Achcar, Gilbert, ed. (2003) Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Dossier. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Achcar, Gilbert, Gresh, Alain, Radvanyi, Jean, Rekacewicz, Philippe and Vidal, Dominique, eds. (2003) L’Atlas du Monde diplomatique. Paris: Armand Colin.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Au pays du prophète, des princes, du pétrole et de ben Laden [Interview].' Alternatives; 10 (4), December.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Europa después de la guerra de Irak [Interview].' Accion, Buenos Aires, 2d fortnight of June.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'La guerre d’Irak et l’instauration d’un "nouvel ordre impérial" [Interview].' Mouvements (22). pp. 6-7.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Le nouvel embourbement américain [Interview].' L’Humanité, 14 November.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Lettre à un/e militant/e antiguerre passablement déprimé/e.' Le Passant Ordinaire (45/46). pp. 10-11.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'L’OTAN à la conquête de l’Est.' Le Monde diplomatique January.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Marx et Engels face à la guerre.' In: Spire, Arnaud, (ed.), Marx contemporain. Paris: Syllepse, pp. 171-184.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Sur le mouvement anti-guerre et ses perspectives: réponse à Perry Anderson.' Mouvements (27/28). pp. 142-164.
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Vasallen rykker lidt i laenken [Interview].' Salt, Copenhagen, June.
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Cramer, Christopher and Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno (2003) 'Privatisation and Economic Strategy in Mozambique.' In: Addison, Tony, (ed.), From Conflict to Recovery in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 155-170.
Sinha, Subir (2003) 'Development Counter-Narratives: Taking Social Movements Seriously.' In: Sivaramakrishnan, K. and Agrawal, Arun, (eds.), Regional modernities : the cultural politics of development in India. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 286-312.
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Weeks, John (2003) 'A Tale of Two Crises: Latin America in the 1980s and the "HPAE" in the 1990s.' In: Andersson, Martin and Gunnarsson, Christer, (eds.), Development and Structural Change in Asia-Pacific: Globalising miracles or and end of a model? London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 48-74. (Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia)
Bayliss, Kate (2003) 'Utility privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of water.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 41 (4). pp. 507-531.
Raman, Ravi and Bijoy, C. R. (2003) 'Muthanga: The Real Story: Adivasi Movement to Recover Land.' Economic and Political Weekly, 38 (20). pp. 1975-1982.
Cramer, Christopher and Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno (2003) 'Privatisation and Economic Strategy in Mozambique.' In: Addison, Tony, (ed.), From Conflict to Recovery in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 155-170.
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Cochrane, Feargal, Duffy, Rosaleen and Selby, Jan, eds. (2003) Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance. London: Palgrave.
Duffy, Rosaleen (2003) 'Resisting Environmentalism: Global Environmental Governance and Local Dysgovernance.' In: Cochrane, Feargal, Duffy, Rosaleen and Selby, Jan, (eds.), Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance. London: Palgrave, pp. 155-173.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Profits and Poverty: aid, livelihoods and conflict in Afghanistan.' In: Collinson, Sarah, (ed.), Power, livelihoods and conflict: case studies in political economy analysis for humanitarian action. London: ODI, Humanitarian Policy Group, pp. 37-52.
Cramer, Christopher (2003) 'Should developing country industrialisation policies encourage processing of primary commodities?' The Courier: the magazine of ACP-EU development cooperation (196). pp. 30-32.
Cramer, Christopher and Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno (2003) 'Privatisation and Economic Strategy in Mozambique.' In: Addison, Tony, (ed.), From Conflict to Recovery in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 155-170.
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) ''Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better?'.' In: Milliken, J, (ed.), State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction: Issues and Responses. Oxford: Blackwell.
Weeks, John, DaĞdeviren, Hűlya and van der Hoeven, Rolph (2003) 'Redistribution does Matter: Growth and Redistribution for Poverty Reduction.' In: Shorrocks, Anthony and van der Hoeven, Rolph, (eds.), Growth, inequality, and poverty : prospects for pro-poor economic development. Oxford: Oxford University Press and WIDER, pp. 125-153. (UNU-Wider Studies in Development Economics)
Cochrane, Feargal, Duffy, Rosaleen and Selby, Jan, eds. (2003) Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance. London: Palgrave.
Duffy, Rosaleen (2003) 'Resisting Environmentalism: Global Environmental Governance and Local Dysgovernance.' In: Cochrane, Feargal, Duffy, Rosaleen and Selby, Jan, (eds.), Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance. London: Palgrave, pp. 155-173.
Duffy, Rosaleen (2003) 'Resisting Environmentalism: Global Environmental Governance and Local Dysgovernance.' In: Cochrane, Feargal, Duffy, Rosaleen and Selby, Jan, (eds.), Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance. London: Palgrave, pp. 155-173.
