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Number of items: 98.

Abbink, Jon

Haustein, Jörg and Østebø, Terje (2013) 'EPRDF's Revolutionary Democracy and Religious Plurality: Islam and Christianity in post-Derg Ethiopia.' In: Abbink, Jon and Hagmann, Tobias, (eds.), Reconfiguring Ethiopia: The Politics of Authoritarian Reform. London: Routledge.

Alberts, Thomas Karl

Alberts, Thomas Karl (2013) Shaminism: history, discourse and modernity. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Albertz, Rainer

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Seduced by the Enemy or Wise Strategy? The Presentation of Non-Violence and Accommodation with Foreign Powers in Ancient Jewish Literary Sources.' In: Albertz, Rainer and Woehrle, Jakob, (eds.), Between Cooperation and Hostility. Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers. Goettingen and Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 221-250.

André-Salvini, Béatrice

George, Andrew (2013) 'La Porte des Dieux: la topographie cultuelle de Babylone d’après les textes cunéiformes.' In: André-Salvini, Béatrice, (ed.), La tour de Babylone. Études et recherches sur les monuments de Babylone. Rome: Istituto di studi sulle civiltà dell’Egeo e del vicino Oriente, pp. 29-42. (Documenta asiana 10)

Ashurov, Barakatullo

Ashurov, Barakatullo (2013) Tarsākyā: an analysis of Sogdian Christianity based on archaeological, numismatic, epigraphic and textual sources. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Baer, David

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2.' In: Baer, David and Gordon, Robert, (eds.), Leshon Limmudim : essays on the language and literature of the Hebrew Bible in honour of A.A. Macintosh. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 227-235.

Bagnall, Roger S.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Law, Jewish.' In: Bagnall, Roger S., Brodersen, Kai and Champion, Craige B., (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 3947-3949.

Barrett, T.H.

Barrett, T.H. (2013) 'Deqing and Daoism: A View of Dialogue and Translation from Late Ming China.' Culture and Dialogue, 3 (1). pp. 11-23.

Boustan, Raanan S.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Dirt and Garbage in the Ancient Jewish Religious Imagination and in Daily Life.' In: Boustan, Raanan S., Herrmann, Klaus, Leicht, Raimund and Reed, Annette Y., (eds.), Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schaefer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 107-127.

Brodersen, Kai

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Law, Jewish.' In: Bagnall, Roger S., Brodersen, Kai and Champion, Craige B., (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 3947-3949.

Brose, Thomas

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Zukunftshoffnung nach der Shoah? Messianismus, Utopie und Unsterblichkeit im Denken von Zygmunt Bauman und Emmanuel Levinas.' In: Palmer, Gesine and Brose, Thomas, (eds.), Religion und Politik: Das Messianische in Theologien, Religionswissenschaften und Philosophien des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 191-207.

Champion, Craige B.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Law, Jewish.' In: Bagnall, Roger S., Brodersen, Kai and Champion, Craige B., (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 3947-3949.

Dy, Ari C.

Dy, Ari C. (2013) Marginal Buddhists: religion and identity of a Chinese minority in the Philippines. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Eisen, Ute E.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Part Whore, Part Wife: Slave Women in the Palestinian Rabbinic Tradition.' In: Eisen, Ute E., Gerber, Christine and Standhartinger, Angela, (eds.), Doing Gender - Doing Religion. Fallstudien zur Intersektionalitaet im fruehen Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 303-324.

Evans, Mary

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion, and the Obligation to Alterity.' In: Evans, Mary, Hemmings, Clare, Henry, Marsha, Johnstone, Hazel, Madhok, Sumi and Wearing, Sadie, (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Feminist Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.

Fantini, Emanuele

Haustein, Jörg and Fantini, Emanuele (2013) 'Introduction: The Ethiopian Pentecostal Movement – History, Identity and Current Socio-Political Dynamics.' PentecoStudies, 12 (2). pp. 150-161.

