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Number of items: 87.

Alam, Muzaffar

Kumar, Sunil (2000) 'Assertions of Authority: a Study of the Discursive Statements of Two Sultans of Delhi—‘Ala al-Din Khalaji and Nizam al-Din Auliya.' In: Alam, Muzaffar, Delvoye, Francoise ‘Nalini’ and Gaborieau, Marc, (eds.), The Making of Indo-Persian Culture: Indian and French Studies. Delhi: Manohar, pp. 37-65.

Ali, Daud

Ali, Daud (2000) 'Royal Eulogy as World History: Rethinking Copper-Plate Inscriptions in Cola India.' In: Inden, Ronald, Walters, Jonathan and Ali, Daud, (eds.), Querying the Medieval: The History of Practice in South Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-229.

Ali, Daud (2000) 'Royal Eulogy as World History: Rethinking Copper-Plate Inscriptions in Cola India.' In: Inden, Ronald, Walters, Jonathan and Ali, Daud, (eds.), Querying the Medieval: The History of Practice in South Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-229.

Ali, Daud (2000) 'Violence, Gastronomy and the meaning of war in Medieval South India.' The Medieval History Journal, 3 (2). pp. 261-89.

Anderson, David M.

Parker, John (2000) 'The cultural politics of death and burial in early colonial Accra.' In: Anderson, David M. and Rathbone, Richard, (eds.), Africa's Urban Past. London: James Currey, pp. 205-221.

Arnold, David

Arnold, David (2000) 'Disease, resistance and India, Ecological Frontier, 1770-1947.' In: Pati, Biswamoy, (ed.), Issues in Modern Indian History: For Sumit Sarkar. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, pp. 1-22.

Arnold, David (2000) 'Food Riots Revisited: Popular Protest and Moral Economy in Nineteenth-Century India.' In: Randall, A, (ed.), Moral Economy and Popular Protest: Crowds Conflict and Authority. New York: Macmillan, pp. 123-146.

Arnold, David (2000) 'Gramsci and Peasant Subalternity in India.' In: Chaturv, V, (ed.), Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial. London: Verso, pp. 24-49.

Arnold, David (2000) '"Illusory Riches": Representations of the Tropical World, 1840-1950.' Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 21 (1). pp. 6-18.

Arnold, David (2000) La Naturaleza Como Problema Histórico: El Medio, La Cultura Y La Expansión de Europa. México: Fondo De Cultura Económica.

Arnold, David (2000) Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bearman, Peri

Hawting, Gerald (2000) 'Tahannuth [and] al-Thaqafi [and] Umayyads.' In: Bearman, Peri, (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edition. Leiden: Brill, 98b-99a, 431b.

Blanc, M-E

Dikötter, Frank (2000) ''La sexualité et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Chine: Discours médical et représentations culturelles.' In: Blanc, M-E, Husson, L and Micollier, E, (eds.), Sociétés asiatiques face au Sida. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 23-39.

Boomgaard, Peter

Brown, Ian (2000) 'Material Conditions in Rural Lower Burma during the Economic Crisis of the Early 1930''s: What the Cotton Textile Import Figures Reveal.' In: Boomgaard, Peter and Brown, Ian, (eds.), Weathering the Storm: the Economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930s Depression. Leiden: KITLV; Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 109-120.

Brown, Ian

Brown, Ian (2000) 'Material Conditions in Rural Lower Burma during the Economic Crisis of the Early 1930''s: What the Cotton Textile Import Figures Reveal.' In: Boomgaard, Peter and Brown, Ian, (eds.), Weathering the Storm: the Economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930s Depression. Leiden: KITLV; Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 109-120.

Brown, Ian (2000) 'Material Conditions in Rural Lower Burma during the Economic Crisis of the Early 1930''s: What the Cotton Textile Import Figures Reveal.' In: Boomgaard, Peter and Brown, Ian, (eds.), Weathering the Storm: the Economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930s Depression. Leiden: KITLV; Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 109-120.

