Blankenburg, Stephanie (2003) 'The Theory and Empirics of Economic Growth.' In: McCombie, John S.L. and Allington, N, (eds.), Cambridge Essays in Applied Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Education, Equality and Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.' In: Andersson, Martin and Gunarsson, Christer, (eds.), Development and Structural Change in the Asia-Pacific. London: Routledge, pp. 148-69. (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)
Nissanke, Machiko, Aryeetey, Ernest, Weder, Beatrice and Court, Julius, eds. (2003) Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Japan: United Nationa University.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Rural Development, Income Distribution and Poverty Decline in South East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. UK: Ashgate, pp. 426-458.
Nissanke, Machiko (2003) 'Economic Policies and External Performance in Southeast asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Aryeetey, Ernest, (ed.), Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, pp. 40-87.
Nissanke, Machiko (2003) 'Introduction to Asia and Africa in the Global Economy.' In: Aryeetey, Ernest, (ed.), Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, pp. 1-22.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Development Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 3-29.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Development Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 3-29.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia: An Institutional Approach. UK: Ashgate.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Institutional Analysis: Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 30-70.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Institutional Analysis: Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 30-70.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Financial Policies and Financial sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 299-333.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Financial Policies and Financial sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 299-333.
Howe, Christopher, Kueh, Y. Y. and Ash, Robert, eds. (2003) A Survey of the Chinese Economic Reforms. London and New York: Routledge.
Blankenburg, Stephanie (2003) 'The Theory and Empirics of Economic Growth.' In: McCombie, John S.L. and Allington, N, (eds.), Cambridge Essays in Applied Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'The Evolution of the Concept of Poverty in Multilateral Financial Institutions: the Case of the World Bank.' In: Boas, Morten and McNeill, D, (eds.), Global Institutions and the Developing World: Framing the World. London: Routledge, Chapt 14.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'The Burma Development Disaster in Comparative Historical Perspective.' South East Asia Research, 11 (2). pp. 141-71.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'The Changing Importance of Off-farm Income for Agricultural Households in Indonesia.' In: Leinbach, Thomas R., (ed.), The Indonesian Rural Economy: Mobility, Work and Enterprise. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 15-37.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Decentralization and Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia.' Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 21 (2). pp. 181-202.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Education in Southeast Asia.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (ed.), Southeast Asian Paper Tigers?: From Miracle to Debacle and Beyond. London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 173-195.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Education, Equality and Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.' In: Andersson, Martin and Gunarsson, Christer, (eds.), Development and Structural Change in the Asia-Pacific. London: Routledge, pp. 148-69. (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Four Colonies and a Kingdom: A Comparison of Fiscal, Trade and Exchange Rate Policies in South East Asia in the 1930s.' Modern Asian Studies, 37 (2). pp. 429-60.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'The Impact of a Severe Economic Crisis on Poverty and Distribution: An Indonesian Case Study: 1997-1999.' In: Booth, Anne and Mosley, Paul, (eds.), The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved: What Have We Learnt. London: Palgrave, pp. 120-145.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'The Impact of a Severe Economic Crisis on Poverty and Distribution: An Indonesian Case Study: 1997-1999.' In: Booth, Anne and Mosley, Paul, (eds.), The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved: What Have We Learnt. London: Palgrave, pp. 120-145.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Indonesia.' In: Mokyr, Joel, (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, vol 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 40-43.
Booth, Anne and Mosley, Paul, eds. (2003) The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved? What Have We Learned? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Booth, Anne and Mosley, Paul, eds. (2003) The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved? What Have We Learned? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Rural Development, Income Distribution and Poverty Decline in South East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. UK: Ashgate, pp. 426-458.
Bramall, Chris (2003) 'Path Dependency and Growth in Rural China since 1978.' Asian Business and Management, 2 (3). pp. 301-322.
Hanappi, Hardy and Staudinger, S. (2003) 'Adaption towards Optimal Diversity: An Evolutionary Perspective.' In: Metcalfe, J. S. and Cantner, Uwe, (eds.), Change, transformation, and development. Heidelberg; New York: Physica-Verlag.
Chakravarty, Deepita (2003) 'Energy and Labour Use in Industry: A Study of Andhra Pradesh.' Economic and Political Weekly, 38 (36). pp. 3801-3805.
Chakravarty, Deepita (2003) 'Gender Questions in Economics.' Khnoj Ekhon.
Chakravarty, Deepita (2003) 'Industry: Policy and Performance.' In: Hanumantha Rao, C. H. and Mahendra Dev, S., (eds.), Andhra Pradesh Development: Economic Reforms and Challenges Ahead. Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Manohar.