Flügel, Peter

Flügel, Peter (2013) 'A Rare Jaina-Image of Balarāma at Mt. Māṅgī-Tuṅgī.' Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 8. pp. 24-28.

Fodor, P.

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'SyrHT 140: Commemorating Mar Cyriacus and Julitta.' In: Fodor, P., (ed.), Modoque: Die Wurzeln der europaischen Kultur unde deren Rezeption im orient und Okzident. Festschrift fuer Miklos Maroth zum siebstigen Geburtstag. Budapest: Fortschungszentrum fuer Humanwissenschaften der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 117-127.

Garrett, Edward

Garrett, Edward, Hill, Nathan W. and Zadoks, Abel (2013) 'Disambiguating Tibetan verb stems with matrix verbs in the indirect infinitive construction.' Bulletin of Tibetology, 49 (2). pp. 35-44.

George, Andrew

George, Andrew (2013) Babylonian Divinatory Texts Chiefly in the Schøyen Collection. Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press. (Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology 18; Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, Cuneiform Texts 7)

George, Andrew (2013) 'La Porte des Dieux: la topographie cultuelle de Babylone d’après les textes cunéiformes.' In: André-Salvini, Béatrice, (ed.), La tour de Babylone. Études et recherches sur les monuments de Babylone. Rome: Istituto di studi sulle civiltà dell’Egeo e del vicino Oriente, pp. 29-42. (Documenta asiana 10)

George, Andrew (2013) 'The Poem of Erra and Ishum: A Babylonian poet’s view of war.' In: Kennedy, Hugh, (ed.), Warfare and Poetry in the Middle East. London: I.B.Tauris, pp. 39-71.

Gerber, Christine

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Part Whore, Part Wife: Slave Women in the Palestinian Rabbinic Tradition.' In: Eisen, Ute E., Gerber, Christine and Standhartinger, Angela, (eds.), Doing Gender - Doing Religion. Fallstudien zur Intersektionalitaet im fruehen Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 303-324.

Giladi, Paul

Giladi, Paul (2013) 'Review of: 'Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity' by Brady Bowman.' International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 21 (4). pp. 612-617.

Gordon, Robert

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2.' In: Baer, David and Gordon, Robert, (eds.), Leshon Limmudim : essays on the language and literature of the Hebrew Bible in honour of A.A. Macintosh. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 227-235.

Hagmann, Tobias

Haustein, Jörg and Østebø, Terje (2013) 'EPRDF's Revolutionary Democracy and Religious Plurality: Islam and Christianity in post-Derg Ethiopia.' In: Abbink, Jon and Hagmann, Tobias, (eds.), Reconfiguring Ethiopia: The Politics of Authoritarian Reform. London: Routledge.

Haustein, Jörg

Haustein, Jörg (2013) 'Historical Epistemology and Pentecostal Origins: History and Historiography in Ethiopian Pentecostalism.' Pneuma, 35 (3). pp. 345-365.

Haustein, Jörg (2013) 'The New Prime Minister’s Faith: A Look at Oneness Pentecostalism in Ethiopia.' PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 12 (2). pp. 183-204.

Haustein, Jörg (2013) 'Review of: Der Auftrag bleibt. Der Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden auf dem Weg ins dritte Jahrtausend (D. Hampel, R. Krüger, G. Oertel).' Review Column of the Interdisziplinäre Arbeitskreis Pfingstbewegung .

Haustein, Jörg (2013) 'Review of: Political Spiritualities: The Pentecostal Revolution in Nigeria (R. Marshall).' African Affairs, 112 (446). pp. 159-160.

Haustein, Jörg and Fantini, Emanuele (2013) 'Introduction: The Ethiopian Pentecostal Movement – History, Identity and Current Socio-Political Dynamics.' PentecoStudies, 12 (2). pp. 150-161.

Haustein, Jörg and Østebø, Terje (2013) 'EPRDF's Revolutionary Democracy and Religious Plurality: Islam and Christianity in post-Derg Ethiopia.' In: Abbink, Jon and Hagmann, Tobias, (eds.), Reconfiguring Ethiopia: The Politics of Authoritarian Reform. London: Routledge.

