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Chang, Bi-Yu (2018) 'Politics of Repositioning and State Spatiality: From ‘Xiangtu China’ to ‘Oceanic Taiwan’.' In: Storm, Carsten, (ed.), Connecting Taiwan: Participation – Integration – Impacts. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 41-60. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Comunicación visual de conflictos. La masacre de Nankín [Visual Communication of Conflicts. The Nanking Massacre].' In: Arévalo Salinas, Alex Iván, Vilar Sastre, Griselda and Al Najjar Trujillo, Tamer, (eds.), Comunicación, Paz y Conflictos. Madrid: Dykinson.