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George, Andrew (2008) 'Les textes topographiques et métrologiques babyloniens.' In: André-Salvini, Béatrice, (ed.), Babylone. Catalogue de l’exposition “Babylone”. Paris: Musée du Louvre, pp. 153-155.
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'The Unknown Lonka: Tradition and the Cultural Unconscious.' In: Caillat, Colette and Balbir, Nalini, (eds.), Jaina Studies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, pp. 181-279. (Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 9.)
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'The Unknown Lonka: Tradition and the Cultural Unconscious.' In: Caillat, Colette and Balbir, Nalini, (eds.), Jaina Studies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, pp. 181-279. (Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 9.)
Choi, Dongju and Kim, Heewon, trans. (2008) Indo Business Munwhaui Ihae. Doing Business in India . Seoul: Samsung Books.
George, Andrew (2008) 'Ancient descriptions: The Babylonian topographical texts.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 60-64.
George, Andrew (2008) 'A tour of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 54-59.
George, Andrew (2008) 'The truth about Etemenanki, the ziggurat of Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 126-130.
Flügel, Peter and Houtman, Gustaaf, eds. (2008) Asceticism and Power in South and Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. (Royal Asiatic Society Books) (Forthcoming)
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'Jaina Relic Stūpas.' Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 3. pp. 18-23.
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'Les communautés monastiques jaïnes: histoire et présent. Traduit de l’anglais par Nalini Balbir.' Religions et Histoire, 21. pp. 38-41.
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'Prologue.' In: Jain, Laxmi Chandra and Jaina, Prabha, (eds.), Mathematical Sciences in the Karma Antiquity. Vol.1: Gommaṭasāra (Jīvakāṇḍa) by Laxmi Candra Jain in collaboration with Prabha Jain. Jabalpur: Gulab Rani Karma Science Museaum and Shri Brahmi Sundari Prasthashram Samiti, pp. 1-15.
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'The Unknown Lonka: Tradition and the Cultural Unconscious.' In: Caillat, Colette and Balbir, Nalini, (eds.), Jaina Studies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, pp. 181-279. (Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 9.)
George, Andrew (2008) 'Akkadian turru (t.urru B) "corner angle", and the walls of Babylon.' Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 98 (2). pp. 221-229.
George, Andrew (2008) 'Ancient descriptions: The Babylonian topographical texts.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 60-64.
George, Andrew (2008) 'Die babylonischen topographischen Texte.' In: Marzahn, J and Schauerte, G, (eds.), Babylon: Wahrheit. Eine Ausstellung des Vorderasiatischen Museums. Berlin: Hirmer, pp. 405-407. (Babylon: Mythos und Wahrheit, 1.)
George, Andrew (2008) 'Les textes topographiques et métrologiques babyloniens.' In: André-Salvini, Béatrice, (ed.), Babylone. Catalogue de l’exposition “Babylone”. Paris: Musée du Louvre, pp. 153-155.
George, Andrew (2008) 'Shattered tablets and tangled threads: Editing Gilgamesh, then and now.' Aramazd. Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 3 (1). pp. 7-30.
George, Andrew (2008) 'The civilizing of Ea-Enkidu : an unusual tablet of the Babylonian Gilgameš epic.' Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 101. pp. 59-80.
George, Andrew (2008) 'The sanctuary of Adad at Zabban? A fragment of a temple list in three sub-columns.' Bibliotheca Orientalis, 65 (5-6). pp. 714-717.
George, Andrew (2008) 'A tour of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 54-59.
George, Andrew (2008) 'The truth about Etemenanki, the ziggurat of Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 126-130.
Palumbo, Antonello (2008) 'Il rotolo manicheo di Pechino [The Beijing Manichaean Scroll].' In: Gnoli, Gherardo, (ed.), Il Manicheismo. Volume III, Il mito e la dottrina: testi manichei dell'Asia Centrale e della Cina. Florence: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, pp. 293-336.
