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Number of items: 150.

Abreu, Alexandre

Johnston, Deborah and Abreu, Alexandre (2016) 'The asset debates: How (not) to use asset indices to measure well being and the middle class in Africa.' African Affairs, 115. pp. 399-418.

Acosta, Fayber

Romero, Andrés, Tasciotti, Luca and Acosta, Fayber (2016) 'Means of transportation choice for the residents of Villavicencio, Colombia: A quantitative analysis.' Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 44. pp. 134-144.

Andreoni, Antonio

Andreoni, Antonio (2016) 'Varieties of Industrial Policy: Models, Packages and Transformation Cycles.' In: Noman, Akbar and Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds.), Efficiency, Finance and Varieties of Industrial Policy: Guiding Resources, Learning, and Technology for Sustained Growth. New York, USA: Columbia University Press, pp. 245-305. (Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia: Challenges in Development and Globalization)

Andreoni, Antonio and Chang, Ha-Joon (2016) 'Industrial policy and the future of manufacturing.' Economia e Politica Industriale, 43 (4). pp. 491-502.

Khan, Mushtaq, Andreoni, Antonio and Roy, Pallavi (2016) Anti-Corruption in Adverse Contexts: A Strategic Approach. London: SOAS. (Unpublished)

Nerini, Francesco Fuso, Andreoni, Antonio, Bauner, David and Howells, Mark (2016) 'Powering production. The case of the sisal fibre production in the Tanga region, Tanzania.' Energy Policy, 98. pp. 544-556.

Arinaitwe, Emmanuel

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Bargawi, Hannah

Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, eds. (2016) Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Bargawi, Hannah and Cozzi, Giovanni (2016) 'Making the Case for a Gender-aware, Investment-led Recovery for Europe.' In: Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, (eds.), Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge, pp. 137-154. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Bargawi, Hannah and Cozzi, Giovanni (2016) 'Making the Case for a Gender-aware, Investment-led Recovery for Europe.' In: Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, (eds.), Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge, pp. 137-154. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Bauner, David

Nerini, Francesco Fuso, Andreoni, Antonio, Bauner, David and Howells, Mark (2016) 'Powering production. The case of the sisal fibre production in the Tanga region, Tanzania.' Energy Policy, 98. pp. 544-556.

Bayliss, Kate

Bayliss, Kate (2016) The Financialisation of Health in England: Lessons from the Water Sector.

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2016) 'Introduction to Special Issue on the Material Cultures of Financialisation.' New Political Economy, 22 (4). pp. 355-370.

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2016) The Role of the State in Financialised Systems of Provision: Social Compacting, Social Policy, and Privatisation. Fessud Working Paper Series; No. 154.

Bayliss, Kate, Robertson, Mary and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2016) Thirteen Things You Need to Know about Neoliberalism. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 155.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (2016) Finance and economic and social reproduction: Origins of the present and implications for the future. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 173.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (2016) Paper on Theoretical Framework for Assessing the Impact of Finance on Public Provision. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 192.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) From Financialisation to Systems of Provision. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No.191.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) Housing and Water in Light of Financialisation and “Financialisation. FESSUD Working Paper Series; No. 156.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate, Robertson, Mary and Churchill, Jennifer (2016) Summary report on the impacts of financialisation and of the financial crisis on household well-being. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 199.

Booker, Anthony

Booker, Anthony, Johnston, Deborah and Heinrich, Michael (2016) 'The Welfare Effects of Trade in Phytomedicines: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Turmeric Production.' World Development, 77. pp. 221-230.

Bottomley, Christian

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Campling, Liam

Pattenden, Jonathan, Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi and Selwyn, Benjamin, eds. (2016) Class dynamics of development. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue of Third World Quarterly Vol. 37 No.10)

Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi, Pattenden, Jonathan and Selwyn, Benjamin (2016) 'Class Dynamics of Development: A Methodological Note.' Third World Quarterly, 37 (10). pp. 1745-1767.

