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Jump to: Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul | Achcar, Gilbert | Adams, W.A. | AlShehabi, Omar | Alff, Henryk | Baizán, Pau | Banaji, Jairus | Barry, J. | Beauchemin, Cris | Benz, Andreas | Bernstein, Henry | Billah, Motasim | Black, Richard | Brading, Ryan | Brauman, Rony | Brockington, Dan | Bylander, Maryann | Büscher, Bram | Cammett, Melani | Castree, Noel | Chakravarty, Prasanta | Chang, Dae-Oup | Chernus, Ira | Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu | Collyer, Michael | Coraggio, José-Luis | Corbera, E. | Cotula, Lorenzo | Cramer, Christopher | De Caux, Robert | Demeritt, D. | Demos, Vasilikie | Duffy, Rosaleen | Eid, Abdurehman | Fernandez, Melissa | Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena | Fine, Ben | Frame, Iain | Gondhalekar, Daphne | González-Ferrer, Amparo | Goodhand, Jonathan | Güngen, Ali Rıza | Hammond, Laura | Hanieh, Adam | Harris, Colette | Harriss-White, Barbara | Hasbullah, Shahul | Hashemi, Nader | Heyer, Judith | Humphreys, Jasper | Ismail, Feyzi | Jallow, Baba G. | Jeffery, Roger | Jeffrey, Craig | Jennings, Michael | Jia, Lili | Johnston, Deborah | Kaiser, Tania | Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark | Kalb, Don | Keeley, James | Khalaf, Abdulhadi | Kilama, Blandina | Klem, Bart | Kniveton, Dominic | Korf, Benedikt | Kraus, Elisabeth | Kumar, Sunil | Laville, Jean-Luis | Lerche, Jens | Lindley, Anna | Loescher, Gil | Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu | Long, Katy | Maclean, Lauren | Makwarimba, Melissa | Marois, Thomas | Marriage, Zoe | Martin, Maxmillan | Martin, Susan F. | Mezzadri, Alessandra | Michago Seide, Wondwosen | Mocci, N. | Mollinga, Peter | Mosley, Jason | Mueller, Bernd | Muñoz-Martínez, Hepzibah | Münster, Daniel | Nayak, Nandini | Neveling, Patrick | Neves, K. | Newell, Peter | Novak, Paolo | Ole Nasha, William | Owusu Asare, Richard | Oya, Carlos | Pailey, Robtel Neajai | Pellizzoni, L. | Petrick, Martin | Philippides, Andrew | Pradella, Lucia | Raman, Ravi | Rigby, K. | Rizzo, Matteo | Robbin, L. | Robbins, P. | Rose, D.B. | Ross, Andrew | Rovner, Adam | Saad Filho, Alfredo | Schlosberg, D. | Schoumaker, Bruno | Schubert, Alexander T. | Sender, John | Siddiqui, Tasneem | Sigona, Nando | Sijpesteijn, Petra M. | Smith, Christopher | Sorlin, S. | Spencer, Jonathan | Standing, Guy | Strümpell, Christian | Taylor, A. | Texler Segal, Marcia | Vergara-Camus, Leandro | Weber, Heloise | Weerasinghe, S. | West, P. | Whitehead, M. | Wuyts, Marc | Wynne, B. | de Silva, T
Number of items: 213.

Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul

Martin, Maxmillan, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2014) 'Climate related migration in rural Bangladesh: a behavioural model.' Population and Environment, 36 (1). pp. 85-110.

Achcar, Gilbert

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'Arab Spring Has Now Turned into a Winter [Interview].' The Hindu (22 Dec).

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'La cause des Palestiniens.' In: Brauman, Rony, (ed.), Pour les Palestiniens. Manifeste. Paris: Autrement, pp. 56-65.

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'Le monde arabe entre nouvelle étape révolutionnaire et risque de régression [Interview].' ContreTemps, 20 (1). Paris: pp. 11-19.

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'New but Still Cold [Interview].' LeftEast (19 Dec).

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'Problems of Transition from Capitalism (In Farsi) [Interview].' Naqd Iqtisad Siyassi (7 Oct).

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'Que reste-t-il du Printemps arabe ?”.' L’Orient littéraire; Beirut (Feb).

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'Review: 'The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge' by Ilan Pappé.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 43 (3). pp. 72-74.

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'The people want – but do they have a chance? [Interview].' openDemocracy (21 Feb).

Achcar, Gilbert, Hashemi, Nader, Chernus, Ira and Rovner, Adam (2014) 'The Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives: Critical Dialogues with Gilbert Achcar.' In: Hashemi, Nader, (ed.), Center for Middle East Studies, Occassional Paper Series No. 3. Denver, Co: University of Denver, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Center for Middle East Studies.

Adams, W.A.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

AlShehabi, Omar

Hanieh, Adam, AlShehabi, Omar and Khalaf, Abdulhadi, eds. (2014) Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf. London: Pluto Press.

