Abdullaev, Iskandar and Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'The Socio-Technical Aspects of Water Management: Emerging Trends at Grass Roots Level in Uzbekistan.' Water, 2 (1). pp. 85-100.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) '‘Al-Yasār al-‘Arabi: Hiwār Ajrāhu Wā’il ‘Abdul-Rahīm’ = ليسار العربيّ: حوار أجراه وائل عبد الرحيم مع جلبير الأشقر.' Al-Adāb, 58 (4-5). pp. 41-46.
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) 'Antisémitisme et négationnisme dans l’Orient arabo-musulman.' In: Benbassa, Esther, (ed.), Dictionnaire des racismes, de l’exclusion et des discriminations. Paris: Larousse, pp. 143-146.
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives. London ; New York: Saqi ; Metropolitan.
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) 'Kosmopolitismus, moderner.' In: Haug, Wolfgang Fritz, (ed.), Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus. Berlin: Institut für kritische Theorie (Inkrit).
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) 'L’intellectuel symbolique: Notes sur la marge des Mémoires de Daniel Bensaïd.' Lignes, Paris (32). pp. 11-20.
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) 'Nakba.' In: Benbassa, Esther, (ed.), Dictionnaire des racismes, de l’exclusion et des discriminations. Paris: Larousse, p. 497.
Raman, Ravi and Ajit, D. (2010) 'Commercial Microfinance in India: Loan Angels or Loan Sharks.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Banaji, Jairus (2010) 'The Ironies of Indian Maoism.' International Socialism: A Quarterly Review of Socialist Theory (128). pp. 129-148.
Banaji, Jairus (2010) 'Late Antique Legacies and Muslim Economic Expansion.' In: Haldon, John, (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria: A Review of Current Debate. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Banaji, Jairus (2010) Theory as History: Essays on Modes of Production and Exploitation. Leiden; Boston: Brill. (Historical materialism book series, 25)
Mezzadri, Alessandra (2010) 'Assessing the Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for ‘Poverty Reduction through Productive Activities’: The Case of the Delhi Garment Cluster.' In: Baptist, Simon, (ed.), Growth, Exports and Technological Change in Developing Countries. Vienna: UNIDO, pp. 148-165. (UNIDO Research and Statistics Branch Working Paper 26/2009)
Pailey, Robtel Neajai (2010) 'Craft and Concerns in Helene Cooper’s The House at Sugar Beach.' In: Makokha, JKS, Barasa, Remmy and Daramola, Adeyemi, (eds.), Tales, Tellers and Talemaking: Critical Studies on Literary Stylistics and Narrative Styles in Contemporary African Literature. Berlin, Germany: Verlag Dr. Mueller (VDM), pp. 169-183.
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) 'Antisémitisme et négationnisme dans l’Orient arabo-musulman.' In: Benbassa, Esther, (ed.), Dictionnaire des racismes, de l’exclusion et des discriminations. Paris: Larousse, pp. 143-146.
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) 'Nakba.' In: Benbassa, Esther, (ed.), Dictionnaire des racismes, de l’exclusion et des discriminations. Paris: Larousse, p. 497.
Bernstein, Henry (2010) Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change. Halifax, N.S: Fernwood.
Bernstein, Henry (2010) 'Globalisation, neoliberalism, labour, with reference to South Africa.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Mass Resistance. London: Routledge.
Bernstein, Henry (2010) 'Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change: Bringing Class Back In.' In: Long, Norman and Ye, Jingzhong, (eds.), Rural Transformations and Policy Intervention in the Twenty First Century: China in Context. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., eds. (2010) When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Mollinga, Peter and Bhat, Anjali (2010) 'When policy meets reality: The embeddedness and contestation of water resources management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-25.
Mollinga, Peter and Bhat, Anjali (2010) 'When policy meets reality: The embeddedness and contestation of water resources management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-25.
Yalcin, Resul and Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: the introduction of a new institutional arrangement for local water management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 97-126.