Cano, Jorge

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Chamlou, Nadereh

Karshenas, Massoud, Moghadam, Valentine M. and Chamlou, Nadereh (2016) 'Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North African: Introduction and Overview.' In: Chamlou, Nadereh and Karshenas, Massoud, (eds.), Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 1-29.

Karshenas, Massoud, Moghadam, Valentine M. and Chamlou, Nadereh (2016) 'Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North African: Introduction and Overview.' In: Chamlou, Nadereh and Karshenas, Massoud, (eds.), Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 1-29.

Chang, Ha-Joon

Andreoni, Antonio and Chang, Ha-Joon (2016) 'Industrial policy and the future of manufacturing.' Economia e Politica Industriale, 43 (4). pp. 491-502.

Chantapacdepong, Pornpinun

Saiki, Ayako, Chantapacdepong, Pornpinun and Volz, Ulrich (2016) Dealing with Quantitative Easing Spillovers in East Asia: The Role of Institutions and Macroprudential Policy. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute Working Paper No. 604.

Charmlou, Nadereh

Charmlou, Nadereh and Karshenas, Massoud, eds. (2016) Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. London: Imprerial College Press.

Churchill, Jennifer

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate, Robertson, Mary and Churchill, Jennifer (2016) Summary report on the impacts of financialisation and of the financial crisis on household well-being. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 199.

Cozzi, Giovanni

Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, eds. (2016) Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Bargawi, Hannah and Cozzi, Giovanni (2016) 'Making the Case for a Gender-aware, Investment-led Recovery for Europe.' In: Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, (eds.), Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge, pp. 137-154. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Bargawi, Hannah and Cozzi, Giovanni (2016) 'Making the Case for a Gender-aware, Investment-led Recovery for Europe.' In: Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, (eds.), Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge, pp. 137-154. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Cramer, Christopher

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2016) 'Fairtrade and Labour Markets in Ethiopia and Uganda.' Journal of Development Studies, 53 (6). pp. 841-856.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2016) 'Mistakes, Crises, and Research Independence: The Perils of Fieldwork as a form of Evidence.' African Affairs, 115 (458). pp. 145-160.

Deane, Kevin

Deane, Kevin and Stevano, Sara (2016) 'Towards a political economy of the use of research assistants: Reflections from fieldwork in Tanzania and Mozambique.' Qualitative Research, 16 (2). pp. 213-228.

Dimakou, Ourania

Fine, Ben and Dimakou, Ourania (2016) Macroeconomics: A Critical Companion. London: Pluto Press.

Dorsey, Grant

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Fine, Ben

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2016) 'Introduction to Special Issue on the Material Cultures of Financialisation.' New Political Economy, 22 (4). pp. 355-370.

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2016) The Role of the State in Financialised Systems of Provision: Social Compacting, Social Policy, and Privatisation. Fessud Working Paper Series; No. 154.

Fine, Ben (2016) The Endemic and Systemic Malaise of Mainstream Economics. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 190.

Fine, Ben (2016) From One-Dimensional Man to One-Dimensions Economy and Economics. London: SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series; No. 197.

Fine, Ben (2016) 'From performativity to the material culture of legal expertise?' London Review of International Law, 4 (3). pp. 477-494.

Fine, Ben (2016) 'The Material and Culture of Financialisation.' New Political Economy, 22 (4). pp. 371-382.

Fine, Ben (2016) Microeconomics: A Critical Companion. London: Pluto Press. (IIPPE)

Fine, Ben (2016) 'The Systemic Failings in Framing Neo-Liberal Social Policy.' In: Subasat, Turan, (ed.), The Great Financial Meltdown: Systemic, Conjunctural or Policy Created? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 159-177. (New Directions in Modern Economics Series)

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (2016) Finance and economic and social reproduction: Origins of the present and implications for the future. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 173.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (2016) Paper on Theoretical Framework for Assessing the Impact of Finance on Public Provision. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 192.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) From Financialisation to Systems of Provision. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No.191.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) Housing and Water in Light of Financialisation and “Financialisation. FESSUD Working Paper Series; No. 156.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate, Robertson, Mary and Churchill, Jennifer (2016) Summary report on the impacts of financialisation and of the financial crisis on household well-being. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 199.