Palumbo, Antonello (2008) 'La dottrina manichea nel «Compendio» di Dunhuang.' In: Gnoli, Gherardo, (ed.), Il Manicheismo. Volume III, Il mito e la dottrina: testi manichei dell'Asia Centrale e della Cina. Milan: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, pp. 337-346.
Hawthorne, Sian (2008) 'Review of: 'In Praise of the Whip: A Cultural History of Arousal' by Niklaus Largier.' Culture and Religion, 9 (1). pp. 102-105.
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'The Halitza Shoe: Between Female Subjugation and Symbolic Emasculation.' In: Nahshon, Edna, (ed.), Jews and Shoes. Oxford and New York: Berg, pp. 47-63.
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Rabbinische Gleichnisse und ihre Vergleichbarkeit mit neutestamentlichen Gleichnissen.' In: Zimmermann, Ruben, (ed.), Hermeneutik der Gleichnisse Jesu. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 217-237. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, XX)
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of Alexander Samely, 'Forms of Rabbinic Literature and Thought. An Introduction'.' Journal of Jewish Studies, 59 (2). pp. 328-329.
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of Israel J. Yuval, 'Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages'.' Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 76 (1). pp. 202-205.
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of Rivka Ulmer, ed., 'Discussing Cultural Differences. Text, Context, and Non-Text in Rabbinic Judaism', Lanham: University Press of America, 2007.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 133 (10). pp. 1055-1057.
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of: Emmanuel Friedheim, 'Rabbinisme et Paganisme en Palestine romaine'. Etude historique des Realia talmudiques (I - IV siecles), Leiden: Brill, 2006.' Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege, 34 . pp. 201-204.
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of: Juergen Zangenberg et al. (eds), 'Religion, Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Galilee'. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2007.' Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege, 34 . pp. 204-208.
Flügel, Peter and Houtman, Gustaaf, eds. (2008) Asceticism and Power in South and Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. (Royal Asiatic Society Books) (Forthcoming)
Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Christian Matrix of al-Hira.' In: Jullien, Christelle, (ed.), Les Controverses des Chretiens dans l’Iran Sassanide. Paris: Association pour l'Avancement des Études Iraniennes, pp. 41-56. (Cahiers Studia Iranica, 36)
Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Language of Mandaic Incantation Bowls in the Early Islamic Era.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), "Und das Leben ist siegreich!" : mandäische und samaritanische Literatur : im Gedenken an Rudolf Macuch = "And life is victorious" : Mandaean and Samaritan literatures : in memory of Rudolf Macuch (1919-1993). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 117-126.
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'Prologue.' In: Jain, Laxmi Chandra and Jaina, Prabha, (eds.), Mathematical Sciences in the Karma Antiquity. Vol.1: Gommaṭasāra (Jīvakāṇḍa) by Laxmi Candra Jain in collaboration with Prabha Jain. Jabalpur: Gulab Rani Karma Science Museaum and Shri Brahmi Sundari Prasthashram Samiti, pp. 1-15.
Flügel, Peter (2008) 'Prologue.' In: Jain, Laxmi Chandra and Jaina, Prabha, (eds.), Mathematical Sciences in the Karma Antiquity. Vol.1: Gommaṭasāra (Jīvakāṇḍa) by Laxmi Candra Jain in collaboration with Prabha Jain. Jabalpur: Gulab Rani Karma Science Museaum and Shri Brahmi Sundari Prasthashram Samiti, pp. 1-15.
Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Christian Matrix of al-Hira.' In: Jullien, Christelle, (ed.), Les Controverses des Chretiens dans l’Iran Sassanide. Paris: Association pour l'Avancement des Études Iraniennes, pp. 41-56. (Cahiers Studia Iranica, 36)
Kapalo, James A. (2008) Text, context and performance: The lay institutions of Gagauz Orthodoxy. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00029297
Choi, Dongju and Kim, Heewon, trans. (2008) Indo Business Munwhaui Ihae. Doing Business in India . Seoul: Samsung Books.