Alff, Henryk

Novak, Paolo (2014) 'Tracing connections and its politics.' In: Alff, Henryk and Benz, Andreas, (eds.), Tracing Connections: Explorations of Spaces and Places in Asian Contexts. Berlin: VWB.

Baizán, Pau

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Kraus, Elisabeth, Schoumaker, Bruno and Black, Richard (2014) 'Distance, transnational arrangements and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian and Congolese migrants.' International Migration Review, 48 (4). pp. 939-971.

Banaji, Jairus

Banaji, Jairus (2014) 'On the Identity of Shahrālānyōzān in the Greek and Middle Persian Papyri from Egypt.' In: Schubert, Alexander T. and Sijpesteijn, Petra M., (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 27-42. (Islamic history and civilization : studies and texts, volume 111)

Banaji, Jairus (2014) 'Reconstructing Historical Materialism.' In: Chakravarty, Prasanta, (ed.), Shrapnel Minima: Writings from Humanities Underground. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press and Seagull.

Barry, J.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Beauchemin, Cris

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Kraus, Elisabeth, Schoumaker, Bruno and Black, Richard (2014) 'Distance, transnational arrangements and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian and Congolese migrants.' International Migration Review, 48 (4). pp. 939-971.

Benz, Andreas

Novak, Paolo (2014) 'Tracing connections and its politics.' In: Alff, Henryk and Benz, Andreas, (eds.), Tracing Connections: Explorations of Spaces and Places in Asian Contexts. Berlin: VWB.

Bernstein, Henry

Bernstein, Henry and Oya, Carlos (2014) Rural futures. How much should markets rule? London: IIED Working Paper.

Billah, Motasim

Martin, Maxmillan, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2014) 'Climate related migration in rural Bangladesh: a behavioural model.' Population and Environment, 36 (1). pp. 85-110.

Black, Richard

Black, Richard and Collyer, Michael (2014) 'Populations 'trapped' at times of crisis.' Forced Migration Review (45).

De Caux, Robert, Smith, Christopher, Kniveton, Dominic, Black, Richard and Philippides, Andrew (2014) 'Dynamic, small-world social network generation through local agent interactions.' Complexity, 19 (6). pp. 44-53.

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Kraus, Elisabeth, Schoumaker, Bruno and Black, Richard (2014) 'Distance, transnational arrangements and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian and Congolese migrants.' International Migration Review, 48 (4). pp. 939-971.

Martin, Maxmillan, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2014) 'Climate related migration in rural Bangladesh: a behavioural model.' Population and Environment, 36 (1). pp. 85-110.

Brading, Ryan

Brading, Ryan (2014) 'Ernesto Laclau: The Theorist of Populism.' For the Desk Drawer - Adam David Morton .

Brading, Ryan (2014) 'From Passive to Radical Revolution in Venezuela’s Populist Project.' Latin American Perspectives, 41 (6). pp. 48-64.

Brauman, Rony

Achcar, Gilbert (2014) 'La cause des Palestiniens.' In: Brauman, Rony, (ed.), Pour les Palestiniens. Manifeste. Paris: Autrement, pp. 56-65.

Brockington, Dan

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Bylander, Maryann

Bylander, Maryann (2014) 'Borrowing Across Borders: Migration and Microcredit in Rural Cambodia.' Development and Change, 45 (2). pp. 284-307.

Büscher, Bram

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Cammett, Melani

Jennings, Michael (2014) 'Bridging the Local and the Global: Faith-Based Organisations and the Emergence of the Non-State Provider Sector in Tanzania.' In: Maclean, Lauren and Cammett, Melani, (eds.), The Politics of Non-State Social Welfare in the Global South. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 119-136.

Castree, Noel

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Chakravarty, Prasanta

Banaji, Jairus (2014) 'Reconstructing Historical Materialism.' In: Chakravarty, Prasanta, (ed.), Shrapnel Minima: Writings from Humanities Underground. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press and Seagull.

Chang, Dae-Oup

Chang, Dae-Oup (2014) 'The global economic crisis and East Asian labour migration: a crisis of migration or struggles of labour?' In: Lindley, Anna, (ed.), Crisis and Migration: Critical perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 93-114. (Routledge Studies in Development, Mobilities and Migration)

Chernus, Ira

Achcar, Gilbert, Hashemi, Nader, Chernus, Ira and Rovner, Adam (2014) 'The Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives: Critical Dialogues with Gilbert Achcar.' In: Hashemi, Nader, (ed.), Center for Middle East Studies, Occassional Paper Series No. 3. Denver, Co: University of Denver, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Center for Middle East Studies.

Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Collyer, Michael

Black, Richard and Collyer, Michael (2014) 'Populations 'trapped' at times of crisis.' Forced Migration Review (45).

