Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'The Allon Plan and the Impediments to Palestinian Statehood.' In: Krieger, H., (ed.), Perspectives Beyond War and Crisis III: What Kind of Palestinian State for what Kind of Peace? ; Report Based on a Conference at the Albert-Schweitzer-Haus in Vienna, Austria, November 23, 2010. Vienna: Vienna Inst. for Internat. Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC), pp. 73-91.
Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'Assessing Holocaust Denial in Western and Arab Contexts.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 41 (1). pp. 82-95.
Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'Der arbeitenden Bevölkerung fehlt eine eigenständige politische Vertretung [Interview].' Emanzipation: Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie, 1 (2). pp. 81-92.
Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'Die Auslaüfer der Schockwelle [Interview].' Springerin, Vienna, 17 (3). pp. 30-34.
Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'Eine historische Chance für die Linke [Interview].' Marx 21 (20). pp. 35-38.
Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'Libyen – eine notwendige Debatte.' Das Argument, Karlsruhe, 53 (2). pp. 186-192.
Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'The Perils of People Power.' American Review: Global Perspectives on US Affairs (5). pp. 49-54.
Black, Richard, Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities. London: Government Office for Science.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2011) 'Marxism and the Twenty-First Century.' In: Argyrous, George and Stilwell, Frank J. B., (eds.), Readings in Political Economy: Economics as Asocial Science. Prahan: Tilde University Press, pp. 105-112.
Black, Richard, Arnell, Nigel W. and Dercon, Stefan, eds. (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change - Review of Drivers of Migration. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special Issue of Global Environmental Change; Vol 21, S1)
Black, Richard, Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities. London: Government Office for Science.
Hammond, Laura, Awad, Mustafa, Ibrahim Dagane, Ali, Hansen, Peter, Horst, Cindy, Menkhaus, Ken and Obare, Lynette (2011) 'Cash and Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development and Peacebuilding.' United Nations Development Programme - Somalia. (Unpublished)
Ismail, Feyzi (2011) 'The politics of occupation.' In: Bailey, Michael and Freedman, Des, (eds.), The Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for Resistance. London: Pluto Press, pp. 123-131.
Banaji, Jairus (2011) 'Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages: What Kind of Transition?' Historical Materialism, 19 (1). pp. 109-144.
Bargawi, Hannah, Bova, Elva, Ferrarini, Benno and Newman, Susan (2011) 'Low-income countries and commodity price volatility.' In: Cottier, Thomas and Delimatsis, Panagiotis, (eds.), The Prospects of International Trade Regulation: From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 452-482.
Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, eds. (2011) The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press.
Bayliss, Kate (2011) 'A Cup Half Full: The World Bank's Assessment of Water Privatisation.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press. (Political economy and development)
Bayliss, Kate (2011) 'A Cup Half Full: The World Bank's Assessment of Water Privatisation.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press. (Political economy and development)
Bayliss, Kate and Watasa, Sam (2011) Output-based Contracts in Small Town Water Supply in Uganda: Challenges and Opportunities. United Nations Development Programme.
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Hard science or waffly crap? Evidence-based policy versus policy-based evidence in the field of violent conflict.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development. The World Bank, Neo-Liberalism and Development Reseearch. London: Pluto Press, pp. 215-238.
Oya, Carlos (2011) 'Agriculture in the World Bank: Blighted Harvest Persists.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development. The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press, pp. 146-187.
Oeppen, Ceri (2011) 'Afghan Immigrants.' In: Bayor, Ronald H., (ed.), Multicultural America: An Encyclopedia of the Newest Americans. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Black, Richard (2011) 'Migration as a public good: can migration work for development?' In: Berendsen, Bernard, (ed.), Common Goods in a Divided World. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, pp. 98-118.
Lindley, Anna (2011) 'Remittances.' In: Betts, A., (ed.), Global Migration Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Collyer, Michael, Binaisa, Naluwembe, Qureshi, Kaveri, McLean Hilker, Lyndsay, Oeppen, Ceri, Vullnetari, Julie and Zeitlyn, Benjamin (2011) The impact of overseas conflict on UK communities. London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Black, Richard, Arnell, Nigel W. and Dercon, Stefan, eds. (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change - Review of Drivers of Migration. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special Issue of Global Environmental Change; Vol 21, S1)
Black, Richard (2011) 'Migration as a public good: can migration work for development?' In: Berendsen, Bernard, (ed.), Common Goods in a Divided World. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, pp. 98-118.