Karshenas, Massoud (2003) 'Globalization and Structural Change in Africa: Is the Asian Model Relevant?' In: Ghosh, Jayati and Chandrasekhar, C.P., (eds.), Work and well being in the age of finance. New Delhi: Tulika Books, pp. 257-287.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'New Growth Theory.' In: Chang, Ha-Joon, (ed.), Rethinking Development Economics. London: Anthem Press, pp. 201-217.
Hanappi, Hardy and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2003) 'Elements of an I-O-based Framework for Marxian, Feminist and World-System Approaches.' In: Kohler, G. and Chaves, E., (eds.), Globalization: Critical Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Nissanke, Machiko, Aryeetey, Ernest, Weder, Beatrice and Court, Julius, eds. (2003) Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Japan: United Nationa University.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Beyond the Developmental State: Towards a Political Economy of Development.' In: Hirakawa, H., Noguchi, M. and Sano, M., (eds.), Beyond Market-Driven Development: A New Stream of Political Economy of Development [in Japanese]. Tokyo: Nihon Hyoron Sha, pp. 21-43.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Callonistics: A Disentanglement.' Economy and Society, 32 (3). pp. 496-502.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Capital Theory.' In: King, John Edward, (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 51-57.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Contesting Labour Markets.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto Press, pp. 82-93.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'An Extraordinary Discipline.' In: Fullbrook, Edward, (ed.), The Crisis in Economics: The Post-Autistic Economics Movement: The First 600 Days. London: Routledge, pp. 147-149.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'From the Newer Economic History to Institutions and Development?' Istituzioni e sviluppo economico : institutions and economic develpment, 1 (1). pp. 105-136.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'New Growth Theory.' In: Chang, Ha-Joon, (ed.), Rethinking Development Economics. London: Anthem Press, pp. 201-217.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Political Economy and Nature: From ANT and Environmental Economics to Bioeconomics?' Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 14 (3). pp. 357-372.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Social Capital.' Oikonomikos Tachydromos, 42 (2580). pp. 62-65.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Social Capital for Africa?' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (53). pp. 29-52.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Social Capital: The World Bank's Fungible Friend.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 3 (4). pp. 586-603.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Value Theory and the Study of Contemporary Capitalism: A Continuing Commitment.' In: Westra, Richard and Zuege, Alan, (eds.), Value and the World Economy Today: Production, Finance and Globalization. London: MacMillan, pp. 3-22.
Fine, Ben and Hailu, Degol (2003) Convergence and Consensus: The Political Economy of Stabilisation, Poverty and Growth. London: Centre for Development Policy Research (CDPR) Discussion Paper 2202.
Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2003) 'From Principle of Pricing to Pricing of Principle: Rationality and Irrationality in the Economic History of Douglass North.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 45 (3). pp. 120-144.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'An Extraordinary Discipline.' In: Fullbrook, Edward, (ed.), The Crisis in Economics: The Post-Autistic Economics Movement: The First 600 Days. London: Routledge, pp. 147-149.
Karshenas, Massoud (2003) 'Globalization and Structural Change in Africa: Is the Asian Model Relevant?' In: Ghosh, Jayati and Chandrasekhar, C.P., (eds.), Work and well being in the age of finance. New Delhi: Tulika Books, pp. 257-287.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Education, Equality and Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.' In: Andersson, Martin and Gunarsson, Christer, (eds.), Development and Structural Change in the Asia-Pacific. London: Routledge, pp. 148-69. (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)
Fine, Ben and Hailu, Degol (2003) Convergence and Consensus: The Political Economy of Stabilisation, Poverty and Growth. London: Centre for Development Policy Research (CDPR) Discussion Paper 2202.
Hakimian, Hassan (2003) 'Water Scarcity and Food Imports: An Empirical Investigation of the “Virtual Water” Hypothesis in the MENA Region.' Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, 1 (1). pp. 71-85.
Hakimian, Hassan (2003) Water Scarcity and Food Imports: An Empirical Investigation of the “Virtual Water” Hypothesis in the MENA Region. In: 10th Annual Conference of The Economic Research Forum For the Arab Countries, Turkey and Iran, 16-18 December 2003, Morocco.
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) Algorithmic Foundations of Evolutionary Economics. In: The Wartensee Seminar (organizer: Kurt Dopfer), July, Wartensee (CH). (Unpublished)
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) Critical Masses and Prophecies. In: The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Economic Systems, July, Jena. (Unpublished)
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) Evolutionary Economic Programs. In: The Annual Meeting of the Ausschuss für Evolutionäre Ökonomik,, 3-5 July, Erfurt.