Coraggio, José-Luis

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2014) 'Tomando el Control: Autonomía, subsistencia y de-mercantilización. Gérmenes de Otra Economía en las luchas de los Zapatistas en Chiapas y los Sin Tierra en Brasil.' In: Coraggio, José-Luis and Laville, Jean-Luis, (eds.), Economía, Sociedad y Política. Volumen 2: Los desafíos de la economía social y solidaria. Los Polvorines, Buenos Aires: UNGS-Imago Mundi. (Unpublished)

Corbera, E.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Cotula, Lorenzo

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Cramer, Christopher

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Mueller, Bernd, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) 'How to do (and how not to do) fieldwork on Fair Trade and rural poverty.' Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 35 (1). pp. 170-185.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia and Uganda. London: SOAS.

De Caux, Robert

De Caux, Robert, Smith, Christopher, Kniveton, Dominic, Black, Richard and Philippides, Andrew (2014) 'Dynamic, small-world social network generation through local agent interactions.' Complexity, 19 (6). pp. 44-53.

Demeritt, D.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Demos, Vasilikie

Harris, Colette (2014) 'The use of participatory gender analysis for violence reduction in (post-)conflict settings: a study of a community education project in northern Uganda.' In: Texler Segal, Marcia and Demos, Vasilikie, (eds.), Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part B. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 145-170. (Advances in Gender Research, 18B)

Duffy, Rosaleen

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2014) 'Interactive Elephants: Tourism, Nature and Neoliberalism in Southern Africa.' Annals of Tourism Research, 44 (1). pp. 88-101.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2014) 'Waging a War to Save Biodiversity: The Rise of Militarised Conservation.' International Affairs, 90 (4). pp. 819-834.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2014) 'What does Collaborative Event Ethnography (CEE) tell us about global environmental governance?' Global Environmental Politics, 14 (3). pp. 125-131.

Duffy, Rosaleen and Humphreys, Jasper (2014) Mapping Donors: Key Areas for Tackling Illegal Wildlife Trade (Africa and Asia). London: Evidence On Demand.

Eid, Abdurehman

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Fernandez, Melissa

Ismail, Feyzi (2014) 'Literature Review for Nepal.' In: The Urbanisation-Construction-Migration Nexus in 5 Cities in South Asia, LSE for DFID’s South Asia Research Hub. The Urbanisation-Construction-Migration Nexus in 5 Cities in South Asia, LSE for DFID’s South Asia Research Hub .

Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena

Hammond, Laura (2014) '"Voluntary" Repatriation and Reintegration.' In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Loescher, Gil, Long, Katy and Sigona, Nando, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 499-511.

Fine, Ben

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'Politics of Neoliberal Development: Washington Consensus and post-Washington Consensus.' In: Weber, Heloise, (ed.), The Politics of Development: A Survey. London: Routledge, pp. 154-166. (Europa Politics of ... series)

Frame, Iain

Marriage, Zoe (2014) 'The Democratic Republic of Congo.' In: Frame, Iain, (ed.), Africa South of the Sahara 2015 (44th edition). Abingdon: Routledge.

Gondhalekar, Daphne

Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2014) 'Finding structure in diversity: A stepwise small-N/medium-N qualitative comparative analysis approach for water resources management research.' Water Alternatives, 7 (1). pp. 178-198.

González-Ferrer, Amparo

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Kraus, Elisabeth, Schoumaker, Bruno and Black, Richard (2014) 'Distance, transnational arrangements and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian and Congolese migrants.' International Migration Review, 48 (4). pp. 939-971.

Goodhand, Jonathan

Spencer, Jonathan, Goodhand, Jonathan, Hasbullah, Shahul, Klem, Bart, Korf, Benedikt and de Silva, T (2014) Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque: A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace in Eastern Sri Lanka. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Güngen, Ali Rıza

Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2014) 'Türkiye'nin Devlet Bankalarını Geri Kazanmak.' İktisat Dergisi (Special Issue) (527). pp. 54-70.

Hammond, Laura

Hammond, Laura (2014) '"Voluntary" Repatriation and Reintegration.' In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Loescher, Gil, Long, Katy and Sigona, Nando, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 499-511.

Hanieh, Adam

Hanieh, Adam, AlShehabi, Omar and Khalaf, Abdulhadi, eds. (2014) Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf. London: Pluto Press.

Hanieh, Adam (2014) 'Shifting Priorities or Business as Usual? Continuity and Change in the post-2011 IMF and World Bank Engagement with Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.' British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 42 (1). pp. 119-134.

Harris, Colette

Harris, Colette (2014) 'The use of participatory gender analysis for violence reduction in (post-)conflict settings: a study of a community education project in northern Uganda.' In: Texler Segal, Marcia and Demos, Vasilikie, (eds.), Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part B. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 145-170. (Advances in Gender Research, 18B)

Harriss-White, Barbara

Lerche, Jens (2014) 'Regional patterns of agrarian accumulation in India.' In: Heyer, Judith and Harriss-White, Barbara, (eds.), Indian Capitalism in Development. London: Routledge, pp. 46-65. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)

Hasbullah, Shahul

Spencer, Jonathan, Goodhand, Jonathan, Hasbullah, Shahul, Klem, Bart, Korf, Benedikt and de Silva, T (2014) Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque: A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace in Eastern Sri Lanka. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Hashemi, Nader

Achcar, Gilbert, Hashemi, Nader, Chernus, Ira and Rovner, Adam (2014) 'The Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives: Critical Dialogues with Gilbert Achcar.' In: Hashemi, Nader, (ed.), Center for Middle East Studies, Occassional Paper Series No. 3. Denver, Co: University of Denver, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Center for Middle East Studies.