Hawthorne, Sian

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Displacements: Religion, Gender, and the Catachrestic Demand of Postcoloniality.' Religion and Gender, 3 (2).

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion, and the Obligation to Alterity.' In: Evans, Mary, Hemmings, Clare, Henry, Marsha, Johnstone, Hazel, Madhok, Sumi and Wearing, Sadie, (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Feminist Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'An Outlaw Ethics for the Study of Religions: Maternality and the Dialogic Subject in Julia Kristeva’s 'Stabat Mater'.' Culture and Dialogue, 3 (1). pp. 127-151.

Hawthorne, Sian and van Klinken, Adriaan (2013) 'Introduction. Catachresis: Religion, Gender, and Postcoloniality.' Religion and Gender, 3 (2).

Hemmings, Clare

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion, and the Obligation to Alterity.' In: Evans, Mary, Hemmings, Clare, Henry, Marsha, Johnstone, Hazel, Madhok, Sumi and Wearing, Sadie, (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Feminist Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.

Henry, Marsha

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion, and the Obligation to Alterity.' In: Evans, Mary, Hemmings, Clare, Henry, Marsha, Johnstone, Hazel, Madhok, Sumi and Wearing, Sadie, (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Feminist Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.

Herrmann, Klaus

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Dirt and Garbage in the Ancient Jewish Religious Imagination and in Daily Life.' In: Boustan, Raanan S., Herrmann, Klaus, Leicht, Raimund and Reed, Annette Y., (eds.), Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schaefer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 107-127.

Hezser, Catherine

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Ancient 'Science Fiction': Journeys into Space and Visions of the World in Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Literature of Antiquity.' In: Porter, Stanley E. and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament; Vol.2 Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context. Leiden: Brill, pp. 397-438. (Texts and editions for New Testament study, 1574-7085)

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Dirt and Garbage in the Ancient Jewish Religious Imagination and in Daily Life.' In: Boustan, Raanan S., Herrmann, Klaus, Leicht, Raimund and Reed, Annette Y., (eds.), Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schaefer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 107-127.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Freak, Not Sage: An Exploration into Freakishness in Modern Jewish Culture.' Culture and Dialogue, 3 (1). pp. 51-72.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'The Jesus Movement as a 'Popular' Judaism for the Unlearned.' In: von Gemuenden, Petra, Horrell, David G. and Kuechler, Max, (eds.), Jesus - Gestalt und Gestaltungen. Rezeptionen des Galilaeers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 79-104.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Law, Jewish.' In: Bagnall, Roger S., Brodersen, Kai and Champion, Craige B., (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 3947-3949.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Part Whore, Part Wife: Slave Women in the Palestinian Rabbinic Tradition.' In: Eisen, Ute E., Gerber, Christine and Standhartinger, Angela, (eds.), Doing Gender - Doing Religion. Fallstudien zur Intersektionalitaet im fruehen Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 303-324.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Review of: Benjamin Isaac and Yuval Shahar, eds., Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome: Jews in Antiquity, Tuebingen: mohr Siebeck, 2012.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 138 (4). pp. 422-424.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Review of: Eyal Ben-Eliyahu, Yehudah Cohn, and Fergus Millar, 'Handbook of Jewish Literature from Late Antiquity, 135-700 CE'. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 76 (3). pp. 497-499.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Review of: Geoffrey Herman, 'A Prince Without a Kingdom: The Exilarch in the Sasanian Era'. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 138 (7/8). pp. 790-792.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Review of: Hayim Lapin, Rabbis as Romans. The Rabbinic Movement in Palestine, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 138 (4). pp. 428-430.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Review of: Lutz Doering, Ancient Jewish Letters and the Beginnings of Christian Epistolography, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 138 (6). pp. 665-667.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Review of: Naftali S. Cohn, The Memory of the Temple and the Making of the Rabbis, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 138 (10). pp. 1077-1079.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Samuel Krauss' Contribution to the Study of Judaism, Christianity, and Graeco-Roman Culture in the Context of Wissenschaft Scholarship.' Modern Judaism, 33 (3). pp. 1-31.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Seduced by the Enemy or Wise Strategy? The Presentation of Non-Violence and Accommodation with Foreign Powers in Ancient Jewish Literary Sources.' In: Albertz, Rainer and Woehrle, Jakob, (eds.), Between Cooperation and Hostility. Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers. Goettingen and Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 221-250.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Zukunftshoffnung nach der Shoah? Messianismus, Utopie und Unsterblichkeit im Denken von Zygmunt Bauman und Emmanuel Levinas.' In: Palmer, Gesine and Brose, Thomas, (eds.), Religion und Politik: Das Messianische in Theologien, Religionswissenschaften und Philosophien des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 191-207.