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) Maxwell's Demons in Brains and Politics. Formulating the evolution of needs and values as dialectics of entropy. In: The EAEPE Conference 2003, 7-10 November, Maastricht (NL).
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) Network Europe: Households, Firms and Nations. In: EATA Conference 2003, Cyprus.
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) 'Wie österreichisch ist Schumpeters Innovationstheorie?' In: Pichler, Rupert, (ed.), Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Unternehmen, Politik und Innovationsverhalten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Innsbruck: Studien-Verlag. (Innovationsmuster in der österreichischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte)
Hanappi, Hardy and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2003) 'Elements of an I-O-based Framework for Marxian, Feminist and World-System Approaches.' In: Kohler, G. and Chaves, E., (eds.), Globalization: Critical Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Hanappi, Hardy and Kump, O. (2003) 'Collect now - Consume later on Innovative Products.' Decision Support Systems: Electronic Commerce, 34 (2). pp. 213-221.
Hanappi, Hardy and Staudinger, S. (2003) 'Adaption towards Optimal Diversity: An Evolutionary Perspective.' In: Metcalfe, J. S. and Cantner, Uwe, (eds.), Change, transformation, and development. Heidelberg; New York: Physica-Verlag.
Hanappi, Hardy and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2003) 'Elements of an I-O-based Framework for Marxian, Feminist and World-System Approaches.' In: Kohler, G. and Chaves, E., (eds.), Globalization: Critical Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Chakravarty, Deepita (2003) 'Industry: Policy and Performance.' In: Hanumantha Rao, C. H. and Mahendra Dev, S., (eds.), Andhra Pradesh Development: Economic Reforms and Challenges Ahead. Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Manohar.
Harrigan, Jane (2003) 'U-Turns and Full Circles: Two Decades of Agricultural Reform in Malawi 1981-2000.' World Development, 31 (5). pp. 847-63.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Beyond the Developmental State: Towards a Political Economy of Development.' In: Hirakawa, H., Noguchi, M. and Sano, M., (eds.), Beyond Market-Driven Development: A New Stream of Political Economy of Development [in Japanese]. Tokyo: Nihon Hyoron Sha, pp. 21-43.
Howe, Christopher, Kueh, Y. Y. and Ash, Robert, eds. (2003) A Survey of the Chinese Economic Reforms. London and New York: Routledge.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Education in Southeast Asia.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (ed.), Southeast Asian Paper Tigers?: From Miracle to Debacle and Beyond. London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 173-195.
Pincus, Jonathan (2003) 'Pragmatism, technocracy and Crisis: Indonesia in the New Order.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (ed.), Crisis and Recovery in East Asia. London: Routledge. (Unpublished)
Karshenas, Massoud (2003) 'Global Poverty: National Accounts Based versus Survey Based Estimates.' Development and Change, 34 (4). pp. 673-812.
Karshenas, Massoud (2003) 'Globalization and Structural Change in Africa: Is the Asian Model Relevant?' In: Ghosh, Jayati and Chandrasekhar, C.P., (eds.), Work and well being in the age of finance. New Delhi: Tulika Books, pp. 257-287.
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) Evolutionary Economic Programs. In: The Annual Meeting of the Ausschuss für Evolutionäre Ökonomik,, 3-5 July, Erfurt.
Khan, Mushtaq (2003) Corruption and the Capitalist Transformation: Analysis, Policy and the Real World. (Unpublished)
Khan, Mushtaq (2003) Memorandum submitted as Evidence to the House of Commons International Development Committee on Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Second Report of Session 2003-04 Volume II. In: Parliamentary Hearing, London.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Capital Theory.' In: King, John Edward, (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 51-57.
Hanappi, Hardy and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2003) 'Elements of an I-O-based Framework for Marxian, Feminist and World-System Approaches.' In: Kohler, G. and Chaves, E., (eds.), Globalization: Critical Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Howe, Christopher, Kueh, Y. Y. and Ash, Robert, eds. (2003) A Survey of the Chinese Economic Reforms. London and New York: Routledge.
Hanappi, Hardy and Kump, O. (2003) 'Collect now - Consume later on Innovative Products.' Decision Support Systems: Electronic Commerce, 34 (2). pp. 213-221.
Lapavitsas, Costas (2003) 'Money as Money and Money as Capital in a Capitalist Economy.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Guide. London: Pluto Press, pp. 59-72.
Lapavitsas, Costas (2003) Money as a 'Universal equivalent' and its origin in commodity exchange. London: SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper No. 130.