Fine, Ben and Dimakou, Ourania (2016) Macroeconomics: A Critical Companion. London: Pluto Press.

Fine, Ben, Johnston, Deborah, Santos, Ana and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2016) 'Nudging or Fudging: The World Development Report 2015.' Development and Change, 47 (4). pp. 640-663.

Fine, Ben and Ortiz, Juan Pablo Durán (2016) Social Capital: From the Gringo’s Tale to the Colombian Reality. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series; 195. London: SOAS.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2016) 'Thirteen Things You Need to Know About Neoliberalism.' Critical Sociology, 43 (4-5). pp. 685-706.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Fine, Ben (2016) Marx's Capital, 6th edition. London: Pluto Press.

Gideon, Jasmine

Johnston, Deborah (2016) 'Cost-cutting, co-production and cash transfers: neoliberal policy, health and gender.' In: Gideon, Jasmine, (ed.), Handbook on Gender and Health. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 98-116. (International handbooks on gender)

Hakimian, Hassan

Hakimian, Hassan (2016) 'Kicking Away the Migration Ladder?' The Middle East in London, 12 (4). pp. 13-14.

Heinrich, Michael

Booker, Anthony, Johnston, Deborah and Heinrich, Michael (2016) 'The Welfare Effects of Trade in Phytomedicines: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Turmeric Production.' World Development, 77. pp. 221-230.

Himmelweit, Susan

Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, eds. (2016) Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Bargawi, Hannah and Cozzi, Giovanni (2016) 'Making the Case for a Gender-aware, Investment-led Recovery for Europe.' In: Bargawi, Hannah, Cozzi, Giovanni and Himmelweit, Susan, (eds.), Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives. London: Routledge, pp. 137-154. (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

Hong, Fuhai

Lo, Dic, Hong, Fuhai and Li, Guicai (2016) 'Assessing the Role of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Economic Development, 1990-2007: Towards a Synthesis of Alternative Views.' Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 37 (June). pp. 107-120.

Howells, Mark

Nerini, Francesco Fuso, Andreoni, Antonio, Bauner, David and Howells, Mark (2016) 'Powering production. The case of the sisal fibre production in the Tanga region, Tanzania.' Energy Policy, 98. pp. 544-556.

Johnston, Deborah

Booker, Anthony, Johnston, Deborah and Heinrich, Michael (2016) 'The Welfare Effects of Trade in Phytomedicines: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Turmeric Production.' World Development, 77. pp. 221-230.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2016) 'Fairtrade and Labour Markets in Ethiopia and Uganda.' Journal of Development Studies, 53 (6). pp. 841-856.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2016) 'Mistakes, Crises, and Research Independence: The Perils of Fieldwork as a form of Evidence.' African Affairs, 115 (458). pp. 145-160.

Fine, Ben, Johnston, Deborah, Santos, Ana and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2016) 'Nudging or Fudging: The World Development Report 2015.' Development and Change, 47 (4). pp. 640-663.

Johnston, Deborah (2016) 'Cost-cutting, co-production and cash transfers: neoliberal policy, health and gender.' In: Gideon, Jasmine, (ed.), Handbook on Gender and Health. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 98-116. (International handbooks on gender)

Johnston, Deborah and Abreu, Alexandre (2016) 'The asset debates: How (not) to use asset indices to measure well being and the middle class in Africa.' African Affairs, 115. pp. 399-418.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Kamya, Moses R.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Karshenas, Massoud

Charmlou, Nadereh and Karshenas, Massoud, eds. (2016) Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. London: Imprerial College Press.

Karshenas, Massoud (2016) 'Power, Ideology, and Global Development: On the Origins, Evolution and Achievements of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.' Development and Change, 47 (4). pp. 664-685.