Hill, Nathan W.

Garrett, Edward, Hill, Nathan W. and Zadoks, Abel (2013) 'Disambiguating Tibetan verb stems with matrix verbs in the indirect infinitive construction.' Bulletin of Tibetology, 49 (2). pp. 35-44.

Horrell, David G.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'The Jesus Movement as a 'Popular' Judaism for the Unlearned.' In: von Gemuenden, Petra, Horrell, David G. and Kuechler, Max, (eds.), Jesus - Gestalt und Gestaltungen. Rezeptionen des Galilaeers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 79-104.

Hunter, Erica C D

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Comparative Perspectives on Sapta d-pisra d-ainia.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), Durch Dein Wort ward jegliches Ding!" : 2. Mandäistische und samaritanistische Tagung : zum Gedenken an Rudolf Macuch (1919-1993) = "Through Thy Word All Things Were Made!" : 2nd International Conference of Mandaic and Samaritan Studies. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 117-127.

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2.' In: Baer, David and Gordon, Robert, (eds.), Leshon Limmudim : essays on the language and literature of the Hebrew Bible in honour of A.A. Macintosh. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 227-235.

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'SyrHT 140: Commemorating Mar Cyriacus and Julitta.' In: Fodor, P., (ed.), Modoque: Die Wurzeln der europaischen Kultur unde deren Rezeption im orient und Okzident. Festschrift fuer Miklos Maroth zum siebstigen Geburtstag. Budapest: Fortschungszentrum fuer Humanwissenschaften der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 117-127.

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Traversing Time and Location: A Prayer-Amulet to Mar Tamsis from Turfan.' In: Winkler, Dietmar W. and Tang, Li, (eds.), From the Oxus River to the Chinese Shores: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia. Salzburg: Lit. Verlag, pp. 23-41. (Orientalia-patristica-oecumenica v. 5)

Jodhka, Surinder

Singh, Gurharpal (2013) 'Religion, Politics and Governance in India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Tanzania since Independence: A Comparative Framework.' In: Jodhka, Surinder, (ed.), Democracy, Identity and Citizenship: Interrogating India’s Modernity. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Johnstone, Hazel

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion, and the Obligation to Alterity.' In: Evans, Mary, Hemmings, Clare, Henry, Marsha, Johnstone, Hazel, Madhok, Sumi and Wearing, Sadie, (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Feminist Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.

Kennedy, Hugh

George, Andrew (2013) 'The Poem of Erra and Ishum: A Babylonian poet’s view of war.' In: Kennedy, Hugh, (ed.), Warfare and Poetry in the Middle East. London: I.B.Tauris, pp. 39-71.

Kuechler, Max

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'The Jesus Movement as a 'Popular' Judaism for the Unlearned.' In: von Gemuenden, Petra, Horrell, David G. and Kuechler, Max, (eds.), Jesus - Gestalt und Gestaltungen. Rezeptionen des Galilaeers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 79-104.

Leicht, Raimund

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Dirt and Garbage in the Ancient Jewish Religious Imagination and in Daily Life.' In: Boustan, Raanan S., Herrmann, Klaus, Leicht, Raimund and Reed, Annette Y., (eds.), Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schaefer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 107-127.

