibétaines, 6 . pp. 78-98.

Hua, Guo

Bruno, Cosima and Xi, Chuan (2004) 'Xi Chuan fang tanlu: da Mina wen.' In: Du, Xi and Hua, Guo, (eds.), Xianfeng shige dang'an. Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe, pp. 94-97.

Iwami, Teruyo

Kirsch, Griseldis (2004) '自由のビジョンとしての「アジア」 テレビドラマにおける女性の異文化接触を中心に (テレビドラマ『香港明星迷』と『本家のヨメ』における女性の異文化接触を中心 に).' (Unpublished)

Kirsch, Griseldis

Kirsch, Griseldis (2004) '自由のビジョンとしての「アジア」 テレビドラマにおける女性の異文化接触を中心に (テレビドラマ『香港明星迷』と『本家のヨメ』における女性の異文化接触を中心 に).' (Unpublished)

Lu, Xiaoning

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '追求人生与游戏消遣 – 五四新文学观与鸳鸯蝴喋派文学观之争 [Art for Life’s Sake and Art for Entertainment: May Fourth New Literature versus Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies on Literature].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 131-142.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '反对文学革命的尾声- 学衡派与新青年派之争 [The Epilogue of Anti-Literature Revolution: Critical Review versus New Youth].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 95-112.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '怎样对待“纲常名教” – 陈独秀与杜亚泉关于东西方文化之争 [How to Treat ‘the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues’: Chen Duxiu versus Da Yaquan on Eastern and Western Cultures].' In: Chang, Wu li, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 62-74.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '老章又反叛了 – 甲寅派与革新派之争 [Lao Zhang’s Second Rebellion: the Jia Yin School versus the Reformists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 113-130.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '文学现代转型之先兆 – 晚清文学变革中白话文言之争 [A Precursor to Modernization of Modern Chinese Literature: Classical Language versus Vernacular Language in Late Qing Literary Reform].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 35-51.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '开启文学有无功利的重要话题 – 梁启超与王国维之争[Purposiveness of Literature?: Liang Qichao versus Wang Guowei].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 52-61.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '搬开文学革命的绊脚石 – 革新派与复古派之争 [Removing Stumbling Blocks to Literary Revolution: Reformists versus Traditionalists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 75-94.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '三十年代复古思潮的回流 – 针对“文言复兴”的大众语论争 [The Return of Traditionalists in the 1930s: Debate over Popular Language as a Response to the ‘Revival of Classical Language’].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 143-153.

Sernesi, Marta

Sernesi, Marta (2004) 'Milarepa's Six Secret Songs. The Early Transmission of the bDe-mchog snyan-brgyud.' East and West, 54 (1-2). pp. 251-287.

Sernesi, Marta and Squarcini, Federico (2004) 'Da Empoli a Osaka. Rappresentazioni condivise e modelli di consumo del Buddhismo contemporaneo.' Religioni e Società: rivista di scienze sociali della religione., 50. pp. 64-80.

Squarcini, Federico

Sernesi, Marta and Squarcini, Federico (2004) 'Da Empoli a Osaka. Rappresentazioni condivise e modelli di consumo del Buddhismo contemporaneo.' Religioni e Società: rivista di scienze sociali della religione., 50. pp. 64-80.

Tan, Tian Yuan

Tan, Tian Yuan (2004) 'Prohibition of Jiatou Zaju in the Ming Dynasty and the Portrayal of the Emperor on Stage.' Ming Studies (49). pp. 82-111.

Wu, Lichang

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '追求人生与游戏消遣 – 五四新文学观与鸳鸯蝴喋派文学观之争 [Art for Life’s Sake and Art for Entertainment: May Fourth New Literature versus Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies on Literature].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 131-142.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '反对文学革命的尾声- 学衡派与新青年派之争 [The Epilogue of Anti-Literature Revolution: Critical Review versus New Youth].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 95-112.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '老章又反叛了 – 甲寅派与革新派之争 [Lao Zhang’s Second Rebellion: the Jia Yin School versus the Reformists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 113-130.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '文学现代转型之先兆 – 晚清文学变革中白话文言之争 [A Precursor to Modernization of Modern Chinese Literature: Classical Language versus Vernacular Language in Late Qing Literary Reform].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 35-51.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '开启文学有无功利的重要话题 – 梁启超与王国维之争[Purposiveness of Literature?: Liang Qichao versus Wang Guowei].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 52-61.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '搬开文学革命的绊脚石 – 革新派与复古派之争 [Removing Stumbling Blocks to Literary Revolution: Reformists versus Traditionalists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 75-94.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '三十年代复古思潮的回流 – 针对“文言复兴”的大众语论争 [The Return of Traditionalists in the 1930s: Debate over Popular Language as a Response to the ‘Revival of Classical Language’].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 143-153.

Xi, Chuan

Bruno, Cosima and Xi, Chuan (2004) 'Xi Chuan fang tanlu: da Mina wen.' In: Du, Xi and Hua, Guo, (eds.), Xianfeng shige dang'an. Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe, pp. 94-97.

Yonaha, Keiko

Kirsch, Griseldis (2004) '自由のビジョンとしての「アジア」 テレビドラマにおける女性の異文化接触を中心に (テレビドラマ『香港明星迷』と『本家のヨメ』における女性の異文化接触を中心 に).' (Unpublished)

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