Black, Richard, Pantiru, Maria Cristina, Engbersen, Godfried and Okolski, Marek (2010) A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (IMISCOE Research)
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'Concealing Violence Against Women in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps: The politicisation of victimhood.' In: Bradby, Hannah and Lewando-Hundt, Gillian, (eds.), Global Perspectives on War, Gender and Health: The Sociology and Anthropology of Suffering. Farnham: Ashgate.
Brockington, Dan and Duffy, Rosaleen (2010) 'Capitalism and Conservation: The Production and Reproduction of Biodiversity Conservation.' Antipode, 42 (3). pp. 469-484.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Chang, Dae-Oup (2010) 'Alterglobalisation Movement in Asia: New Politics of Scale.' Marxism 21, 7 (3). pp. 112-138.
Chang, Dae-Oup (2010) 'Critique of Social Movement Trade Unionism: Multilayered value-fronts and the possibility of social-labour movement.' In: Seong Jin, Jeong and Kim, Chang-guen, (eds.), Ideas of Alter-Globalization Movement. Seoul, Korea: Hanul, pp. 45-90.
Chatty, Dawn, Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena and Crivello, G. (2010) 'Identity With/out Territory: Sahrawi Refugee Youth in Transnational Space.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Deterritorialized Youth : Sahrawi and Afghan refugees at the margins of the Middle East. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 37-84.
Chatty, Dawn, Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena and Crivello, G. (2010) 'Identity With/out Territory: Sahrawi Refugee Youth in Transnational Space.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Deterritorialized Youth : Sahrawi and Afghan refugees at the margins of the Middle East. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 37-84.
Crivello, G. and Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'The Ties that Bind: Sahrawi Children and the Mediation of Aid in Exile.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Deterritorialized youth : Sahrawi and Afghan refugees at the margins of the Middle East. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 85-118.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'When the Self becomes Other: representations of gender, Islam and the politics of survival in the Sahrawi refugee camps.' In: Chatty, Dawn and Findlay, B., (eds.), Dispossession and Displacement: Forced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kabeer, Naila and Cook, Sarah, eds. (2010) Deficits and trajectories: social protection as development policy in the Asia region. India: Routledge.
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Social protection.' In: Cornwall, Andrea and Eade, Deborah, (eds.), Deconstructing development discourse: Buzzwords and fuzzwords. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 53-67.
Chatty, Dawn, Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena and Crivello, G. (2010) 'Identity With/out Territory: Sahrawi Refugee Youth in Transnational Space.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Deterritorialized Youth : Sahrawi and Afghan refugees at the margins of the Middle East. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 37-84.
Crivello, G. and Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'The Ties that Bind: Sahrawi Children and the Mediation of Aid in Exile.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Deterritorialized youth : Sahrawi and Afghan refugees at the margins of the Middle East. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 85-118.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Pailey, Robtel Neajai (2010) 'Craft and Concerns in Helene Cooper’s The House at Sugar Beach.' In: Makokha, JKS, Barasa, Remmy and Daramola, Adeyemi, (eds.), Tales, Tellers and Talemaking: Critical Studies on Literary Stylistics and Narrative Styles in Contemporary African Literature. Berlin, Germany: Verlag Dr. Mueller (VDM), pp. 169-183.
Brockington, Dan and Duffy, Rosaleen (2010) 'Capitalism and Conservation: The Production and Reproduction of Biodiversity Conservation.' Antipode, 42 (3). pp. 469-484.
Duffy, Rosaleen (2010) Nature Crime: How We're Getting Conservation Wrong. London: Yale University Press.
Duffy, Rosaleen and Moore, Lorraine (2010) 'Neoliberalising Nature: Elephant Back Tourism in Thailand and Botswana.' Antipode, 42 (3). pp. 742-766.
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Social protection.' In: Cornwall, Andrea and Eade, Deborah, (eds.), Deconstructing development discourse: Buzzwords and fuzzwords. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 53-67.
Black, Richard, Pantiru, Maria Cristina, Engbersen, Godfried and Okolski, Marek (2010) A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (IMISCOE Research)
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Fathollah-Nejad, Ali (2010) 'Collateral Damage of Iran Sanctions.' The ColdType Reader (46). pp. 56-57.