Li, Zijie

Li, Zijie (2013) '日本唯識文献に見える中国唯識文献の引用部分に関する研究―特に地論摂論学派を中心とした『楞伽経』の受容史について.' 龍谷大学大学院文学研究科紀要 (Ryukoku University the bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters), 35. pp. 40-53.

Li, Zijie (2013) '杏雨書屋所蔵敦煌写本『入楞伽経疏』(羽726R)について.' 南都仏教, 98. pp. 25-40.

Madhok, Sumi

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion, and the Obligation to Alterity.' In: Evans, Mary, Hemmings, Clare, Henry, Marsha, Johnstone, Hazel, Madhok, Sumi and Wearing, Sadie, (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Feminist Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.

Oez, Mikael

Oez, Mikael (2013) 'Cyriacus of Tagrit’s Eschatology: Treatise on the Middle State of Souls.' Parole de l'Orient, 38. pp. 1-10.

Palmer, Gesine

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Zukunftshoffnung nach der Shoah? Messianismus, Utopie und Unsterblichkeit im Denken von Zygmunt Bauman und Emmanuel Levinas.' In: Palmer, Gesine and Brose, Thomas, (eds.), Religion und Politik: Das Messianische in Theologien, Religionswissenschaften und Philosophien des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 191-207.

Palumbo, Antonello

Palumbo, Antonello (2013) An early Chinese commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama: The Fenbie gongde lun 分別功德論 and the history of the translation of the Zengyi ahan jing 增一阿含經. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co. / Fagu wenhua 法鼓文化. (Dharma Drum Buddhist College Research Series 7)

Pitts, Andrew W.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Ancient 'Science Fiction': Journeys into Space and Visions of the World in Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Literature of Antiquity.' In: Porter, Stanley E. and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament; Vol.2 Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context. Leiden: Brill, pp. 397-438. (Texts and editions for New Testament study, 1574-7085)

Porter, Stanley E.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Ancient 'Science Fiction': Journeys into Space and Visions of the World in Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Literature of Antiquity.' In: Porter, Stanley E. and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament; Vol.2 Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context. Leiden: Brill, pp. 397-438. (Texts and editions for New Testament study, 1574-7085)

Proferes, Theodore N.

Proferes, Theodore N. (2013) 'Dialogue with a Devious Divinity: Sovereignty, Kinship, and Kṛṣṇa’s Ethics in the Mahābhārata.' Culture and Dialogue, 3 (1). pp. 23-47.

Reed, Annette Y.

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Dirt and Garbage in the Ancient Jewish Religious Imagination and in Daily Life.' In: Boustan, Raanan S., Herrmann, Klaus, Leicht, Raimund and Reed, Annette Y., (eds.), Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schaefer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 107-127.

Scott-Baumann, Alison

Scott-Baumann, Alison (2013) 'Ricoeur and counter-terror rhetoric: a calculus of negation.' LoSguardo - Rivista di filosofia, 2 (12). pp. 81-93.

Scott-Baumann, Alison (2013) Ricoeur and the negation of happiness. New York; London: Bloomsbury.

Scott-Baumann, Alison (2013) 'Ricoeur, the bioethics of happiness and related delusional states.' Bioética y hermenéutica. La ética deliberativa de Paul Ricœur: Actas del Congreso Internacional.

Singh, Gurharpal

Singh, Gurharpal (2013) 'Religion, Politics and Governance in India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Tanzania since Independence: A Comparative Framework.' In: Jodhka, Surinder, (ed.), Democracy, Identity and Citizenship: Interrogating India’s Modernity. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Singh, Gurharpal (2013) 'Religious Transnationalism, Development and the Construction of Religious Boundaries: the case of the Dera Sachkhand Ballan and the Ravidass Dharm.' Global networks: a journal of transnational affairs, 13 (2). pp. 183-199.