Smith, Mick and Duffy, Rosaleen (2003) The Ethics of Tourism Development. London: Routledge. (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.
Pringle, Tim and Frost, Stephen D. (2003) '“The Absence of Rigor and the Failure of Implementation”: Occupational Health and Safety in China.' International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 9 (4). pp. 309-319.
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) ''Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better?'.' In: Milliken, J, (ed.), State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction: Issues and Responses. Oxford: Blackwell.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Enduring Disorder and and Persistent Poverty. A Review of the Linkages between War and Chronic Poverty.' World Development, 31 (3). pp. 629-646.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Profits and Poverty: aid, livelihoods and conflict in Afghanistan.' In: Collinson, Sarah, (ed.), Power, livelihoods and conflict: case studies in political economy analysis for humanitarian action. London: ODI, Humanitarian Policy Group, pp. 37-52.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better? War, the State and the Post Conflict Challenge in Afghanistan.' In: Milliken, J, (ed.), State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
Achcar, Gilbert, Gresh, Alain, Radvanyi, Jean, Rekacewicz, Philippe and Vidal, Dominique, eds. (2003) L’Atlas du Monde diplomatique. Paris: Armand Colin.
Hammond, Laura (2003) 'How Will the Children Come Home? Emplacement and the Creation of the Social Body in an Ethiopian Returnee Settlement.' In: Olwig, K. F. and Gullov, E., (eds.), Children's Places. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 77-94.
Weeks, John (2003) 'A Tale of Two Crises: Latin America in the 1980s and the "HPAE" in the 1990s.' In: Andersson, Martin and Gunnarsson, Christer, (eds.), Development and Structural Change in Asia-Pacific: Globalising miracles or and end of a model? London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 48-74. (Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia)
Synge, R, ed. (2003) Commonwealth Insight: Foreign Direct Investment Report. London: CBC Insight.
Hammond, Laura (2003) 'How Will the Children Come Home? Emplacement and the Creation of the Social Body in an Ethiopian Returnee Settlement.' In: Olwig, K. F. and Gullov, E., (eds.), Children's Places. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 77-94.
Harriss-White, Barbara (2003) India Working: Essays on Economy and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).
Lerche, Jens (2003) 'Hamlet, Village and Region: Caste and Class Differences between Low-Caste Mobilization in East and West UP.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 181-198.
Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).
Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.
Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.
Jennings, Michael (2003) ''We Must Run While Others Walk': Popular Participation and Development Crisis in Tanzania, 1961-9.' The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41 (2). pp. 163-187.
Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, eds. (2003) Needs Versus Rights? Child labour and the Right to Education in South Asia. New Dehli: Sage.
Kabeer, Naila (2003) 'Deprivation, Discrimination and Delivery: Explaining Child Labour and Educational Failure in South Asia.' In: Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, (eds.), Child labour and the right to education in South Asia : needs versus rights? New Dehli: Sage Publications.
Kabeer, Naila (2003) 'Deprivation, Discrimination and Delivery: Explaining Child Labour and Educational Failure in South Asia.' In: Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, (eds.), Child labour and the right to education in South Asia : needs versus rights? New Dehli: Sage Publications.
Kabeer, Naila (2003) Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: Promoting Women’s Capabilities and Participation. Bangkok: Gender and Development Discussion Paper Series No. 13.
Kabeer, Naila (2003) Mainstreaming gender equality in poverty eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: Handbook for Policy makers. London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
Kabeer, Naila (2003) 'Wider Social Impacts of Microfinance: Concepts, Methods and Findings.' IDS Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 106-114.
Kabeer, Naila and Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel (2003) Gender Equality and the Extension of Social Protection. Geneva: Extension of Social Security (ESS) Paper no. 16.
Kabeer, Naila and Whitehead, Ann (2003) Living with Uncertainty: Gender, Livelihoods and Pro-Poor Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 134.
Kandiyoti, Deniz (2003) 'The Cry for Land: Agrarian Reform, Gender and Land Rights in Uzbekistan.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 3 (1-2). pp. 225-256.
Kandiyoti, Deniz (2003) 'Pathways of Farm restructuring in Uzbekistan: Pressures and Outcomes.' In: Spoor, Max, (ed.), Transition, Institutions and the Rural Sector. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (USA), pp. 143-162. (Rural economies in transition)
Kiely, Ray (2003) 'Marx's Revenge: The Resurgence of Capitalism and the Death of Statist Socialism Meghnad Desai.' Historical Materialism, 11 (3). pp. 225-34.
Kiely, Ray (2003) 'The race to the bottom and international labour solidarity.' Review: a Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Studies of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations, 26 (1). pp. 67-88.
