Simpson, Andrew (2001) 'On Covert Movement and LF.' In: Alexandrova, G and Arnaudova, O, (eds.), The Minimalist Parameter. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 191-204. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Vol. 192)
Simpson, Andrew (2001) 'On Covert Movement and LF.' In: Alexandrova, G and Arnaudova, O, (eds.), The Minimalist Parameter. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 191-204. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Vol. 192)
Pauwels, Anne (2001) 'Spreading the feminist word? A sociolinguistic study of feminist language change in Australian English: The case of the new courtesy title 'Ms'.' In: Hellinger, Marlis and Bussmann, Hadumod, (eds.), Gender across languages : Volume 1: the linguistic representation of women and men. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 137-151.
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Kita, Sotaro (2001) 'Gestures and repairs in speech.' In: Cavé, Christian, Guaïtella, Isabella and Santi, Serge, (eds.), Oralité et Gestualité. Interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. Actes du colloque ORAGE 2001. Paris: l'Harmattan, pp. 266-279.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Translator Training: What professional translators can tell us.' In: Chan, Sin-wai, (ed.), Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Chao, Wynn, Scott, Gary-John and Mui, Evelynne (2001) The Interpretation of Adjectives in Chinese. In: The North American Association of Chinese Linguistics 13 (NAACL-13), Irvine, California.
Sells, Peter (2001) 'Form and Function in the Typology of Grammatical Voice Systems.' In: Legendre, G., Grimshaw, J. and Vikner, S., (eds.), Optimality-Theoretic Syntax. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, pp. 355-91.
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Kita, Sotaro (2001) 'Gestures and repairs in speech.' In: Cavé, Christian, Guaïtella, Isabella and Santi, Serge, (eds.), Oralité et Gestualité. Interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. Actes du colloque ORAGE 2001. Paris: l'Harmattan, pp. 266-279.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Teachers' Perceived Difficulties in Introducing the Communicative Approach in South Korea.' In: Hall, David R. and Hewings, Ann, (eds.), Innovation in English language teaching: A reader. London; New York: Routledge in association with Macquarie University and The Open University, pp. 149-165. (Teaching English language worldwide)
Pauwels, Anne (2001) 'Spreading the feminist word? A sociolinguistic study of feminist language change in Australian English: The case of the new courtesy title 'Ms'.' In: Hellinger, Marlis and Bussmann, Hadumod, (eds.), Gender across languages : Volume 1: the linguistic representation of women and men. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 137-151.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Teachers' Perceived Difficulties in Introducing the Communicative Approach in South Korea.' In: Hall, David R. and Hewings, Ann, (eds.), Innovation in English language teaching: A reader. London; New York: Routledge in association with Macquarie University and The Open University, pp. 149-165. (Teaching English language worldwide)
Iwasaki, Noriko and McKee, C. (2001) 'Lemma Structure in Language Learning. Comments on Representation and Realization.' In: Weissenborn, J. and Hoehle, B., (eds.), Approaches to Bootstrapping. Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition. Volume 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 125-144.
Ingham, Bruce (2001) 'The Bedouins of Qatar in the light of cultural interaction.' ARAM Periodical, 11-12. pp. 181-188.
Ingham, Bruce (2001) English-Lakota Dictionary. Richmond: Curzon.
Ingham, Bruce (2001) 'Function of the post nominal element ki/k’uŋ in Lakota.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 11. pp. 249-257.
Ingham, Bruce (2001) 'Nominal and Verbal Status in Lakhota: A Lexicographical Study.' International Journal of American Linguistics, 67 (2). pp. 167-92.
Iwasaki, Noriko and McKee, C. (2001) 'Lemma Structure in Language Learning. Comments on Representation and Realization.' In: Weissenborn, J. and Hoehle, B., (eds.), Approaches to Bootstrapping. Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition. Volume 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 125-144.
Nikolaeva, Irina (2001) 'A typology of secondary topic constructions.' In: Kibrik, Alexandr, (ed.), Lingvisticheskij bespredel. Moscow: MGU, pp. 274-288.
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Kita, Sotaro (2001) 'Gesture as an indicator of early error detection in self-monitoring of speech.' Proceedings of the ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Tutorial and Research Workshop. DiSS’01:Disfluency in spontaneous speech’ University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Kita, Sotaro (2001) 'Gestures and repairs in speech.' In: Cavé, Christian, Guaïtella, Isabella and Santi, Serge, (eds.), Oralité et Gestualité. Interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. Actes du colloque ORAGE 2001. Paris: l'Harmattan, pp. 266-279.
Sells, Peter (2001) 'Form and Function in the Typology of Grammatical Voice Systems.' In: Legendre, G., Grimshaw, J. and Vikner, S., (eds.), Optimality-Theoretic Syntax. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, pp. 355-91.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Adaptive Translation of International News from English into Chinese: An Exploration of Methods.' Journal of Translation Studies, 6. pp. 47-60.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Language Teaching in Translator Training.' Babel: International Journal of Translation, 47 (4). pp. 343-354.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Needs Assessment in Translation Teaching: Making Translator Training More Responsive to Social Needs.' Babel: International Journal of Translation, 46 (4). pp. 289-299.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Teachers' Perceived Difficulties in Introducing the Communicative Approach in South Korea.' In: Hall, David R. and Hewings, Ann, (eds.), Innovation in English language teaching: A reader. London; New York: Routledge in association with Macquarie University and The Open University, pp. 149-165. (Teaching English language worldwide)
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Thought and Translation.' In: On Translation. Guangzhou: World Chinese Press.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Translation of Meaning: A Philosophical Discussion.' Journal of Translation Studies (5). pp. 39-50.