Achcar, Gilbert, Hashemi, Nader, Chernus, Ira and Rovner, Adam (2014) 'The Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives: Critical Dialogues with Gilbert Achcar.' In: Hashemi, Nader, (ed.), Center for Middle East Studies, Occassional Paper Series No. 3. Denver, Co: University of Denver, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Center for Middle East Studies.

Heyer, Judith

Lerche, Jens (2014) 'Regional patterns of agrarian accumulation in India.' In: Heyer, Judith and Harriss-White, Barbara, (eds.), Indian Capitalism in Development. London: Routledge, pp. 46-65. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)

Humphreys, Jasper

Duffy, Rosaleen and Humphreys, Jasper (2014) Mapping Donors: Key Areas for Tackling Illegal Wildlife Trade (Africa and Asia). London: Evidence On Demand.

Ismail, Feyzi

Ismail, Feyzi (2014) 'Literature Review for Nepal.' In: The Urbanisation-Construction-Migration Nexus in 5 Cities in South Asia, LSE for DFID’s South Asia Research Hub. The Urbanisation-Construction-Migration Nexus in 5 Cities in South Asia, LSE for DFID’s South Asia Research Hub .

Jallow, Baba G.

Pailey, Robtel Neajai (2014) 'Patriarchy, Power Distance, and Female Presidency in Liberia.' In: Jallow, Baba G., (ed.), Leadership in Post-Colonial Africa: Trends Transformed by Independence. London, England: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 169-187. (Palgrave Studies in African Leadership)

Jeffery, Roger

Jeffery, Roger, Jeffrey, Craig and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2014) Development Failure and Identity Politics in Uttar Pradesh. Delhi: Sage.

Jeffrey, Craig

Jeffery, Roger, Jeffrey, Craig and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2014) Development Failure and Identity Politics in Uttar Pradesh. Delhi: Sage.

Jennings, Michael

Jennings, Michael (2014) 'Beyond the Tangles of Civil Society.' Journal of the OASIS International Foundation (19). pp. 34-38.

Jennings, Michael (2014) 'Bridging the Local and the Global: Faith-Based Organisations and the Emergence of the Non-State Provider Sector in Tanzania.' In: Maclean, Lauren and Cammett, Melani, (eds.), The Politics of Non-State Social Welfare in the Global South. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 119-136.

Jia, Lili

Jia, Lili (2014) 'How to fill the empty glass? Residential fresh water use in Dongying.' ZEF News (29). p. 4.

Jia, Lili (2014) Residential fresh water demand in China: a panel data analysis. Bonn, Germany: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 126.

Jia, Lili and Petrick, Martin (2014) 'How does land fragmentation affect off-farm labor supply: panel data evidence from China.' Agricultural Economics, 45 (3). pp. 369-380.

Johnston, Deborah

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Mueller, Bernd, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) 'How to do (and how not to do) fieldwork on Fair Trade and rural poverty.' Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 35 (1). pp. 170-185.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia and Uganda. London: SOAS.

Kaiser, Tania

Kaiser, Tania (2014) 'Crisis? Which Crisis? Families and Forced Migration.' In: Lindley, Anna, (ed.), Crisis and Migration: Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge., pp. 181-202.

Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Kalb, Don

Neveling, Patrick and Kalb, Don (2014) 'Engaging Capitalism: Anthropology and capitalism: Beyond gifts versus market [Edited Feature].' In: Focaal Blog, Inaugural Feature Section. Focaal Blog [Inaugural Feature Section] .

Keeley, James

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Khalaf, Abdulhadi

Hanieh, Adam, AlShehabi, Omar and Khalaf, Abdulhadi, eds. (2014) Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf. London: Pluto Press.

Kilama, Blandina

Rizzo, Matteo, Kilama, Blandina and Wuyts, Marc (2014) 'The Invisibility of Wage Employment in Statistics on the Informal Economy in Africa: Causes and Consequences.' Journal of Development Studies, 51 (2). pp. 149-161.

Klem, Bart

Spencer, Jonathan, Goodhand, Jonathan, Hasbullah, Shahul, Klem, Bart, Korf, Benedikt and de Silva, T (2014) Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque: A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace in Eastern Sri Lanka. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Kniveton, Dominic

De Caux, Robert, Smith, Christopher, Kniveton, Dominic, Black, Richard and Philippides, Andrew (2014) 'Dynamic, small-world social network generation through local agent interactions.' Complexity, 19 (6). pp. 44-53.