Charney, Michael W.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Buddhist or Muslim Rulers? Models of Kingship in Arakan (Western Burma) in the Fourteenth to Fifteenth Centuries.' (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Burmese on the Move in the Asian Domestic Economy: Change and Continuity in Cart and Wagon Transportation Technologies in Colonial Burma. In: Burma Studies Conference, 13-15 October, 2000, DeKalb, Illinois. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Chinese Markets, Western Steam Technologies, and Burmese Labour Migration: New Perspectives on the Emergence of Lower Burma’s Rice Trade. In: 16th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia, 27-31 July 2000, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) The External and Internal Sides of Chinese-ness: Colonial Historiography and the "Overseas Chinese" in Burma. In: East Asian Institute and Centre for Advanced Studies Joint Seminar, Singapore: East Asia Institute/National University of Singapore. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) From Colonial Elites to Postcolonial Transnational Migrants: the Politics of Travel-Writing and European Expatriate Identity in the Colonial-Postcolonial Transition. In: Art, Literature and Travel Conference, 27-28 May 2000, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Localising Learning or Learning to be Local? Religious Education and the Emergence of Chinese-Burmese Buddhist Communities in Singapore and Penang. In: International Conference on Immigrant Societies and Modern Education, 31 August-3 September 2000, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Problems of Historicizing Transnational Migration in a Global Context: the Case of the Overseas Chinese in the Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century Straits and Lower Burma. In: World History Association Australasian Affiliate Branch Conference, 27-28 April 2000, Wollongong, Australia. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'A Reinvestigation of Konbaung-era Burman Historiography on the Beginnings of the Relationship Between Arakan an Ava (Upper Burma).' Journal of Asian History, 34 (1). pp. 53-68.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Anthony Reid, 'The Last Stand of Asian Autonomies'.' Internationales Asienforum, 31 (1/2). pp. 160-162.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of David K. Wyatt and Aroonrut Wichienkeeo (trans.), 'The Chiang Mai Chronicle'.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31 (2). pp. 450-451.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Julie Sell, 'Whispers at the Pagoda: Portraits of Modern Burma'.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31 (2). pp. 435-436.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Teruko Saito and Lee Kin Kiong (comp.), 'Statistics on the Burmese Economy: The 19th and 20th Centuries'.' Journal of Asian Business .

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Yang Li (Jackie Yang), 'The House of Yang: Guardians of an Unknown Frontier'.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31 (2). pp. 434-435.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Surviving the Global(izing) City: Burmese Transnational Migrants and Community Formation in Bangkok and Singapore. In: Asian Studies Association of Australia Conference, 3-5 July 2000, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Transnational Religious Interaction and the Diasporic Encounter: Chinese and Burmese in Singapore’s ‘Burmese’ Buddhist Temple. In: International Conference on Transnational Communities in the Asia-Pacific Region: Comparative Perspectives, 7-8 August 2000, National University of Singapore. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Transnationalism and the Burmese Buddhist Temples of Singapore and Penang.' (Unpublished)

Chaturv, V

Arnold, David (2000) 'Gramsci and Peasant Subalternity in India.' In: Chaturv, V, (ed.), Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial. London: Verso, pp. 24-49.

Clarence-Smith, William

Clarence-Smith, William (2000) Cocoa and Chocolate 1765-1914. London: Routledge.

Clarence-Smith, William (2000) 'The Impact of 1898 on Spanish trade and investment in the Philippines.' In: Macdonald, Charles J-H, (ed.), Old ties and new solidarities: Studies on Philippine communities. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press, pp. 234-68.

Copley, Antony

Powell, Avril (2000) '''Duties of Ahmadi Women'': Educative Processes In the Early Stages of the Ahmadiyya Movement.' In: Copley, Antony, (ed.), Gurus and their Followers: New Religious Reform Movements in Colonial India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 128-156.

Dell, E.

Sadan, Mandy (2000) 'The Kachin Photographs in the J.H. Green Collection: a contemporary context.' In: Dell, E., (ed.), Burma Frontier Photographs: 1918-1935. London: Merrell Publishers, pp. 51-65.