Chatty, Dawn, Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena and Crivello, G. (2010) 'Identity With/out Territory: Sahrawi Refugee Youth in Transnational Space.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Deterritorialized Youth : Sahrawi and Afghan refugees at the margins of the Middle East. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 37-84.
Crivello, G. and Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'The Ties that Bind: Sahrawi Children and the Mediation of Aid in Exile.' In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Deterritorialized youth : Sahrawi and Afghan refugees at the margins of the Middle East. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 85-118.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'Concealing Violence Against Women in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps: The politicisation of victimhood.' In: Bradby, Hannah and Lewando-Hundt, Gillian, (eds.), Global Perspectives on War, Gender and Health: The Sociology and Anthropology of Suffering. Farnham: Ashgate.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'Education, migration and internationalism: situating Muslim Middle Eastern and North African students in Cuba.' The Journal of North African Studies, 15 (2). pp. 137-155.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'When the Self becomes Other: representations of gender, Islam and the politics of survival in the Sahrawi refugee camps.' In: Chatty, Dawn and Findlay, B., (eds.), Dispossession and Displacement: Forced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena and Qasmiyeh, Yousif (2010) 'Muslim asylum-seekers and refugees : Negotiating politics, religion and identity in the UK.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 23 (3/4). pp. 294-314.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'When the Self becomes Other: representations of gender, Islam and the politics of survival in the Sahrawi refugee camps.' In: Chatty, Dawn and Findlay, B., (eds.), Dispossession and Displacement: Forced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2010) Marx's Capital. 5th edition. London: Pluto Press.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2010) 'Stabilizing a Victor’s Peace? Humanitarian action and reconstruction in eastern Sri Lanka.' Disasters, 34 (3). pp. 342-367.
Rampton, David (2010) ''Would the Real Dutugemunu Please Stand Up?' The Politics of Sinhala Nationalist Authenticity and Populist Discontent.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka Caught in the Peace Trap? Oxon: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Walton, Oliver and Saravanamuttu, P. (2010) 'In the Balance? Civil society and the peace process 2002-2008.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka : caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
Hahn, Niels (2010) 'Celebrities and the Taylor trial: Justice and false consciousness.' Pambazuka, 497.
Banaji, Jairus (2010) 'Late Antique Legacies and Muslim Economic Expansion.' In: Haldon, John, (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria: A Review of Current Debate. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Khaleeji-Capital: Class-Formation and Regional Integration in the Middle-East Gulf.' Historical Materialism, 18 (2). pp. 35-76.
Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Prisoners and Prison Conditions.' In: Rubenberg, Cheryl, (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers.
Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Temporary Migrant Labour and the Spatial Structuring of Class in the Gulf Cooperation Council.' Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 2 (3). pp. 67-89.
Lerche, Jens (2010) 'From ‘Rural Labour’ to ‘Classes of Labour’: Class Fragmentation, Caste and Class Struggle at the Bottom of the Indian Labour Hierarchy.' In: Harriss-White, Barbara and Heyer, Judith, (eds.), The Comparative Political Economy of Development. Africa and South Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 66-87. (Routledge studies in development economics, 77)
Achcar, Gilbert (2010) 'Kosmopolitismus, moderner.' In: Haug, Wolfgang Fritz, (ed.), Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus. Berlin: Institut für kritische Theorie (Inkrit).
Lerche, Jens (2010) 'From ‘Rural Labour’ to ‘Classes of Labour’: Class Fragmentation, Caste and Class Struggle at the Bottom of the Indian Labour Hierarchy.' In: Harriss-White, Barbara and Heyer, Judith, (eds.), The Comparative Political Economy of Development. Africa and South Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 66-87. (Routledge studies in development economics, 77)
Ismail, Feyzi (2010) Nepal's Peace Process: Does Ethnic Inclusion Mean Economic Inclusion? London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 49.
Standing, Guy and Jhabvala, Renana (2010) 'Targeting to the "poor": Clogged pipes and bureaucratic blinkers.' Economic and Political Weekly, XLV (26-27). pp. 239-246.