Li, Defeng (2001) 'Translator Training: What professional translators can tell us.' In: Chan, Sin-wai, (ed.), Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Marten, Lutz and Ramadhani, Deograsia (2001) 'An overview of object marking in Kiluguru.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics (11). pp. 259-275.
Iwasaki, Noriko and McKee, C. (2001) 'Lemma Structure in Language Learning. Comments on Representation and Realization.' In: Weissenborn, J. and Hoehle, B., (eds.), Approaches to Bootstrapping. Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition. Volume 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 125-144.
Chao, Wynn, Scott, Gary-John and Mui, Evelynne (2001) The Interpretation of Adjectives in Chinese. In: The North American Association of Chinese Linguistics 13 (NAACL-13), Irvine, California.
Nikolaeva, Irina (2001) 'Secondary topic as a relation in information structure.' Linguistics, 39 (1). pp. 1-49.
Nikolaeva, Irina (2001) 'A typology of secondary topic constructions.' In: Kibrik, Alexandr, (ed.), Lingvisticheskij bespredel. Moscow: MGU, pp. 274-288.
Nikolaeva, Irina and Tolskaya, Maria (2001) A Grammar of Udihe. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Mouton Grammar Library [MGL], 22)
Pauwels, Anne (2001) 'Non-sexist language reform and generic pronouns in Australian English.' English World Wide, 22 (1). pp. 105-119.
Pauwels, Anne (2001) 'Spreading the feminist word? A sociolinguistic study of feminist language change in Australian English: The case of the new courtesy title 'Ms'.' In: Hellinger, Marlis and Bussmann, Hadumod, (eds.), Gender across languages : Volume 1: the linguistic representation of women and men. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 137-151.
Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2001) 'Gender and Language Contact Research in the Australian Context.' Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 21 (6). pp. 508-522.
Pauwels, Anne and Wrighston-Turcotte, Kellinde (2001) 'Pronoun choice and feminist language change in the Australian media.' Australian Journal of Communication, 28 (1). pp. 69-82.
Marten, Lutz and Ramadhani, Deograsia (2001) 'An overview of object marking in Kiluguru.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics (11). pp. 259-275.
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Kita, Sotaro (2001) 'Gestures and repairs in speech.' In: Cavé, Christian, Guaïtella, Isabella and Santi, Serge, (eds.), Oralité et Gestualité. Interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. Actes du colloque ORAGE 2001. Paris: l'Harmattan, pp. 266-279.
Chao, Wynn, Scott, Gary-John and Mui, Evelynne (2001) The Interpretation of Adjectives in Chinese. In: The North American Association of Chinese Linguistics 13 (NAACL-13), Irvine, California.
Sells, Peter (2001) 'Form and Function in the Typology of Grammatical Voice Systems.' In: Legendre, G., Grimshaw, J. and Vikner, S., (eds.), Optimality-Theoretic Syntax. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, pp. 355-91.
Sells, Peter (2001) Structure, Alignment and Optimality in Swedish. Stanford: Stanford Monographs in Linguistics.
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Kita, Sotaro (2001) 'Gesture as an indicator of early error detection in self-monitoring of speech.' Proceedings of the ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Tutorial and Research Workshop. DiSS’01:Disfluency in spontaneous speech’ University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Kita, Sotaro (2001) 'Gestures and repairs in speech.' In: Cavé, Christian, Guaïtella, Isabella and Santi, Serge, (eds.), Oralité et Gestualité. Interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. Actes du colloque ORAGE 2001. Paris: l'Harmattan, pp. 266-279.
Simpson, Andrew (2001) 'Definiteness Agreement and the Chinese DP.' Language and Linguistics, 2 (1). pp. 125-156.
Simpson, Andrew (2001) 'Focus, Presupposition and Light Predicate Raising in East and Southeast Asian Languages.' Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 10. pp. 89-128.
Simpson, Andrew (2001) 'On Covert Movement and LF.' In: Alexandrova, G and Arnaudova, O, (eds.), The Minimalist Parameter. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 191-204. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Vol. 192)
Nikolaeva, Irina and Tolskaya, Maria (2001) A Grammar of Udihe. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Mouton Grammar Library [MGL], 22)
Sells, Peter (2001) 'Form and Function in the Typology of Grammatical Voice Systems.' In: Legendre, G., Grimshaw, J. and Vikner, S., (eds.), Optimality-Theoretic Syntax. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, pp. 355-91.
Iwasaki, Noriko and McKee, C. (2001) 'Lemma Structure in Language Learning. Comments on Representation and Realization.' In: Weissenborn, J. and Hoehle, B., (eds.), Approaches to Bootstrapping. Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition. Volume 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 125-144.
Pauwels, Anne and Winter, Joanne (2001) 'Gender and Language Contact Research in the Australian Context.' Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 21 (6). pp. 508-522.
Pauwels, Anne and Wrighston-Turcotte, Kellinde (2001) 'Pronoun choice and feminist language change in the Australian media.' Australian Journal of Communication, 28 (1). pp. 69-82.