Sadan, Mandy (2000) 'The Kachin Photographs: a documentary record of contact.' In: Dell, E., (ed.), Burma Frontier Photographs: 1918-1935. London: Merrell Publishers, pp. 67-93.

Delvoye, Francoise ‘Nalini’

Kumar, Sunil (2000) 'Assertions of Authority: a Study of the Discursive Statements of Two Sultans of Delhi—‘Ala al-Din Khalaji and Nizam al-Din Auliya.' In: Alam, Muzaffar, Delvoye, Francoise ‘Nalini’ and Gaborieau, Marc, (eds.), The Making of Indo-Persian Culture: Indian and French Studies. Delhi: Manohar, pp. 37-65.

Dikötter, Frank

Dikötter, Frank (2000) 'Crime and punishment in early republican China: Beijing's first model prison, 1912-1922.' Late Imperial China, 21 (2). pp. 140-162.

Dikötter, Frank (2000) 'Identidad.' In: Fisac, Taciana and Tsang, Steve, (eds.), China en Transición. Sociedad, cultura, política y economía. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, pp. 165-188.

Dikötter, Frank (2000) ''La sexualité et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Chine: Discours médical et représentations culturelles.' In: Blanc, M-E, Husson, L and Micollier, E, (eds.), Sociétés asiatiques face au Sida. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 23-39.

Elier, R

Arnold, David (2000) La Naturaleza Como Problema Histórico: El Medio, La Cultura Y La Expansión de Europa. México: Fondo De Cultura Económica.

Fisac, Taciana

Dikötter, Frank (2000) 'Identidad.' In: Fisac, Taciana and Tsang, Steve, (eds.), China en Transición. Sociedad, cultura, política y economía. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, pp. 165-188.

Fortna, Benjamin

Fortna, Benjamin (2000) 'Islamic Morality in Late Ottoman “SECULAR” Schools.' International Journal of Middle East Studies, 32 (3). pp. 369-393.

Fortna, Benjamin (2000) 'The Kindergarten in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic.' In: Wollons, R., (ed.), Kindergartens and Cultures: The Global Diffusion of an Idea. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 251-273.

Fortna, Benjamin (2000) 'Remapping Ottoman Muslim Identity in the Hamidian Era: The Role of Cartographic Artifacts.' Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam, 3. pp. 45-56.

Fuccaro, Nelida

Fuccaro, Nelida (2000) 'Understanding the Urban History of Bahrain.' Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 17 (2). pp. 49-81.

Gaborieau, Marc

Kumar, Sunil (2000) 'Assertions of Authority: a Study of the Discursive Statements of Two Sultans of Delhi—‘Ala al-Din Khalaji and Nizam al-Din Auliya.' In: Alam, Muzaffar, Delvoye, Francoise ‘Nalini’ and Gaborieau, Marc, (eds.), The Making of Indo-Persian Culture: Indian and French Studies. Delhi: Manohar, pp. 37-65.

Hawting, Gerald

Hawting, Gerald, Mojaddedi, J.A. and Samely, A., eds. (2000) Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Journal of Semitic studies supplement, 12)

Hawting, Gerald (2000) 'Discussion in Islamic law of being prevented from completing a pilgrimage (ihsar).' In: Hawting, Gerald, Mojaddedi, J.A. and Samely, A., (eds.), Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 121-137. (Journal of semitic studies, Supplement 12)

Hawting, Gerald (2000) 'Discussion in Islamic law of being prevented from completing a pilgrimage (ihsar).' In: Hawting, Gerald, Mojaddedi, J.A. and Samely, A., (eds.), Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 121-137. (Journal of semitic studies, Supplement 12)

Hawting, Gerald (2000) 'Tahannuth [and] al-Thaqafi [and] Umayyads.' In: Bearman, Peri, (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edition. Leiden: Brill, 98b-99a, 431b.

Hawting, Gerald (2000) The first dynasty of Islam: the Umayyad caliphate AD 661-750. London: Routledge.

Husson, L

Dikötter, Frank (2000) ''La sexualité et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Chine: Discours médical et représentations culturelles.' In: Blanc, M-E, Husson, L and Micollier, E, (eds.), Sociétés asiatiques face au Sida. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 23-39.