Black, Richard, Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities. London: Government Office for Science.
Pradella, Lucia (2011) 'Kolonialfrage und vorkapitalistische Gesellschaften: Zusätze und Änderungen in der französische Ausgabe des ersten Bandes des Kapital (1872-75).' In: Hubmann, Gerald, Reichel, Claudia and Bouvier, Beatrix, (eds.), Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Pradella, Lucia (2011) 'Report on the Panel ‘Marx and the Global South’.' In: Hubmann, Gerald, Reichel, Claudia and Bouvier, Beatrix, (eds.), Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 177-183.
Bargawi, Hannah, Bova, Elva, Ferrarini, Benno and Newman, Susan (2011) 'Low-income countries and commodity price volatility.' In: Cottier, Thomas and Delimatsis, Panagiotis, (eds.), The Prospects of International Trade Regulation: From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 452-482.
Brockington, Dan and Duffy, Rosaleen, eds. (2011) Capitalism and Conservation. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (Antipode Book Series; previously published as a special issue of Antipode vol 42, no 3)
Saad Filho, Alfredo and Cerimele, Michela (2011) 'Introduction (In Italian).' In: Gruppo Lavoro del Centro per la riforma dello Stato, ., (ed.), Nuova Panda, schiavi in mano: La strategia Fiat di distruzione della forza operaia. Rome: DeriveApprodi.
Chang, Dae-Oup (2011) 'Neoliberalism, Trade Union Response, and the Transformation of the Korean Labour Movement.' In: Gall, G, Hurd, R and Wilkinson, A, (eds.), International Handbook on Labour Unions: responses to neo-liberalism. London: Edward Elgar, pp. 201-227.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post Conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan.' In: Zaum, Dominik and Cheng, Christine, (eds.), Corruption and Post Conflict Peacebuilding: Selling the Peace? London: Routledge, pp. 144-161. (Cass Series on Peacekeeping, 29)
Standing, Guy (2011) 'How cash transfers promote work and economic security.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Chowdhury, Anis, (eds.), Poor Poverty: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 197-221.
Pringle, Tim and Clarke, Simon (2011) The Challenge of Transition: Trade Unions in Russia, China and Vietnam. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Non-Governmental Public Action)
Pringle, Tim, Clarke, Simon and Do, Chi Quynh (2011) 'The resolution of collective labour disputes in Russia, China and Vietnam: the role of trade unions.' Conflict and Cooperation: The International Symposium of Collective Labor Dispute Resolution and Regulation, Beijing, 17-18 December. pp. 107-122.
Collyer, Michael, Binaisa, Naluwembe, Qureshi, Kaveri, McLean Hilker, Lyndsay, Oeppen, Ceri, Vullnetari, Julie and Zeitlyn, Benjamin (2011) The impact of overseas conflict on UK communities. London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Bargawi, Hannah, Bova, Elva, Ferrarini, Benno and Newman, Susan (2011) 'Low-income countries and commodity price volatility.' In: Cottier, Thomas and Delimatsis, Panagiotis, (eds.), The Prospects of International Trade Regulation: From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 452-482.
Cramer, Christopher, Hammond, Laura and Pottier, Johan, eds. (2011) Researching Violence in Africa: Ethical and Methodological Challenges. Leiden: Brill. (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies)
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Hard science or waffly crap? Evidence-based policy versus policy-based evidence in the field of violent conflict.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development. The World Bank, Neo-Liberalism and Development Reseearch. London: Pluto Press, pp. 215-238.
Hammond, Laura (2011) 'Four Layers of Silence: Counterinsurgency in Northeastern Ethiopia.' In: Cramer, Christopher, Hammond, Laura and Pottier, Johan, (eds.), Researching Violence in Africa: Ethical and Methodological Challenges. Leiden: Brill, pp. 61-78. (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies)
Bargawi, Hannah, Bova, Elva, Ferrarini, Benno and Newman, Susan (2011) 'Low-income countries and commodity price volatility.' In: Cottier, Thomas and Delimatsis, Panagiotis, (eds.), The Prospects of International Trade Regulation: From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 452-482.