Lapavitsas, Costas (2003) Social Foundations of Markets, Money and Credit. London: Routledge.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Etat et institutions d’aide en Afrique sub-saharienne: éléments d’économie politique.' In: Lebeau, Yann, Niane, Boubacar, Piriou, Anne and de Saint Martin, Monique, (eds.), État et acteurs émergents en Afrique : démocratie, indocilité et transnationalisation. Paris: Karthala, 271- 293.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'The Changing Importance of Off-farm Income for Agricultural Households in Indonesia.' In: Leinbach, Thomas R., (ed.), The Indonesian Rural Economy: Mobility, Work and Enterprise. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 15-37.
Lo, Dic (2003) China, the ‘East Asian Model’ and Late Development. London: SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper No. 131.
Lo, Dic (2003) 'Foreign Direct Investment and China's Economic Development: Evidence from Sectoral and Regional Analyses.' Jingji Yanjiu (Economic Research Journal) = 經濟硏究, vol. 2. pp. 40-48.
Chakravarty, Deepita (2003) 'Industry: Policy and Performance.' In: Hanumantha Rao, C. H. and Mahendra Dev, S., (eds.), Andhra Pradesh Development: Economic Reforms and Challenges Ahead. Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Manohar.
McCartney, Matthew (2003) 'Driving a Car with an Accelerator, no Steering Wheel and no Road Map: Neo-Classical Discourse and the Case of India.' Post-Autistic Economics Review, 21.
McCartney, Matthew (2003) 'Driving a car with no steering wheel and no road map: Neoclassical discourse and the case of India.' Post-Autistic Economics Review, 21. p. 5.
Blankenburg, Stephanie (2003) 'The Theory and Empirics of Economic Growth.' In: McCombie, John S.L. and Allington, N, (eds.), Cambridge Essays in Applied Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'The Evolution of the Concept of Poverty in Multilateral Financial Institutions: the Case of the World Bank.' In: Boas, Morten and McNeill, D, (eds.), Global Institutions and the Developing World: Framing the World. London: Routledge, Chapt 14.
Hanappi, Hardy and Staudinger, S. (2003) 'Adaption towards Optimal Diversity: An Evolutionary Perspective.' In: Metcalfe, J. S. and Cantner, Uwe, (eds.), Change, transformation, and development. Heidelberg; New York: Physica-Verlag.
Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2003) 'From Principle of Pricing to Pricing of Principle: Rationality and Irrationality in the Economic History of Douglass North.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 45 (3). pp. 120-144.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Indonesia.' In: Mokyr, Joel, (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, vol 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 40-43.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'The Impact of a Severe Economic Crisis on Poverty and Distribution: An Indonesian Case Study: 1997-1999.' In: Booth, Anne and Mosley, Paul, (eds.), The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved: What Have We Learnt. London: Palgrave, pp. 120-145.
Booth, Anne and Mosley, Paul, eds. (2003) The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved? What Have We Learned? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Etat et institutions d’aide en Afrique sub-saharienne: éléments d’économie politique.' In: Lebeau, Yann, Niane, Boubacar, Piriou, Anne and de Saint Martin, Monique, (eds.), État et acteurs émergents en Afrique : démocratie, indocilité et transnationalisation. Paris: Karthala, 271- 293.
Nissanke, Machiko, Aryeetey, Ernest, Weder, Beatrice and Court, Julius, eds. (2003) Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Japan: United Nationa University.
Booth, Anne (2003) 'Rural Development, Income Distribution and Poverty Decline in South East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. UK: Ashgate, pp. 426-458.
Nissanke, Machiko (2003) 'Economic Policies and External Performance in Southeast asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Aryeetey, Ernest, (ed.), Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, pp. 40-87.
Nissanke, Machiko (2003) 'Introduction to Asia and Africa in the Global Economy.' In: Aryeetey, Ernest, (ed.), Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, pp. 1-22.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Development Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 3-29.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Development Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 3-29.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia: An Institutional Approach. UK: Ashgate.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Institutional Analysis: Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 30-70.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Comparative Institutional Analysis: Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 30-70.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Financial Policies and Financial sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 299-333.
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003) 'Financial Policies and Financial sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp. 299-333.
Nissanke, Machiko and Stein, Howard (2003) 'Financial Globalization and Economic Development: Toward an Institutional Foundation.' Eastern Economic Journal, 29 (2). pp. 287-308.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Beyond the Developmental State: Towards a Political Economy of Development.' In: Hirakawa, H., Noguchi, M. and Sano, M., (eds.), Beyond Market-Driven Development: A New Stream of Political Economy of Development [in Japanese]. Tokyo: Nihon Hyoron Sha, pp. 21-43.