Inden, Ronald

Ali, Daud (2000) 'Royal Eulogy as World History: Rethinking Copper-Plate Inscriptions in Cola India.' In: Inden, Ronald, Walters, Jonathan and Ali, Daud, (eds.), Querying the Medieval: The History of Practice in South Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-229.

Kumar, Sunil

Kumar, Sunil (2000) 'Assertions of Authority: a Study of the Discursive Statements of Two Sultans of Delhi—‘Ala al-Din Khalaji and Nizam al-Din Auliya.' In: Alam, Muzaffar, Delvoye, Francoise ‘Nalini’ and Gaborieau, Marc, (eds.), The Making of Indo-Persian Culture: Indian and French Studies. Delhi: Manohar, pp. 37-65.

Laamann, Lars Peter

Laamann, Lars Peter (2000) The Inculturation of Christianity in Late Imperial China, 1724-1840. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Launay, Robert

Miran, Marie and Launay, Robert (2000) 'Beyond Mande Mory: Islam and Ethnicity in Côte d'Ivoire.' Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, 46. pp. 63-84.

Macdonald, Charles J-H

Clarence-Smith, William (2000) 'The Impact of 1898 on Spanish trade and investment in the Philippines.' In: Macdonald, Charles J-H, (ed.), Old ties and new solidarities: Studies on Philippine communities. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press, pp. 234-68.

Mai, Jingsheng

Tiedemann, Rolf (2000) 'Christian Civilization or Cultural Expansion? The German Missionary Enterprise in China, 1882-1919.' In: Mai, Jingsheng, (ed.), Sino-German Relations Since 1800: Multidisciplinary Explorations. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 109-134.

Malik, Jamal

Powell, Avril (2000) 'Reciprocities and divergences concerning religious traditions in two families of scholars in North India.' In: Malik, Jamal, (ed.), Perspectives of Mutual Encounters in South Asian History 1760 - 1860. Leiden: Brill, pp. 188-222. (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia, Vol. 73)

Micollier, E

Dikötter, Frank (2000) ''La sexualité et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Chine: Discours médical et représentations culturelles.' In: Blanc, M-E, Husson, L and Micollier, E, (eds.), Sociétés asiatiques face au Sida. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 23-39.

Miran, Marie

Miran, Marie (2000) 'La Tijâniyya à Abidjan, entre désuétude et renaissance; Ou, l' oeuvre moderniste d'El Hâjj Ahmed Tijâni Bâ, Cheikh tijâni réformiste en Côte d'Ivoire contemporaine.' In: Triaud, J-L, (ed.), La Tijâniyya : une confrérie musulmane à la conquête de l'Afrique. Paris: Karthala, pp. 439-467.

Miran, Marie (2000) 'Vers un nouveau prosélytisme islamique en Côte d'Ivoire: une révolution discrète.' Autrepart, 16. pp. 139-160.

Miran, Marie and Launay, Robert (2000) 'Beyond Mande Mory: Islam and Ethnicity in Côte d'Ivoire.' Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, 46. pp. 63-84.

Mojaddedi, J.A.

Hawting, Gerald, Mojaddedi, J.A. and Samely, A., eds. (2000) Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Journal of Semitic studies supplement, 12)

Hawting, Gerald (2000) 'Discussion in Islamic law of being prevented from completing a pilgrimage (ihsar).' In: Hawting, Gerald, Mojaddedi, J.A. and Samely, A., (eds.), Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 121-137. (Journal of semitic studies, Supplement 12)

Parker, John

Parker, John (2000) Making the town: Ga state and society in early colonial Accra. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Parker, John (2000) 'The cultural politics of death and burial in early colonial Accra.' In: Anderson, David M. and Rathbone, Richard, (eds.), Africa's Urban Past. London: James Currey, pp. 205-221.

Pati, Biswamoy

Arnold, David (2000) 'Disease, resistance and India, Ecological Frontier, 1770-1947.' In: Pati, Biswamoy, (ed.), Issues in Modern Indian History: For Sumit Sarkar. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, pp. 1-22.

