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Jump to: Abbasi, Noman | Achcar, Gilbert | Albo, Gregory | Anstey, S. | Banaji, Jairus | Bargawi, Hannah | Bayliss, Kate | Berdal, Mats | Bernstein, Henry | Black, Richard | Bradbury, Mark | Chang, Dae-Oup | Chibber, V. | Chomsky, Noam | Clarke, Simon | Cozzi, Giovanni | Cramer, Christopher | Dahou, Tarik | Di John, Jonathan | Doraiswamy, R. | Duffy, Rosaleen | Elena, Fiddian-Qasmiyeh | Fagen, H. | Fathollah-Nejad, Ali | Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena | Fine, Ben | Gondhalekar, Daphne | Goodhand, Jonathan | Hanieh, Adam | Harris, Colette | Healy, Sally | Hindman, Hugh D | Hornidge, Anna-Katharina | Hulme, David | ICEX | Jennings, Michael | Johnston, Deborah | Kabeer, Naila | Kabir, Ariful Haq | Khera, Reetika | Klem, Bart | Kolhoff, Arend | Korf, Benedikt | Lawson, David | Lee, Doris | Leong, Apo | Lindley, Anna | Louçã, António | Luedtke, Ralph-M. | Luk, Phyllis | Mahmud, Simeen | Manjengwa, J.M. | Marois, Thomas | Marriage, Zoe | Matin, Imran | Matur, Vinod B. | McDonald, Geoffrey T. | McKinley, Terry | Mezzadri, Alessandra | Mollinga, Peter | Moore, Karen | Mukamuri, B.B. | Munck, Ronaldo | Nayak, Nandini | Neveling, Patrick | Nissanke, Machiko | Novak, Paolo | Ofreneo, Rene | Olivié, Iliana | Oya, Carlos | Panitch, Leo | Pararajasingham, Ana | Pradella, Lucia | Pringle, Tim | Rajvanshi, Asha | Raman, Ravi | Rampton, David | Reis, Nadine | Rizzo, Matteo | Saad Filho, Alfredo | Saravanan, V. S. | Sarris, Peter | Sedra, M. | Sender, John | Skumaran, Anoop | Slootweg, Roel | Standing, Guy | Stark, Agneta | Stellmacher, Till | Strutynski, Peter | Sward, Jon | Ucko, David | Ul Hassan, Mehmood | Vergara-Camus, Leandro | Vollmer, B. | Walton, Oliver | Weeks, John | Wergin, Carsten | Westra, Richard | Yalman, Galip L.
Number of items: 175.

Abbasi, Noman

Abbasi, Noman (2009) 'Alternative Measures of Chronic Poverty.' In: Hulme, David, Lawson, David, Matin, Imran and Moore, Karen, (eds.), What Works for the Poorest? Knowledge, Targeting, Policies and Practices. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.

Achcar, Gilbert

Achcar, Gilbert (2009) 'The Crisis in Gaza: An Interview with Gilbert Achcar.' Irish Left Review. 17 January 2009.

Achcar, Gilbert (2009) 'Fi al-Barnāmaj al-Istrātīji lil-Nidāl al-Taharruri al-Filastīni = في البرنامج الإستراتيجيّ للنضال التحرريّ الفلسطينيّ.' Al-Adāb, 57 (9-10). pp. 77-81.

Achcar, Gilbert (2009) 'Por detrás da crise de Gaza – entrevista com Gilbert Achcar.' In: Louçã, António, (ed.), Do Muro das Lamentações ao Muro do Apartheid. Lisbon: Fim de Século, pp. 97-114.

Achcar, Gilbert (2009) 'The Right to Movement and the Right to Development.' Myth of Europa (May). p. 9.

Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2009) Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy ,War, and Justice. [2nd augmented edition.]. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.