Karshenas, Massoud, Moghadam, Valentine M. and Chamlou, Nadereh (2016) 'Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North African: Introduction and Overview.' In: Chamlou, Nadereh and Karshenas, Massoud, (eds.), Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 1-29.

Karshenas, Massoud, Moghadam, Valentine M. and Chamlou, Nadereh (2016) 'Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North African: Introduction and Overview.' In: Chamlou, Nadereh and Karshenas, Massoud, (eds.), Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 1-29.

Khan, Mushtaq

Khan, Mushtaq, Andreoni, Antonio and Roy, Pallavi (2016) Anti-Corruption in Adverse Contexts: A Strategic Approach. London: SOAS. (Unpublished)

Li, Guicai

Lo, Dic, Hong, Fuhai and Li, Guicai (2016) 'Assessing the Role of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Economic Development, 1990-2007: Towards a Synthesis of Alternative Views.' Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 37 (June). pp. 107-120.

Lindsay, Steve W.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Lines, Jo

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Lo, Dic

Lo, Dic, Hong, Fuhai and Li, Guicai (2016) 'Assessing the Role of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Economic Development, 1990-2007: Towards a Synthesis of Alternative Views.' Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 37 (June). pp. 107-120.

Lombardozzi, Lorena

Lombardozzi, Lorena (2016) 'Are distortions good for development? Structural transformations and cotton in Uzbekistan.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series (193).

Miyamura, Satoshi

Pattenden, Jonathan, Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi and Selwyn, Benjamin, eds. (2016) Class dynamics of development. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue of Third World Quarterly Vol. 37 No.10)

Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi, Pattenden, Jonathan and Selwyn, Benjamin (2016) 'Class Dynamics of Development: A Methodological Note.' Third World Quarterly, 37 (10). pp. 1745-1767.

Miyamura, Satoshi (2016) 'Diverse trajectories of industrial restructuring and labour organising in India.' Third World Quarterly, 37 (10). pp. 1921-1941.

Miyamura, Satoshi (2016) 'Rethinking Labour Market Institutions in Indian Industry: Forms, Functions and Socio-historical Contexts.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 43 (6). pp. 1262-1284.

Moghadam, Valentine M.

Karshenas, Massoud, Moghadam, Valentine M. and Chamlou, Nadereh (2016) 'Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North African: Introduction and Overview.' In: Chamlou, Nadereh and Karshenas, Massoud, (eds.), Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 1-29.

Nerini, Francesco Fuso

Nerini, Francesco Fuso, Andreoni, Antonio, Bauner, David and Howells, Mark (2016) 'Powering production. The case of the sisal fibre production in the Tanga region, Tanzania.' Energy Policy, 98. pp. 544-556.

Noman, Akbar

Andreoni, Antonio (2016) 'Varieties of Industrial Policy: Models, Packages and Transformation Cycles.' In: Noman, Akbar and Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds.), Efficiency, Finance and Varieties of Industrial Policy: Guiding Resources, Learning, and Technology for Sustained Growth. New York, USA: Columbia University Press, pp. 245-305. (Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia: Challenges in Development and Globalization)

Ortiz, Juan Pablo Durán

Fine, Ben and Ortiz, Juan Pablo Durán (2016) Social Capital: From the Gringo’s Tale to the Colombian Reality. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series; 195. London: SOAS.

Oya, Carlos

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2016) 'Fairtrade and Labour Markets in Ethiopia and Uganda.' Journal of Development Studies, 53 (6). pp. 841-856.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2016) 'Mistakes, Crises, and Research Independence: The Perils of Fieldwork as a form of Evidence.' African Affairs, 115 (458). pp. 145-160.

Pattenden, Jonathan

Pattenden, Jonathan, Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi and Selwyn, Benjamin, eds. (2016) Class dynamics of development. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue of Third World Quarterly Vol. 37 No.10)

Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi, Pattenden, Jonathan and Selwyn, Benjamin (2016) 'Class Dynamics of Development: A Methodological Note.' Third World Quarterly, 37 (10). pp. 1745-1767.