Martin, Maxmillan, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2014) 'Climate related migration in rural Bangladesh: a behavioural model.' Population and Environment, 36 (1). pp. 85-110.

Korf, Benedikt

Spencer, Jonathan, Goodhand, Jonathan, Hasbullah, Shahul, Klem, Bart, Korf, Benedikt and de Silva, T (2014) Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque: A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace in Eastern Sri Lanka. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Kraus, Elisabeth

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Kraus, Elisabeth, Schoumaker, Bruno and Black, Richard (2014) 'Distance, transnational arrangements and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian and Congolese migrants.' International Migration Review, 48 (4). pp. 939-971.

Kumar, Sunil

Ismail, Feyzi (2014) 'Literature Review for Nepal.' In: The Urbanisation-Construction-Migration Nexus in 5 Cities in South Asia, LSE for DFID’s South Asia Research Hub. The Urbanisation-Construction-Migration Nexus in 5 Cities in South Asia, LSE for DFID’s South Asia Research Hub .

Laville, Jean-Luis

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2014) 'Tomando el Control: Autonomía, subsistencia y de-mercantilización. Gérmenes de Otra Economía en las luchas de los Zapatistas en Chiapas y los Sin Tierra en Brasil.' In: Coraggio, José-Luis and Laville, Jean-Luis, (eds.), Economía, Sociedad y Política. Volumen 2: Los desafíos de la economía social y solidaria. Los Polvorines, Buenos Aires: UNGS-Imago Mundi. (Unpublished)

Lerche, Jens

Jeffery, Roger, Jeffrey, Craig and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2014) Development Failure and Identity Politics in Uttar Pradesh. Delhi: Sage.

Lerche, Jens (2014) 'Regional patterns of agrarian accumulation in India.' In: Heyer, Judith and Harriss-White, Barbara, (eds.), Indian Capitalism in Development. London: Routledge, pp. 46-65. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)

Lindley, Anna

Lindley, Anna, ed. (2014) Crisis and Migration: Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge.

Chang, Dae-Oup (2014) 'The global economic crisis and East Asian labour migration: a crisis of migration or struggles of labour?' In: Lindley, Anna, (ed.), Crisis and Migration: Critical perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 93-114. (Routledge Studies in Development, Mobilities and Migration)

Kaiser, Tania (2014) 'Crisis? Which Crisis? Families and Forced Migration.' In: Lindley, Anna, (ed.), Crisis and Migration: Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge., pp. 181-202.

Lindley, Anna (2014) Critical perspectives on crisis and migration. openDemocracy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Lindley, Anna (2014) 'Environmental Processes, Political Conflict and Migration: A Somali Case Study.' In: Martin, Susan F., Weerasinghe, S. and Taylor, A., (eds.), Humanitarian Crises and Migration: Causes, Consequences and Responses. London: Routledge, pp. 160-178.

Lindley, Anna and Mosley, Jason (2014) 'Challenges for the Somali Money Transfer Sector.' Rift Valley Institute Briefing Paper . Nairobi:

Loescher, Gil

Hammond, Laura (2014) '"Voluntary" Repatriation and Reintegration.' In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Loescher, Gil, Long, Katy and Sigona, Nando, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 499-511.

Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Long, Katy

Hammond, Laura (2014) '"Voluntary" Repatriation and Reintegration.' In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Loescher, Gil, Long, Katy and Sigona, Nando, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 499-511.

Maclean, Lauren

Jennings, Michael (2014) 'Bridging the Local and the Global: Faith-Based Organisations and the Emergence of the Non-State Provider Sector in Tanzania.' In: Maclean, Lauren and Cammett, Melani, (eds.), The Politics of Non-State Social Welfare in the Global South. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 119-136.

Makwarimba, Melissa

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Marois, Thomas

Marois, Thomas (2014) 'Historical Precedents, Contemporary Manifestations: Crisis and the Socialization of Financial Risk in Neoliberal Mexico.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 46 (3). pp. 308-330.

Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2014) 'Türkiye'nin Devlet Bankalarını Geri Kazanmak.' İktisat Dergisi (Special Issue) (527). pp. 54-70.

Muñoz-Martínez, Hepzibah and Marois, Thomas (2014) 'Capital Fixity and Mobility in Response to the 2008-09 Crisis: Variegated Neoliberalism in Mexico and Turkey.' Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32 (6). pp. 1102-1119.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'The Rise of the South.' In: Pradella, Lucia and Marois, Thomas, (eds.), Polarizing Development: Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis. London: Pluto Press, pp. 62-73.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2014) 'Taking Control: Decommodification and Peasant Alternatives to Neoliberalism in Mexico and Brazil.' In: Marois, Thomas and Pradella, Lucia, (eds.), Polarising development : alternatives to neoliberalism and the crisis. London: Pluto Press, pp. 169-179.

Marriage, Zoe

Marriage, Zoe (2014) 'The Democratic Republic of Congo.' In: Frame, Iain, (ed.), Africa South of the Sahara 2015 (44th edition). Abingdon: Routledge.