Sinha, Subir (2003) 'Breaking the Waves. Reading World Bank and Social Movement Documents on the Global Fisheries.' In: Kumar, Amitava, (ed.), World Bank Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 111-127.
Lerche, Jens (2003) 'Hamlet, Village and Region: Caste and Class Differences between Low-Caste Mobilization in East and West UP.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 181-198.
Lerche, Jens (2003) 'Hamlet, Village and Region: Caste and Class Differences between Low-Caste Mobilization in East and West UP.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 181-198.
Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).
Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).
Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.
Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) ''Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better?'.' In: Milliken, J, (ed.), State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction: Issues and Responses. Oxford: Blackwell.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better? War, the State and the Post Conflict Challenge in Afghanistan.' In: Milliken, J, (ed.), State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
Molle, François and Mollinga, Peter (2003) 'Water policy indicators: Conceptual problems and policy issues.' Water Policy, 5 (5/6). pp. 529-544.
Molle, François and Mollinga, Peter (2003) 'Water policy indicators: Conceptual problems and policy issues.' Water Policy, 5 (5/6). pp. 529-544.
Mollinga, Peter (2003) On the waterfront. Water distribution, technology and agrarian change in a South Indian canal irrigation system. Hyderabad: Orient Longman.
Saad Filho, Alfredo and Morais, Lecio (2003) 'A Transition Strategy towards a New Economic Policy.' Análise Econômica, 4.
Cramer, Christopher (2003) 'Should developing country industrialisation policies encourage processing of primary commodities?' The Courier: the magazine of ACP-EU development cooperation (196). pp. 30-32.
Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, eds. (2003) Needs Versus Rights? Child labour and the Right to Education in South Asia. New Dehli: Sage.
Kabeer, Naila (2003) 'Deprivation, Discrimination and Delivery: Explaining Child Labour and Educational Failure in South Asia.' In: Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, (eds.), Child labour and the right to education in South Asia : needs versus rights? New Dehli: Sage Publications.
Hammond, Laura (2003) 'How Will the Children Come Home? Emplacement and the Creation of the Social Body in an Ethiopian Returnee Settlement.' In: Olwig, K. F. and Gullov, E., (eds.), Children's Places. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 77-94.
Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.
Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.
Pringle, Tim and Frost, Stephen D. (2003) '“The Absence of Rigor and the Failure of Implementation”: Occupational Health and Safety in China.' International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 9 (4). pp. 309-319.
Achcar, Gilbert, Gresh, Alain, Radvanyi, Jean, Rekacewicz, Philippe and Vidal, Dominique, eds. (2003) L’Atlas du Monde diplomatique. Paris: Armand Colin.
Raman, Ravi and Bijoy, C. R. (2003) 'Muthanga: The Real Story: Adivasi Movement to Recover Land.' Economic and Political Weekly, 38 (20). pp. 1975-1982.
Achcar, Gilbert, Gresh, Alain, Radvanyi, Jean, Rekacewicz, Philippe and Vidal, Dominique, eds. (2003) L’Atlas du Monde diplomatique. Paris: Armand Colin.
Rostami-Povey, Elaheh (2003) 'Women in Afghanistan: Passive Victims of the borga or Active Social Participants?' Development in Practice, 13 (2-3). pp. 266-77.
Saad, A, ed. (2003) Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto.
Saad Filho, Alfredo, ed. (2003) Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto Press.
Saad, A, ed. (2003) Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'Introduction to Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto, 1 23.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'Introduction to Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto, 1 23.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'Marxist Value Theory: An Introduction = Teoria Marxista Do Valor: Uma Introdução.' Análise Econômica, 21 (40). pp. 159-177.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'New Dawn or False Start in Brazil? The Political Economy of Lula's Election.' Historical Materialism, 11 (3). 3- 21.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory? Lula, the Workers' Party and the Prospects for Change in Brazil.' Capital and Class, 27 (3). pp. 17-23.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'Understanding the Past to Make the Future - An Introduction.' Historical Materialism, 11 (3). 3 4.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'Value, Capital and Exploitation.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto, pp. 27-41.
Saad Filho, Alfredo (2003) 'Value, Capital and Exploitation.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto, pp. 27-41.
Saad Filho, Alfredo and Morais, Lecio (2003) 'A Transition Strategy towards a New Economic Policy.' Análise Econômica, 4.
Weeks, John (2003) 'Developing Country Debt and Globalisation.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anticapitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto Press.
Kabeer, Naila and Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel (2003) Gender Equality and the Extension of Social Protection. Geneva: Extension of Social Security (ESS) Paper no. 16.
Cochrane, Feargal, Duffy, Rosaleen and Selby, Jan, eds. (2003) Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance. London: Palgrave.