Black, Richard, Arnell, Nigel W. and Dercon, Stefan, eds. (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change - Review of Drivers of Migration. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special Issue of Global Environmental Change; Vol 21, S1)
Black, Richard, Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities. London: Government Office for Science.
Di John, Jonathan (2011) Taxation, Resource Mobilisation, and State Performance. London: Crisis States Research Centre Working Paper 84 (series 2). London School of Economics.
Pringle, Tim, Clarke, Simon and Do, Chi Quynh (2011) 'The resolution of collective labour disputes in Russia, China and Vietnam: the role of trade unions.' Conflict and Cooperation: The International Symposium of Collective Labor Dispute Resolution and Regulation, Beijing, 17-18 December. pp. 107-122.
Brockington, Dan and Duffy, Rosaleen, eds. (2011) Capitalism and Conservation. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (Antipode Book Series; previously published as a special issue of Antipode vol 42, no 3)
Duffy, Rosaleen (2011) 'Global Networks: The World Bank and Transnational Environmental Management.' Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 3 (3). pp. 329-340.
Duffy, Rosaleen and Moore, Lorraine (2011) 'Encountering global regulations via local practices: The politics of animal welfare in elephant tourism.' Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19 (4-5). pp. 589-604.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'International financial institutions and Egypt.' In: Ekine, Sokari and Manji, Firoze, (eds.), African Awakening: The Emerging Revolutions. Oxford: Pambazuka Press.
Fathollah-Nejad, Ali (2011) Der Iran-Konflikt und die Obama-Regierung: Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? [The Iran Conflict and the Obama Administration: Old Wine in New Skins?]. Potsdam, Germany: Potsdam University Press. (WeltTrends-Papiere; 12)
Bargawi, Hannah, Bova, Elva, Ferrarini, Benno and Newman, Susan (2011) 'Low-income countries and commodity price volatility.' In: Cottier, Thomas and Delimatsis, Panagiotis, (eds.), The Prospects of International Trade Regulation: From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 452-482.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2011) 'Histories of Displacement: Intersections between ethnicity, gender and class.' Journal of North African Studies, 16 (1). pp. 31-48.
Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, eds. (2011) The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press.
Bayliss, Kate (2011) 'A Cup Half Full: The World Bank's Assessment of Water Privatisation.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press. (Political economy and development)
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Hard science or waffly crap? Evidence-based policy versus policy-based evidence in the field of violent conflict.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development. The World Bank, Neo-Liberalism and Development Reseearch. London: Pluto Press, pp. 215-238.
Oya, Carlos (2011) 'Agriculture in the World Bank: Blighted Harvest Persists.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development. The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press, pp. 146-187.
Ismail, Feyzi (2011) 'The politics of occupation.' In: Bailey, Michael and Freedman, Des, (eds.), The Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for Resistance. London: Pluto Press, pp. 123-131.
Chang, Dae-Oup (2011) 'Neoliberalism, Trade Union Response, and the Transformation of the Korean Labour Movement.' In: Gall, G, Hurd, R and Wilkinson, A, (eds.), International Handbook on Labour Unions: responses to neo-liberalism. London: Edward Elgar, pp. 201-227.
Black, Richard, Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities. London: Government Office for Science.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, eds. (2011) Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka: caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Hard science or waffly crap? Evidence-based policy versus policy-based evidence in the field of violent conflict.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development. The World Bank, Neo-Liberalism and Development Reseearch. London: Pluto Press, pp. 215-238.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post Conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan.' In: Zaum, Dominik and Cheng, Christine, (eds.), Corruption and Post Conflict Peacebuilding: Selling the Peace? London: Routledge, pp. 144-161. (Cass Series on Peacekeeping, 29)
Goodhand, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt (2011) 'The illiberal consequences of liberal peacebuilding.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, (eds.), Aid, conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka. Caught in the Peace Trap'. London UK: Routledge, pp. 1-15.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt (2011) 'The illiberal consequences of liberal peacebuilding.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, (eds.), Aid, conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka. Caught in the Peace Trap'. London UK: Routledge, pp. 1-15.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2011) 'Public versus private power: Non governmental organisations and international security.' In: McKercher, Brian, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft. London: Routledge, pp. 428-440.