Powell, Avril

Powell, Avril (2000) '''Duties of Ahmadi Women'': Educative Processes In the Early Stages of the Ahmadiyya Movement.' In: Copley, Antony, (ed.), Gurus and their Followers: New Religious Reform Movements in Colonial India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 128-156.

Powell, Avril (2000) 'Reciprocities and divergences concerning religious traditions in two families of scholars in North India.' In: Malik, Jamal, (ed.), Perspectives of Mutual Encounters in South Asian History 1760 - 1860. Leiden: Brill, pp. 188-222. (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia, Vol. 73)

Randall, A

Arnold, David (2000) 'Food Riots Revisited: Popular Protest and Moral Economy in Nineteenth-Century India.' In: Randall, A, (ed.), Moral Economy and Popular Protest: Crowds Conflict and Authority. New York: Macmillan, pp. 123-146.

Rathbone, Richard

Parker, John (2000) 'The cultural politics of death and burial in early colonial Accra.' In: Anderson, David M. and Rathbone, Richard, (eds.), Africa's Urban Past. London: James Currey, pp. 205-221.

Reyes, Raquel A. G.

Reyes, Raquel A. G. (2000) 'Private Lives, Public Passions: the representation of motherhood in Juan Luna’s art.' Asian Studies, 36 (1). pp. 1-23.

Robb, Peter

Robb, Peter (2000) 'Credit, Work and Race in 1790s Calcutta: Early Colonialism through a Contemporary European View.' Indian Economic and Social History Review, 37 (1). pp. 1-25.

Robb, Peter (2000) 'On C.A. Bayly, Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780-1870.' Comparative Criticism, 22. pp. 243-249.

Sadan, Mandy

Sadan, Mandy (2000) 'The Kachin Photographs in the J.H. Green Collection: a contemporary context.' In: Dell, E., (ed.), Burma Frontier Photographs: 1918-1935. London: Merrell Publishers, pp. 51-65.

Sadan, Mandy (2000) 'The Kachin Photographs: a documentary record of contact.' In: Dell, E., (ed.), Burma Frontier Photographs: 1918-1935. London: Merrell Publishers, pp. 67-93.

Samely, A.

Hawting, Gerald, Mojaddedi, J.A. and Samely, A., eds. (2000) Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Journal of Semitic studies supplement, 12)

Hawting, Gerald (2000) 'Discussion in Islamic law of being prevented from completing a pilgrimage (ihsar).' In: Hawting, Gerald, Mojaddedi, J.A. and Samely, A., (eds.), Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 121-137. (Journal of semitic studies, Supplement 12)

Tiedemann, Rolf

Tiedemann, Rolf (2000) 'Christian Civilization or Cultural Expansion? The German Missionary Enterprise in China, 1882-1919.' In: Mai, Jingsheng, (ed.), Sino-German Relations Since 1800: Multidisciplinary Explorations. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 109-134.

Triaud, J-L

Miran, Marie (2000) 'La Tijâniyya à Abidjan, entre désuétude et renaissance; Ou, l' oeuvre moderniste d'El Hâjj Ahmed Tijâni Bâ, Cheikh tijâni réformiste en Côte d'Ivoire contemporaine.' In: Triaud, J-L, (ed.), La Tijâniyya : une confrérie musulmane à la conquête de l'Afrique. Paris: Karthala, pp. 439-467.

Tsang, Steve

Dikötter, Frank (2000) 'Identidad.' In: Fisac, Taciana and Tsang, Steve, (eds.), China en Transición. Sociedad, cultura, política y economía. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, pp. 165-188.

Walters, Jonathan

Ali, Daud (2000) 'Royal Eulogy as World History: Rethinking Copper-Plate Inscriptions in Cola India.' In: Inden, Ronald, Walters, Jonathan and Ali, Daud, (eds.), Querying the Medieval: The History of Practice in South Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-229.

Wollons, R.

Fortna, Benjamin (2000) 'The Kindergarten in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic.' In: Wollons, R., (ed.), Kindergartens and Cultures: The Global Diffusion of an Idea. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 251-273.

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