Albo, Gregory

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2009) 'Crisis of Neoliberalism or Crisis in Neoliberalism.' In: Panitch, Leo, Albo, Gregory and Chibber, V., (eds.), Socialist register 2011 : the crisis this time. London: Merlin Press, pp. 242-259. (The Socialist register)

Anstey, S.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2009) 'The meanings of CBNRM in global conservation.' In: Mukamuri, B.B., Manjengwa, J.M. and Anstey, S., (eds.), Beyond Proprietorship: Murphree’s Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa. Harare/Ottawa: Weaver Press/International Development Research Center.

Banaji, Jairus

Sarris, Peter and Banaji, Jairus, eds. (2009) Journal of Agrarian Change, 9(1). Special Issue: Aristocrats, Peasants and the Transformation of Rural Society, c.400-800. Oxford: Wiley. (Journal of Agrarian Change)

Banaji, Jairus (2009) 'Aristocracies, Peasantries and the Framing of the Early Middle Ages.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 9 (1). pp. 59-91.

Bargawi, Hannah

Bargawi, Hannah (2009) 'Cotton Price Fluctuations at the Ground-level: Assessing the Difference in Impact in Rural Tanzania.' Life Sciences International Journal, S.I.. pp. 55-76.

Bargawi, Hannah and Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Agribusiness for Development’: Who Really Gains? Perspectives from the Journal of Agrarian Change. London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 36.

Bayliss, Kate

Bayliss, Kate (2009) Private Sector Participation in African Infrastructure: Is it Worth the Risk? Brasilia, Brazil: IPC-IG. Working Paper Number 55.

Berdal, Mats

Marriage, Zoe (2009) 'Flip-flop rebel, dollar soldier; Demobilisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.' In: Berdal, Mats and Ucko, David, (eds.), Reintegrating Armed Groups After Conflict. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 119-143.

Bernstein, Henry

Bernstein, Henry (2009) 'V. I. Lenin and A. V. Chayanov: Looking Back, Looking Forward.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 36 (1). pp. 55-81.

Black, Richard

Black, Richard and Sward, Jon (2009) Migration, Poverty Reduction Strategies and Human Development - Human Development Research Paper; 38. New York, NY: United Nations Development Programme.

Bradbury, Mark

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'Voices of the dispossessed: displacement and peace-building in the Somali regions.' In: Somali peace processes. London: Conciliation Resources.

Chang, Dae-Oup

Chang, Dae-Oup (2009) Capitalist Development in Korea: Labour, Capital and the Myth of the Developmental State. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies)

Chang, Dae-Oup (2009) 'Informalising Labour in Asia's Global Factory.' Journal of Contemporary Asia, 39 (2). pp. 161-179.

Chang, Dae-Oup (2009) 'Reclaiming Labour Law and Beyond.' In: Lee, Doris, Leong, Apo, Ofreneo, Rene and Skumaran, Anoop, (eds.), Rights for Two-Thirds of Asia: Asian Labour Law Review 2008. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resource Centre, xiii-xxvi.

Chibber, V.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2009) 'Crisis of Neoliberalism or Crisis in Neoliberalism.' In: Panitch, Leo, Albo, Gregory and Chibber, V., (eds.), Socialist register 2011 : the crisis this time. London: Merlin Press, pp. 242-259. (The Socialist register)

Chomsky, Noam

Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2009) Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy ,War, and Justice. [2nd augmented edition.]. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.

Clarke, Simon

Clarke, Simon and Pringle, Tim (2009) 'Can party-led trade unions represent their members?' Post-Communist Economies, 21 (1). pp. 85-101.

Cozzi, Giovanni

Cozzi, Giovanni and Nissanke, Machiko (2009) 'Capital Controls and the Current Financial Crisis: Revisiting the Malaysian Experience.' Development Viewpoint (35).

Cramer, Christopher

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah and Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Africa and the Global Credit Crunch: from crisis to opportunity?' African Affairs, 108 (433). pp. 643-654.

Dahou, Tarik

Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Groundnut sector liberalization from the point of view of producers’ strategies [in French].' In: Dahou, Tarik, (ed.), Libéralisation et politique agricole au Sénégal. Paris, France: Karthala, pp. 99-129.