Saad Filho, Alfredo and Cerimele, Michela (2011) 'Introduction (In Italian).' In: Gruppo Lavoro del Centro per la riforma dello Stato, ., (ed.), Nuova Panda, schiavi in mano: La strategia Fiat di distruzione della forza operaia. Rome: DeriveApprodi.
Gupta, Saloni (2011) Contesting conservation: shahtoosh trade and forest management in Jammu and Kashmir, India. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:
Hahn, Niels (2011) '利用名人当工具的心理战争.' 中国非洲研究评论 = Annual review of African studies in China.
Cramer, Christopher, Hammond, Laura and Pottier, Johan, eds. (2011) Researching Violence in Africa: Ethical and Methodological Challenges. Leiden: Brill. (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies)
Hammond, Laura (2011) 'Four Layers of Silence: Counterinsurgency in Northeastern Ethiopia.' In: Cramer, Christopher, Hammond, Laura and Pottier, Johan, (eds.), Researching Violence in Africa: Ethical and Methodological Challenges. Leiden: Brill, pp. 61-78. (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies)
Hammond, Laura (2011) 'Four Layers of Silence: Counterinsurgency in Northeastern Ethiopia.' In: Cramer, Christopher, Hammond, Laura and Pottier, Johan, (eds.), Researching Violence in Africa: Ethical and Methodological Challenges. Leiden: Brill, pp. 61-78. (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies)
Hammond, Laura, Awad, Mustafa, Ibrahim Dagane, Ali, Hansen, Peter, Horst, Cindy, Menkhaus, Ken and Obare, Lynette (2011) 'Cash and Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development and Peacebuilding.' United Nations Development Programme - Somalia. (Unpublished)
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'Beyond Mubarak: Reframing the "Politics" and "Economics" of Egypt's Uprising.' Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review, 87 (1).
Hanieh, Adam (2011) Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'Egypt's 'Orderly Transition'? International Aid and the Rush to Structural Adjustment.' Jadaliyya.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'International financial institutions and Egypt.' In: Ekine, Sokari and Manji, Firoze, (eds.), African Awakening: The Emerging Revolutions. Oxford: Pambazuka Press.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'The internationalisation of Gulf capital and Palestinian class formation.' Capital and Class, 35 (1). pp. 81-106.
Hammond, Laura, Awad, Mustafa, Ibrahim Dagane, Ali, Hansen, Peter, Horst, Cindy, Menkhaus, Ken and Obare, Lynette (2011) 'Cash and Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development and Peacebuilding.' United Nations Development Programme - Somalia. (Unpublished)
Harris, Colette (2011) 'State business: gender, sex and marriage in Tajikistan.' Central Asian Survey, 30 (1). pp. 97-111.
Lindley, Anna and Haslie, Anita (2011) 'Unlocking protracted displacement: Somali case study.' Oxford: Working Paper Series No. 79. Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Ul Hassan, Mehmood and Mollinga, Peter (2011) 'Transdisciplinary Innovation Research in Uzbekistan – one year of ‘Following The Innovation’.' Development in Practice, 21 (6). pp. 834-847.
Shtaltovna, Anastasiya, Hornidge, Anna-Katharina and Mollinga, Peter (2011) The Reinvention of Agricultural Service Organisations in Uzbekistan - a Machine-Tractor Park in the Khorezm Region. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 75.
Hammond, Laura, Awad, Mustafa, Ibrahim Dagane, Ali, Hansen, Peter, Horst, Cindy, Menkhaus, Ken and Obare, Lynette (2011) 'Cash and Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development and Peacebuilding.' United Nations Development Programme - Somalia. (Unpublished)
Pradella, Lucia (2011) 'Kolonialfrage und vorkapitalistische Gesellschaften: Zusätze und Änderungen in der französische Ausgabe des ersten Bandes des Kapital (1872-75).' In: Hubmann, Gerald, Reichel, Claudia and Bouvier, Beatrix, (eds.), Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Pradella, Lucia (2011) 'Report on the Panel ‘Marx and the Global South’.' In: Hubmann, Gerald, Reichel, Claudia and Bouvier, Beatrix, (eds.), Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 177-183.
Chang, Dae-Oup (2011) 'Neoliberalism, Trade Union Response, and the Transformation of the Korean Labour Movement.' In: Gall, G, Hurd, R and Wilkinson, A, (eds.), International Handbook on Labour Unions: responses to neo-liberalism. London: Edward Elgar, pp. 201-227.