Standing, Guy, Unni, Jeemol, Jhabvala, Renana and Rani, Uma (2010) Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. New Delhi: Routledge.
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'In-Migration vs Out-Migration.' In: Jones, Terry-Ann and Mielants, Eric, (eds.), Mass Migration in the World-System: Past, Present and Future. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, pp. 122-143. (Political economy of the world-system annuals, v. 31)
Kabeer, Naila and Cook, Sarah, eds. (2010) Deficits and trajectories: social protection as development policy in the Asia region. India: Routledge.
Kabeer, Naila (2010) Can the MDGs Provide a Pathway to Social Justice? The Challenge of Intersecting Inequalities. New York: MDG Achievement Fund.
Kabeer, Naila, Mumtaz, Khawar and Sayeed, Assad (2010) 'Beyond risk management: vulnerability, social protection and citizenship in Pakistan.' Journal of International Development, 22 (1). pp. 1-19.
Kaiser, Tania (2010) 'Dispersal, division and diversification: durable solutions and Sudanese refugees in Uganda.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 4 (1). pp. 44-60.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Chang, Dae-Oup (2010) 'Critique of Social Movement Trade Unionism: Multilayered value-fronts and the possibility of social-labour movement.' In: Seong Jin, Jeong and Kim, Chang-guen, (eds.), Ideas of Alter-Globalization Movement. Seoul, Korea: Hanul, pp. 45-90.
Klien, Susanne and Neveling, Patrick, eds. (2010) Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'Introduction: Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention.' In: Klien, Susanne and Neveling, Patrick, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 1-52. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'Introduction: Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention.' In: Klien, Susanne and Neveling, Patrick, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 1-52. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'The salience of traditions, inventions and global integration compared: Japan and the Mascarene Islands.' In: Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 53-61. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'The salience of traditions, inventions and global integration compared: Japan and the Mascarene Islands.' In: Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 53-61. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Rampton, David (2010) ''Would the Real Dutugemunu Please Stand Up?' The Politics of Sinhala Nationalist Authenticity and Populist Discontent.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka Caught in the Peace Trap? Oxon: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Walton, Oliver and Saravanamuttu, P. (2010) 'In the Balance? Civil society and the peace process 2002-2008.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka : caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Lerche, Jens (2010) 'From ‘Rural Labour’ to ‘Classes of Labour’: Class Fragmentation, Caste and Class Struggle at the Bottom of the Indian Labour Hierarchy.' In: Harriss-White, Barbara and Heyer, Judith, (eds.), The Comparative Political Economy of Development. Africa and South Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 66-87. (Routledge studies in development economics, 77)
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2010) 'Concealing Violence Against Women in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps: The politicisation of victimhood.' In: Bradby, Hannah and Lewando-Hundt, Gillian, (eds.), Global Perspectives on War, Gender and Health: The Sociology and Anthropology of Suffering. Farnham: Ashgate.
Lindley, Anna (2010) The Early Morning Phone Call: Somali Refugees' Remittances. New York: Berghahn. (Studies in forced migration. v. 28)
Lindley, Anna (2010) 'Leaving Mogadishu: Towards a Sociology of Conflict-Related Mobility.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 23 (1). pp. 2-22.
Lindley, Anna (2010) 'Seeking refuge in an unrecognized state: Oromos in Somaliland.' Refuge: Canada's periodical on refugees, 26 (1). pp. 187-189.
Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., eds. (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. USA: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'Corporate Social Responsibility, Local Livelihood and Human Rights: The Case of Coca Cola in India.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'Strange Bedfellows? Critiquing Corporate Social Responsibility.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi and Ajit, D. (2010) 'Commercial Microfinance in India: Loan Angels or Loan Sharks.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Bernstein, Henry (2010) 'Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change: Bringing Class Back In.' In: Long, Norman and Ye, Jingzhong, (eds.), Rural Transformations and Policy Intervention in the Twenty First Century: China in Context. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Pailey, Robtel Neajai (2010) 'Craft and Concerns in Helene Cooper’s The House at Sugar Beach.' In: Makokha, JKS, Barasa, Remmy and Daramola, Adeyemi, (eds.), Tales, Tellers and Talemaking: Critical Studies on Literary Stylistics and Narrative Styles in Contemporary African Literature. Berlin, Germany: Verlag Dr. Mueller (VDM), pp. 169-183.