Di John, Jonathan

Di John, Jonathan (2009) From Windfall to Curse? Oil and Industrialization in Venezuela, 1920 to the Present. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.

Doraiswamy, R.

Doraiswamy, R., Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2009) Participatory training in canal irrigation in Andhra Pradesh: The JalaSpandana Experience. STRIVER Policy Brief series 17.

Doraiswamy, R., Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2009) Willingness to pay – unwillingness to be paid: The politics of water pricing in canal irrigation in Andhra Pradesh, India. The STRIVER Policy and Technical Brief series 18.

Duffy, Rosaleen

Duffy, Rosaleen (2009) 'The meanings of CBNRM in global conservation.' In: Mukamuri, B.B., Manjengwa, J.M. and Anstey, S., (eds.), Beyond Proprietorship: Murphree’s Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa. Harare/Ottawa: Weaver Press/International Development Research Center.

Elena, Fiddian-Qasmiyeh

Elena, Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (2009) Gender, Islam and the Sahrawi Politics of Survival. PhD thesis. University of Oxford.

Fagen, H.

Lindley, Anna and Vollmer, B. (2009) 'Migration, Globalisation and Security.' In: Fagen, H. and Munck, Ronaldo, (eds.), Globalisation and Security: An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.

Fathollah-Nejad, Ali

Fathollah-Nejad, Ali (2009) 'Kriegsgefahr gebannt? Obama und der Iran [Danger of War Averted? Obama and Iran].' In: Luedtke, Ralph-M. and Strutynski, Peter, (eds.), Deutschland im Krieg: Transatlantischer Imperialismus, NATO und EU [Germany at War: Transatlantic Imperialism, NATO and EU]. Kassel (Germany): Jenior Verlag, pp. 140-172. (Kasseler Schriften zur Friedenspolitik, Bd. 16 [Kassel Scripts on Peace Policy, Vol. 16])

Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena

Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2009) 'Book Review of Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, politics and the war on terror, by Mahmood Mamdani.' International Affairs, 85 (6). pp. 1282-1283.

Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2009) 'Contradictory Representations of Sahrawi Refugee Children's 'Educational Displacement' to Cuba: self-sufficient agents, manipulated victims, or 'bad girls'.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 22 (3). pp. 323-350.

Fine, Ben

Fine, Ben (2009) 'A Rejoinder to ‘A Response to Fine’s ‘Harvard Group Shores up Shoddy Governance’.' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (69). pp. 66-79.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'Submission to the COSATU Panel of Economists on ‘The Final Recommendations of the International Panel on Growth’ (The Harvard Panel).' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (69). pp. 5-30.

Gondhalekar, Daphne

Doraiswamy, R., Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2009) Participatory training in canal irrigation in Andhra Pradesh: The JalaSpandana Experience. STRIVER Policy Brief series 17.

Doraiswamy, R., Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2009) Willingness to pay – unwillingness to be paid: The politics of water pricing in canal irrigation in Andhra Pradesh, India. The STRIVER Policy and Technical Brief series 18.

Goodhand, Jonathan

Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Korf, Benedikt (2009) 'Religion, conflict and boundary politics in Sri Lanka’s east.' The European Journal of Development Research, 21 (5). pp. 679-698.

Goodhand, Jonathan and Sedra, M. (2009) 'Who owns the peace? Aid, reconstruction and peacebuilding in Afghanistan.' Disasters, 10 (4).

Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2009) 'The Limits of Liberal Peacebuilding: International Engagement in the Sri Lankan Peace Process.' Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 3 (3). pp. 303-323.

Hanieh, Adam

Hanieh, Adam (2009) 'Hierarchies of a Global Market: The South and the Economic Crisis.' Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review, 83 (1). pp. 61-84.

Harris, Colette

Harris, Colette (2009) 'Transformative Education in Violent Contexts: Working with Muslim and Christian Youth in Kaduna, Nigeria.' IDS Bulletin, 40 (3). pp. 34-40.