Singh, Gurharpal (2008) 'The Partition of India as State Contraction: Some Unspoken Assumption.' In: Tan, Tan Yong and Kudaisya, Gyanesh, (eds.), Partition and Post-Colonial South Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 85-99.
George, Andrew (2008) 'Die babylonischen topographischen Texte.' In: Marzahn, J and Schauerte, G, (eds.), Babylon: Wahrheit. Eine Ausstellung des Vorderasiatischen Museums. Berlin: Hirmer, pp. 405-407. (Babylon: Mythos und Wahrheit, 1.)
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'The Halitza Shoe: Between Female Subjugation and Symbolic Emasculation.' In: Nahshon, Edna, (ed.), Jews and Shoes. Oxford and New York: Berg, pp. 47-63.
Newell, Catherine (2008) Monks, meditation and missing links: continuity, “orthodoxy” and the vijj dhammakya in Thai Buddhism. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00007499
Palumbo, Antonello (2008) 'Il rotolo manicheo di Pechino [The Beijing Manichaean Scroll].' In: Gnoli, Gherardo, (ed.), Il Manicheismo. Volume III, Il mito e la dottrina: testi manichei dell'Asia Centrale e della Cina. Florence: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, pp. 293-336.
Palumbo, Antonello (2008) 'La dottrina manichea nel «Compendio» di Dunhuang.' In: Gnoli, Gherardo, (ed.), Il Manicheismo. Volume III, Il mito e la dottrina: testi manichei dell'Asia Centrale e della Cina. Milan: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, pp. 337-346.
Salvini, Mattia (2008) Convention and agency in the philosophies of the Mahayana. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00029540
George, Andrew (2008) 'Die babylonischen topographischen Texte.' In: Marzahn, J and Schauerte, G, (eds.), Babylon: Wahrheit. Eine Ausstellung des Vorderasiatischen Museums. Berlin: Hirmer, pp. 405-407. (Babylon: Mythos und Wahrheit, 1.)
George, Andrew (2008) 'Ancient descriptions: The Babylonian topographical texts.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 60-64.
George, Andrew (2008) 'A tour of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 54-59.
George, Andrew (2008) 'The truth about Etemenanki, the ziggurat of Babylon.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 126-130.
Singh, Gurharpal (2008) 'The Partition of India as State Contraction: Some Unspoken Assumption.' In: Tan, Tan Yong and Kudaisya, Gyanesh, (eds.), Partition and Post-Colonial South Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 85-99.
Singh, Gurharpal (2008) 'The State and Religious Diversity in Post-Independence India.' In: Talbot, Ian, (ed.), The Deadly Embrace: Religion, Politics and Violence in India and Pakistan, 1947-2000. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 60-77.
Singh, Gurharpal (2008) 'The State and Religious Diversity in Post-Independence India.' In: Talbot, Ian, (ed.), The Deadly Embrace: Religion, Politics and Violence in India and Pakistan, 1947-2000. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 60-77.
Singh, Gurharpal (2008) 'The Partition of India as State Contraction: Some Unspoken Assumption.' In: Tan, Tan Yong and Kudaisya, Gyanesh, (eds.), Partition and Post-Colonial South Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 85-99.
Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Language of Mandaic Incantation Bowls in the Early Islamic Era.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), "Und das Leben ist siegreich!" : mandäische und samaritanische Literatur : im Gedenken an Rudolf Macuch = "And life is victorious" : Mandaean and Samaritan literatures : in memory of Rudolf Macuch (1919-1993). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 117-126.
Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Rabbinische Gleichnisse und ihre Vergleichbarkeit mit neutestamentlichen Gleichnissen.' In: Zimmermann, Ruben, (ed.), Hermeneutik der Gleichnisse Jesu. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 217-237. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, XX)