Marriage, Zoe (2010) 'Congo Co.: Aid and Security.' Conflict, Security and Development, 10 (3). pp. 353-377.
Marriage, Zoe (2010) 'Many conflicts, one peace: Congo’s economy and global security.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 301-316.
Mezzadri, Alessandra (2010) 'Assessing the Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for ‘Poverty Reduction through Productive Activities’: The Case of the Delhi Garment Cluster.' In: Baptist, Simon, (ed.), Growth, Exports and Technological Change in Developing Countries. Vienna: UNIDO, pp. 148-165. (UNIDO Research and Statistics Branch Working Paper 26/2009)
Mezzadri, Alessandra (2010) 'Globalisation, informalisation and the state in the Indian garment industry.' International Review of Sociology, 20 (3). pp. 491-511.
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'In-Migration vs Out-Migration.' In: Jones, Terry-Ann and Mielants, Eric, (eds.), Mass Migration in the World-System: Past, Present and Future. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, pp. 122-143. (Political economy of the world-system annuals, v. 31)
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., eds. (2010) When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Abdullaev, Iskandar and Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'The Socio-Technical Aspects of Water Management: Emerging Trends at Grass Roots Level in Uzbekistan.' Water, 2 (1). pp. 85-100.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Mollinga, Peter (2010) Boundary concepts for interdisciplinary analysis of irrigation water management in South Asia. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 64.
Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'Boundary work and the complexity of natural resources management.' Crop Science, 50 (1). S1-S9.
Mollinga, Peter (2010) Transdisciplinary Method for Water Pollution and Human Health Research. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 59..
Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'The material conditions of a polarised discourse. Clamours and silences in critical analysis of agricultural water use in India.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 10 (3). pp. 414-436.
Mollinga, Peter and Bhat, Anjali (2010) 'When policy meets reality: The embeddedness and contestation of water resources management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-25.
Mollinga, Peter and Bhat, Anjali (2010) 'When policy meets reality: The embeddedness and contestation of water resources management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-25.
Mollinga, Peter and Tucker, S. P. (2010) 'Changing water governance in India: Taking the longer view.' SAWAS: South Asian Water Studies, 1 (3). i-vi.
Saravanan, V. S. and Mollinga, Peter (2010) Water Pollution and Human Health - Transdisciplinary Research on Risk Governance in a Complex Society. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 56.
Yalcin, Resul and Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: the introduction of a new institutional arrangement for local water management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 97-126.
Yalcin, Resul and Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: the introduction of a new institutional arrangement for local water management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 97-126.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Duffy, Rosaleen and Moore, Lorraine (2010) 'Neoliberalising Nature: Elephant Back Tourism in Thailand and Botswana.' Antipode, 42 (3). pp. 742-766.
Kabeer, Naila, Mumtaz, Khawar and Sayeed, Assad (2010) 'Beyond risk management: vulnerability, social protection and citizenship in Pakistan.' Journal of International Development, 22 (1). pp. 1-19.
Nayak, Nandini (2010) Claiming the Landscape: Assertions for Land and Livelihood in south west Madhya Pradesh, India. In: Law and Social Sciences Research Network (LASSNET) Conference 2010, 27-30 December 2010, Pune, India. (Unpublished)
Neveling, Patrick, ed. (2010) Sociologus, vol. 60 (1). Berlin: Duncker und Humblot. (Sociologus)
Klien, Susanne and Neveling, Patrick, eds. (2010) Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick (2010) 'Einleitende Überlegungen: Wissen um Veränderung – Entwicklung, Geschichte, sozialer Wandel.' Sociologus, 60 (1). pp. 1-13.