Healy, Sally

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'Voices of the dispossessed: displacement and peace-building in the Somali regions.' In: Somali peace processes. London: Conciliation Resources.

Hindman, Hugh D

Marriage, Zoe (2009) 'Children and War.' In: Hindman, Hugh D, (ed.), The World of Child Labor: An Historical and Regional Survey. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, Inc..

Hornidge, Anna-Katharina

Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Ul Hassan, Mehmood and Mollinga, Peter (2009) Follow the innovation: A joint experimentation and learning approach to transdisciplinary innovation research. Bon, Germany: ZEF Working Paper Series 39.

Hulme, David

Abbasi, Noman (2009) 'Alternative Measures of Chronic Poverty.' In: Hulme, David, Lawson, David, Matin, Imran and Moore, Karen, (eds.), What Works for the Poorest? Knowledge, Targeting, Policies and Practices. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.


Oya, Carlos (2009) 'La crisis alimentaria mundial y sus implicaciones para África [The world food crisis and its implications for Africa].' In: ICEX, (ed.), Claves de la Economía Mundial 2009. Madrid: Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior, pp. 447-454.

Jennings, Michael

Jennings, Michael (2009) 'Building Better People: Modernity and Utopia in Late Colonial Tanganyika.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 3 (1). pp. 94-111.

Jennings, Michael (2009) 'Commentary on “Five reasons why Africa matters to the world”.' Europe's World, 13 .

Johnston, Deborah

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah and Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Africa and the Global Credit Crunch: from crisis to opportunity?' African Affairs, 108 (433). pp. 643-654.

Kabeer, Naila

Kabeer, Naila (2009) 2009 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development: Women’s control over economic resources and access to financial resources. New York: United Nations.

Kabeer, Naila (2009) Women’s Economic Empowerment: Key Issues and Policy Options. Sussex: Institute of Development Studies. (Sida Background Paper).

Kabeer, Naila and Kabir, Ariful Haq (2009) Citizenship Narratives in the Absence of Good Governance: Voices of the Working Poor in Bangladesh. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 331.

Kabeer, Naila and Mahmud, Simeen (2009) 'Imagining the Future: Children, Education and Intergeneration al Transmission of Poverty in Urban Bangladesh.' IDS Bulletin, 40 (1). pp. 10-21.

Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta (2009) 'Passion, Pragmatism and the Politics of Advocacy: The Nordic Experience Through a ‘Gender and Development’ Lens.' In: Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta, (eds.), Global Perspectives on Gender Equality: Reversing the Gaze. Abingdon: Routledge.

Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta (2009) 'Passion, Pragmatism and the Politics of Advocacy: The Nordic Experience Through a ‘Gender and Development’ Lens.' In: Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta, (eds.), Global Perspectives on Gender Equality: Reversing the Gaze. Abingdon: Routledge.

Kabir, Ariful Haq

Kabeer, Naila and Kabir, Ariful Haq (2009) Citizenship Narratives in the Absence of Good Governance: Voices of the Working Poor in Bangladesh. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 331.

Khera, Reetika

Khera, Reetika and Nayak, Nandini (2009) 'Women Workers and perceptions of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, India.' Economic and Political Weekly, 44 (43). pp. 49-57.

Khera, Reetika and Nayak, Nandini (2009) Women workers and perceptions of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in India. In: Gender and rural employment: differentiated pathways out of poverty, 31 March - 2 April 2009, Rome, Italy.

Klem, Bart

Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Korf, Benedikt (2009) 'Religion, conflict and boundary politics in Sri Lanka’s east.' The European Journal of Development Research, 21 (5). pp. 679-698.

Kolhoff, Arend

Slootweg, Roel and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'The impact assessment framework.' In: Slootweg, Roel, Rajvanshi, Asha, Matur, Vinod B. and Kolhoff, Arend, (eds.), Biodiversity in Environmental Assessment: Enhancing Ecosystem Services for Human Well-Being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-124. (Biodiversity and Vonservation series)

Korf, Benedikt

Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Korf, Benedikt (2009) 'Religion, conflict and boundary politics in Sri Lanka’s east.' The European Journal of Development Research, 21 (5). pp. 679-698.