Martin, Maxmillan

Martin, Maxmillan, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2014) 'Climate related migration in rural Bangladesh: a behavioural model.' Population and Environment, 36 (1). pp. 85-110.

Martin, Susan F.

Lindley, Anna (2014) 'Environmental Processes, Political Conflict and Migration: A Somali Case Study.' In: Martin, Susan F., Weerasinghe, S. and Taylor, A., (eds.), Humanitarian Crises and Migration: Causes, Consequences and Responses. London: Routledge, pp. 160-178.

Mezzadri, Alessandra

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2014) 'Backshoring, local sweatshop regimes and CSR in India.' Competition and Change, 18 (4). pp. 327-344.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2014) 'Cambodian sweatshop protests reveal the blood on our clothes.' The Conversation.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2014) 'Indian Garment Clusters and CSR Norms: Incompatible Agendas at the Bottom of the Garment Commodity Chain.' Oxford Development Studies, 42 (2). pp. 217-237.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2014) 'Review of 'At work in the informal economy of India: a perspective from the bottom up', by Jan Breman (2013).' Journal of Agrarian Change, 14 (3). pp. 466-470.

Michago Seide, Wondwosen

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Mocci, N.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'Washington and Post-Washington Consensus: Neoliberal Agendas for Economic Development (in Italian).' In: Mocci, N., (ed.), Economic and Social Development: Policies and Experiences. Bologna: I Libri di EMIL.

Mollinga, Peter

Mollinga, Peter (2014) 'Canal irrigation and the hydrosocial cycle. The morphogenesis of contested water control in the Tungabhadra Left Bank Canal, South India.' Geoforum, 57. pp. 192-204.

Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2014) 'Finding structure in diversity: A stepwise small-N/medium-N qualitative comparative analysis approach for water resources management research.' Water Alternatives, 7 (1). pp. 178-198.

Mosley, Jason

Lindley, Anna and Mosley, Jason (2014) 'Challenges for the Somali Money Transfer Sector.' Rift Valley Institute Briefing Paper . Nairobi:

Mueller, Bernd

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Mueller, Bernd, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) 'How to do (and how not to do) fieldwork on Fair Trade and rural poverty.' Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 35 (1). pp. 170-185.

Muñoz-Martínez, Hepzibah

Muñoz-Martínez, Hepzibah and Marois, Thomas (2014) 'Capital Fixity and Mobility in Response to the 2008-09 Crisis: Variegated Neoliberalism in Mexico and Turkey.' Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32 (6). pp. 1102-1119.

Münster, Daniel

Neveling, Patrick, Strümpell, Christian and Münster, Daniel, eds. (2014) The making of neoliberal India. New Delhi: Sage. (Contributions to Indian Sociology. Vol. 48, no.1)

Nayak, Nandini

Nayak, Nandini (2014) 'NREGA: Effects and Implications.' EMagazine.

Neveling, Patrick

Neveling, Patrick, Strümpell, Christian and Münster, Daniel, eds. (2014) The making of neoliberal India. New Delhi: Sage. (Contributions to Indian Sociology. Vol. 48, no.1)

Neveling, Patrick (2014) 'Capitalism: The most recent seventy-two years.' FocaalBlog .

Neveling, Patrick (2014) 'Review of: Die Erfindung des Bruttosozialprodukts. Globale Ungleichheit in der Wissensgeschichte der Ökonomie.' Comparativ . pp. 140-3.

Neveling, Patrick (2014) 'Review: Thomas Piketty "Capital in the Twenty-First Century.' Allegra - A Virtual Lab of Legal Anthropology .

Neveling, Patrick (2014) 'Structural contingencies and untimely coincidences in the making of neoliberal India: The Kandla Free Trade Zone, 1965–91.' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 48 (1). pp. 17-43.

Neveling, Patrick (2014) 'Three Shades of Embeddedness, State Capitalism as the Informal Economy, Emic Notions of the Anti-Market, and Counterfeit Garments in the Mauritian Export Processing Zone.' Research in Economic Anthropology, 34. pp. 65-94.

Neveling, Patrick and Kalb, Don (2014) 'Engaging Capitalism: Anthropology and capitalism: Beyond gifts versus market [Edited Feature].' In: Focaal Blog, Inaugural Feature Section. Focaal Blog [Inaugural Feature Section] .

Neves, K.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Newell, Peter

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Novak, Paolo

Novak, Paolo (2014) 'Tracing connections and its politics.' In: Alff, Henryk and Benz, Andreas, (eds.), Tracing Connections: Explorations of Spaces and Places in Asian Contexts. Berlin: VWB.

Ole Nasha, William

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Owusu Asare, Richard

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Oya, Carlos

Bernstein, Henry and Oya, Carlos (2014) Rural futures. How much should markets rule? London: IIED Working Paper.