Singh, Gurharpal (2013) 'Sikhs and Partition Violence: a Re-evaluation.' In: Talbot, Ian, (ed.), The Independence of India and Pakistan: New Approaches and Reflections. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 120-136. (The subcontinent divided)

Standhartinger, Angela

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Part Whore, Part Wife: Slave Women in the Palestinian Rabbinic Tradition.' In: Eisen, Ute E., Gerber, Christine and Standhartinger, Angela, (eds.), Doing Gender - Doing Religion. Fallstudien zur Intersektionalitaet im fruehen Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 303-324.

Talbot, Ian

Singh, Gurharpal (2013) 'Sikhs and Partition Violence: a Re-evaluation.' In: Talbot, Ian, (ed.), The Independence of India and Pakistan: New Approaches and Reflections. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 120-136. (The subcontinent divided)

Tang, Li

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Traversing Time and Location: A Prayer-Amulet to Mar Tamsis from Turfan.' In: Winkler, Dietmar W. and Tang, Li, (eds.), From the Oxus River to the Chinese Shores: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia. Salzburg: Lit. Verlag, pp. 23-41. (Orientalia-patristica-oecumenica v. 5)

Travagnin, Stefania

Travagnin, Stefania (2013) 'Yinshun's Recovery of Shizhu Piposha lun 十住毗婆沙論: a Madhyamaka-based Pure Land Practice in Twentieth-century Taiwan.' Contemporary Buddhism, 14 (2). pp. 320-343.

Ung Loh, Jennifer

Ung Loh, Jennifer (2013) 'Why vote for a fake kinnar when you can vote for a real one?’: representation and political identity among kinnars in Madhya Pradesh, India. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Voigt, Rainer

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Comparative Perspectives on Sapta d-pisra d-ainia.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), Durch Dein Wort ward jegliches Ding!" : 2. Mandäistische und samaritanistische Tagung : zum Gedenken an Rudolf Macuch (1919-1993) = "Through Thy Word All Things Were Made!" : 2nd International Conference of Mandaic and Samaritan Studies. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 117-127.

Wearing, Sadie

Hawthorne, Sian (2013) 'Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion, and the Obligation to Alterity.' In: Evans, Mary, Hemmings, Clare, Henry, Marsha, Johnstone, Hazel, Madhok, Sumi and Wearing, Sadie, (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Feminist Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N.

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. (2013) 'Including the Muslim Contribution in the National Curriculum for History.' Primary History Journal, 65 (Autumn).

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. (2013) 'Introducing Islamic Critical Realism.' Journal of Critical Realism, 12 (4). pp. 419-442.

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. (2013) Response to the February 2013 Draft Specification of the National Curriculum for History. Cambridge: Curriculum for Cohesion.

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. (2013) Response to the July 2013 Draft Specification of the National Curriculum for History. Cambridge: Curriculum for Cohesion.

Winkler, Dietmar W.

Hunter, Erica C D (2013) 'Traversing Time and Location: A Prayer-Amulet to Mar Tamsis from Turfan.' In: Winkler, Dietmar W. and Tang, Li, (eds.), From the Oxus River to the Chinese Shores: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia. Salzburg: Lit. Verlag, pp. 23-41. (Orientalia-patristica-oecumenica v. 5)

Woehrle, Jakob

Hezser, Catherine (2013) 'Seduced by the Enemy or Wise Strategy? The Presentation of Non-Violence and Accommodation with Foreign Powers in Ancient Jewish Literary Sources.' In: Albertz, Rainer and Woehrle, Jakob, (eds.), Between Cooperation and Hostility. Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers. Goettingen and Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 221-250.

Zadoks, Abel

Garrett, Edward, Hill, Nathan W. and Zadoks, Abel (2013) 'Disambiguating Tibetan verb stems with matrix verbs in the indirect infinitive construction.' Bulletin of Tibetology, 49 (2). pp. 35-44.

van Klinken, Adriaan

Hawthorne, Sian and van Klinken, Adriaan (2013) 'Introduction. Catachresis: Religion, Gender, and Postcoloniality.' Religion and Gender, 3 (2).

von Gemuenden, Petra

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Østebø, Terje

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