Lawson, David

Abbasi, Noman (2009) 'Alternative Measures of Chronic Poverty.' In: Hulme, David, Lawson, David, Matin, Imran and Moore, Karen, (eds.), What Works for the Poorest? Knowledge, Targeting, Policies and Practices. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.

Lee, Doris

Chang, Dae-Oup (2009) 'Reclaiming Labour Law and Beyond.' In: Lee, Doris, Leong, Apo, Ofreneo, Rene and Skumaran, Anoop, (eds.), Rights for Two-Thirds of Asia: Asian Labour Law Review 2008. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resource Centre, xiii-xxvi.

Leong, Apo

Chang, Dae-Oup (2009) 'Reclaiming Labour Law and Beyond.' In: Lee, Doris, Leong, Apo, Ofreneo, Rene and Skumaran, Anoop, (eds.), Rights for Two-Thirds of Asia: Asian Labour Law Review 2008. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resource Centre, xiii-xxvi.

Lindley, Anna

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'Between dirty money and development capital: Somali money transfer infrastructure under global scrutiny.' African Affairs, 108 (433). pp. 519-539.

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'Crisis and displacement in Somalia.' Forced Migration Review, 33 . Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre of the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford.. pp. 18-19.

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'Leaving Mogadishu: The War on Terror and Displacement Dynamics in the Somali Regions.' Brighton: MICROCON Working Paper no.15. (Unpublished)

Lindley, Anna (2009) Leaving Mogadishu: researching the causes of displacement, 2007-2008. Forced Migration [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'The North-South Divide in Everyday Life: Somali Londoners Sending Money “Home”.' Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, 9 (9).

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'Remittances in conflict: some conceptual considerations.' Journal of Economics and Statistics = Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 229 (6). pp. 774-786.

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'Voices of the dispossessed: displacement and peace-building in the Somali regions.' In: Somali peace processes. London: Conciliation Resources.

Lindley, Anna (2009) 'The early morning phonecall: remittances from a refugee diaspora perspective.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35 (8). pp. 1315-1334.

Lindley, Anna and Vollmer, B. (2009) 'Migration, Globalisation and Security.' In: Fagen, H. and Munck, Ronaldo, (eds.), Globalisation and Security: An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.

Louçã, António

Achcar, Gilbert (2009) 'Por detrás da crise de Gaza – entrevista com Gilbert Achcar.' In: Louçã, António, (ed.), Do Muro das Lamentações ao Muro do Apartheid. Lisbon: Fim de Século, pp. 97-114.

Luedtke, Ralph-M.

Fathollah-Nejad, Ali (2009) 'Kriegsgefahr gebannt? Obama und der Iran [Danger of War Averted? Obama and Iran].' In: Luedtke, Ralph-M. and Strutynski, Peter, (eds.), Deutschland im Krieg: Transatlantischer Imperialismus, NATO und EU [Germany at War: Transatlantic Imperialism, NATO and EU]. Kassel (Germany): Jenior Verlag, pp. 140-172. (Kasseler Schriften zur Friedenspolitik, Bd. 16 [Kassel Scripts on Peace Policy, Vol. 16])

Luk, Phyllis

Pringle, Tim (2009) 'Causes, implementation and consequences of ‘Xiagang'.' In: Luk, Phyllis, (ed.), Xiagang: Sacrifices in the Transformation of Labour Policy in China: From State to Market. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.

Mahmud, Simeen

Kabeer, Naila and Mahmud, Simeen (2009) 'Imagining the Future: Children, Education and Intergeneration al Transmission of Poverty in Urban Bangladesh.' IDS Bulletin, 40 (1). pp. 10-21.

Manjengwa, J.M.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2009) 'The meanings of CBNRM in global conservation.' In: Mukamuri, B.B., Manjengwa, J.M. and Anstey, S., (eds.), Beyond Proprietorship: Murphree’s Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa. Harare/Ottawa: Weaver Press/International Development Research Center.