Neveling, Patrick (2010) 'Vom Nutzen der Geschichte, vom Wissen der Akteure und vom Nachteil der Multi-Sited Ethnography – Welthandel, Wirtschaftskrise und Standortwettbewerb in Mauritius Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts.' Sociologus, 60 (1). pp. 71-97.
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'Introduction: Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention.' In: Klien, Susanne and Neveling, Patrick, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 1-52. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'Introduction: Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention.' In: Klien, Susanne and Neveling, Patrick, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 1-52. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'The salience of traditions, inventions and global integration compared: Japan and the Mascarene Islands.' In: Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 53-61. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne (2010) 'The salience of traditions, inventions and global integration compared: Japan and the Mascarene Islands.' In: Neveling, Patrick and Klien, Susanne, (eds.), Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Halle-Wittenberg: Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies, pp. 53-61. (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28)
Wergin, Carsten and Neveling, Patrick (2010) 'Tourism and Scale.' Anthropology News, 51 (8). pp. 3-4.
Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, eds. (2010) Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: Understanding Modern Afghanistan and its Diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press.
Oeppen, Ceri (2010) 'The Afghan diaspora and its involvement in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.' In: Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, (eds.), Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: understanding modern Afghanistan and its diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press, pp. 141-156.
Oeppen, Ceri (2010) 'The Afghan diaspora and its involvement in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.' In: Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, (eds.), Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: understanding modern Afghanistan and its diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press, pp. 141-156.
Oeppen, Ceri (2010) Commentary on the April 2010 Country of Origin Information Report on Afghanistan. London: Independent Advisory Group on Country Information.
Oeppen, Ceri (2010) Hopes, needs, rights, and laws: How do governments and citizens manage migration and settlement? New York: Crabtree.
Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela (2010) 'Beyond "the wild tribes": working towards an understanding of contemporary Afghanistan.' In: Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, (eds.), Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: understanding modern Afghanistan and its diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press, pp. 1-8.
Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela (2010) 'Beyond "the wild tribes": working towards an understanding of contemporary Afghanistan.' In: Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, (eds.), Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: understanding modern Afghanistan and its diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press, pp. 1-8.
Black, Richard, Pantiru, Maria Cristina, Engbersen, Godfried and Okolski, Marek (2010) A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (IMISCOE Research)
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Oya, Carlos (2010) 'Agro-pessimism, capitalism and agrarian change: trajectories and contradictions in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 85-109.
Oya, Carlos (2010) 'Local and global food distribution: Malfunctioning markets.' The Broker (23). pp. 10-13.
Oya, Carlos (2010) Rural inequality, wage employment and labour market formation in Africa: Historical and micro-level evidence. Geneva: International Labour Office. Working Paper no. 97.
Oya, Carlos and Pons-Vignon, Nicolas (2010) 'Aid, Development and the State in Africa.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 172-198.
Marriage, Zoe (2010) 'Many conflicts, one peace: Congo’s economy and global security.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 301-316.
Oya, Carlos (2010) 'Agro-pessimism, capitalism and agrarian change: trajectories and contradictions in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 85-109.
Oya, Carlos and Pons-Vignon, Nicolas (2010) 'Aid, Development and the State in Africa.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 172-198.
Pailey, Robtel Neajai (2010) 'Craft and Concerns in Helene Cooper’s The House at Sugar Beach.' In: Makokha, JKS, Barasa, Remmy and Daramola, Adeyemi, (eds.), Tales, Tellers and Talemaking: Critical Studies on Literary Stylistics and Narrative Styles in Contemporary African Literature. Berlin, Germany: Verlag Dr. Mueller (VDM), pp. 169-183.
Black, Richard, Pantiru, Maria Cristina, Engbersen, Godfried and Okolski, Marek (2010) A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (IMISCOE Research)
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.
Oya, Carlos and Pons-Vignon, Nicolas (2010) 'Aid, Development and the State in Africa.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 172-198.
Pradella, Lucia (2010) 'Beijing between Smith and Marx.' Historical Materialism, 18 (1). pp. 88-109.