Peeroo, Aleksandra

Peeroo, Aleksandra and Sultan, R. (2016) Governance and Economic Accounting Issues in the Mauritian Water Sector: Towards Sustainable Management of a Natural Resource. Washington D.C.and others: Global Development Network.

Pellegrini, Lorenzo

Pellegrini, Lorenzo and Tasciotti, Luca (2016) 'The Electrification–Malaria Nexus: The Case of Rural Uganda.' The European Journal of Development Research, 28 (4). pp. 521-535.

Qin, Duo

Qin, Duo and Wang, Qing Chao (2016) Predictive Macro-Impacts of PLS-based Financial Conditions Indices: An Application to the USA. London: SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series; 201.

Qin, Duo, van Huellen, Sophie and Wang, Qing Chao (2016) 'How Credible Are Shrinking Wage Elasticities of Married Women Labour Supply?' Econometrics, 4 (1). pp. 1-31.

van Huellen, Sophie and Qin, Duo (2016) Compulsory Schooling and the Returns to Education: A Reexamination. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series; 199.

Rek, John

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Lines, Jo, Dorsey, Grant and Lindsay, Steve W. (2016) 'Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda.' American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (3). pp. 650-658.

Tusting, Lucy S., Rek, John, Arinaitwe, Emmanuel, Staedke, Sarah G., Kamya, Moses R., Cano, Jorge, Bottomley, Christian, Johnston, Deborah, Dorsey, Grant, Lindsay, Steve W. and Lines, Jo (2016) 'Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda.' Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1).

Robertson, Mary

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2016) 'Introduction to Special Issue on the Material Cultures of Financialisation.' New Political Economy, 22 (4). pp. 355-370.

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2016) The Role of the State in Financialised Systems of Provision: Social Compacting, Social Policy, and Privatisation. Fessud Working Paper Series; No. 154.

Bayliss, Kate, Robertson, Mary and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2016) Thirteen Things You Need to Know about Neoliberalism. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 155.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) From Financialisation to Systems of Provision. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No.191.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) Housing and Water in Light of Financialisation and “Financialisation. FESSUD Working Paper Series; No. 156.

Fine, Ben, Bayliss, Kate, Robertson, Mary and Churchill, Jennifer (2016) Summary report on the impacts of financialisation and of the financial crisis on household well-being. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 199.

Romero, Andrés

Romero, Andrés, Tasciotti, Luca and Acosta, Fayber (2016) 'Means of transportation choice for the residents of Villavicencio, Colombia: A quantitative analysis.' Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 44. pp. 134-144.

Roy, Pallavi

Khan, Mushtaq, Andreoni, Antonio and Roy, Pallavi (2016) Anti-Corruption in Adverse Contexts: A Strategic Approach. London: SOAS. (Unpublished)

Saad Filho, Alfredo

Bayliss, Kate, Robertson, Mary and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2016) Thirteen Things You Need to Know about Neoliberalism. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 155.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2016) 'Thirteen Things You Need to Know About Neoliberalism.' Critical Sociology, 43 (4-5). pp. 685-706.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Fine, Ben (2016) Marx's Capital, 6th edition. London: Pluto Press.

Saiki, Ayako

Saiki, Ayako, Chantapacdepong, Pornpinun and Volz, Ulrich (2016) Dealing with Quantitative Easing Spillovers in East Asia: The Role of Institutions and Macroprudential Policy. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute Working Paper No. 604.

Santos, Ana

Fine, Ben, Johnston, Deborah, Santos, Ana and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2016) 'Nudging or Fudging: The World Development Report 2015.' Development and Change, 47 (4). pp. 640-663.

Scharfenaker, Ellis

Scharfenaker, Ellis and Semieniuk, Gregor (2016) 'A Statistical Equilibrium Approach to the Distribution of Profit Rates.' Metroeconomica, 68 (3). pp. 465-499.

Selwyn, Benjamin

Pattenden, Jonathan, Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi and Selwyn, Benjamin, eds. (2016) Class dynamics of development. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue of Third World Quarterly Vol. 37 No.10)

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