Marois, Thomas

Marois, Thomas (2009) Emerging Market Bank Rescues in an Era of Finance-Led Neoliberalism. Research on Money and Finance Discussion Papers.

Marois, Thomas (2009) 'Un Modelo Neoliberal para Institutionalizar el Desacuerdo Social: La Comisión de Cooperación Ambiental del TLCAN.' Revista Vetas, 12 (31). pp. 57-66.

Marriage, Zoe

Marriage, Zoe (2009) 'Children and War.' In: Hindman, Hugh D, (ed.), The World of Child Labor: An Historical and Regional Survey. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, Inc..

Marriage, Zoe (2009) 'Flip-flop rebel, dollar soldier; Demobilisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.' In: Berdal, Mats and Ucko, David, (eds.), Reintegrating Armed Groups After Conflict. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 119-143.

Matin, Imran

Abbasi, Noman (2009) 'Alternative Measures of Chronic Poverty.' In: Hulme, David, Lawson, David, Matin, Imran and Moore, Karen, (eds.), What Works for the Poorest? Knowledge, Targeting, Policies and Practices. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.

Matur, Vinod B.

Slootweg, Roel and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'The impact assessment framework.' In: Slootweg, Roel, Rajvanshi, Asha, Matur, Vinod B. and Kolhoff, Arend, (eds.), Biodiversity in Environmental Assessment: Enhancing Ecosystem Services for Human Well-Being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-124. (Biodiversity and Vonservation series)

McDonald, Geoffrey T.

Saravanan, V. S., McDonald, Geoffrey T. and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'Critical review of Integrated Water Resources Management: Moving beyond polarised discourse.' Natural Resources Forum, 33 (1). pp. 76-86.

McKinley, Terry

McKinley, Terry, ed. (2009) Economic Alternatives for Growth, Employment, and Poverty Reduction: Progressive Policy Recommendations for Developing Countries. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mezzadri, Alessandra

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2009) 'Neoliberalism, Industrial Restructuring and Labour: Lessons from the Delhi Garment Industry.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle Income Countries- Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. Abingdon: Routledge.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2009) 'The global footloose proletariat and the financial crisis: reflections on the contradictions of export-oriented industrialisation in India.' Global Labour Column (5).

Mollinga, Peter

Doraiswamy, R., Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2009) Participatory training in canal irrigation in Andhra Pradesh: The JalaSpandana Experience. STRIVER Policy Brief series 17.

Doraiswamy, R., Mollinga, Peter and Gondhalekar, Daphne (2009) Willingness to pay – unwillingness to be paid: The politics of water pricing in canal irrigation in Andhra Pradesh, India. The STRIVER Policy and Technical Brief series 18.

Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Ul Hassan, Mehmood and Mollinga, Peter (2009) Follow the innovation: A joint experimentation and learning approach to transdisciplinary innovation research. Bon, Germany: ZEF Working Paper Series 39.

Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'Towards the transdisciplinary engineer. Incorporating ecology, equity and democracy concerns into water professionals’ attitudes, skills and knowledge.' Irrigation and Drainage, 58 (2). pp. 195-204.

Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'Water rights in Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems in India: Equity, rule making, hydraulic property and the ecology.' SAWAS South Asia Water Studies, 1 (1). pp. 1-18.

Reis, Nadine and Mollinga, Peter (2009) Microcredit for rural water supply and sanitation in the Mekong Delta: Policy implementation between the needs for clean water and ‘beautiful latrines'. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 49.

Saravanan, V. S., McDonald, Geoffrey T. and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'Critical review of Integrated Water Resources Management: Moving beyond polarised discourse.' Natural Resources Forum, 33 (1). pp. 76-86.

Slootweg, Roel and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'The impact assessment framework.' In: Slootweg, Roel, Rajvanshi, Asha, Matur, Vinod B. and Kolhoff, Arend, (eds.), Biodiversity in Environmental Assessment: Enhancing Ecosystem Services for Human Well-Being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-124. (Biodiversity and Vonservation series)

Stellmacher, Till and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'The institutional sphere of coffee forest management in Ethiopia: local level findings from Koma forest, Kaffa zone.' International Journal of Social Forestry, 2 (1). pp. 43-66.