Duffy, Rosaleen (2003) 'Resisting Environmentalism: Global Environmental Governance and Local Dysgovernance.' In: Cochrane, Feargal, Duffy, Rosaleen and Selby, Jan, (eds.), Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance. London: Palgrave, pp. 155-173.
Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.
Weeks, John, DaĞdeviren, Hűlya and van der Hoeven, Rolph (2003) 'Redistribution does Matter: Growth and Redistribution for Poverty Reduction.' In: Shorrocks, Anthony and van der Hoeven, Rolph, (eds.), Growth, inequality, and poverty : prospects for pro-poor economic development. Oxford: Oxford University Press and WIDER, pp. 125-153. (UNU-Wider Studies in Development Economics)
Sinha, Subir (2003) 'Breaking the Waves. Reading World Bank and Social Movement Documents on the Global Fisheries.' In: Kumar, Amitava, (ed.), World Bank Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 111-127.
Sinha, Subir (2003) 'Development Counter-Narratives: Taking Social Movements Seriously.' In: Sivaramakrishnan, K. and Agrawal, Arun, (eds.), Regional modernities : the cultural politics of development in India. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 286-312.
Sinha, Subir (2003) 'Development Counter-Narratives: Taking Social Movements Seriously.' In: Sivaramakrishnan, K. and Agrawal, Arun, (eds.), Regional modernities : the cultural politics of development in India. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 286-312.
Smith, Mick and Duffy, Rosaleen (2003) The Ethics of Tourism Development. London: Routledge. (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)
Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Marx et Engels face à la guerre.' In: Spire, Arnaud, (ed.), Marx contemporain. Paris: Syllepse, pp. 171-184.
Kandiyoti, Deniz (2003) 'Pathways of Farm restructuring in Uzbekistan: Pressures and Outcomes.' In: Spoor, Max, (ed.), Transition, Institutions and the Rural Sector. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (USA), pp. 143-162. (Rural economies in transition)
Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, eds. (2003) Needs Versus Rights? Child labour and the Right to Education in South Asia. New Dehli: Sage.
Kabeer, Naila (2003) 'Deprivation, Discrimination and Delivery: Explaining Child Labour and Educational Failure in South Asia.' In: Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, (eds.), Child labour and the right to education in South Asia : needs versus rights? New Dehli: Sage Publications.
Synge, R, ed. (2003) Commonwealth Insight: Foreign Direct Investment Report. London: CBC Insight.
Achcar, Gilbert, Gresh, Alain, Radvanyi, Jean, Rekacewicz, Philippe and Vidal, Dominique, eds. (2003) L’Atlas du Monde diplomatique. Paris: Armand Colin.
Weeks, John (2003) 'Developing Country Debt and Globalisation.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo, (ed.), Anticapitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto Press.
Weeks, John (2003) 'Small Manufacturing Establishments in Developing Countries: An empirical analysis.' International Review of Applied Economics, 17 (4). pp. 339-359.
Weeks, John (2003) 'A Tale of Two Crises: Latin America in the 1980s and the "HPAE" in the 1990s.' In: Andersson, Martin and Gunnarsson, Christer, (eds.), Development and Structural Change in Asia-Pacific: Globalising miracles or and end of a model? London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 48-74. (Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia)
Weeks, John, DaĞdeviren, Hűlya and van der Hoeven, Rolph (2003) 'Redistribution does Matter: Growth and Redistribution for Poverty Reduction.' In: Shorrocks, Anthony and van der Hoeven, Rolph, (eds.), Growth, inequality, and poverty : prospects for pro-poor economic development. Oxford: Oxford University Press and WIDER, pp. 125-153. (UNU-Wider Studies in Development Economics)
Kabeer, Naila and Whitehead, Ann (2003) Living with Uncertainty: Gender, Livelihoods and Pro-Poor Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 134.
Weeks, John, DaĞdeviren, Hűlya and van der Hoeven, Rolph (2003) 'Redistribution does Matter: Growth and Redistribution for Poverty Reduction.' In: Shorrocks, Anthony and van der Hoeven, Rolph, (eds.), Growth, inequality, and poverty : prospects for pro-poor economic development. Oxford: Oxford University Press and WIDER, pp. 125-153. (UNU-Wider Studies in Development Economics)
Weeks, John, DaĞdeviren, Hűlya and van der Hoeven, Rolph (2003) 'Redistribution does Matter: Growth and Redistribution for Poverty Reduction.' In: Shorrocks, Anthony and van der Hoeven, Rolph, (eds.), Growth, inequality, and poverty : prospects for pro-poor economic development. Oxford: Oxford University Press and WIDER, pp. 125-153. (UNU-Wider Studies in Development Economics)