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Mueller, Bernd, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) 'How to do (and how not to do) fieldwork on Fair Trade and rural poverty.' Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 35 (1). pp. 170-185.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia and Uganda. London: SOAS.

Oya, Carlos (2014) 'Review of Morten Jerven Poor Numbers. How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What to Do about It Ithaca / Londres, Cornell University Press, coll. « Cornell Studies in Political Economy », 2013.' Politique Africaine (133). pp. 187-192.

Pailey, Robtel Neajai

Pailey, Robtel Neajai (2014) '2014 Ebola Outbreak Exposes Large Gaps in Financing Adequate Healthcare in West African Countries.' Development Viewpoint (82). pp. 1-2.

Pailey, Robtel Neajai (2014) 'Patriarchy, Power Distance, and Female Presidency in Liberia.' In: Jallow, Baba G., (ed.), Leadership in Post-Colonial Africa: Trends Transformed by Independence. London, England: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 169-187. (Palgrave Studies in African Leadership)

Pellizzoni, L.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Petrick, Martin

Jia, Lili and Petrick, Martin (2014) 'How does land fragmentation affect off-farm labor supply: panel data evidence from China.' Agricultural Economics, 45 (3). pp. 369-380.

Philippides, Andrew

De Caux, Robert, Smith, Christopher, Kniveton, Dominic, Black, Richard and Philippides, Andrew (2014) 'Dynamic, small-world social network generation through local agent interactions.' Complexity, 19 (6). pp. 44-53.

Pradella, Lucia

Pradella, Lucia (2014) Hegel, Imperialism, and Universal History. (Unpublished)

Pradella, Lucia (2014) 'New Developmentalism and the Origins of Methodological Nationalism.' Competition and Change, 18 (2). pp. 180-193.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'The Rise of the South.' In: Pradella, Lucia and Marois, Thomas, (eds.), Polarizing Development: Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis. London: Pluto Press, pp. 62-73.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2014) 'Taking Control: Decommodification and Peasant Alternatives to Neoliberalism in Mexico and Brazil.' In: Marois, Thomas and Pradella, Lucia, (eds.), Polarising development : alternatives to neoliberalism and the crisis. London: Pluto Press, pp. 169-179.

Raman, Ravi

Raman, Ravi (2014) 'Business, Ethnicity, Politics, and Imperial Interests: The United Planters' Association of Southern India, 1893–1950.' Business History Review, 88 (1). pp. 73-95.

Rigby, K.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Rizzo, Matteo

Cotula, Lorenzo, Oya, Carlos, Codjoe, Emmanuel Ashiedu, Eid, Abdurehman, Kakraba-Ampeh, Mark, Keeley, James, Lokaley Kidewa, Admasu, Makwarimba, Melissa, Michago Seide, Wondwosen, Ole Nasha, William, Owusu Asare, Richard and Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'Testing Claims about Large Land Deals in Africa: Findings from a Multi-Country Study.' Journal of Development Studies, 50 (7). pp. 903-925.

Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'The Political Economy of an Urban Megaproject: the Bus Rapid Transit Project in Tanzania.' African Affairs, 114 (455). pp. 249-270.

Rizzo, Matteo (2014) 'A response to Gundula Fischer's comment.' Review of African Political Economy, 41 (140). pp. 311-315.

Rizzo, Matteo, Kilama, Blandina and Wuyts, Marc (2014) 'The Invisibility of Wage Employment in Statistics on the Informal Economy in Africa: Causes and Consequences.' Journal of Development Studies, 51 (2). pp. 149-161.

Robbin, L.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Robbins, P.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Rose, D.B.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Ross, Andrew

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Rovner, Adam

Achcar, Gilbert, Hashemi, Nader, Chernus, Ira and Rovner, Adam (2014) 'The Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives: Critical Dialogues with Gilbert Achcar.' In: Hashemi, Nader, (ed.), Center for Middle East Studies, Occassional Paper Series No. 3. Denver, Co: University of Denver, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Center for Middle East Studies.

Saad Filho, Alfredo

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'Politics of Neoliberal Development: Washington Consensus and post-Washington Consensus.' In: Weber, Heloise, (ed.), The Politics of Development: A Survey. London: Routledge, pp. 154-166. (Europa Politics of ... series)

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'Brazil: Development Strategies and Social Change from Import-Substitution to the ‘Events of June’.' Studies in Political Economy, 94 (1). pp. 3-31.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'Economic Development, Social Change and Political Protests in Brazil (In Turkish).' Praksis, 34. pp. 83-106.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'The Rise of the South.' In: Pradella, Lucia and Marois, Thomas, (eds.), Polarizing Development: Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis. London: Pluto Press, pp. 62-73.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'The ‘Rise of the South’: Global Convergence at Last?' New Political Economy, 19 (4). pp. 578-600.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'Washington and Post-Washington Consensus: Neoliberal Agendas for Economic Development (in Italian).' In: Mocci, N., (ed.), Economic and Social Development: Policies and Experiences. Bologna: I Libri di EMIL.