Moore, Karen

Abbasi, Noman (2009) 'Alternative Measures of Chronic Poverty.' In: Hulme, David, Lawson, David, Matin, Imran and Moore, Karen, (eds.), What Works for the Poorest? Knowledge, Targeting, Policies and Practices. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.

Mukamuri, B.B.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2009) 'The meanings of CBNRM in global conservation.' In: Mukamuri, B.B., Manjengwa, J.M. and Anstey, S., (eds.), Beyond Proprietorship: Murphree’s Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa. Harare/Ottawa: Weaver Press/International Development Research Center.

Munck, Ronaldo

Lindley, Anna and Vollmer, B. (2009) 'Migration, Globalisation and Security.' In: Fagen, H. and Munck, Ronaldo, (eds.), Globalisation and Security: An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.

Nayak, Nandini

Khera, Reetika and Nayak, Nandini (2009) 'Women Workers and perceptions of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, India.' Economic and Political Weekly, 44 (43). pp. 49-57.

Khera, Reetika and Nayak, Nandini (2009) Women workers and perceptions of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in India. In: Gender and rural employment: differentiated pathways out of poverty, 31 March - 2 April 2009, Rome, Italy.

Nayak, Nandini (2009) Negotiating Implementation of the NREGA in Madhya Pradesh, India: Implications for Female-Headed Households for Accessing Rights under Law. In: Experiencing the State: Marginalised People and the Politics of Development in India, 12-13 March 2009, Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Neveling, Patrick

Neveling, Patrick, ed. (2009) Etnográfica, Vol. 13 (2). Lisbon: Centro em Rede de Investigacao em Antropologia - CRIA. (Etnográfica)

Neveling, Patrick and Wergin, Carsten (2009) 'Projects of scale-making: new perspectives for the anthropology of tourism.' Etnografica, 13 (2). pp. 315-342.

Nissanke, Machiko

Cozzi, Giovanni and Nissanke, Machiko (2009) 'Capital Controls and the Current Financial Crisis: Revisiting the Malaysian Experience.' Development Viewpoint (35).

Novak, Paolo

Novak, Paolo (2009) 'Review of: Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan. By Kristian Berg Harpviken. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2009.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 22 (4). pp. 529-530.

Ofreneo, Rene

Chang, Dae-Oup (2009) 'Reclaiming Labour Law and Beyond.' In: Lee, Doris, Leong, Apo, Ofreneo, Rene and Skumaran, Anoop, (eds.), Rights for Two-Thirds of Asia: Asian Labour Law Review 2008. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resource Centre, xiii-xxvi.

Olivié, Iliana

Oya, Carlos and Olivié, Iliana (2009) 'Plan África 2009-12: se necesita más coherencia y concentración.' Estudios de Política Exterior, 23 (130). pp. 115-122.

Oya, Carlos

Bargawi, Hannah and Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Agribusiness for Development’: Who Really Gains? Perspectives from the Journal of Agrarian Change. London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 36.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah and Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Africa and the Global Credit Crunch: from crisis to opportunity?' African Affairs, 108 (433). pp. 643-654.

Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Ambiguities and biases in the definition and identification of the ‘poor’: Who is missing? What is missing?' Afriche e Orienti, 2009 (Sp. II). pp. 34-51.

Oya, Carlos (2009) From Post-Washington to ‘Beijing consensus’ in Africa? Aid, economic policies and policy space. In: Africa Asia Centre Seminar Series, 28 April 2009, SOAS, Asia Africa Centre. (Unpublished)

Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Groundnut sector liberalization from the point of view of producers’ strategies [in French].' In: Dahou, Tarik, (ed.), Libéralisation et politique agricole au Sénégal. Paris, France: Karthala, pp. 99-129.