Hammond, Laura, Awad, Mustafa, Ibrahim Dagane, Ali, Hansen, Peter, Horst, Cindy, Menkhaus, Ken and Obare, Lynette (2011) 'Cash and Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development and Peacebuilding.' United Nations Development Programme - Somalia. (Unpublished)
Ismail, Feyzi (2011) The Left Bloc and resistance across Europe. Global Research (19 Sep) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Ismail, Feyzi (2011) 'New Nepal: The Fault Lines.' Journal of Contemporary Asia, 41 (3). pp. 512-514.
Ismail, Feyzi (2011) 'The politics of occupation.' In: Bailey, Michael and Freedman, Des, (eds.), The Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for Resistance. London: Pluto Press, pp. 123-131.
Jennings, Michael (2011) 'Buying cheap isn’t always best for development.' The Guardian Poverty Matters Blog .
Jennings, Michael and Mercer, Claire (2011) 'Réhabiliter les nationalismes : convivialité et conscience nationale en Tanzanie post-coloniale’ [Rehabilitating Nationalisms: Conviviality and National Consciousness in Post-Colonial Tanzania].' Politique Africaine, 121. pp. 87-106.
Standing, Guy (2011) 'How cash transfers promote work and economic security.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Chowdhury, Anis, (eds.), Poor Poverty: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 197-221.
Rampton, David (2011) 'In the Wake of Legends : The Significance of Ontological Approaches to the Study of Nationalism.' In: Kapferer, Bruce, (ed.), Legends of People, Myths of State: Violence, Intolerance and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia. London: Berghahn, pp. 263-290. (Smithsonian series in ethnographic inquiry)
Khera, Reetika and Nayak, Nandini (2011) 'Women Workers and Perceptions of the NREGA.' In: Khera, Reetika, (ed.), The Battle for Employment Guarantee. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 81-104.
Khera, Reetika and Nayak, Nandini (2011) 'Women Workers and Perceptions of the NREGA.' In: Khera, Reetika, (ed.), The Battle for Employment Guarantee. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 81-104.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, eds. (2011) Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka: caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Goodhand, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt (2011) 'The illiberal consequences of liberal peacebuilding.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, (eds.), Aid, conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka. Caught in the Peace Trap'. London UK: Routledge, pp. 1-15.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt (2011) 'The illiberal consequences of liberal peacebuilding.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, (eds.), Aid, conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka. Caught in the Peace Trap'. London UK: Routledge, pp. 1-15.
Achcar, Gilbert (2011) 'The Allon Plan and the Impediments to Palestinian Statehood.' In: Krieger, H., (ed.), Perspectives Beyond War and Crisis III: What Kind of Palestinian State for what Kind of Peace? ; Report Based on a Conference at the Albert-Schweitzer-Haus in Vienna, Austria, November 23, 2010. Vienna: Vienna Inst. for Internat. Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC), pp. 73-91.
Lerche, Jens (2011) 'Agrarian Crisis and Agrarian Questions in India.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 11 (1). pp. 104-118.
Lerche, Jens (2011) The Unfree Labour Category and Unfree Labour Estimates: A Continuum within Low-End Labour Relations. Manchester: Manchester Papers in Political Economy , CSPE.
Lindley, Anna (2011) 'Between a protracted and a crisis situation: policy responses to Somali refugees in Kenya.' Refugee Survey Quarterly, 30 (4). pp. 14-49.
Lindley, Anna (2011) 'Remittances.' In: Betts, A., (ed.), Global Migration Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lindley, Anna (2011) 'Review of 'Understanding the Somalia Conflagration: Identity, Political Islam and Peace Building'.' African Affairs, 110 (44). pp. 514-515.
Lindley, Anna and Haslie, Anita (2011) 'Unlocking protracted displacement: Somali case study.' Oxford: Working Paper Series No. 79. Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'International financial institutions and Egypt.' In: Ekine, Sokari and Manji, Firoze, (eds.), African Awakening: The Emerging Revolutions. Oxford: Pambazuka Press.
Marois, Thomas (2011) 'Emerging market bank rescues in an era of finance-led neoliberalism: A comparison of Mexico and Turkey.' Review of International Political Economy, 18 (2). pp. 168-196.