Hanappi, Hardy (2003) 'Wie österreichisch ist Schumpeters Innovationstheorie?' In: Pichler, Rupert, (ed.), Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Unternehmen, Politik und Innovationsverhalten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Innsbruck: Studien-Verlag. (Innovationsmuster in der österreichischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte)
Simister, John and Piesse, Jenifer (2003) 'Bargaining and household dynamics: the impact of education and financial control on nutrition outcomes in South Africa.' South African Journal of Economics, 71 (1). pp. 163-172.
Pincus, Jonathan (2003) 'Pragmatism, technocracy and Crisis: Indonesia in the New Order.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (ed.), Crisis and Recovery in East Asia. London: Routledge. (Unpublished)
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Etat et institutions d’aide en Afrique sub-saharienne: éléments d’économie politique.' In: Lebeau, Yann, Niane, Boubacar, Piriou, Anne and de Saint Martin, Monique, (eds.), État et acteurs émergents en Afrique : démocratie, indocilité et transnationalisation. Paris: Karthala, 271- 293.
Qin, Duo (2003) 'Determinants of household savings in China and their role in quasi-money supply.' The Economics of Transition, 11 (3). pp. 513-537.
Smith, Graham and Ryoo, Hyun-Jung (2003) 'Variance Ratio Tests of the Random Walk Hypothesis for European Emerging Stock Markets.' The European Journal of Finance, 9 (3). pp. 290-300.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Contesting Labour Markets.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto Press, pp. 82-93.
Lapavitsas, Costas (2003) 'Money as Money and Money as Capital in a Capitalist Economy.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Guide. London: Pluto Press, pp. 59-72.
Fine, Ben (2003) 'Beyond the Developmental State: Towards a Political Economy of Development.' In: Hirakawa, H., Noguchi, M. and Sano, M., (eds.), Beyond Market-Driven Development: A New Stream of Political Economy of Development [in Japanese]. Tokyo: Nihon Hyoron Sha, pp. 21-43.
Simister, John (2003) Food or drink? Effects of alcohol on child nutrition in South Africa. Development Ideas and Practices Working Paper. Working Paper DIP-03-01.
Simister, John and Piesse, Jenifer (2003) 'Bargaining and household dynamics: the impact of education and financial control on nutrition outcomes in South Africa.' South African Journal of Economics, 71 (1). pp. 163-172.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Contracts, Norms, and Political Economy: Sub-Saharan State Credibility and the Microeconomic Foundations of Developmental Taxation.' Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 16 (1). pp. 89-103.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Etat et institutions d’aide en Afrique sub-saharienne: éléments d’économie politique.' In: Lebeau, Yann, Niane, Boubacar, Piriou, Anne and de Saint Martin, Monique, (eds.), État et acteurs émergents en Afrique : démocratie, indocilité et transnationalisation. Paris: Karthala, 271- 293.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'The Evolution of the Concept of Poverty in Multilateral Financial Institutions: the Case of the World Bank.' In: Boas, Morten and McNeill, D, (eds.), Global Institutions and the Developing World: Framing the World. London: Routledge, Chapt 14.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Globalisation, Orthodox Economics, and the International Monetary Fund: Review of Joseph E. Stiglitz, 'Globalization and its Discontents'.' International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) Newsletter, 2. 05 August.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Le débat économique sur la privatisation.' Marchés Tropicaux et Méditerranéens, 3010 (18 Jul). p. 1500.
Sindzingre, Alice (2003) 'Les politiques de libéralisation commerciale en Afrique: des effets mitigés.' Marchés Tropicaux et Méditerranéens (3000). pp. 990-992.
Smith, Graham and Ryoo, Hyun-Jung (2003) 'Variance Ratio Tests of the Random Walk Hypothesis for European Emerging Stock Markets.' The European Journal of Finance, 9 (3). pp. 290-300.
Hanappi, Hardy and Staudinger, S. (2003) 'Adaption towards Optimal Diversity: An Evolutionary Perspective.' In: Metcalfe, J. S. and Cantner, Uwe, (eds.), Change, transformation, and development. Heidelberg; New York: Physica-Verlag.
Nissanke, Machiko and Stein, Howard (2003) 'Financial Globalization and Economic Development: Toward an Institutional Foundation.' Eastern Economic Journal, 29 (2). pp. 287-308.
Nissanke, Machiko, Aryeetey, Ernest, Weder, Beatrice and Court, Julius, eds. (2003) Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Japan: United Nationa University.
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