Oya, Carlos (2009) 'Introduction to a Symposium on the World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development?' Journal of Agrarian Change, 9 (2). pp. 231-234.

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Oya, Carlos (2009) 'The World Development Report 2008: inconsistencies, silences, and the myth of 'win-win' scenarios.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 36 (3). pp. 593-601.

Oya, Carlos and Olivié, Iliana (2009) 'Plan África 2009-12: se necesita más coherencia y concentración.' Estudios de Política Exterior, 23 (130). pp. 115-122.

Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2009) 'Divorced, Separated, and Widowed Women Workers in Rural Mozambique.' Feminist Economics, 15 (2). pp. 1-31.

Panitch, Leo

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2009) 'Crisis of Neoliberalism or Crisis in Neoliberalism.' In: Panitch, Leo, Albo, Gregory and Chibber, V., (eds.), Socialist register 2011 : the crisis this time. London: Merlin Press, pp. 242-259. (The Socialist register)

Pararajasingham, Ana

Rampton, David (2009) 'Colonisation, Securitised Development and the Crisis of Civic Identity in Sri Lanka.' In: Pararajasingham, Ana, (ed.), Sri Lanka: 60 Years of 'Independence' and Beyond. Switzerland: Centre for Just Peace and Democracy, pp. 329-359.

Pradella, Lucia

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Rajvanshi, Asha

Slootweg, Roel and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'The impact assessment framework.' In: Slootweg, Roel, Rajvanshi, Asha, Matur, Vinod B. and Kolhoff, Arend, (eds.), Biodiversity in Environmental Assessment: Enhancing Ecosystem Services for Human Well-Being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-124. (Biodiversity and Vonservation series)

Raman, Ravi

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Rampton, David

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Reis, Nadine

Reis, Nadine and Mollinga, Peter (2009) Microcredit for rural water supply and sanitation in the Mekong Delta: Policy implementation between the needs for clean water and ‘beautiful latrines'. Bonn: Center for Development Research. ZEF Working Paper 49.

Rizzo, Matteo

Rizzo, Matteo (2009) 'Becoming wealthy: the life-history of a rural entrepreneur in Tanzania 1922-1980s.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 3 (2). pp. 221-239.

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Saad Filho, Alfredo

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., eds. (2009) Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. London: Routledge.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2009) 'Neoliberalism, Industrial Restructuring and Labour: Lessons from the Delhi Garment Industry.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle Income Countries- Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. Abingdon: Routledge.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2009) 'Crisis of Neoliberalism or Crisis in Neoliberalism.' In: Panitch, Leo, Albo, Gregory and Chibber, V., (eds.), Socialist register 2011 : the crisis this time. London: Merlin Press, pp. 242-259. (The Socialist register)

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2009) 'Neoliberalism and the Financial Crisis [in Portuguese].' Versus, 1 (2). pp. 36-43.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L. (2009) 'Introduction to Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. London: Routledge.

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Saravanan, V. S.

Saravanan, V. S., McDonald, Geoffrey T. and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'Critical review of Integrated Water Resources Management: Moving beyond polarised discourse.' Natural Resources Forum, 33 (1). pp. 76-86.

Sarris, Peter

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Slootweg, Roel

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Slootweg, Roel and Mollinga, Peter (2009) 'The impact assessment framework.' In: Slootweg, Roel, Rajvanshi, Asha, Matur, Vinod B. and Kolhoff, Arend, (eds.), Biodiversity in Environmental Assessment: Enhancing Ecosystem Services for Human Well-Being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-124. (Biodiversity and Vonservation series)

Standing, Guy

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Sward, Jon

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Vergara-Camus, Leandro

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Weeks, John

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Yalman, Galip L.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., eds. (2009) Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. London: Routledge.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2009) 'Neoliberalism, Industrial Restructuring and Labour: Lessons from the Delhi Garment Industry.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle Income Countries- Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. Abingdon: Routledge.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L. (2009) 'Introduction to Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. London: Routledge.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L. (2009) 'Introduction to Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip L., (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance. London: Routledge.

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