Marois, Thomas (2011) The Socialization of Financial Risk in Neoliberal Mexico. London: Research on Money and Finance, Department of Economics, SOAS.
Marriage, Zoe (2011) 'Divisive ‘commonality’: state and insecurity in the Democratic Republic of Congo.' Third World Quarterly, 32 (10). pp. 1891-1910.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2011) 'Public versus private power: Non governmental organisations and international security.' In: McKercher, Brian, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft. London: Routledge, pp. 428-440.
Collyer, Michael, Binaisa, Naluwembe, Qureshi, Kaveri, McLean Hilker, Lyndsay, Oeppen, Ceri, Vullnetari, Julie and Zeitlyn, Benjamin (2011) The impact of overseas conflict on UK communities. London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hammond, Laura, Awad, Mustafa, Ibrahim Dagane, Ali, Hansen, Peter, Horst, Cindy, Menkhaus, Ken and Obare, Lynette (2011) 'Cash and Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development and Peacebuilding.' United Nations Development Programme - Somalia. (Unpublished)
Jennings, Michael and Mercer, Claire (2011) 'Réhabiliter les nationalismes : convivialité et conscience nationale en Tanzanie post-coloniale’ [Rehabilitating Nationalisms: Conviviality and National Consciousness in Post-Colonial Tanzania].' Politique Africaine, 121. pp. 87-106.
Mezzadri, Alessandra (2011) 'Review of 'Africa's Informal Workers: collective agency, alliances and transnational organising in urban Africa’ edited by Ilda Lindell.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 49 (2). pp. 344-345.
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Ul Hassan, Mehmood and Mollinga, Peter (2011) 'Transdisciplinary Innovation Research in Uzbekistan – one year of ‘Following The Innovation’.' Development in Practice, 21 (6). pp. 834-847.
Shtaltovna, Anastasiya, Hornidge, Anna-Katharina and Mollinga, Peter (2011) The Reinvention of Agricultural Service Organisations in Uzbekistan - a Machine-Tractor Park in the Khorezm Region. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 75.
Duffy, Rosaleen and Moore, Lorraine (2011) 'Encountering global regulations via local practices: The politics of animal welfare in elephant tourism.' Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19 (4-5). pp. 589-604.
Morais, Lecio and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2011) 'Brazil beyond Lula: Forging Ahead or Pausing for Breath?' Latin American Perspectives, 38 (2). pp. 31-44.
Mueller, Bernd (2011) 'The agrarian question in Tanzania: using new evidence to reconcile an old debate.' Review of African Political Economy, 28 (127). pp. 23-42.
Khera, Reetika and Nayak, Nandini (2011) 'Women Workers and Perceptions of the NREGA.' In: Khera, Reetika, (ed.), The Battle for Employment Guarantee. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 81-104.
Bargawi, Hannah, Bova, Elva, Ferrarini, Benno and Newman, Susan (2011) 'Low-income countries and commodity price volatility.' In: Cottier, Thomas and Delimatsis, Panagiotis, (eds.), The Prospects of International Trade Regulation: From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 452-482.
Novak, Paolo (2011) 'The Flexible Territoriality of Borders.' Geopolitics, 16 (4). pp. 741-767.
Novak, Paolo (2011) 'The Institutional Incompleteness of Empire.' Central Asian Survey, 30 (3-4). pp. 389-406.
Hammond, Laura, Awad, Mustafa, Ibrahim Dagane, Ali, Hansen, Peter, Horst, Cindy, Menkhaus, Ken and Obare, Lynette (2011) 'Cash and Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development and Peacebuilding.' United Nations Development Programme - Somalia. (Unpublished)
Collyer, Michael, Binaisa, Naluwembe, Qureshi, Kaveri, McLean Hilker, Lyndsay, Oeppen, Ceri, Vullnetari, Julie and Zeitlyn, Benjamin (2011) The impact of overseas conflict on UK communities. London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
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Collyer, Michael, Binaisa, Naluwembe, Qureshi, Kaveri, McLean Hilker, Lyndsay, Oeppen, Ceri, Vullnetari, Julie and Zeitlyn, Benjamin (2011) The impact of overseas conflict on UK communities. London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.