Schlosberg, D.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Schoumaker, Bruno

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Kraus, Elisabeth, Schoumaker, Bruno and Black, Richard (2014) 'Distance, transnational arrangements and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian and Congolese migrants.' International Migration Review, 48 (4). pp. 939-971.

Schubert, Alexander T.

Banaji, Jairus (2014) 'On the Identity of Shahrālānyōzān in the Greek and Middle Persian Papyri from Egypt.' In: Schubert, Alexander T. and Sijpesteijn, Petra M., (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 27-42. (Islamic history and civilization : studies and texts, volume 111)

Sender, John

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Mueller, Bernd, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) 'How to do (and how not to do) fieldwork on Fair Trade and rural poverty.' Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 35 (1). pp. 170-185.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2014) Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia and Uganda. London: SOAS.

Siddiqui, Tasneem

Martin, Maxmillan, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2014) 'Climate related migration in rural Bangladesh: a behavioural model.' Population and Environment, 36 (1). pp. 85-110.

Sigona, Nando

Hammond, Laura (2014) '"Voluntary" Repatriation and Reintegration.' In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Loescher, Gil, Long, Katy and Sigona, Nando, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 499-511.

Sijpesteijn, Petra M.

Banaji, Jairus (2014) 'On the Identity of Shahrālānyōzān in the Greek and Middle Persian Papyri from Egypt.' In: Schubert, Alexander T. and Sijpesteijn, Petra M., (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 27-42. (Islamic history and civilization : studies and texts, volume 111)

Smith, Christopher

De Caux, Robert, Smith, Christopher, Kniveton, Dominic, Black, Richard and Philippides, Andrew (2014) 'Dynamic, small-world social network generation through local agent interactions.' Complexity, 19 (6). pp. 44-53.

Sorlin, S.

Castree, Noel, Adams, W.A., Barry, J., Brockington, Dan, Büscher, Bram, Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, Rosaleen, Neves, K., Newell, Peter, Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robbin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, Andrew, Schlosberg, D., Sorlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M. and Wynne, B. (2014) 'Changing the Intellectual Climate.' Nature Climate Change, 4. pp. 763-768.

Spencer, Jonathan

Spencer, Jonathan, Goodhand, Jonathan, Hasbullah, Shahul, Klem, Bart, Korf, Benedikt and de Silva, T (2014) Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque: A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace in Eastern Sri Lanka. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Standing, Guy

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Basic income paid to the poor can transform lives.' Guardian Economics Blog.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cash benefits or basic income - the next phase.' Financial Express.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cash transfers can work better than subsidies.' The Hindu.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cheer up - a renewed left is coming.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Conditionality and human rights.' United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'From cash transfers to basic income: An unfolding Indian Agenda.' Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 57 (1). pp. 111-137.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'O precariado e a luta de classes.' Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (103). pp. 9-24.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Por qué el precariado no es un "concepto espurio".' Sociología del Trabajo (82). pp. 7-15.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'The Precariat.' Contexts, 13 (10). pp. 10-12.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Stockholm syndrome: What happened to the European left?' Al Jazeera America.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Understanding the precariat through labour and work.' Development and Change, 45 (5). pp. 963-980.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Where's Howard? Book review symposium: The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, by Guy Standing.' Global Discourse, 3 (3/4). pp. 536-538.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Why fracking should be for the many.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Why the precariat is not a "bogus concept".' openDemocracy.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'The age of rentier capitalism.' Al Jazeera America.

Standing, Guy (2014) The precariat and class struggle. (Unpublished)

Standing, Guy (2014) A precariat charter: From denizens to citizens. London: Bloomsbury.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Working-Class Perspectives.

Strümpell, Christian

Neveling, Patrick, Strümpell, Christian and Münster, Daniel, eds. (2014) The making of neoliberal India. New Delhi: Sage. (Contributions to Indian Sociology. Vol. 48, no.1)

Taylor, A.

Lindley, Anna (2014) 'Environmental Processes, Political Conflict and Migration: A Somali Case Study.' In: Martin, Susan F., Weerasinghe, S. and Taylor, A., (eds.), Humanitarian Crises and Migration: Causes, Consequences and Responses. London: Routledge, pp. 160-178.

Texler Segal, Marcia

Harris, Colette (2014) 'The use of participatory gender analysis for violence reduction in (post-)conflict settings: a study of a community education project in northern Uganda.' In: Texler Segal, Marcia and Demos, Vasilikie, (eds.), Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part B. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 145-170. (Advances in Gender Research, 18B)

Vergara-Camus, Leandro

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2014) Land and freedom : the MST, the Zapatistas and peasant alternatives to neoliberalism. London: Zed Books.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2014) 'Taking Control: Decommodification and Peasant Alternatives to Neoliberalism in Mexico and Brazil.' In: Marois, Thomas and Pradella, Lucia, (eds.), Polarising development : alternatives to neoliberalism and the crisis. London: Pluto Press, pp. 169-179.

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Weber, Heloise

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