Pradella, Lucia (2010) Keynes and Marx in the Face of the Crisis. In: First International Conference in Political Economy, IIPPE, 10-12 September 2010, Crete, Greece. (Unpublished)
Pradella, Lucia (2010) L'attualità del Capitale. Accumulazione e impoverimento nel capitalismo globale. Padova: Il Poligrafo. (Ricerche)
Pradella, Lucia (2010) Marx and Globalisation. In: Sixth International Marx Congress, September 22-25, 2010, Paris Nanterre. (Unpublished)
Pradella, Lucia (2010) The current crisis and Marxian law of impoverishment of the working class. In: Sixth International Marx Congress, September 22-25, 2010, Paris Nanterre. (Unpublished)
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena and Qasmiyeh, Yousif (2010) 'Muslim asylum-seekers and refugees : Negotiating politics, religion and identity in the UK.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 23 (3/4). pp. 294-314.
Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., eds. (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. USA: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi, ed. (2010) Development, Democracy and the State: Critiquing Kerala Model of Development. New York and London: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'Corporate Social Responsibility, Local Livelihood and Human Rights: The Case of Coca Cola in India.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'Corporate Social Responsibility, Local Livelihood and Human Rights: The Case of Coca Cola in India.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'In-Migration vs Out-Migration.' In: Jones, Terry-Ann and Mielants, Eric, (eds.), Mass Migration in the World-System: Past, Present and Future. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, pp. 122-143. (Political economy of the world-system annuals, v. 31)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'Strange Bedfellows? Critiquing Corporate Social Responsibility.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'Strange Bedfellows? Critiquing Corporate Social Responsibility.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi (2010) 'Transverse Solidarity: Water, Power and Resistance.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 42 (2). pp. 251-268.
Raman, Ravi and Ajit, D. (2010) 'Commercial Microfinance in India: Loan Angels or Loan Sharks.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Raman, Ravi and Ajit, D. (2010) 'Commercial Microfinance in India: Loan Angels or Loan Sharks.' In: Raman, Ravi and Lipschutz, Ronnie D., (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparative Critiques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (International Political Economy)
Rampton, David (2010) ''Would the Real Dutugemunu Please Stand Up?' The Politics of Sinhala Nationalist Authenticity and Populist Discontent.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka Caught in the Peace Trap? Oxon: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Standing, Guy, Unni, Jeemol, Jhabvala, Renana and Rani, Uma (2010) Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. New Delhi: Routledge.
Rizzo, Matteo (2010) 'Book review of "La Vía Campesina: Globalization and the Power of Peasants" by Annette Aurélie Desmarais.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 37 (3).
Rostami-Povey, Elaheh (2010) Iran's Influence: A Religious-political State and Society in its Region. UK: Ashgate.
Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Prisoners and Prison Conditions.' In: Rubenberg, Cheryl, (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers.
Bernstein, Henry (2010) 'Globalisation, neoliberalism, labour, with reference to South Africa.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Mass Resistance. London: Routledge.
Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2010) Marx's Capital. 5th edition. London: Pluto Press.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2010) 'Neoliberalism in Crisis: A Marxist Analysis.' Marxism 21 = 마르크스주의연구, 21. pp. 235-257.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2010) 'Neoliberalism, Development and Economic Policy in Brazil.' Development and Society, 39 (1). pp. 1-28.
Walton, Oliver and Saravanamuttu, P. (2010) 'In the Balance? Civil society and the peace process 2002-2008.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka : caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., eds. (2010) When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Mollinga, Peter and Bhat, Anjali (2010) 'When policy meets reality: The embeddedness and contestation of water resources management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-25.
Saravanan, V. S. and Mollinga, Peter (2010) Water Pollution and Human Health - Transdisciplinary Research on Risk Governance in a Complex Society. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 56.
Yalcin, Resul and Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: the introduction of a new institutional arrangement for local water management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 97-126.
Kabeer, Naila, Mumtaz, Khawar and Sayeed, Assad (2010) 'Beyond risk management: vulnerability, social protection and citizenship in Pakistan.' Journal of International Development, 22 (1). pp. 1-19.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, eds. (2010) Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: Understanding Modern Afghanistan and its Diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press.
Oeppen, Ceri (2010) 'The Afghan diaspora and its involvement in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.' In: Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, (eds.), Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: understanding modern Afghanistan and its diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press, pp. 141-156.
Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela (2010) 'Beyond "the wild tribes": working towards an understanding of contemporary Afghanistan.' In: Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, (eds.), Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: understanding modern Afghanistan and its diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press, pp. 1-8.
Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela (2010) 'Beyond "the wild tribes": working towards an understanding of contemporary Afghanistan.' In: Oeppen, Ceri and Schlenkhoff, Angela, (eds.), Beyond ‘the Wild Tribes’: understanding modern Afghanistan and its diaspora. London: Hurst; New York: University of Columbia Press, pp. 1-8.
Chang, Dae-Oup (2010) 'Critique of Social Movement Trade Unionism: Multilayered value-fronts and the possibility of social-labour movement.' In: Seong Jin, Jeong and Kim, Chang-guen, (eds.), Ideas of Alter-Globalization Movement. Seoul, Korea: Hanul, pp. 45-90.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Rampton, David (2010) ''Would the Real Dutugemunu Please Stand Up?' The Politics of Sinhala Nationalist Authenticity and Populist Discontent.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka Caught in the Peace Trap? Oxon: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Walton, Oliver and Saravanamuttu, P. (2010) 'In the Balance? Civil society and the peace process 2002-2008.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka : caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Global monitor: The International Labour Organisation.' New Political Economy, 15 (2). pp. 307-318.
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Review of Sunanda Sen and Byasdeb Dasgupta, "Unfreedom and Waged Work: Labour in India’s Manufacturing Industry".' Development and Change, 41 (1). pp. 188-189.
Standing, Guy (2010) 'Social protection.' In: Cornwall, Andrea and Eade, Deborah, (eds.), Deconstructing development discourse: Buzzwords and fuzzwords. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 53-67.
Standing, Guy and Jhabvala, Renana (2010) 'Targeting to the "poor": Clogged pipes and bureaucratic blinkers.' Economic and Political Weekly, XLV (26-27). pp. 239-246.
Standing, Guy, Unni, Jeemol, Jhabvala, Renana and Rani, Uma (2010) Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. New Delhi: Routledge.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Mollinga, Peter and Tucker, S. P. (2010) 'Changing water governance in India: Taking the longer view.' SAWAS: South Asian Water Studies, 1 (3). i-vi.
Standing, Guy, Unni, Jeemol, Jhabvala, Renana and Rani, Uma (2010) Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. New Delhi: Routledge.
Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2010) 'Book Review of "Transnational Agrarian Movements Confronting Globalization", edited by June Borras, Marc Edelman and Crístobal Kay.' European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 88 . pp. 128-130.
Walton, Oliver and Saravanamuttu, P. (2010) 'In the Balance? Civil society and the peace process 2002-2008.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka : caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
Wergin, Carsten and Neveling, Patrick (2010) 'Tourism and Scale.' Anthropology News, 51 (8). pp. 3-4.
Dae-oup, Chang, ed. (2010) 全球化下的亞洲跨國企業勞工:抗爭的圖像. Taipei, Taiwan: 台灣社會研究雜誌社.
Yalcin, Resul and Mollinga, Peter (2010) 'Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: the introduction of a new institutional arrangement for local water management.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Bhat, Anjali and Saravanan, V. S., (eds.), When policy meets reality: Political dynamics and the practice of integration in water resources management reform. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 97-126.
Bernstein, Henry (2010) 'Globalisation, neoliberalism, labour, with reference to South Africa.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Mass Resistance. London: Routledge.
Bernstein, Henry (2010) 'Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change: Bringing Class Back In.' In: Long, Norman and Ye, Jingzhong, (eds.), Rural Transformations and Policy Intervention in the Twenty First Century: China in Context. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Abdullayev, I., Mielke, K., Mollinga, Peter, Monsees, J., Schetter, Conrad, Shah, U. and ter Steege, B. (2010) 'Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan.' In: Arsel, Murat and Spoor, Max, (eds.), Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural Development: Conflict and cooperation in Central Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-49. (ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)